The Best Dr. Tom Loman Quotes

Walter: I remember spring break; Daytona Beach. It's a miracle I survived. Get drunk and crazy... for what? To end up like this? Unless you think it was suicide.
Dr. Tom Loman: Good aim. Or bad, depending on how you want to look at it.

Dr. Tom Loman: Horatio, I've been doing this work a long time. I've seen my share, but... Esteban... he needs to be stopped.

Dr. Tom Loman: This is actually a murder.
Ryan: A murder. See, here's what I was thinking: it's an accident. His friends buried him, and they, uh, forgot about him.
Dr. Tom Loman: You're wrong. Look at his jaw. Fractured perimortem. Looks like he took a kick square to the temporal mandibular joint.
Ryan: Then they left him to drown.
Jesse: Is, uh... is that a burn mark on his ear?
Dr. Tom Loman: [looking closer] Haven't gotten to that yet. It is a burn. That residue is familiar.
[smelling it]
Dr. Tom Loman: Slight sulfuric smell. My fall victim was shot with a flare.
Ryan: You know, Horatio talked to a guy who took a shot at somebody with a flare gun, then missed.
Jesse: What are the odds that this is that someone?
Dr. Tom Loman: It's spring break, fellas. Anything is possible.

Dr. Tom Loman: Multiple sharp-force injuries, ten in total. One puncture wound on his upper back, eight more puncture wounds on the front of his torso... and a single wound in his upper thigh. Combined, the puncture wounds caused extensive internal bleeding. This man died a brutal death.

Dr. Tom Loman: [about their victim] I'm afraid I have bad news. Liver temp's eighteen degrees below normal.
Lieutenant: She died within the last twelve hours.
Natalia: We've been following Esteban for twenty-four.
Detective: So he couldn't have done this.
Lieutenant: We just became his alibi.

Walter: [Dr. Loman drops his clipboard] Yo, butterfingers, you okay?
Dr. Tom Loman: My hands... they feel funny.
Ryan: They feel funny how? They feel numb?
Dr. Tom Loman: Just tingly.
Walter: We need to check those gloves.
Ryan: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[sniffing the glove]
Ryan: They smell like dead mice.
Walter: You exterminate, too?
Ryan: No. In college, we had a mousetrap next to the fridge, and... you never forget the smell of dead mice.
Dr. Tom Loman: You know hemlock smells like dead mice. I'm trained to look for it in autopsies. Because it's fatal if it enters the bloodstream.
Walter: So maybe Andrea had some hemlock on her that transferred to your gloves. She got you feeling all tingly.
Dr. Tom Loman: Probably a small dose. But I should wash my hands. A lot.

Walter: Bodies are piling up; three and counting.
Dr. Tom Loman: And here I am, outnumbered.

Lieutenant: [seeing their victim at the crime scene] Dr. Loman. I think we can safely say "overkill".
Dr. Tom Loman: Absolutely brutal. She was struck at least nine times, with so much force and velocity that each blow on its own could have been fatal.
Lieutenant: What about a murder weapon?
Dr. Tom Loman: Not sure yet. But judging from her injuries and the varying direction of the blood spatter, whoever did this was swinging wildly, from several different directions and angles.
Lieutenant: And totally out of control.
Dr. Tom Loman: And fueled by rage.
Lieutenant: Yes. Someone... was very, very angry. Thank you, doctor.

Ryan: It's Wolfe. Did you post the beach boy yet?
Dr. Tom Loman: I'm sorry, but your DB is not the only DB in town.
Ryan: We got nothing out here. We'd like to finish this up, if that's okay.
Dr. Tom Loman: Ryan, I am currently with another body. I'll get to your guy as soon...
[Wolfe hangs up]
Dr. Tom Loman: Well, that was rude.

Horatio: Do we have an ID yet, Doctor?
Dr. Tom Loman: None that I found. I sent photos upstairs to Missing Persons, but I've heard nary a word from them. I did find something that I can't blame on the pipe that perforated his abdomen. On the periphery of the wound, there are second- and third-degree burns. And on the remains pulled from the pipe, I found some kind of residue, which I sent to Trace.
Horatio: Okay, what did they find?
Dr. Tom Loman: Strontium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur.
Horatio: Components of a flare.
Dr. Tom Loman: Yes. A-As strange as it sounds, I think he was shot with a flare gun.
Walter: So much for suicide.
Dr. Tom Loman: [picking up a petri dish] And... there's this.
Walter: Is that glass?
Dr. Tom Loman: Tempered, to be precise.
Horatio: So, gentlemen, there was a window between our shooter and our victim. Gentlemen, we're looking for a broken window at the Ciel Bleu Hotel.

Ryan: Dr. Tom, so nice of you to finally get to our victim.
Dr. Tom Loman: Don't start with me, Ryan. Even though I have proven to be a miracle worker, I am but one man.
Jesse: Well, what can you tell us about our John Doe?
Dr. Tom Loman: .2 blood alcohol concentration at time of death. Salt water in his lungs, ruptured alveoli, frothy sputum. A drunk drowning.
Ryan: Now, what can you tell us about our John Doe that we don't already know?

Detective: Well, the driver's sober. He said he didn't see the victim in the alleyway.
Lieutenant: We got a cause of death?
Dr. Tom Loman: Her cervical vertebrae and lateral malleoli are crushed.
Lieutenant: So she's got a broken neck.
Dr. Tom Loman: Not exactly. These injuries suggest she was already on the ground when run over. And look... frothing. And... ocular miosis.
Lieutenant: Which tells you what?
Dr. Tom Loman: These are all symptoms of being poisoned by a nerve agent. Odds are, she was already dead when the car hit her.
Lieutenant: So what you're saying is the car was unrelated to her death.
Dr. Tom Loman: She's cyanotic. I'd say she was poisoned minutes ago at most.
Detective: Maybe the killer's still inside, Horatio.
Lieutenant: Frank, lock it down. Nobody leaves.

Calleigh: Hey, Tom. Have you got anything on our girl yet?
Dr. Tom Loman: She has broken bones, but no bruising, so I know she was dead before she went into the wash.
Calleigh: Okay.
Dr. Tom Loman: This bruising, however, is consistent with an antemortem injury. Looks like blunt-force trauma.
Calleigh: Poor thing. She was just beaten and thrown away. Do you think that's the cause of death?
Dr. Tom Loman: Certainly looks that way. I'll have to see how bad the underlying damage is.
Calleigh: All right. I'll get back to you. Thanks.
Dr. Tom Loman: Okay.
[finding something in the victim's shoe]
Dr. Tom Loman: Calleigh?
Calleigh: Yeah?
Dr. Tom Loman: I've got her room key.
Calleigh: The Ciel Bleu Hotel. One step closer to finding out who she is.

Ryan: I haven't been able to ID her yet.
Dr. Tom Loman: [giving her a once-over] Hmm. Her name is Andrea Edison.
Ryan: How do you know that?
Dr. Tom Loman: Found her pass in her pocket for the ferry. She's the housekeeper for the mansion. You're welcome.