The Best Ed Zanini Quotes

Ed: Your Honor, may we be heard in chambers?
Renee: What is this about, Mr. Zanini?
Ed: I've received information that Mr. Price's personal circumstances make it impossible for him to be fair and impartial.
E.A.D.A. Nolan Price: What exactly are you talking about? My brother died of an oxycodone overdose nine years ago.
Ed: Which creates bias in the appearance of impropriety.
E.A.D.A. Nolan Price: My personal life has absolutely nothing to do with this case.
Ed: One could infer that Mr. Price is using this case to even some kind of score, which violates his professional responsibility.
Renee: You want me to declare a mistrial?
Ed: And recuse ADA Price from any further involvement in the case.
E.A.D.A. Nolan Price: I have done nothing but follow the facts and the law.
Renee: I find the allegation troubling, but I see no reason for a mistrial.