The Best Eddie Quotes

Eddie: You wash, I'll dry.

Buster: Just look at you, dear. Wow! You don't look a day over 90.
Eddie: [embarrassed] Oh, my gosh.
Buster: Buster Moon. We met at Eddie's graduation.
Nana: Oh, lucky me. A visit from my useless grandson and his ghastly little theater friend.
Buster: Look at that. She remembers me.

Buster: If your folks could just loan me the money until...
Eddie: $100,000? Buster, come on.
Buster: Hoo! I gotta think. I've gotta think. I've gotta think. I've got to come up with a solution...
Eddie: Look, maybe it's time to stop thinking and it's time to just move on. I mean, this theater of yours, you could get some decent money for it and... I don't know, maybe we could do something together.
Buster: What? What, sit around playing video games? Do you know what that is?
Eddie: Uh, it's a bucket?
Buster: Yes, and do you know why I have this bucket?
Eddie: 'Cause the roof is leaking?
Buster: [pointing to another bucket] No, that's the bucket for the leak.

Eddie: [to Buster] This show is not gonna save your theater! You're at rock bottom, pal!