The Best Francisco Vargas Quotes

Francisco: A quick toast.
Cyrus: Okay, yeah, yeah.
[all grabbing a glasses]
Francisco: To Ella. To my daughter, Anna. To Oliver.
[they drink]
Francisco: I will call you from Harrisburg.
Francisco: [shaking hands] Thanks, Cyrus. Nice to meet you, Michael.
Cyrus: Good night, Governor...
Michael: Who's Oliver?
Cyrus: My brother.
Michael: I thought you were an only child.
Cyrus: I am.

[first lines]
Francisco: [at the podium] Hello, Philadelphia!
The: [cheers and applause]
Francisco: I want to thank you for thinking differently. Thank you for thinking about tomorrow, not yesterday. About progress, not decline. About equality, not bigotry. About love, not hate. About hope, not fear. Thank you for thinking we can really be a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. Hoy si somos una nación de la gente, por la gente, y para toda la gente! God bless you. And may God bless these United States of America.

Francisco: So, what do you think about this Admiral Jake Ballard? Eli Pope was pushing him at that donor meeting, and the more I look, the more I think he might actually be a decent Vice President. Thought I'd run it by you, get your take.
Cyrus: My take?
Francisco: You've always got one.
Cyrus: [wild-eyed and embittered] My take my take my take is that he's a soulless, dead-eyed monster who murdered the love of my life in cold blood. My take is that Jake Ballard is a traitor to the nation I've spent my life loving and serving. My take is that Jake Ballard is Moloch, Abaddon, Leviathan, a serpent coiled at the feet of his master Satan himself.
[then blankly staring off in the distance]
Francisco: Cyrus? What do you think about Jake Ballard for VP?
Cyrus: [snapping out of his daydream] I think he'd be great.