Top 30 Quotes From Jane the Virgin

Narrator: Jane hated police work, yet she could never resist playing detective.

Michael Cordero Jr.: [asked to describe his amnesia] Um, I was just like, "What?"
Production: So that's what you said? "What?"
Michael Cordero Jr.: That's pretty much all I could say.
Production: That's what we're gonna do. Cut the line, just have him say "What?"

Narrator: [while nothing seems to be wrong] Maybe we should take a water break.

Narrator: I don't want to interrupt, but I do think it's important that you know what Jane's thinking.
[Subtitle reads 'This is friggin' crazy!']
Michael Cordero Jr.: [about Rose] All the evidence leads to her. She's been running an underground plastic surgery ring.
[Subtitle reads 'Act like this is completely normal']
Michael Cordero Jr.: She's been surgically changing the faces of criminals.
[Subtitle reads 'Even though this is so friggin' crazy!']
Michael Cordero Jr.: We have reason to believe she may have altered her own face.
[Subtitle reads 'Wait you know what it's like actually... ' As Jane stares in disbelief, she imagines Michael and Rafael as telenovela actors, wearing lilac shirts like her father's]
Michael Cordero Jr.: If Rose altered her own face...
[Caption reads 'Her favorite telenovela!']
Michael Cordero Jr.: ... She could look entirely different. She could be... anyone.
Rafael: At least you know my father's not involved.
Michael Cordero Jr.: I don't know that at all. Sin Rostro had a network of associates, and your father could have been one of them.
[They stand up dramatically and face each other]
Rafael: What are you implying?
Michael Cordero Jr.: I'm implying exactly what you know I'm implying.
[In Jane's fantasy, they slap each other]
Michael Cordero Jr.: Rose didn't kill Roman Zazo and your father is still at large. So if he contacts you, you let us know.
[He turns dramatically towards Jane]
Michael Cordero Jr.: You too, Jane.
[Jane stares ahead, delirously]
Rafael: Jane?
[Jane sees Rafael and Michael standing and looking at her, as dramatically as in her fantasy]
Jane: Sorry. Can you repeat the question?

Jane: Vulnerable Petra is way hotter than ice-queen Petra.

[last lines]
Rafael: Should we go back inside?
Jane: Let's just sit here for another minute.
Rafael: So, I never asked you.
Jane: Hmm?
Rafael: What happens at the end of your book?
Jane: [turns towards Raphael] They make it into a telenovela.
Rafael: Well, who'd want to watch that?

Jane: Do not engage with their mom. Be the bigger person.
Lina: That's so not her style.
Xiomara: It is too my style.
[walks away, cut]
Narrator: It was definitely not her style.

Female: It feels like a puffed up soap opera.
Narrator: Your point?

Rogelio: [to Fabian] Say hello to your abuela for me. And stay away from my daughter!

Jane: You got married? By a Cher impersonator?
Narrator: [starts singing] Oh if I could turn back time

Petra: Then Scott had to go die and ruin everything!... May he rest in peace.

Narrator: So, yes, friends, as you can see, context is everything.

Jane: Wow, Dad just put Darci's vagina on Instagram.

Rogelio: You can't have The Passions of Santos without Santos ! Then it's just Passions, and that show failed !

Narrator: Ah, so nice to be investigating a pretend-murder at The Marbella for once.

[Jane elbows a suitcase while hiding in the luggage room]
Narrator: Whoa! Too much baggage!

Fun: [as Jane rolls around on the street, clutching her leg and screaming in pain] Do you think it's broken?
Mom: Of course it's broken, you idiot!

Rafael: It's just hard to give up on the idea that something perfect might not have been perfect for everyone.

Rogelio: Two words. No, four words. Gloria Estefan and Emilio... Estefan. They deserve five!

Narrator: Excuses, excuses.
Petra: Excuses, excuses.
Narrator: Hey, that's my joke!

Jane: Maybe I'm not cut out to be a writer.
Rafael: That is just your doubts and your fears talking. You have to keep writing. You are a writer.

Petra: Okay, things not to bring up. Let's start with the three I's: insemination, infidelity, and any other indiscretions.

GPS: Turn right on Fremont Avenue. Make a U-Turn.
Jane: Why would I make a U-Turn?
GPS: Because you need to turn around and go home. You have no business driving to Mateo's school for the book fair. I'm serious, Jane. You need to take your mom's advice and back off. You're acting cray.

Lina: [Lina is accused of stealing liquor] But Jane, I didn't do it.
Jane: So you weren't drinking at work.
Lina: Oh, of course I was drinking at work; but ever since they put in the new rules, I bring my own booze.

Darci: Well, I didn't see a penis today, but I definitely saw a big dick.

Rogelio: Flashbacks just don't have the wow factor.
Narrator: Hey!

Jane: I'm going to get you off, Petra.

Rogelio: Okay, I left word with the UN ambassador and Gloria Estefan. One of them will stop the deportation. Most probably Gloria Estefan.

Narrator: And in that moment, Rogelio thought: "if you take a selfie and no one sees, it do you even exist?"

Michael Cordero Jr.: What's a telenovela?
[the Narrator gasps]