The Best Frankie Stechino Quotes

Frankie: The kid says "Harvey". Who could that be?
[Harley glares at Frankie]
Frankie: Ohh.

Frankie: [Harley has caught Gloria and Frankie on a date] Harley, I know this looks bad but I can explain.
Harvey: I look forward to hearing it.
Frankie: I went behind your back and stole your girl.

Shawn: Can I take a couple practice swings first?
Frankie: You know what I'm thinking?
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: What are you thinking, Frankie?
Frankie: I'm thinking he ain't got the guts, Joey.
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: Yeah, I'm smelling chicken. A big one, extra crispy. I say we take him to the Colonel. He'll pluck ya, fry ya and serve ya in a bucket with biscuits!
Frankie: Ooh, I just remembered something.
[He leaves]

Harvey: Don't think I forgot about you, Baboon. Don't think I forgot about last Tuesday. You sat in my chair in the cafeteria.
Cory: I'm sorry, Harley. I didn't know it was your chair.
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: Hey, everybody knows that's Harley's chair. Everybody knows it's always been Harley's chair and it's always gonna be Harley's chair every year that he's a senior. Ain't that right, Frankie?
Frankie: What are you sayin'? I like my sister?
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: No, no! I'm not sayin' that. I'm just sayin' you have a very... close family.
[Frankie walks away]
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: Hey, where ya goin'?
Frankie: I wanna call home.

Jonathan: Hey, Keiner. You got a minute?
Harley: Nah. Sorry, fresh out.
Jonathan: Find one.
Harley: Oh! There's one now.
Jonathan: I notice Shawn Hunter's been hanging out with you and your boys.
Harley: Sorry, Mr. Turner. We're full up. We'll be happy to put you on the waiting list though.
Jonathan: Look, Keiner, cut the kid a break, will ya?
Harley: Yeah, I think I did by letting him hang out with me.
Jonathan: Yeah. What a guy you are.
Harley: Well, you know.
Jonathan: But somehow I don't think that's what the kid needs right now.
Harley: Oh, am I getting a speech?
Jonathan: You get more than that if Hunter's not back in my class.
[He leaves]
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: What's the matter? You just stood there and took that from a teacher?
Frankie: How come you didn't say nothing?
Harley: Because actions speak louder than words, gentlemen.

Harvey: All right. Thirty-three billion. That's a new record. Go carve my initials into that kid's head.
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: That's some score, Harley. That's the best score I ever seen. Nobody's gonna beat that score for, like, a million years. Ain't that right, Frankie?
Frankie: What are you sayin'? Sometimes at night I like to write poetry?
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: No! I'm just sayin' that, you know.
[Frankie walks away and Joey follows him]
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: Actually, I think that's kinda cool. What are they, sonnets?
Harvey: I gotta get me some better-adjusted guys.

Harley: Turner's bike. Clearly he takes very good care of it. Not a scratch on it and look how it shines.
Frankie: You could eat it.
Joseph 'Joey the Rat' Epstein: You mean eat off it.
Frankie: I said what I said.

Shawn: This is hard for me to say.
Frankie: This is hard for me today.
Shawn: Because I've watched you for so long and I've always dreamed of telling you how I feel about you.
Frankie: Because I've watched you. So long. And I've always dreamed of something

Frankie: So who dies first?
Cory: Whoa, whoa, Frankie. You know, what I'm getting here, pal, is that friendship is very important to you. So how about this? You let us live, you got two new friends.
Shawn: Who?
Cory: Us. Think about it. We could, you know, hang out, go to movies, ball games, whatever.
Frankie: Poetry readings?
Cory: Poetry readings, we're there.
Shawn: I hate poetry.
Cory: Shawn, if our friend who's gonna let us live likes poetry, then we like poetry.
Shawn: Oh, poetry! I thought you said... "liver."