The Best House of Cards, Season 6, Episode 3 Quotes

- Well, do you trust what you've built or not?
- I don't want it exposed.
- She signed up for the app.
- We can get into her phone, take a look around.
- Would you gentlemen excuse us?
- No, stay. Bill?

- Remember that class, Annette?
- How strange it was, as a teenager, to be taught feminism by a man, in French.
- I hated that book.
- Long-winded, for sure.
- But you gotta admit, she was right about everything.

- We should make the announcement.
- Abruzzo.
- You can start the film.

- It all checks out. Full package.
- So what's the hesitation, madam Prez?
- Beltway television is owned by gardner analytics.
- It's the latest brainchild of Duncan Shepherd.
- So far, I've deflected all questions regarding ms Cruz's commentary.
- Good. Let's not dignify it.

- So, you'll speak to bill?
- I don't need to.
- You're the president.
- You should do what you want.
- That's what I keep thinking.
- Do you remember how much fun we used to have before we understood the rules?

- Mr nasser, Syria is a country of former schools, former homes, former places of worship.
- Your organisation played a large part in the destruction.
- And so have you, madam president.
- I'm afraid I can't help you.
- No, you can't.

- I want judge abruzzo, Mark.
- And don't ever question my brother's ability to function at the highest level.
- What is that Sylvia plath line?
- She eats men like air.
- Who are we talking about?

- Please.
- I'm sorry.
- Madam secretary, please.
- I'm sorry. I'm...
- Madam secretary?

- Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
- I guess this is where we part ways, Doug.
- It's for the best.
- Then say goodbye.
- You know what the last thing he said to me was?
- "I can't imagine a world with only one of you in it."

- It needs to look like complications from her fall.
- I can have her detail pulled.
- I still know some people.
- The opportunity will present itself.
- One last piece connecting us both to Francis.
- The world is either with us or against us, Doug.

- It's an embolism, they're saying.
- Connected to her fall.
- I want to thank you, Doug, so much for your help.
- It's a shame.
- It's a terrible shame.
- Yes, a terrible, terrible shame.
- She will be missed.

- A direct feed to only one ip address.
- Francis's.
- His laptop.
- It's not easy to watch, but...
- Okay.
- Up to you.

- That's all for now.
- When did it happen?
- I'm so, so sorry.
- No, the last conversation
- I had with her, she was talking about her new job and what a great opportunity it was going to be.

- Apologies for disturbing your run.
- What's happened?
- Can we have a word in private?
- Of course.
- It's okay, Steve.
- My detail's cleared the area.
- Good. Okay, they're clear.
- Where are we going?

- She admitted to all three of the abortions.
- But I can get you the names of the men.
- Who they were.
- I'm not comfortable with this.
- Let's take that off the table for now.
- She'll play along.
- We'll make sure of it.

- I'll leave you to your movie, then.
- What does Annette have to say about all this?
- I know you're close to her.
- I won't betray her.
- Just like I won't betray you, Claire.
- They got us, you know?

- But not enough to wait for
- Douglas stamper to bring me down.
- Secretary durant, ms Davis is in the back.
- Where's sal?
- He's off. My name is Giancarlo.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Right this way.
- Very slow today.

- Let him go.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- At some point, you're gonna have to decide.
- Claire undennood, believe me, she'll come for you when it's time.
- Thanks.

- I curse you.
- I curse you and wish you a painful death.
- Drawn out and excruciating.
- I don't want to disappoint you.
- That's not how I'm gonna die.
- Well. We'll see, won't we?