The Best House of Cards, Season 6, Episode 5 Quotes

- Meet my new cabinet.
- I just wanted to see your face.

- Look at me.
- Get out!
- Please get out. Just leave me alone.
- You are not only digging your own grave, you are burying the presidency.
- Stop it. You can try. Will you try?
- I can't, Mark. I just can't.
- I can't.

- Or is it Cassie?
- I'm five minutes away.
- Hang up the phone.
- Doug?
- Hang it up, or you'll never hear from me again.
- I'll come to you.

- She's beaming. Gleeful.
- I treasure that photo.
- It's how I like to think of her.
- Do me a favour.
- Ask Annette.
- Ask your mother where you came from.

- Heard an interesting thing about our esteemed shrink.
- You know that sabbatical, leave, walkabout, whatever you want to call it.
- You are looking for him, aren't you?
- Yes.
- He's in a cabin down in Virginia.

- I have no idea.
- It's late.
- That's exactly what I'm saying.
- I think I should move out.
- I understand.
- Stick to this course, madam president, and...

- What?
- When you asked me what
- Francis undennood had given me.
- That's how the will ends.
- "Remember the last thing I gave you."
- Don't call her, or I'll be back.
- Hope you figure out your problems, doctor.

- Nathan?
- Are you still listening?
- You're a fool to think she'll protect you.

- Only Lisa is what we called her.
- The lady at central market, where she worked, said you stopped by a few times asking for her?
- She owed us some money, but...
- She dead?
- I don't know.

- Here you go.
- Would you mind if I...
- Thanks.
- Hello?
- Don't say another word.
- Don't speak. Just wait.

- She can't be trusted, as I've told you a million times.
- He jeopardised our timing.
- He jeopardised our timing with her!
- I can't stand the sound of male arguing any more.
- You know, she told me to ask you something.
- She told me to ask you where I came from.

- What name did you give her?
- What was her name?
- Lisa.
- Lisa?
- Yeah. Lisa Cassie.
- Lisa Cassie?
- Cassie, Lisa. Yeah.
- Lisa and Cassie?

- And gather all of your things.
- Every single cabinet member in this room is dismissed.
- You're all fired.
- Escort them out.

- Have you seen my phone?
- It's in the restroom.

- Where is it?
- The will you intercepted?
- Where is it?
- I don't have it any more.
- I don't have it!
- What was in it?
- He left you everything.

- I told everyone it was in my bed.
- But it was right there, on the floor.
- Whoever killed him.
- Am I missing something?
- Whoever killed him will get what she or he deserves.

- Human.
- His glorious flaw.
- What this means is, they're gonna go through with it.
- No. Mark,
- I'm staying right where I am.

- in this totally fucked-up world.
- There's an e-mail from bill Shepherd's office in the chain.
- I told you.
- They knew.
- They knew somebody was gonna die.
- I gotta go.

- Then, I think of america's worst fear when it comes to a female in the oval office.
- And finally, my biggest regret,
- Francis j. Undennood.

- And that's that.
- I'm in mourning for my wife and I'm not reliving the final moments of her life any more.
- Not with you.
- I think your wife was murdered.
- I'm closing the door now.

- Are those my earrings?
- I didn't think you'd care.
- You do it.
- You be lysistrata.
- You know all my lines, right?
- You can't just...
- What about the show? Claire!

- What about it?
- I don't trust it.
- I got rid of mine.
- I swear, it felt like they were following my phone and not me.
- How?
- Look, I gotta go.
- I'll reach out to you. Okay?
- No, what...

- Cruz's piece.
- Run it.
- And then go home and talk to Duncan about the beginning of life.
- But actually, before you go,
- I want to show you something.
- Come with me.

- Blame it on the strain after Francis's death, the strain of the office itself.
- Language can be found, but, the best you can hope for now is a dignified exit.

- we have to fight back.
- I need you by my side.
- And before we transmit the letter,
- I'd like to suggest we all take a moment to bow our heads and pray for this great nation.

- I know, I know.
- You want to talk about the deal.
- You excluded me, Jane.
- When the dust settles,
- I'll give you what you want.
- Never doubted your value.

- Madam president...
- Are you ill?
- Ifyouteim
- I'll call the white house physician.

- and for posterity.
- And when the time comes, you'll all be notified.
- Look, we're all patriots here.
- Our first concern, our only concern, has got to be the survival of our nation.

- Whose life are you living, Jane?
- Not me. You.
- You seem to be struggling with your identity.
- If that's not too impertinent to say to a sitting president.
- Come keep me company while I put myjammies on.
- Please.

- We would know about it by now.
- I've asked Nathan to be available to you.
- I know how well you two work with one another.
- We'll find her.
- And Doug, I haven't forgotten about the promise we made to each other.
- I hope you haven't.

- Get her sympathy.
- Just saying, the narrative...
- Who waits sixteen weeks?
- It can't be controlled...
- What kind of person?
- That's what people will be talking about.
- Let's get Mark on the phone.
- We start this now.

- Fuck!
- Sit. Take a deep breath.
- Sit down.
- Dr rosen, sit down.

- Shit.
- Did you do something to my...

- It's still light out?
- You're very dehydrating.

- I can't reach him.
- I can't reach your mother, either.
- We have some men tracking the journalist, but we don't even know if she has her hands on anything yet.
- Package for mr Shepherd.
- Thank you.
- This is addressed to you.