The Best House of Cards, Season 6, Episode 8 Quotes

- What would frank do, given that she's carrying his child?

- They didn't care where you were, what the hell you were doing.
- Dinner was at 6:00, god damn it!
- And when's the last time you and your sister had dinner?
- That is a fair question.
- And it has been some time since we sat across from each other.

- Then say it! Say it! Say it!
- Say it right now!
- Let him go, Doug.
- I can't!
- I'm sorry. I'm...
- It's okay. It's okay.
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.

- God bless you, man.
- But this is not what you promised me.
- And you can tell the president that she can send an army of lawyers at me.
- But I won't be buried.
- I am not going to stop.
- And I don't know when it will be, or how.
- But I am going to finish this godforsaken story, okay?

- The articles and the press conferences.
- A little goes a long way, Doug.
- A lot of people, in a way, the whole country, we're relying on you.
- Seth, I can take care of myself.
- Can you pass that sauce?

- Ma'am?
- Thank you, colonel flora.
- What did they promise you?
- Ma'am, I didn't...
- Quiet.

- What took you so long?
- May we have the room, please?
- Are you sure, ma'am?
- Yes. It's all right. Thank you.

- Where would you rather be?
- I don't know.
- 1999.
- Tenants advocacy group, south side of Chicago.
- But I can't be there, so, I don't know.
- If you're leaving, leave.

- Is going to have to wait.
- What else did she say?
- Nothing.
- Just, everything's in place.
- Later.
- Seth...
- It's not going to go like you think.

- And he just couldn't stop himself.
- Or her.
- Where do you think we're gonna be in ten years, Mark?
- Huh? Come on. I'm asking everybody.
- For obvious reasons.
- You think about it more than I do.
- Fat, wasted and distracted.
- Might be a good night out, but it's no way to live a life.

- "And then he asked if I had no faith in god.
- "I said, 'you have it wrong.'
- It's god who has no faith in us."
- Minute 14.
- You want me to play it for you?
- Drop the investigation and apologise for what you are doing to him, or more of this is gonna come out.
- I'm gonna press play.
- I want you to hear it.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing, I... nothing.
- Look, we don't have to go ahead with this, okay?
- And whatever you need to figure out, you should.
- Like, can't you just leave him alone?
- What do you think I am?
- Look, I know exactly what you are.

- Don't spin me, Seth.
- How do they plan to do me in?
- Seth?
- Look, I'm gonna say this to you.
- Not because we're friends.
- But because of everything that we've been through together.

- Here's who wants you dead.
- Annette Shepherd had me waiting.
- I know who was there.
- Thank you.
- Whatever happens here...
- It's between us.

- Yes?
- The men in uniform don't support you.
- I want the white house emptied out.
- Other than yourselves, minimal and essential staff only.
- All visitors need to be cleared by me.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Doug, do we need a drink?
- You can't.
- Well, desperate times, right?

- I don't know who it is, but they have someone inside the white house.
- Military always hated her, that's one thing.

- You're an asshole.
- You don't have to be a part of this, if you don't want to.
- You saying that for me, or for you?
- Maybe both.

- What time is it there, now?
- Must be close to sunrise, huh?
- Just about.
- If you drop an atom bomb, our world, your daughter's world...
- That sun will never look the same again, Claire.
- What time is it there?

- Yes, the consequences will be grave.
- But it has come to my attention that there is a plot against me.
- Someone in my white house is planning to betray me.
- And until I find out who that is,
- I will not reconsider my position here.
- Ma'am? Something arrived for you from Doug stamper.
- It was passed through security.
- Thank you.

- All the time. Insatiable.
- Everyone thinks I should feel sated.
- Then he said,
- "no, Claire, be as hungry as me."
- And so I ate him?
- He ate himself.
- Doug stamper? Am I going to eat him?
- Herr god.
- Herr Lucifer.
- Beware.

- Madam president!
- This used to be my office.
- That was my desk.
- The couch is different, but I slept here more nights than I care to remember.
- Congressman undennood's desk was right through there.
- He never slept.

- You're using that child out there.
- Acting like the mother of this nation.
- I know the truth.
- Doug, I'm happy.
- Believe me, I'm good.
- I want you to know that I forgive you.
- It was you, right?