50 Best Huck Quotes

[first lines]
BNC: Oh, what a difference a week makes. After trailing his opponents in the first round of Republican primaries, Hollis Doyle has now taken the lead.
Hollis: [responding to reporters on the street] I'm giving America back to Americans. No more of these south-of-the-border types with their greedy little hands, or these shady fellas with mustaches looking to blow up our buildings. This is our country. I aim to keep it that way.
Quinn: [in the office] Look at them. It's like Throwback Thursday in there. A Gladiator reunion. This is good? This is so good.
Huck: This is not good.
Quinn: This is good. Let it be good.
Huck: Can't let it be good if it's not good. And that is *not* good. That looks good, but that is *not* good. Trust me.

Olivia: You went too far with Quinn.
Huck: No, *you* went too far.
Olivia: Excuse me?
Huck: You took in a wild monster and you groomed me and petted me and trained me to sit at your feet, but that doesn't make me a puppy, Liv, that just makes me a very loyal monster. So I didn't go too far, I went exactly as far as my leash allows. And you hold the leash. You ruined her life, and you made me save her, and then you gave her to me to take under my wing.
Olivia: Huck...
Huck: You hold the leash. You went too far. You should have never given me someone to love. Monsters eat people, Liv. It's what we do.

[first lines]
Huck: [sitting on the Metro platform 5 years ago] Dinner with your dad?
Olivia: Every Sunday. You want a doggie bag?
Huck: Every Sunday. Thanks.

Huck: Casey is just a kid. This isn't politics. This is ripping a family apart for no reason.
Quinn: It's a presidential campaign, Huck, and we're losing. You know how much she hates to lose. It could be worse. We could be making stuff up.

[last lines]
Huck: [approaches Rowan in an empty industrial space] Command. I have some questions for you.

Crosby: [14 years earlier] You took a series of tests. Your test results suggested that you have skills that go way beyond that of a private first class.
Huck: Like what?
Crosby: We can test a thousand men and not find one like you. You're gifted. You have an aptitude, a quality, a series of personality traits that we find very valuable here.
Huck: Here isn't "the Marines", is it?
Crosby: What do you think?
Huck: I think we're in a nondescript office park. The door claims this is a paper company, but who names a paper company Acme Limited? There are cameras in the ceiling there, and there. Your suit is nice, but not nice enough to draw attention. And then there's the guy behind me with a bulge in his pocket that I'm pretty sure isn't there because he's happy to see me. I'm pretty sure it's a gun. So, while I'm a big fan of the CIA, I have to say thank you, but no.
Crosby: You'll take this job or go back to Kosovo on another tour. Those are your only two options.

Rowan: I'm choosing kindness. This is a rare moment. I'm allowing you a little power here. If I were you, I would make use of it, son!
Huck: [stops eating his burger] You are no one's father, and I am not your son. Eat your underground rail road. It's getting cold.

Huck: Quinn, don't.
Quinn: What? Look, I'm not judging. I am asking. Nobody in this room can judge. I mean, who amongst us hasn't gone over the edge and killed somebody once? Or even twice.

Huck: [interrupting their little squabble] Charlie, Quinn doesn't want to go to the Caribbean with you because she's a workaholic and she's afraid of the ocean.
Quinn: Uh, I am not!
Huck: Quinn, Charlie wants to take you to the Caribbean so he can propose to you. Unless he wants to kill you. Which one is it, Charlie? Do you want to murder her or you want to marry her?
Charlie: I want to marry you - if you want to marry me... You look like you're gonna vomit.

Quinn: Huck, I came back. You really don't have anything to say to me?
Huck: Do you want me to say that I'm sorry? Sorry for hurting you? Sorry for making you talk? I'm not sorry. If it wasn't for Olivia I would've pulled out all of your teeth. If I wasn't for Olivia, I would've peeled off all of your skin. If it wasn't for Olivia, I would kill you right now. Right here. Liv saves us, and you betrayed her. You're not a gladiator anymore.

Javi: Found you. I tracked you down by your IP address. Pretty easy.
Huck: [turning from his computer] What are you doing here?
Javi: I want to know why you left. I've seen pictures. I know you're my dad.

Quinn: You come for some more teeth? A finger?
Huck: I came here to kill you. Put you down. You cracked Liv's safe, I saw you on the camera. You're broken. You're a threat. So I came here to put you down. But then I was sitting here, and I realized... I saw you on camera. I trained you, I made you. And you are good, Quinn. You're special, talented, which means I shouldn't have seen you on camera. You would have de-magged the optics, looped the visuals, cut the upload. There's no way I would have seen you on camera unless you wanted to be seen.
Quinn: I don't know what you're talking about.
Huck: You wanted me to see you. You wanted us to know what Jake was doing, what B613 was doing. You're not broken. Somewhere in there, you're still a gladiator.

Olivia: How am I supposed to get anywhere near Jake's phone long enough to...
Huck: I think you can find a way.
Olivia: Huck, no.
Huck: Do you have any idea how many times you've asked me to do things that I didn't want to do? But I did them because you asked me to. B-613 took away my family, Liv, my life, my name. They destroyed me. And now we can do the same to them, which is what you said you wanted. Don't you want that anymore? We do what we have to do.

[first lines]
Mellie: So, tonight on behalf of the 160 million mothers, daughters, sisters, granddaughters, and anyone else who has been made to feel that there are doors in this world that they don't have the keys to, I gladly accept the Republican nomination for President of the United States.
[cheers and applause]
Quinn: Are you - are you crying?
Marcus: I'm not crying.
Huck: You're embarrassing us.
[scoffing as they walk away]

Quinn: [having turned down Marcus' dinner invitation] Huck, why are you so mean to him?
Huck: He's normal.
Quinn: So?
Huck: He's a normal person, Quinn. We have to protect him. We can't let him be friends with us.

[last lines]
Kim: [getting off the Metro train] Javi! Javi, come here. It's cold outside.
Javi: I want a dollar for the man.
Kim: Honey, we don't have...
Javi: Mommy, he looks hungry.
Kim: You come right back.
Javi: [runs over to Huck sitting behind a sign] Here.
Huck: [looks up and see that the time is 7:52]

Quinn: What's the plan?
Jake: Pool our money, bid on her ourselves.
Quinn: Pool what money? Who has money? All I have is student loans. It doesn't matter how many times you reinvent your identity, Sallie Mae will find you.
Huck: I have money...
Jake: I've got a Swiss bank account. Should have a little over $2 million in it.
Quinn: Against a bunch of foreign governments and drug cartels?
Huck: I have money...
Jake: 2 million bucks is pocket change. You're reaching. You're desperate.
Huck: I have money!
Quinn: Huck, we need like millions and millions of dollars.
Huck: I have $2,000,400,087.38.

Olivia: [crouching down to Huck] I have to admit, I'm not a person who gives change to homeless guys on the Metro. I don't do that. I don't stop, which is I don't stop, but I stopped for you. You made me stop. It was your eyes. You had the saddest eyes. They were sadder than mine. The thing is, Huck, you always say that I saved you. That's not true. It's not even close to true. I had been all alone for a very long time. There are moments, people who somehow they convince me that I'm wrong. That I'm not alone. That I have something to People let you down. People hurt you. People lie. I'm all alone, except for you. Harrison and Abby and Quinn are We take care of them. We love them. But they don't live on the dark side of the moon. They're different. So, Huck, I need you to snap out of this. Whatever this is, whatever happened to you, you *have* to come back to me. I need you. You are all I have. You are everything. Because I didn't save you in that Metro station. You saved me.
Huck: I think I used to have a family. But I don't remember if they were real, or if I imagined them.
Olivia: What do you think?
Huck: I think they were real!
Olivia: Then they were real. Then you had a family.
Huck: They were real!
Olivia: They were.
Huck: I did terrible things.
Olivia: We all - do - terrible things.

Jake: So... stakeouts are kind of boring, huh?
Huck: You have no idea.

[first lines]
Quinn: [tromping through the woods] I'm just saying marriage is a *crazy* idea. I don't know why anyone does it.
[Cellphone beeps]
Quinn: Marriage is bad for you. Did you know your chances of becoming obese are 37% higher if your spouse is obese? 60% of married adults have had an affair! 60%!
Huck: Quinn!
Quinn: What if she's not there? Or what if she is there, but she doesn't want to talk? He could've gotten to her. She could've changed her mind.
Huck: Come on...
[huge explosion]

[first lines]
Huck: [five years earlier, unshaven, sitting on the subway platform] They're fixing the green line at Petworth connecting red line trains are stuck waiting at Fort Totten, which puts the next train to Shady Grove about 20 seconds away.
Olivia: Thank you.
[puts money unto his cup]
Olivia: [the train enters the station] Look at that. Just like you predicted. Are you here tomorrow?
Huck: Every day.
Olivia: Coffee's on me.

Huck: Family is the only thing that has kept you alive here. Olivia is the only reason that you're alive.
Rowan: She's also the reason I'm shackled to this chair. Family is a burden.

Quinn: They're credited with 37 assassinations from Hamburg to Grenada.
Charlie: Yeah, but some of those were bombings.
Quinn: So?
Charlie: So, that's cheating.
Quinn: Murder is murder.
Charlie: Back me up here, big guy.
Huck: No, bombings are cheating.

Quinn: I have been mad at you for, like, ever.
Huck: Go away...
Quinn: But then I started thinking,
Huck: Go away...
Quinn: "What's so sane about me?"
Huck: Quinn...
Quinn: I dispose of bodies, and I get turned on by crime scenes. Hacking is hot. I am not your all-American girl, and I don't want to be.
Huck: [breathing heavily] You're not wrong about me. Something's wrong with me.
Quinn: That's my point. Something's wrong with me, too.
Huck: I missed you. I missed you a lot.

Huck: I can't be around that Jake. I've spent too much time putting my own guy back in his cage. If I go down this road with you.
Jake: It's Rowan, Huck. You see a cockroach, you step on it!
Huck: Not me. Once I open that door, there's no closing it again.

[last lines]
Huck: [watching his world map go wild] Chatter!
Quinn: Where?
Huck: Everywhere. Oh, my God. This is good.
Quinn: Good? How is this good?
Huck: Because she's alive, because we can track her. She did this. She's dropping us breadcrumbs. We just have to follow them.

Abby: Sally Langston has got some guy named Phillip Reed booked on her next show. I think he's gonna say he's...
Olivia: Having an affair with Michael.
Abby: How do you know?
Huck: I pulled Michael's cellular records, did a search for most called numbers, came up with Phillip, triangulated cellphone towers to track him to the vicinity of his office server, and then hacked into their e-mail system. How'd you find out?
Abby: I listened to all of Leo's voice-mails when he was in the bathroom.
Huck: Well, that's another way to go.

Olivia: [5 years ago in Metro station] You can tell me. You can trust me.
Huck: I was a trained assassin for a secret offshoot of the CIA on US soil called B-613 run by a man called "Command" in a paper company that's not really a paper company. It's called Acme Limited, but really it's called Wonderland. Acme's in Wonderland. Welcome to Wonderland, son. Then they put me in a hole, and then I wasn't so good at my job anymore. And then I wasn't in Wonderland anymore. I was here, but I can still, I can kill a man with very little effort and a lot of joy, but I try not to. Okay?
Olivia: Is there medication you should be taking, or anyone I should call? Huck?
Huck: Do you think you and your dad could eat at a place with cheeseburgers? I want a cheeseburger.

[first lines]
Meg: [sparing with Huck] That's some weak tea, Hucky.
Huck: Uh, Hucky?
Meg: What'd you teach me? "The only punch that counts is the punch you don't see coming."
[she misses him and he grabs her and they fall together to the floor panting]
Huck: Come on, get up. Today's lesson is don't ever stay down and don't ever relax.
Meg: [she throws a punch that connects with his nose] Don't ever relax? You taught me that last week.
[she continues throws punches but he grabs her to kiss her]

Quinn: [to Huck as he walks in] What are you doing here?
Jake: Lay off, Perkins. He's here to help.
Quinn: Help? Well, if I need someone to helpfully murder busloads of innocent Americans and chop their heads off for fun, I'll give Huck a call. Otherwise, no, thanks. I'm good.
Huck: I'm fixed. Jake fixed me. I'm okay now.
Quinn: Yeah, fixed? There aren't enough meds in the world to fix...
Jake: I'm here with him. He's fine.
Quinn: Oh, you're like his slaughter sponsor? Yeah, that's totally fine. My bad.
Jake: Can we put aside the name-calling and the blood-feuding and just get to work?

[first lines]
Huck: Normally, I'd start with the drill or a scalpel. Peeling off the skin can be beautiful, or removing fingers, toes. I like the feeling of a toe being separated from a foot. But with you, because we're friends, because we're family, I won't do any of that. Consider it the friends and family discount. I'm disappointed in you, Quinn. You've been a bad girl. And I need to know exactly what you've been up to. But, before we start, I just wanna say I'm sorry. I'm so sorry because I'm gonna enjoy this. I'm gonna love it and I don't want to, but you're so fresh, so new, y-y soft, and I've never done this with someone in the family, someone I love, and that's... I'm sorry. I just need to.
Quinn: [getting more and more freaked out]
Huck: I won't kill you. I promise! I'm gonna start with your teeth.

Huck: [sitting with a babbling Huck] I'm a talker. It's what I do. I talk. Since I was a kid I can talk myself in or out of anything, bed-time, homework, curfew. It's how I sold cars, sailed through law school, how I got clients, and get girls. Hell, it almost landed me in jail if it wasn't for Liv But you're not a talker. You're action man. So I can only imagine what you've seen, what you've done, what you've had done to you. And I have to imagine, because you're not just a man of few words, but the fewest words possible. So I fill in the blanks. We all do.

Huck: Olivia, is your father "Command?"
Olivia: ...Yes. He is.

Huck: It didn't come from Jake. He's the enemy. So where did you get it?
Olivia: My father.
Huck: [abruptly walks out of the room]
David: I would have gone with "anonymous former government employee."

Huck: [studying the city map] We'll check there after Greenbelt.
David: Or, just thinking outside the box, you could save gas and time, and maybe this girl's life, if you get the FBI to look for you.
Abby: First of all, we're so much better than the FBI at this.

Charlie: You know who it could be? It could Six-Toes.
Huck: Six-Toes. I forgot about Six-Toes.
Charlie: Cried like a baby.
Charlie: "I'm not gonna be able to walk anymore."Please. Hens can walk with three toes.

Huck: Two things make a coincidence. Three things make a conspiracy.
Jake: What's the third thing?
Huck: The passenger list. Fifth name from the top.
Jake: [reads] "Maya Lewis."
Huck: She never took her husband's name.
Jake: What was her husband's name?
Huck: "Pope."
Jake: No!
Huck: Liv's mom...
Olivia: [Huck and Jake now at her door] What?

Olivia: There are people who are trying to kill you.
Andrew: The only person who ever tried to kill me is him.
Huck: I never tried to kill you. I *know* how to kill people.
[moves toward him]
Olivia: Huck!

Olivia: What do you mean about the client? "This isn't the kind of client you want to talk about on the phone, because of NSA surveillance."
Huck: Oh, yeah, we definitely do not want anyone at the NSA to hear about this.
Olivia: Why? Who's the client?
Huck: The head of the NSA.

Jake: [opens Olivia's front door and finds Huck standing there] Huck. You're one creepy bastard, you know that?
Huck: Yes.

Huck: [to a customer] It was your IDE interface. Your hard drive was fried, but it works now. I fixed it.
[lowering his voice]
Huck: Also, your wife's cheating on you. She's been e-mailing suggestive selfies to a man named Dave since March 27th. You're welcome. Next customer...

Olivia: [in her apartment] Have you been waiting for me to come home? I'm your plan?
Huck: You always fix me. I don't know what happened or how it happened or when or... But you need to do what you do... Because I want to see Kim and Javi, and I can't. I can't go home not like this. Not while I want to... My guy is out, Liv. My guy is out. He's running around, and I can't go home until you fix me.
Olivia: What do you mean, your guy?
Huck: Please.
Olivia: Huck, I want to help you. I do. But I can't fix you. I don't fix people. Not like that, not on the inside. If I could fix people on the inside, I'd be running a bake sale in Ohio right now. I wouldn't be... I don't know how to fix you. I wish I did. I wish I had some I-I don't know anything. I'm sorry. But you you need a new plan, a better plan, a *much* better plan than me.

Olivia: My father was trying to protect me this whole time. He didn't want me to know what she did, who she is.
Huck: Liv?
Olivia: He's not the monster. She is.
Huck: Then we've got a problem.

Huck: Charlie's been his guy for at least the last two years.
Olivia: So why are you telling me this?
Huck: Because the last woman that was sleeping with the President ended up dead in the Potomac. And I want you to stay alive.
Cyrus: [to Mellie in Blair house] What if I could get rid of Olivia Pope?

Marcus: Where is she going?
Huck: To tell the president he might have just hung a medal on a rapist.
Marcus: The White House isn't our client.
Quinn: She's the president's girlfriend, the White House is always our client. I hate the new normal.

Quinn: [answering her phone after surveilling all day]
Huck: Did Kubiak make a move?
Quinn: Only towards type 2 diabetes.

Huck: [advancing on office intruder] Give me the camera.
Photographer: Really? No comment? Did your boss ever say what the president was like in bed?
Quinn: [pushes Huck aside and starts pulling on the camera]
Photographer: [grunting] You can't take that.
Quinn: [holding him in a lock] You are trespassing. There is not a scratch on you. There is no video to prove I took your video. If you don't get out of here, I will kick your ass, and you can tell everyone a girl beat you up. Or, I can give you to him, and you won't be able to tell anyone anything ever again. Your choice.

Olivia: And there's no other way?
Huck: We could send Sally a Trojan horse.
Quinn: Hmm. An e-mail infected with a worm that could bore into the White House network from the inside. We could make it record her keystrokes, tell us her passwords.
Abby: "Baby Huck."

Huck: [to Jake unplugging everything] Hey. Do you know what you just did? I was in the middle of delivering kill worms to the power grid.
Quinn: Huck, holy... You were gonna turn off the Internet?
Huck: Oh, no, I was gonna *erase* the Internet.
Quinn: Nice!
[they high-five]

Quinn: These senators aren't going home without bagging a trophy. We need to do something.
Huck: Well, she only told us not to lie. She didn't tell us we couldn't do other things.
Quinn: Huck.
Huck: I didn't say kill. You really need to let that go.