The Best Jack Ryan, Season 2, Episode 1 Quotes

Monica: In Venezuela trust takes years to build. Or moments to purchase.

- If it helps.
- You okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- I'm fine.
- I might be coming down with a bug or something.
- Mikhail.
- The sooner, the better.

- You two go to Caracas.
- Meet with president reyes in person.
- Ask him what's in the shipment and report back.
- Sir, you know we cannot trust reyes's word on this.
- There's a lot of things we can't do, Dr. Ryan.
- This one ensures we don't start a war.

- What's up, baby?
- What's up, baby?
- What's happening, beautiful girl?
- Monica?
- Monica.

- because the biggest players on the world stage do not want you to.
- To them, unstable governments are nothing more than the greatest of opportunities.
- So, Russia, China can never be the most major threat until countries like Venezuela leave the door open to our very own backyard.

- Lisa.
- Put on pressure.
- Hold that tight.
- It's okay, breathe.
- Just try to breathe.
- Unlock the door!

- We need to get out of here.
- Go, go.

- Are you sure these numbers are accurate?
- Actually, sir, because people believe the polling is done by the government...
- They are not always very honest.
- It's possible Gloria bonalde may have even more support.
- General...
- The senator from the United States is arriving.

- In almacenes sol|'s self-storage, unit 423.
- Is there anything else?
- I need someone on the security detail.
- Someone reliable.
- In Venezuela trust takes years to build.
- Or moments to purchase.

- I appreciate the offer, but I just got off a long flight.
- Oh, no, please. We insist.
- This is my hometown.
- Come on.
- It's gonna be great.
- All right, I'm sold.
- Great.

- Something goes sideways down there, we're staring down the barrel at the next bay of pigs.
- More like the Cuban missile crisis.
- In either case...
- Mitch...
- We cannot sit on this information.

- Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.
- You're okay, all right?
- Take a deep breath. Look up.
- I can't breathe.
- No!

- I just want to be clear that you understand the position of the United States.
- If you are secretly buying arms from the Russians, there will be serious consequences.
- Your country is not in a position to make any threats.
- Perhaps you should focus your energies in your own backyard.

- Must be hard to get her proper care in this rathole place...
- Especially on a police captain's salary.
- Who the fuck are you?
- A friend, filiberto... a friend.
- Let's take a walk.
- I think I can help you.

- Don't think because your parents were born here...
- You can come here and tell real
- Venezuelans how to run their country.
- As long as you don't pretend you represent the will of the people.
- Thank you for your time, Mr. President.
- General.

- For a guy who works behind a desk, you seem to like the field.
- Could've stopped it.
- Really?
- You have a cape on under that shirt?
- Suleiman is trying to sneak a dirty bomb into the hospital.
- You're looking at a nuclear fallout that could kill hundreds of thousands.
- This is it. We got him.

- Very sure.
- I tracked the vessel number you gave me and found your ship.
- In la guaira. A port outside Caracas.
- When you find out who is launching unregistered satellites,
- Russia would very much like to know.
- One hand washes the other, comrade.

- Now.
- Why do you have to be so rude?
- You're the one who told me I had to stay here during summer break.
- And now I can't even have friends over?
- I'm not a child anymore!
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Botkin hospital.
- What if he dies?
- The Americans might think we did something to him.
- Then, drive faster.
- I'm not doing the fucking paperwork.
- Do you want to do the paperwork?
- Let's go!

- Well, that's the thing about having a $200 million fund.
- I mean, none of it's your money.
- It's not even all in one place, but it's a hell of a way to get a drink.
- You can do whatever you want with them.
- This is me. Which one's you?
- Oh, no, this isn't even my floor.

- I'll give you $10 for it.
- $10...
- Gracias.
- Thank you very much.
- Want one of mine?
- Thank you very much.

- General ubarri, good to see you again.
- Likewise, madam ambassador.
- This is senator moreno.
- And his aide Dr. Jack Ryan.
- General.
- Please follow me.
- I'll take you to president reyes.

- And that's where you're going.
- Carter, I'm making progress on this satellite launch.
- I'm waiting for an asset to confirm.
- Hand it off to Conor, along with your asset.
- Fuck you.
- You can go now.

- Is that it?
- See you around, bright boy.
- I want you to be the head of t-fad.
- Before he transferred, greer made this read book for you.
- You impressed a lot of people with your work on the task force.
- Congratulations.
- And good luck.
- Thank you, sir.

- Yep.
- Hey, listen.
- If you find out anything about the almeta, you let me know.
- I'll do the same on the inside.
- You'll be my first call.
- Good to see you again, Jack.
- Yeah. You, too.

- Gloria bonalde...
- No one knows this, but we did some polling...
- She's got a real chance.
- Nicolas is blind...
- To anything he doesn't want to see.
- You ought to be the one leading this country.

Lisa: I don't have to tell you, this is not the Venezuela of your youth.
Senator: Ah, yes, I am well aware. Is there anything good to report?
Lisa: Gas is cheaper than water...

- For your son.
- What about my wife?
- The deal was first your son, then, if you continue to provide valuable intelligence, we can talk about your wife.
- But we're not there yet.

- That went well.
- We came down here so that he would lie.
- He proved to us he's got something to hide.

- Do we go back?
- Keep driving.
- But, captain...
- No.
- Go.

- Yes, I am well aware.
- Is there anything good to report?
- Gas is cheaper than water.
- Senator, this is captain filiberto ramos.
- Nice to meet you.
- He will be our escort. This is ours.

- So?
- Hugo swept the office this morning.
- I've been here the entire time.
- I'm concerned.
- The time frame is very rushed.
- That can't be adjusted.
- Sorry.

- On the table.
- You need a personal trainer,
- I have your guy.
- He used to be in spetsnaz, then kgb.
- Now he runs a gym.
- Yeah, that'd go over real well.
- Open it.

- They should give you the medal.
- I mean, how did you deal with all of his factoids?
- Are you kidding? This guy?
- Look, I had to sit there, and I had to tolerate him explain his back surgery to the surgeons who performed it.
- That's an exaggeration.
- I got to hit the head.

- Excuse me, officers.
- It's probably none of my business...
- But there is a young woman walking back there with a man.
- They were arguing and he got a little rough with her.
- Where?
- Behind me. Over there.

- Go straight.
- But, captain...
- They turned too early. Keep going.
- Shit.
- We got code red one.

- I was told there was only one target.
- I'm just the messenger.
- I do not do extra work for the same money.
- Understood.
- I hope this amount is acceptable.