The Best Katya Miranova Quotes

Katya: The future bends to the will of the strongest.

[after setting explosives inside the crater where Callen is held, Katya and Vavara sit in a car some distance away, waiting to hear the explosion as soon as someone attempts to break into the crater]
Vavara: How does it feel to finally kill him?
Katya: [shakes her head] I thought it would feel good. But... it just brings me as much emotion as drinking a glass of water.
[Vavara nods]
Katya: Ironically, Callen is one of the only people who really knew how dead I am inside.
Vavara: We should go.
Vavara: [looks at Katya] You won. It's over.
Katya: No. I have to hear the explosion.
[Anna finds the crater and attempts to break in, unaware of the trap Katya and her henchmen set]

[Katya and Vavara are so focused on waiting to hear the explosion, that they fail to notice that an armed person is approaching the car]
Katya: [worried] It should've gone off by now. Something's wrong. We need to go back.
Vavara: [calmly] We can't. There are NCIS agents all over there.
[Too late they notice Joelle, who approaches the car and points a gun at them. Joelle first shoots Vavara, then points at Katya]
Katya: Thank God.
[Joelle shoots at Katya's throat. Katya gasps in pain. Joelle coolly shoots again at Vavara, killing her. Katya grabs her injured throat, blood pours from her mouth. Joelle shoots Katya again. The bullet hits Katya's forehead, killing her instantly. Joelle walks away, content for settling the score with the woman who tortured her so viciously. In the meantime, the NCIS team saves Callen]