The Best Kenneth Daniels Quotes

Kenneth: This is great, Ed. What is it, uh, eight or ten years since I seen you? Not even a phone call. Now you're on my doorstep making accusations?
Ed: Just questions, Kenny. Not accusations, just questions.
Kenneth: These the sort of questions I should have my PBA delegate present for?
Ed: Look, I spoke to the DA's office. You arrested Grimes for a liquor store robbery that the owner swears up and down that the kid didn't commit.
Kenneth: Mr. Magoo? That old man was so blind, he couldn't tell his ass from his elbow. Grimes did the robbery, Ed. Trust me.
Ed: Okay. But then you find a knife that puts the same guy away for a murder he absolutely did not commit. He goes to jail for twenty years.
[noticing Kenny's reaction]
Ed: What? What is it, man? You couldn't get him on the liquor store robbery, so you framed him for Leanne Testa's murder?
Kenneth: Liquor store had nothing to do with it. How do you think Grimes' prints got on that knife? What, do you think I'm some kind of magician?
Ed: I don't know, man. You tell me.

Kenneth: Grimes killed Julie Sayer. He admitted it. And because I screwed up, he was gonna walk. That's a mistake I couldn't live with, and I'm not gonna apologize for fixing it!
Serena: If you don't, he may walk on Julie's murder a second time.
Jack: If the jury sees you as some kind of a vigilante with no qualms about framing someone or planting evidence, they won't listen to a word you say!

Rodney: Tell me, is there anyone who can corroborate your story?
Kenneth: Just your client.
Rodney: My client maintains his innocence. Which means we're left with your word.
Kenneth: Then you're left with my word, and I'm telling the truth.
Rodney: But I don't believe you, Mr. Daniels. You've been obsessed with getting my client for decades, since he was a kid haven't you?
Kenneth: No.
Rodney: You arrested him for a liquor store robbery that was committed by someone else.
Kenneth: I stand by that arrest.
Rodney: Even though the owner said the robber was Latino? And then, on another occasion, you assaulted Mr. Grimes.
Kenneth: He was a suspect. He attacked me, counselor, and I defended myself.
Rodney: He was in your custody and you beat him bloody.
Kenneth: Like I said, I regret that.
Rodney: Then you framed him for Leanne Testa's murder.
Kenneth: And I've got nothin' to gain by admittin' it. In fact, I'm throwing away my career and my pension.
Rodney: Your career and pension mean nothing to you, do they? Not compared to your vendetta against Walter Grimes.

Kenneth: Enjoy the show?
Ed: You held up okay.
Kenneth: What're you doing here?
Ed: It's my case.
Kenneth: I thought maybe you came to gloat.
Ed: Now, why would I do that? We're friends.
Kenneth: I thought we were.
Ed: Don't try to turn this around on me, Kenny. You put yourself in this circus.
Kenneth: D.A.'s could've made their case on that barroom fight without dredging this up and dragging me into the middle of it.
Ed: We had no choice. You did.
Kenneth: You could've let it go, Ed.
Ed: You don't want justice for Julie Sayer?
Kenneth: I already had justice for Julie Sayer.

Kenneth: You're talking about a case that was, like, twenty-five years ago.
Serena: I know cops who remember every suspect they ever interrogated.
Kenneth: Walter Grimes?
Serena: Yeah, that's right.
Kenneth: Real punk. Absolute white trash. Is this about that guy he killed in a bar?
Serena: That's right.
Kenneth: [chuckle] See, that's what you get when you let a guy like Grimes loose on society.
Serena: He was exonerated.
Kenneth: Whatever.
Serena: I'm looking into all of his priors. If Grimes did this liquor store robbery, it would actually help the case that we're prosecuting. But the store owner says that he didn't.
Kenneth: What can I tell you? The old guy was wrong.
Serena: But Grimes is white. The store owner said that the robber was Latino.
Kenneth: Look, the old man was so scared he pissed himself. All he saw was the gun, if that. Grimes is the guy who held him up. I have no doubt.
Serena: Except your gut isn't admissible, Detective.
Kenneth: Which is why the DA kicked the robbery charge. Grimes did it. And it wasn't his first stickup, either. That kid was born to go to jail. Have a good day.

Kenneth: If I hadn't done what I did, Grimes was gonna walk. Why are you making me out to be the bad guy?
Jack: Because you crossed the line, detective. And because that's what Rodney Fallon will do when you take the stand.
Kenneth: He's not the first shyster I've taken on. I can handle him.
Serena: Let's hope he's the only one whose client's been framed by you.
Kenneth: Okay. I deserve that.

Kenneth: I screwed up twenty years ago. But by making it right, it's the best thing I've ever done. You really want me to say I feel sorry when I don't?
Jack: You're a police officer. And you put yourself above the law. I can't believe you have no regrets about that.
Kenneth: Yeah, I have some regrets; that I gave him a beating and I screwed up the case. What, do you want me to lie?
Jack: I want you to acknowledge what it is I know you must be feeling!
Kenneth: And that's what?
Jack: Guilt.
Kenneth: Guilt about what?
Jack: Guilt about having been so arrogant as to put yourself above the law!

Kenneth: Her name was Julie Sayer. She was sixteen, going on twelve. You know, innocent. The knife I found in Grimes' apartment, it was his, all right, but he didn't use it on Leanne Testa. He used it on Julie Sayer. Slit her throat with it. There was no DNA testing back then. Same type, O positive. So everyone assumed it was Leanne's blood.
Ed: Well, if Grimes killed Julie Sayer, why didn't you collar him for that?
Kenneth: I did. Grimes was a creep. I had witnesses who put him with the girl that morning. I brought him in. He started runnin' his mouth, talking trash. He even took a swing at me.
Ed: You didn't beat the dude down, did you?
Kenneth: Only time I ever lost it like that. All I could see was that dead girl lying there with her throat cut.
Ed: Did Grimes give it up?
Kenneth: Oh, yeah, he told me how he killed Julie. Told me how he hid the knife in a storm drain. Told me exactly where to find it.
Ed: But what, the bust wasn't any good?
Kenneth: Lieu took one look at him, one look at my knuckles. He told me I had to kick him loose.
Ed: He told you to 86 the arrest?
Kenneth: Tried to find another way to make the case.
Ed: But if the confession was inadmissible, then...
Kenneth: The knife was, too. There wasn't gonna be any justice for Julie Sayer. I let Grimes go, fished the knife out of the storm drain, saved it for a rainy day.
Ed: Then Leanne Testa gets stabbed.
Kenneth: Wound patterns were consistent with Grimes' knife. Blood type the same as Julie's. Pieces fell into place.
Ed: You call in an anonymous tip, and then you "find" the knife in Grimes' apartment?
Kenneth: Why not? Grimes was guilty. He was a murderer! He was gonna walk on the murder of Julie Sayer. He was gonna walk because of me! It was eating me up, Ed. I had to make it right. I had to balance the scales.

Kenneth: Planting the knife was wrong. What I did was wrong. I was trying to do right, but now I see the ends didn't justify the means.
Jack: I'm sure you understand people may view whatever testimony you'd offer against Walter Grimes with a certain amount of skepticism.
Kenneth: I made one mistake twenty years ago.
Jack: Since then?
Kenneth: I've told the truth and played by the rules.
Rodney: [standing up as Jack sits down] Have you?
Kenneth: Yes.
Rodney: "One mistake." You admit you framed my client for the murder of Leanne Testa.
Kenneth: I admit to framing him for one murder because he committed another; the one he's on trial for here.
Rodney: You don't get to be judge and jury this time, Mr. Daniels.
Kenneth: He confessed to me that he killed Julie Sayer.
Rodney: A confession you beat out of him. Which mistake do you regret, beating my client or planting evidence against him?
Kenneth: Both.
Rodney: So that's two mistakes.