The Best Major Strat Quotes

[the assassin Alexander Ventlos has knocked out Rollin and disguised himself as Rollin, who is disguised as a heart surgeon, in order to assassinate Rojak, whom the IMF have given a faked heart attack. Strat delivers the passwords to open the sealed doors]
Major: Ah, doctor, I'll open the doors for you. January, suborbital, denomination.
Dr. Taber: Well, Doctor, what do you think? Do you think we can make a temporary life support system?
[Ventlos merely shakes his head, as he does not know how to do Rollin's voice, and Phelps looks at him suspiciously]
James: [whispering] Is something wrong? Why the injection, Rollin?
[Ventlos turns to him, holding a syringe, and Phelps realizes it isn't Rollin]
James: It's Ventlos!