The Best Maria Quotes

Lucas: [Trembling and distraught, after he and Maria have managed to take refuge on a tree in the rushing wave] I thought I was a brave kid, Mum...! I'm scared!
Maria: [Equally shaken, moves closer to embrace Lucas] Shhh...!
[whispers into his ear]
Maria: I'm scared, too...!
Lucas: [Anxious] Is it over...?
[Maria is looking around]
Lucas: Is it over...?
Maria: [Looks around nervously as the wave recedes] I don't know...! I don't know...!

Maria: You're so bossy.
Lucas: I wonder who I take after.

Henry: Did you set the alarm before we left?
Maria: Yeah, it was the last thing I did.
Henry: No, I was the last one to leave. I was the last one to leave, and I'm sure I didn't set it.
Maria: No darling, I was the last one out, and I did. I promise.
Henry: You sure?
Maria: Yup.
Henry: K.
Henry: [after a long pause] No, no, I was the last one, 'cause I went back in, and that means the alarm is not set, 'cause I didn't set it.
Maria: Well, um, I guess that means we'll be coming home to a large bunch of hippies sleeping in our bed.
Henry: What, just like your old college days?

Maria: Lucas, look at this place. They're so busy in here. You get to go and do something. Go help people. You're good at it.

Bellhop: And you, you don't work?
Maria: I'm a doctor. I'm not practicing right now. Just taking care of the kids.
Bellhop: I see, you got promoted.