The Best Lo imposible Quotes

Bellhop: And you, you don't work?
Maria: I'm a doctor. I'm not practicing right now. Just taking care of the kids.
Bellhop: I see, you got promoted.

Maria: You're so bossy.
Lucas: I wonder who I take after.

Lucas: [Trembling and distraught, after he and Maria have managed to take refuge on a tree in the rushing wave] I thought I was a brave kid, Mum...! I'm scared!
Maria: [Equally shaken, moves closer to embrace Lucas] Shhh...!
[whispers into his ear]
Maria: I'm scared, too...!
Lucas: [Anxious] Is it over...?
[Maria is looking around]
Lucas: Is it over...?
Maria: [Looks around nervously as the wave recedes] I don't know...! I don't know...!

Henry: Did you set the alarm before we left?
Maria: Yeah, it was the last thing I did.
Henry: No, I was the last one to leave. I was the last one to leave, and I'm sure I didn't set it.
Maria: No darling, I was the last one out, and I did. I promise.
Henry: You sure?
Maria: Yup.
Henry: K.
Henry: [after a long pause] No, no, I was the last one, 'cause I went back in, and that means the alarm is not set, 'cause I didn't set it.
Maria: Well, um, I guess that means we'll be coming home to a large bunch of hippies sleeping in our bed.
Henry: What, just like your old college days?

[last lines]
Title: This story is based upon the true story of María, Quique, Lucas, Tomás and Simón.

Henry: [to his young son] But you know, you know, the most scary bit for me?
Thomas: When the water hit?
Henry: No. After that, when I came up, I was on my own. That was the scariest part. And when I saw the two of you clinging to the tree, I didn't feel so scared anymore. I knew I wasn't on my own. You see?

Maria: Lucas, look at this place. They're so busy in here. You get to go and do something. Go help people. You're good at it.

[first lines]
Title: On December 26th, 2004, the deadliest tsunami on record hit the South East Coast of Asia. The lives of countless families all over the world changed forever. This is the true story of one of those families.

Old: Some of those stars have been burnt out for a long, long time. They're dead, but once they were so bright that their light is still travelling through space. We can still see them.
Lucas: How can you tell which one is dead and which one is not?
Old: No, you can't, it's impossible. It's a beautiful mystery, isn't it?