The Best Mark Hamill Quotes

Mark: Congratulations on your wedding.
Sheldon: Thank you. When this is over, I have 4,000 things for you to sign.

Mark: Hey, thanks, everybody. You know, I'm here today as Luke Skywalker, but I'm also here to talk about Sprint. As you can see here, you stand up to save up to seventeen cents a month over the more dependable providers.
Database: Aw, talk about Star Wars.
Crowd: Yeah, Yeah!
Homer: You stupid nerds! He's trying to save you money on long distance!

Mark: Homer, use the for...
Homer: The Force?
Mark: The forks, use the forks!
Homer: Oh...

Howard: Hey, uh, the bride and groom seem to be running a little behind. Do you think you could stall?
Mark: Stall? How?
Howard: Hey, everybody! Uh, it's gonna be a few more minutes, but while we wait, does anyone have any questions about "Star Wars"?
[a good majority of the wedding guests raise their hands]
Howard: You got this.

Bernadette: What the hell is that?
Howard: Come on, you know this one. It's a... dog. I found him in the back yard. Don't worry, I already called the owner.
Bernadette: Good, 'cause we don't need a dog. We already have two babies, you and Stuart.
Howard: [the doorbell rings] That's probably him.
[opening the door, he's stunned to see Mark Hamill]
Mark: Hi.
Howard: I'm gonna need a minute.
[he shuts the door]
Howard: [in a high-pitched fanboy shriek] That's Mark Hamill!

Mark: We're here to celebrate the marriage of Sheldon Lee Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler. I had more prepared, but I'm just gonna skip to the rings and vows, since I've been answering your questions for forty-five minutes.
Stuart: [quietly to Denise, derisively] Yeah, he answered 'em.

Mark: Do you... do you...
[chokes up]
Wil: Hey, I'm just sayin', I'm here if you need me.
Mark: No no no, I got this... Amy, do you take Sheldon for your lawful wedded husband?

Mark: Homer, use the forrr...
Homer: The force?
Mark: The forks. Use the forks.
Homer: Oh.

Amy: Sheldon, when I was a little girl, I used to dream about my wedding. But, eventually, I stopped, because I thought that day would never come. And then I met you. From the first moment in that coffee shop, I knew that there was something special between us, even though I did work on a study that disproved love at first sight.
Sheldon: I loved that study the moment I read it. Ironic, huh?
Amy: Clearly, it was wrong. Because I felt something that day, and those feelings have only gotten stronger with time. I can't imagine loving you more than I do right now. But I felt that way yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that.
Sheldon: Is that growth linear or accelerating?
Amy: Accelerating.
Sheldon: Oh, maybe we could graph it out.
Leonard: Save something for the honeymoon.
Sheldon: Smart.
Amy: Sheldon, I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I've never been happier than I am in this moment marrying you.
Mark: [choking up] Well, that was unexpectedly beautiful. I might need a minute.

Mark: We are gathered here today in the sight of family, friends, and Almighty God.
Sheldon: Oh, that's too religious.
Mark: That lady over there made me say it.
Mary: [Sheldon and Amy turn to look at her] He heard you, and He can't un-hear you.

Mark: Then by the power vested in me by, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Mark: [singing to the tune of "Luck Be a Lady", dressed as Luke Skywalker] Luke, be a Jedi tonight. Just be a Jedi tonight. Do it for Yoda while we serve our guests some soda. And... uh... do it for Chewie and the Ewoks. And all the other puppets. Luke, be a Jedi tonight.

Mark: Hey, pal, that's my face up there next to the pepper steak, and don't you forget it.
Louie: You're all talk, Hamill. You never even finished Jedi school.

Mark: Thank you so much for finding this guy. Oh, my goodness. Hey, Bark. How are you, buddy?
Howard: Y-Your dog's name is Bark?
Mark: Yeah.
Howard: Bark Hamill?
Mark: Yeah. Well, I let the fans name him online. I got lucky, though. He was almost Honey Baked Hamill. Anyway, thank you so much. I-I want to give you a reward for finding him.
Howard: Oh, no, I couldn't take your money. It's just an honor to meet you.
Mark: No. No, please. You don't know what this dog means to me, and I thought he was gone for good. Please? There must be something I can do for you. Anything.
Howard: Oh, you're gonna regret that.

George: Hey, uh, I got a question. Why aren't there tires on any of those "Star Wars" vehicles?
Mark: I'm sure some of them had tires.
Stuart: Uh, actually, they don't. I mean, the HAVw A5 turbo tank has metal gripping wheels, but I wouldn't call them tires.
Denise: You are so hot.

Raj: When you were on the, uh, Wookie home planet, how did you even understand what they were saying?
Mark: I don't remember ever being on a Wookie home planet.
Stuart: Uh, actually, Luke was on the Wookie home planet, Kashyyyk, in the "Holiday Special" when he helped Chewie get home to his wife.
Mark: Chewie had a wife?
Stuart: Her name's Malla.
Denise: Wow, that's impressive.
Stuart: [self-appreciative] Yeah.

Wil: So, we finally meet.
Mark: I'm sorry, who are you?
Wil: I'm Wil Wheaton. I was supposed to officiate this wedding. I was up all night preparing these notes.
Mark: [taking the notebook] Well, thanks so much. It's gonna be a great help.