The Best Nia Quotes

Nia: So, who am I paired with, Stan?
Stan: [Looks at Jarod] Moe.

Nia: And before the Rangers?
Jarod: A test pilot, Thoracic Surgeon, Lt. Commander on a destroyer... the usual. And what did you do before you became an outfitter?
Nia: Astronaut, Olympic skater, Nobel Prize winner... the usual.

Stan: So Forest, where did you do your mountain training?
Jarod: In the mountains, mostly.
Stan: Yeah. No, seriously, where were you stationed? Fort Lewis?
Jarod: You were in the Army too?
Stan: Fifteen years. You ever come across a Sgt. Tripcheck? A Ranger instructor at Benning?
Jarod: Sounds familiar.
Nia: He's lying, Stan. He's really one of the Stooges.
Stan: You two know each other?
Nia: We ran into each other once.

Nia: Disturbance in the Force?
Jarod: Uhhh, the Force?
Nia: Obi-Wan Kenobi?
[Jarod looks at Nia in confusion]
Nia: Star Wars?
Jarod: The Satellite Missile Defense System?