30 Best Ofelia Salazar Quotes

[first lines]
Man: [in a flashback we see the young Daniel Salazar standing in a river filled with dead bodies, as a man speaks to him in Spanish] Take the gun, Daniel.
Ofelia: [when Daniel and Ofelia wake up to a gunshot in the distance] Did you hear that? What's going on?
Daniel: Don't talk. Get your shoes.

[Ofelia Salazar tells her father Daniel Salazar that Chris shouldn't be around Reed]
Ofelia: He should be upstairs.
Daniel: He wants to be useful, stay busy. So...
Ofelia: [Ofelia in Spanish] What happened?
Daniel: So the mind doesn't go places it shouldn't.

[Ofelia makes out with Pvt. Andrew Adams outside the fence]
Man: 3-2 Echo, this is Bravo Actual. Standing by for a sit-rep, over? 3-2 Echo, this is Bravo Actual. Standing by for a sit-rep, over?
Ofelia: Don't you have to get that?
Andrew: They'll leave a message.
[Ofelia laughs as the two continue to kiss]

[Daniel Salazar sees that Ofelia Salazar's shoulder is getting infected]
Ofelia: I can ask Madison for some stronger medicine.
Daniel: No. We take care of ourselves.
Ofelia: What do you suggest we do? Go to Walgreens? Pretty sure they're closed.

[Ofelia Salazar tries to tell her parents that Travis and Madison's families are good people]
Ofelia: [Ofelia in Spanish] Mama... these are good people.
Daniel: Good people are the first ones to die.

[in a flashback, Griselda Salazar tells Ofelia what true love is]
Griselda: [in Spanish] We come from a hard place. We suffered together... we survived together.
Ofelia: [in Spanish] You left so much.
Griselda: [in Spanish] I left nothing. You were everything... we came here for you. The violence... the blood... you cannot imagine what we saw. Nor do I want you to. Your father is still woken by nightmares... we didn't want that life for you. To have the horrors of the world... infect your dreams. To live in fear. I would've done anything for you... just as I would have done anything for your father. That is love.

[Ofelia Salazar tells Nick that she's starting to get used to cleaning blood]
Ofelia: Think I'm actually starting to get used to this.
Nick: Please don't.
Ofelia: It's what we do now. Spill blood, clean it up, spill it again.

[Ofelia Salazar tries to plead with her parents to leave with Travis and Madison's families]
Ofelia: Tell me what you're afraid of?
Daniel: Nothing.
Ofelia: You're being stubborn, paranoid. You're hurting Mama.
Daniel: [Daniel in Spanish] I'm protecting her and you.
Ofelia: She needs the nurse. I know Travis will let us go with them if we ask.
Daniel: Once they're gone, I will go out, get a doctor. He will come and treat your mother.
Ofelia: How? Where are you going to find a doctor.
Griselda: [Griselda in Spanish] Your father and I have been in worse situations. And we're still alive.

[Ofelia Salazar talks to Daniel Salazar about his torture background]
Ofelia: You lied to me my whole life.
Daniel: I protected you your whole life.
Ofelia: [Ofelia in Spanish] Does mama know?
Ofelia: [Daniel remains silent] I thought you were the victim.
Daniel: Would you rather that be true?

[Ofelia Salazar tells Chris there's still girls on the planet for him]
Ofelia: There are still girls on this planet.
Chris: That's what I'm banking on?
Ofelia: [Ofelia smiles] Yes.
Chris: Other girls left on this planet?
Ofelia: Yeah. Somewhere out there.

[Ofelia Salazar peels the flesh off from her cheek while looking at her father Daniel Salazar]
Ofelia: Is it bad?

[Ofelia Salazar questions Victor Strand about San Diego after they find the Leigh Anne ship's logbook]
Ofelia: I thought you said San Diego was safe?
Victor: I wouldn't take this as gospel.

[Nick gives advice to Ofelia for her gun wound]
Nick: Hey, if you put ointment directly on the - the pad, then cover it, it hurts less.
Ofelia: Thanks.
Nick: And ice is good for the pain.
Nick: [as the two are walking off] And vodka. Lots of vodka.

[Ofelia tells Strand that she was almost married once]
Ofelia: You know, I was almost married once.
Victor: Who was the lucky guy?
Ofelia: His name was William. He was a good man.
Victor: Couldn't have been that good.
Victor: [Ofelia looks over to Strand] You said almost.

[Nick sits beside Ofelia Salazar while still covered in the infected blood]
Ofelia: Nick, you smell like death.
[when Nick smiles, handing Ofelia a Rosary that he found in the luggage]

[Madison and the group drive up the beach to the Rosarito Beach Hotel]
Madison: Nothing's moved.
Victor: The place will be picked clean.
Ofelia: It could be crawling.
Alicia: Better indoors than out.

[Madison gets ready to leave the safe zone with her family when she see's a neighbor walking a dog]
Ofelia: What?
Madison: My neighbors don't know.
Ofelia: [Ofelia scoffs] They did nothing when they came for us.

[in a flashback, Griselda Salazar tells Ofelia how she knew Ofelia's father was the one]
Ofelia: [in Spanish] How did you choose him? Why?
Griselda: [in Spanish] God whispered to me about this man... I listened.
Ofelia: [Ofelia smiles] Mama.
Griselda: [in Spanish] I fell in love.

[Ofelia Salazar tells her father Daniel Salazar that it's good to understand this world]
Ofelia: I'm starting to understand this world better.
Daniel: After all your mother and I did to try to protect you from a certain life, this is not the world that you were supposed to know.
Ofelia: It's okay. It's good. Understanding this world, it helps me understand you. It's cruel.

[in a flashback, Will tells Ofelia that he'll talk to her father for her hand in marriage]
Will: I'll ask him. I should ask him. I should ask him for your hand.
Ofelia: [Ofelia chuckles] No. If you ask for my hand, he's gonna take yours.

[Alicia tells Ofelia that hope is all they have]
Ofelia: You know, my father, he was always one step behind hope. I see that now.
Alicia: Then Daniel was wrong. That's all we have. We lose that and we're dead.
Alicia: [Ofelia starts to cry] I'm sorry. You have me. For what it's worth, you know? We're your family now.
Ofelia: Family is family.

[Alicia and the group return to find the Abigail yacht missing]
Alicia: What now?
Ofelia: We walk into the sea.

[Ofelia and Strand walk into the empty room of a marriage reception]
Ofelia: Happiest day of somebody's life.
Victor: Until it wasn't.

[Ofelia and Alicia enter one of the hotel floors]
Ofelia: God, I hate hotels. Oh, they creep me out.
Alicia: The dead walk the earth and it's hotels that creep you out?
Ofelia: I think it's the carpets.

[Alicia asks Ofelia about the infected walker they found hanging from a shower head]
Alicia: Why do you think he gave up?
Ofelia: What?
Alicia: That man. I'd have tried, like, 50 different things before I would have.
Ofelia: Maybe he was tired.
Alicia: Tired of what?
Ofelia: Surviving.

[Lt. Moyers gives an announcement to the families on the street]
Lt. Moyers: All right, command asked that I read from the following.
Lt. Moyers: [Moyers begins reading from the clipboard] Be advised the DZ remains off-limits while Hazmat teams dispose of any bio-hazardous material.
Neighbor: What bio-hazardous material?
Lt. Moyers: Hey, I'm supposed to read this, you're supposed to listen, okay?
Neighbor: When will you get the phones up?
Lt. Moyers: Anyone attempting to compromise or circumvent the perimeter of this camp will be detained.
Neighbor: Are we being relocated?
Lt. Moyers: Sir, this is a secure position, so, no, you're going to stay put. Curfew will remain in effect until further notice. The new health screening policy will continue. Sanitation, water treatment, and other services will return as we approach total containment.
Ofelia: Sir, we need medicine. What about that?
Lt. Moyers: We are working on that, so keep boiling that water. You will also find several iodine tablets in your weekly rations.

[Ofelia and Alicia enter one of the hotel rooms]
Ofelia: Well, minibar's down to peanuts. Guess they were allergic.

[Ofelia Salazar prepares to talk to her mother over a candle as Nick stands at her side]
Ofelia: When was the last time you were in a church?
Nick: [Nick hesitates to answer] Can't remember.

[first lines]
Ofelia: [Ofelia drives along when the engine to her vehicle sputters and hisses] Come on, come on! Damn it.

[in a flashback, Will proposes to Ofelia over dinner]
Will: Careful, it's not a worm.
Ofelia: [Ofelia sees a ring in her wine glass] Holy shit. Will, you got all serious on me.
Will: I don't want to do this without you.