The Best Officer Callahan Quotes

Officer: Well, here's your APBs, Interdepartmental communiques, your directives, your our assorted official garbage. Oh, yeah !

Capt. Barney Miller: Hello Callahan , what do we got today ?
Officer: Ah, the usual... the usual. We got your bulletins, we got your hot sheets. So that's the way it is, huh ?
Capt. Barney Miller: What way is that ?
Officer: I mean, we're all sitting ducks , trapped here on the island
Capt. Barney Miller: It's better than the South Bronx

Officer: Okay, what's the book say ?
Det. Stan 'Wojo' Wojciehowicz: The book don't say nothing about getting people out ! It says to put them down in the subways
Officer: You can't get no 11 million people in the subways
Det. Sgt. Nick Yemana: You can at 5 o' clock

Officer: You think you got a future one minute, and the next thing you know, they drop one of those H-bombs on your head, and that's all she wrote. Damn it, I should have bought one of that cabin in Jersey.
Capt. Barney Miller: I wouldn't worry about it Callahan? If we're ground zero, everything from here to Philadelphia goes
Officer: How far has a guy got to go ?
Det. Ron Harris: Detroit... .
Officer: Really ?
Det. Ron Harris: Yeah. That's why General Motors picked that place, man. They can't be risking all them cars.