The Best Paul Quotes

Jimmy: What if you invited Meg and her family to Vegas to celebrate with you?
Paul: What are you, nuts? Meg's barely talking to me, and Mason is ten years old. What's he gonna do, gamble and whore?
Sean: Hey, Vegas is for families now.
Jimmy: So what he's saying is you and your grandson could gamble and whore together.
Paul: He'd never be able to keep up. I go hard.

Brian: Oh my God, these kids look so young!
Paul: At our age, everybody looks young.
Brian: 'Our' age? We are not peers!

Paul: Come on, kiddo. You don't get to dictate how other people grieve. So Gabby puts on a brave face. Who gives a shit? Me, I gotta kick and scream for awhile before I face the truth, but then I face it like a hero. But you, who knows how you grieve? You haven't even begun.
Jimmy: What are you talking about? I've been grieving for a fucking year.
Paul: No. You've been numbing. Drugs, booze, women.
Jimmy: I told you that I stopped all that.
Paul: Yeah, but you replaced it with being overly involved in your patients' lives.

Paul: Hey. Morning. You a potato girl?
Gaby: No, Paul. I am a strong, Black, potato woman.

Paul: First you Raw Dog me at the store! Now you're Raw Dogging me in my office!
Liz: Would you please stop saying "Raw Dog."
Paul: I'll say whatever the hell I want.
Liz: [Turning to Jimmy] Tell him what "Raw Dog" means.
Jimmy: [Stammering] Sex without a Condom.
Paul: Alright, I'll stop saying it.

Dr. Julie Baram: Blood work looks good. Ah, your cholesterol has gone up a smidge. Do you remember that talk we had about eating healthier?
Paul: I do. I ignored it.
Dr. Julie Baram: Terrific.

Paul: I told you not to go down that path with your patients, and you did anyway. Fine. It doesn't mean I have to go with you. I'm not going to talk to you about any of it.
Jimmy: But you will talk to me about potatoes.
Paul: All day long. Enjoy them spuds, bud. Boil 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em, rub 'em together and make a fire. I don't care.
Jimmy: Maybe I'll just eat 'em like an apple, Paul.

Brian: I'm an attorney. You know she's underage, right?
Chet: No, no, you told me you were 19!
Jimmy: Yeah? Well she's 12.
Chet: What?
Alice: I'm not 12.
Jimmy: [as everyone leaves] You coming, Paul?
Paul: I'm not done scaring him yet.
[Intensely stares Chet down. Chet gulps]
Paul: There it is. Good night, Chet.

Paul: Are we done now?
Jimmy: Only if you're going to listen to me.
Paul: Well, then, we're in a tricky spot.

Paul: Morning. What are you guys up to?
Sean: Doing the work. Like you said.
Paul: How's that going?
Sean: It sucked donkey dick.
Paul: I just told my daughter about the Parkinson's.
Sean: How did it go?
Paul: Well, she's flying down here next week to make sure I get the best possible care. So it's kinda donkey dick-ish.

Gaby: Do you know what percentage of yourself is water?
Paul: I know what percentage of me doesn't give a shit.