The Best Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 15 Quotes

Detective: Wait a minute, you're telling me that 911 gets over 11,000 butt dials a day?

- and, no doubt, dangerous when cornered.
- So basically, Finch, he's you.
- If you were evil.
- I hardly welcome the comparison,
- Ms. Shaw.
- Please hurry. This man kidnapped a child to help a killer.
- And he'll succeed if Sandra deletes those calls.
- What, you need a new suit?

- What the hell?
- I thought the elevator was locked.
- We gotta defuse that bomb.
- Hey. There is no "dead" in "team."
- So, instead of going all
- Charles Bronson on me, let me clear the way.

Man: Creepy down here, isn't it?
- All right.
- Find the backup generator switch and shut it off.
- Nicely done, Sandra.
- Just one more task to perform.
- Let's go to the server room.

- Ms. Shaw, I do hope you're closing in on our mystery caller because he's proving to be quite elusive.
- There's no evidence that he's broken into the camera feeds, yet he's somehow able to watch Sandra's every move.
- Thanks to the GPS coordinates you sent me, I've got eyes on his car.
- And in a minute,
- I'll have eyes on him.

- You'd never guess what he'd been through.
- Kids are resilient creatures.
- As are adults, if they have the right friends.
- My deepest thanks to both of you for a job well done.
- Well, not quite done.
- If you still wanna find the guy, maybe these could help.

- it does my heart good to know that you're out there.
- Likewise, Harold.
- I should get to work.
- Before you leave, there was something
- I'd like to show you.
- Nice hit, Aaron.
- Is that him?
- I wanted to offer you the one thing that 911 operators never get.
- Closure.

Man: Don't blame yourself.
- You did everything you could.
- Don't do this, I'm begging you...
- I'm sorry, Sandra.
- It's too late for Aaron, and for you as well.
- Though, of course, eliminating you was always part of the plan.
Man: It was a genuine pleasure speaking with you, Sandra.
- Goodbye.

- before I set that bomb off, starting now.
- Do it!
- Or the next dispatch call you make will be to have officers pick up the pieces of what's left of that boy's body.
- Do you understand me now,
- Sandra?

- Sandra's earned her life as far as I'm concerned.
- And at this point, harming Aaron would be counter-productive.
- You, however, are another story entirely.
- I ll be seeing you.
- What did he say?
- Nothing of any consequence.

- Congratulations.
- Yeah, you too.
- I'd say we make a pretty good team, don't you think?
- We ain't a team.
- What, are you gonna stand there all day?
- Get yourself a cup of coffee and get back to work.
- I can't help you solve all your cases.

- It could take 15 minutes for an entire day, and to do that,
- I need an elite admin code.
- Only the head of it has it on a key fob that...
- Then stop wasting time, and go get that code!
- While you do that,
- I'll stay here and find that call.
- And remember, keep me out of your line of sight.

- and an innocent child, you have shut down a 911 call center in one of the more dangerous cities in the country.
- So now, there are two things that will keep me from ending your life right now.
- First, I want you to drop the gun.

- Any idea why he'd single her out?
- Could be a grudge.
- One of Sandra's 911 calls gone bad.
- Doesn't explain the kid, though.
- Why would Sandra's number come up, if Aaron's the one in danger?
- If the machine gave us
- Sandra's number, her fate and Aaron's are entwined.

- Are you all right?
- Fine. Thanks.
- Finch: Why would he send her to shut down the backup generator?
- Can I help you, Sandra?
- I'm such a klutz.
- I think I dropped an earring back there this morning.
- Is there any way I could go in and take a look?
- Just sign in.

- Reese: Swing as hard as you can.
- Now.
- I did it.
- Yeah, you did.
- Got the last kidnapper.
- You figure out which one was behind all this?
- Yeah. None of them.
- Then, he's still out there.

- Second, I need to hear the sound of your voice.
- Please. I just work for the guy.
- I don't even know his name.
- Finch: Sandra, get his weapon.

- and you're gonna tell them to let him go.
- Wait. He was just supposed to get rid of the call.
- He never said anything about...
- Who? Who'd you hire?
- I don't know.
- Ron told me what he'd done.
- I found someone who could get rid of the problem.
- How do you call it off?
- I never asked.

- You're Aaron, right?
- I'm here to help.
- There's an exit down there.
- Sandra! [Gunfire]

- Mr. Reese, Ms. Shaw, he may not be our number, but...
- We got it, Finch.
- We're on our way.
- Sandra, they're breaking through the door.
- Is there any place you can hide?
- There's a crawlspace behind the panel in my closet.
- Perfect. Go there now.

- We do what he asks, the money shows up in an account.
- Reese: Yeah,
- I'm gonna make this simple.
- You're gonna tell us where you're holding the boy.
- No way. [Speaks Spanish]
- You're going to have to shoot me.
- That won't be necessary.

- Tara was found on her right side.
- These bruises are on the left.
- And look, forensics found industrial carpet fibers stuck in the wound.
- But she wasn't wrapped up in any carpet.
- Body was moved.
- This isn't a mugging at all.
- Let's get to work.
- Show me what else you got.
- Uh, yeah.

Harold: Please be careful. The man we're looking for is highly intelligent, resourceful, and no doubt dangerous when cornered.
Sameen: So basically, Finch, he's you. If you were evil.
Harold: I hardly welcome the comparison, Miss Shaw.

Aaron: Okay, Sandra, I'm in.
- Okay, you're doing great, Aaron.
- Now I want you to stay super quiet, not a sound.

Sameen: There is no dead in team.

- Good to meet you both.
- Tara was one of our top young executives.
- We intend to help in any way we can.
- You know what would be really helpful?
- If you could get us a copy of the security footage of Tara's last day at work.

- Don't.
- It's protocol.
- During a blackout, we're all supposed to exit through the front.
- Which is exactly what the man who called you will be waiting for.
- Is there another way out?
- Follow me.
- Vamonos. Let's go.

John: We gotta defuse that bomb.
Sameen: Hey. There is no dead in team, so instead of going all Charles Bronson on me, let me clean the way.

- I'm on it.
- I'll see if I can track down the cartel.
- Fusco: Looks like your dead girl worked at a private equity firm.
- Let's go check out her office.
- We'll run the usual tests.
- But first glance?
- Carpet fibers aren't a match.
- Your girl wasn't killed in her office.

- I'm sorry, pal. With the whole hr takedown, hit the force pretty hard.
- The whole department's under scrutiny.
- So, unless you got a court order,
- I guess I'm gonna have to say "no."
- Understood.
- I thank you for your time, detective.
- And as for your newfound popularity, you've earned it.
- Yeah.

Sameen: Would you really want someone to call 911 and get me?

John: I don't know Finch, maybe we should get Fusco to question those squirrels?
Sameen: Reese is right, could be a whole rodent carjacking ring.
Harold: Keeping entertained are we?

Man: Unit 1234 arriving on scene.
- We have eyes on the car.
- We 7! Take it from here.
- All right, Jackie.
- Rescue team's on the way.
- She's good.
- At handling other people's emergencies.
- I wonder how she'll hold up when she's faced with one of her own.

- You must not care about Aaron at all.
- Just like you didn't care about little Joseph 20 years ago.
- Joseph.
Man: With the right resources, you can access anything, even sealed juvenile records.
- The question is, are you doomed to make the same mistake twice?

- I apologize for calling you on your personal cell phone, but for what we 're about to do together,
- I need you mobile.
- And what are we about to do?
Man: Anything I say.
- You see,
- I've just taken this boy hostage, and unless you follow my instructions precisely, little Aaron is going to die.

- Yeah, but I'm not a very good hitter.
- I used to have the same problem.
- You know what helped?
- Every night, I'd close my eyes.
- Imagine myself hitting one out of the park.
- I realized it was all about timing.
- Wanna give it a try? Go ahead.