The Best Professor Oxley Quotes

[last lines]
Professor: Well done, Henry!
Indiana: Thanks, Ox.

Professor: How much of human life is lost in waiting?

Indiana: Oxley? Ox, it's me, Indy. Ox? Ox, you're faking it, right?
Professor: "Through eyes that last I saw in tears..."
Indiana: Ox, listen to me, pal. Your name is Harold Oxley. You were born in Leeds, England. You and I went to school together at the University of Chicago. And you were never *this* interesting.

Indiana: Where'd they go? Space?
Professor: Not into space. Into the space between spaces.

Mutt: Mom!
Indiana: Honey!
Mac: Slow down!
Indiana: Honey! Stop, we're gonna go the cliff!
Marion: That's the idea!
Indiana: Bad idea; give me the wheel!
Marion: Trust me!
[Steps on gas]
Marion: [Mutt screems]
[Car lands in tree, and Marion smiles and steps on gas, drives down into the river, and tree flys up and hits Russian soldiers, and some of them fall]
Indiana: Don't ever do that again!
Marion: Yes, dear!
Professor: Three times it drops! The way down...
Indiana: Reverse! Put it in reverse! Reverse! Reverse!
[Go off water]
Indiana: [Everyone screems]
Indiana: [Coughing] Three times it drops?
Professor: Three times it drops!
Mutt: He means by land?
Marion: Oh, what does he mean?
Indiana: He means one... two...
[Go off another waterfall]
Indiana: [Coughing] ... Three!
[Takes off hat]
Indiana: [Go off biggest waterfall]
Indiana: [Marion still holding wheel with no truck!] Marion! Marion!
[Pulls wheel out of her hands]
Professor: Through eyes at last I saw in tears...
Mutt: ...the golden vision reapears! Through eyes... through eyes in tears! We gotta go through that waterfall!
Indiana: The skull has to be returned! I'll do it! No one else has to come!
Mutt: Who cares! It's brought us nothing but trouble!
[Pointing at Ox]
Mutt: Look what it did to him!
Indiana: I have to return it!
Marion: Why you?
Indiana: Because it told me to!

Marion: What the hell is that?
Professor: A portal! A pathway to another dimension!
Indiana: I don't think we want to go that way.

Indiana: Why don't you stick around, Junior?
Mutt: [chuckles] I don't know. Why didn't you, Dad?
Professor: Dad!
[gives Indy a questioning look]
Professor: Dad?
Indiana: Somewhere your grandpa is laughing.