50 Best Raya and the Last Dragon Quotes

Raya: Yeah, I knew you couldn't handle rolling solo. You're nothing without your band.

Boun: Thank you for the new customers.
Raya: Yeah, I promised them some congee.
Boun: Well, we're stuck with them for a while. Ongis have nine stomachs!

Namaari: Here, I was worried you were going to end up becoming a cat lady... like me.

Boun: We have shrimp, we have congee, we have shrimp congee that just won't quit...

Sisu: [referring to Noi] Oh, that's so sweet. Okay, that's too much sweet!

Sisu: I... am... so hungry.
Raya: I have some jerky.
Sisu: Not that hungry.

Tong: Why are you here, divine water dragon?
Sisu: Isn't that obvious, big guy? My girl, Raya, and I are gonna fix the world! Bring everyone back!

Raya: What if someone saw you?
Sisu: Who, Captain Pop-and-Lock? What's he going to do, challenge me to a dance battle?

Raya: Remind me never to have kids.

Raya: You... are... Sisu.
Sisu: And you're... people.

Sisu: I'm going to be real with you, alright? I'm not like the best dragon, you know?
Raya: But you saved the world.
Sisu: I did do that. That's true. But have you ever done like a group project, but there's like that one kid who didn't pitch in as much, but still ended up with the same grade? Yeah, I wasn't the one who actually made the gem. I just turned it in.

Raya: Note to self: Don't die.

Benja: I'm going to open with a joke.
Raya: Please don't.
Benja: I'm kidding.

Namaari: I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
Raya: [screams] Liar!
Namaari: I don't care if you don't trust me. Sisu did. But you didn't trust her. That's why we're here. Do whatever you want, but you're as much to blame for Sisu's death as I am.

Sisu: Wow. So many questions. First one: Why am I wearing this?
Raya: Well, we don't want to attract attention.
Sisu: Oh, you definitely chose the right hat for that.

Boun: How hot do you want it? We have hot, really hot, and "Boom goes the dynamite!"
Sisu: Bring on the heat!

Boun: If this is poison, you're gonna die happy!

Sisu: It may feel impossible, but sometimes you just have to take the first step, even before you're ready.

Sisu: Ooh! This beetle's got a booty!
Raya: Careful! It's a toot-n-boom.
Sisu: Why is it called a...?
[Raya pulls Sisu away from the beetle just after it farts and then explodes]
Sisu: Got it. Noted. Makes sense. You have to admit, though, these bug booties are kind of cute.

Sisu: That's what I keep trying to tell my girl, Raya. She's like, You can't trust anyone. Don't talk to people. I only eat terrible foods I dried myself.

Benja: Don't mistake spirit for skill, young one. I promise you will not set fut on the gem's inner circle. Not even a toe.
Raya: You might want to take out that blade. You're gonna need it.
Benja: Not today.

Raya: Actually, Sisu, I think we're going to go with your plan.
Sisu: What? My plan? You're going with my plan?
Raya: Yeah.
Sisu: Alright! You're not going to regret this. But we're gonna need a really good gift. What do you think she's into? Cats? Knives? Cats with knives? Knives with little cats on them?

Tong: I too wish to join this fellowship of Druun buttkickery.

Sisu: Also, you broke the gem!
Raya: But I still have a big chunk of it though.
Sisu: Is that supposed to make me feel better? If you lost a puppy, and I said, well, we still have a big chunk of it. Would that make you feel better?

Raya: I'd say we've found the Tail chief.
Sisu: What happened to her?
Raya: From the looks of it, she was hording the gem and became a victim of her own traps.
Sisu: Well, you gotta admire her commitment.

[first lines]
Raya: I know what you're thinking. A lone rider. A distopian world. A land that's gone to waste. How did this world get so broken? Well, that all began 500 years ago. Kumandra. This is what we used to be when our land was whole, and we lived harmoniously alongside dragons, magical creatures who brought us water, and rain, and peace. It was paradise. But then, the druun came. A mindless plague that spread like wildfire. Multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touched into stone. The dragons fought for us the best they could, but it wasn't enough. That's when the mighty Sisu Datuu, the last dragon, concentrated all her magic into a gem and blasted the druun away. Everyone that was turned to stone came back... except the dragons. All that was left of Sisu was her gem. It should have been this big inspirational moment where humanity united over her sacrifice, but instead, people being people, they all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic. Borders were drawn. Kumandra divided. We all became enemies, and the gem had to be hidden, but that's not how the world broke. That didn't truly happen until 500 years later when I came into the story.

Sisu: Is that food? I was so focused on saving the world, I forgot to have breakfast today.
Raya: Today? When exactly do you think today is?
Sisu: Tuesday.
[tries a bite of Raya's jerky]
Sisu: Yuck! I mean, mmm! What is this delightful culinary treat?
Raya: It's jackfruit jerky. I dried it myself.
Sisu: Well, compliments to the chef!
[to Tuk Tuk]
Sisu: Wanna finish this, Skippy?

Tong: Ah, it's good to breathe in your glorious dragon stench again.
Sisu: Okay, I'd take that as a compliment.

Raya: Really? A con baby?

Tong: I was born and bred to do only one thing: to invoke fear, and to crush the skulls of my enemies!
Sisu: That's actually two things.

Sisu: I love credit!

Sisu: Wow! What a smart way to Druun-proof your house! Built right on the water. People of Talon are geniuses.
Raya: Yeah, Talon may look nice, but it's a hotspot for pickpockets and con artists.
Sisu: Lucky for me, empty pockets!

Tong: You can't wait to get back to your family either, can't ya, Noi?
Raya: What did you just call her?
Tong: Noi! It's her name! It's written on her collar! You never saw that? And people think I'm the ruffian!

Sisu: Who's that?
Raya: That's Namaari, the back-stabbing binturi who broke the world.

Raya: [Raya and Tuk Tuk have just arrived at a damaged ship at a dead end] Six years of searching, and we end up at a literal shipwreck. That's not necessarily a bad thing, right?

Raya: The world is broken, you can't trust anyone.
Sisu: Maybe it's broken, because you don't trust anyone, you just have to take the first step.

Sisu: Here's my plan: We infiltrate Fang, confront Namaari, and offer her something nice and go, Wanna help us save the world? Cuz all it takes is one gem piece!
Namaari: [in Sisu's thoughts] Yes! I've been waiting for someone to offer me a gift! Here you go!
Sisu: [in her thoughts] Best friends forever!

Raya: What do cats and Druun have in common?
Sisu: Um... they have no souls!
Raya: And they are afraid of water.

Raya: Hold on.
[Sisu grabs onto Raya. She swings across the pit but stops midway. Turns out Sisu's hind legs were still perched on the edge of the cliff]
Sisu: Oh, we were doing a jumpy thing? So sorry. My bad. I get it now.

Raya: I have something to say... Who's hungry?

Raya: We have no interest in dragon gems.
[Tong shows Raya's bag, which contains the three dragon gems she collected so far]
Raya: Okay. I can see how that makes me look like a liar.
Sisu: Actually, I think it was the lying that made you look like a liar.

Namaari: You and the dragon are coming with me.
Raya: Hmm. My sword here says we're not.

Raya: My whole life, I trained to become a guardian of the Dragon Gem. But this world has changed, and its people are divided. Now to restore peace, I must find the Last Dragon. My name is Raya.

Sisu: This is delicious. By the way, not poison. But... it's haaaaa... it's haaaaa... it's hot! It's hot! It's really hot! Water! Water! Boun! Captain Boun? We need water on deck!

Raya: Run!
[notices Sisu is trying to run on all fours while in her human form]
Raya: Not like that! Two legs!

Raya: [Referring to Benja] I wonder if he'll even remember me. So much has changed.
Sisu: I know he will remember you.
Raya: You remind me of him.
Sisu: Oh yeah? Strong? Good looking? With impeccable hair?
Raya: Hopeful.

Namaari: You and the dragon gems are coming with me.
Raya: Hmm... my sword here says we're not.

Sisu: I just shape-changed! Into people!
Raya: Dragons can do that?
Sisu: This was my sister, Prani's, thing. Look at my people arms, and my people face. Look how close my butt is to my face!

Sisu: What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Raya: Uh, nothing. I'm just not used to seeing dragons.
Sisu: Impressed, huh? Wait 'til you see my backstroke! I'm wicked when I hit that liquid! I got water skills that kill! I slaughter when I hit the water! I'm like... really good at swimming... through rhyme. I was trying to make that... that I'm really good at swimming. I'm a really good swimmer... just basically.
Raya: Okay. We need to get going.

Raya: You touched this gem piece, and it gave you powers. You know what this means, right?
Sisu: I no longer need a nightlight?