The Best Richard Quotes

Killer: Who's the freak now, Bats?
Billy the Seal Boy: Who is he?
Killer: A nutcase in a mask. He's the one who put me in the tank.
Batman: Don't listen to him! His name's Killer Croc. He's dangerous!
Killer: [knocking him away] Quiet! Don't think you're gonna fool my friends, do you? They know my story. I'm one of them.
Richard: Yes, and his chains speak more eloquently than any words of yours.

May: What he said, it's not true, is it?
June: You're being square with us, aren't you, Croc?
Killer: Of course I am! I ain't the one who attacked big boy in his sleep, am I?
Billy the Seal Boy: What are we gonna do?
Killer: Get rid of him.
Richard: What do you mean?
Killer: If he gets loose, he'll bring 'em all down on us. No one's safe! The Bat's gotta go.

Killer: Stay out of this! This is between me and the Bat.
June: But you can't kill him.
May: He's still a human being.
Killer: Who are you calling human?
Billy the Seal Boy: Oh, Croc.
Richard: Alas, I fear that the chameleon has shown his true colors. I think you should leave, my friend. We've had enough of these shenanigans.

Richard: The evil that men do...
Killer: Stuff the Shakespeare. You're lucky you're still around to recite it.