The Best Sam Young Quotes

Jimmy: You sure nobody's going to find out about this? If my friends in the Tong hear that I'm talking about them to the cops...
Sam: This room's been swept for bugs, twice, and you've seen my security staff.
Jimmy: You don't know the Tong.
Sam: That's why you're here, Mr. Lin, so I can learn more about them. But if you'd prefer to face your tax evasion charges, I can arrange that, too.

Commissioner: I heard the D.A.'s office is plea-bargaining the Densmore case. Do you know how hard my men worked to...?
Sam: Uh-uh-uh, no shop talk after hours. You want to discuss my shortcomings as a D.A., call my office and make an appointment, Commissioner.
[Kisses her]

Barbara: Sam, honey, maybe you should take a break. You've been at it since 5:00 this morning.
Sam: [yawning] Can't be helped. Putting Cuvier out of business is going to mean a lot of long nights. Right now, I just can't relax knowing that Cuvier and his guinea pigs are out there, doing God knows what.
Barbara: I bet I could relax you.

Sam: I thought the man was supposed to protect the woman.
Commissioner: Last century, babe.