The Best Sex Education, Season 2, Episode 8 Quotes

- -What's wrong with him?
- -I don't know.
- Get on with it!

- take their life.
- Mum...
- Mum, please talk to me. Come on.
- I will never forgive you.
- Never.
- Come on, darling.

- Hi, sorry. Could you... could you sign my book?
- -Yeah.
- -[man] Oh, great. Thanks.
- -What's your name?
- -Pete.
- Pete. Hi, Pete.
- -Here you go.
- -Thank you. Big fan.
Remi: Man up.

- I'm coming!
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- Otis, uh, shouldn't you be in school?
- Yeah, I was, um... I was hoping we could talk about something.
- Yeah, of course.
- Just take a seat for half an hour. Yeah.
- -Could I grab a photograph, Dr. Milburn?
- -Yes. Of course.
- -[girl] Brilliant, thank you.
- -[Remi] Thank you.
[man 2] Hi, Remi. That was fantastic.
- Good job. Thank you very much.

- Can't be sure.
- Could you let her know that I was here?
- And... tell her to check her messages.
- Will do.
- Okay. Thanks.

- I think it's because
- I put too much pressure on myself.
- So, you can't even wank then?
- No, I do. [laughs] I do.
- I just keep to the outside.
- For some reason, if I'm touching myself, then I'm okay.
- I have an idea.

- And I'm tired of it.
- It's not my fault Dad left.
- You're going to be late.
- Are you still coming to see Eric's play tonight?
- I'm not exactly welcome on campus at the minute.
- You shouldn't let them bully you.

- I thought this was Shakespeare?
- Uh, yes. I think our students are taking a postmodern approach.
- Stand by.

Ola: Ola: I think you're always trying so hard to be a good guy that you end up not being a good guy. Like you're afraid you'll turn into your dad or something.
Otis: Otis: I think you might be right. Thank you.

- Eric...
- Effiong.
- I have something to say to you.
- Well, fucking say it already. Jesus!
- What do you want to say?
- I want to hold your hand.

Otis: Hey, Maeve. I know you can't answer this right now because I'm watching you on live TV. But I wanted you to know how proud of you I am. And how unbelievably stupid I've been. You telling me you had feelings for me was... was all I wanted to hear, and... I was so caught up in trying to do the right thing, I lost track of what that actually is. It's you. It's always been you. I love you, Maeve. Call me back. I hope it's not too late...

- ♪ I am too sore
- Empierced with Cupid's shaft ♪
- ♪ Don't try to... ♪
- The students have been working so hard, sir.
- Be that as it may--
- Adam!
- All right, Dad.

- She already won this competition when she was 14.
- ♪ Don't you like ♪
- ♪ The things I do ♪
- ♪ You're wearing a frown ♪
- ♪ I've been shot down ♪
- All right. Let's go.

- I don't want to work in that shop forever.
- Well, you haven't been fired yet.
- Wonders never cease.
- -Mm-hmm.
- -Let's see, shall we?
- Adam, you can go now.
- Adam! Get out!

- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Wait, that's my vagina!
- Calmly, sir, please?
- They have vaginas on their heads!

- ...yet.
- The most important thing is you're doing something you enjoy.
- Maybe you're not nervous at all.
- Maybe you're just super-duper pumped.
- Okay? Doosh, doosh.
- -It's not in there, is it?
- -No.
- Enter Carl.

- ♪ Come with me now ♪
- ♪ Oh, Romeo, oh, Romeo ♪
- ♪ Oh, Romeo, I'm good to go ♪
- ♪ Oh, Romeo, oh, Romeo ♪
- Mr. Hendricks, what the hell is going on?
- Artistic expression, Mr. Groff.

- -male rabbits are called bucks?
- -No, didn't know that.
- -Yeah. It's all in this book called--
- -I'm in a bit of a rush.
[sighs] I just came back to get my cigarettes. I'm sorry, babe.
- -It's a really good book.
- -That's weird.
- I could have swore I locked that.
- Fuck.

- Say it again.
- Please?
- Will you hold my hand?

- -Jackson, that's your cue.
- -[Quentin] I'll go back on.
- I know all the lines.
- Shut the fuck up, Quentin, you piece of shit. Jesus Christ.
- -[boy] Good morrow, cousin!
- -Get on stage, now!
- And remember, you're not nervous, you're just excited. Go!
- Sir!

- I fucked some warm fruit and she said I wasn't weird.
- They're children, for God's sake!
- They don't know what they want.
- -This is all your fault.
- -Mr. Groff.
- I need to see you outside.
- Immediately.

- Or you'll make it and I'll watch.
- Yeah.
- You don't even have milk.
- Do I look like someone who regularly pops to the shops?
- Okay, I'll go get some stuff.
Isaac: Oh, and get crisps.

Maureen: When you love a person, there's always a tiny part of you that's terrified that one day you're gonna lose them.

- ♪ Always knew it was my natural right ♪
- ♪ And I ♪
- ♪ All I wanted ♪
- -[crying]
- -♪ Was a world of love and care ♪
- ♪ I, all I wanted was care ♪
- Enter.

- Shall we?
[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats and prepare for your erotic voyage to the planet of Verona.
- -Hey. You okay?
- -Yeah.
- Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats and prepare for your erotic voyage to the planet of Verona.

Remi: When you're young, you think that everybody out there really, really gets you. But, you know, actually, only a handful of them do. All the people who like you, despite your faults. And then if you discard them, they will never come back. So, when you meet those people, you should just hold on to them. Really, really tightly. And don't let them go.

- Yes, I feel angry... all the time, and I'm trying to find out what kind of man I want to be, which is really hard when my dad has been absent for most of my life.
- Did you not like me as much as you thought you would?
- Of course I like you. I just...
- Then how could you leave me?

- Well, I know that I'm bisexual, but I don't like you like that.
- I thought you were a lesbian now or into kitchen stuff
- -or some shit?
- -No, Adam, you idiot.
- You're my friend.
- I love you like a friend.
- Are you okay?
- No one's ever said
- I was their friend before.

- You take her things.
- You say you're not going to take her... but you're lying.
- You're fucking lying.
- There's a hostile resident not cooperating.
- We need assistance.

Remi: Just try and stay honest. Because once you start lying, it's very hard to stop.

Maureen: You have to let the people you love know that you love them, even if it causes you a great deal of pain.

- about people not liking you.
- I'm very easy to not like.
- I, uh...
- I understand that I hurt you.
- Okay.
- I just wanted you to know that.