Top 50 Quotes From Sherlock, Season 1, Episode 1

- Shut up.
- I didn't say anything.
- You were thinking. It's annoying.

- Who says I trust him?
- You don't seem the kind to make friends easily.
- Are we done?
- You tell me.
- I imagine people have already warned you to stay away from him, but I can see from your left hand that's not going to happen.
- My what?
- Show me.

- Obviously, this is a frightening time for people, but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions.
- We are all as safe as we want to be.
- Thank you.
- You've got to stop him doing that.
- He's making us look like idiots.
- If you can tell me how he does it,
- I'll stop him.

[last lines]
DI: Sergeant Donovon.
Sally: Sir?
DI: We'll need those two in tomorrow.
Sally: What two, sir?
DI: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

- Dr Watson, sergeant Sally Donovan.
- Old friend.
- A colleague?
- How do you get a colleague?
- Did he follow you home?
- Would it be better if I just waited...?
- No.
- Freak's here. Bringing him in.

- Look across the street.
- Taxi. It's stopped.
- Nobody getting in and nobody getting out.
- Why a taxi? Oh, that's clever.
- Is it clever? Why is it clever?
- That's him.
- Don't stare.
- You're staring.
- We can't both stare.

- I've known him for five years and, no, I don't.
- So why do you put up with him?
- Because I'm desperate, that's why.
- And because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day, if we're very, very lucky, he might even be a good one.

- We can't just wait!
- Oh, we're done waiting.
- Look at her, really look! Houston, we have a mistake. Get on to Cardiff.
- Find out who Jennifer Wilson's family and friends were. Find Rachel!
- Of course, yeah but what mistake?!
- Pink!
Anderson: Let's get on with it...

- One dayjust showing up won't be enough.
- One day we'll be standing round a body, and he'll be the one that put it there.
- Why would he do that?
- Because he's a psychopath.
- Psychopaths get bored.
- Lestrade: Donovan!
- Coming.
- Stay away from Sherlock Holmes.

- And they killed themselves.
- If you get the coppers now,
- I'll promise you one thing.
- I will never tell you what I said.
- No-one else will die, though, and I believe they call that a result.
- And you won't ever understand how those people died.
- What kind of result do you care about?

- Oh, do as he says. Help yourself.
- Lestrade: Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes...
- Well?
- What am I doing here?
- Helping me make a point.
- I'm supposed to help you pay the rent.
- This is more fun.
- Fun? There's a woman lying dead.
- Perfectly sound analysis, but I was hoping you'd go deeper.

- As they go.
- Hey, where did you get this?
- Detective inspector lestrade?
- Yeah.
- I pickpocket him when he's annoying.
- You can keep that one,
- I've got plenty at the flat.
- What?
- Nothing, just..."Welcome to London."
- Got your breath back?
- Ready when you are.

- I'm to take you home.
- Add ress?
- Er, Baker Street.
- 221 b Baker Street.
- But I need to stop off somewhere first.

- Man: What do you mean, there's no ruddy car?
- He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry.
- Get a cab!
- I never get cabs!
- I love you.
- When?
- Get a cab!

- Yes, yes! Taxi! [Whistles]
- I'll be back in two minutes, mate.
- What?
- I'm just going home to get my umbrella.
- You can share mine.
- Two minutes, all right?

- Maybe it was in the case when you brought it back and it fell out somewhere.
- And I didn't notice it?
- [Didn't notice?
- Watson: Anyway, we texted him, and he called back.
- Guys, we're also looking for a mobile somewhere here, belonged to the victim.
- Who do we trust, even if we don't know them?

- Who was the first?
- How fresh?
- Just in. 67, natural causes.
- Used to work here.
- I knew him, he was nice.
- Fine.
- We'll start with the riding crop.

- more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.
- And I know your therapist thinks your limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid.
- That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?
- The name's Sherlock Holmes, and the address is 221 b Baker Street. Afternoon.
- He's always like that.

- This way.
- No, this way!
- Sorry...

- Still the addict.
- But this... this is what you're really addicted to.
- You'll do anything...
- Anything at all, to stop being bored.
- You're not bored now, are ya?
- Isn't it good?

- If I wanted to understand...
- What would I do?
- Let me take you for a ride.
- So you can kill me too?
- I don't want to kill you, mr Holmes.
- I'm going to talk to you...
- And then you're going to kill yourself.

- She's got it the wrong way round.
- You're under stress right now, and your hand is perfectly steady.
- You're not haunted by the war, dr Watson...
- You miss it.
- Welcome back.
- Time to choose a side, dr Watson.

- Listen, I was wondering.
- Maybe later, when you're finished...
- You're wearing lipstick.
- You weren't wearing lipstick before.
- I, er... I refreshed it a bit.
- Sorry, you were saying?
- I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee.
- Black, two sugars, please.
- I'll be upstairs.

- Who passes unnoticed wherever they go?
- Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?

- And you read my writing upside down.
- You see whatl mean?
- John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.
- Nothing happens to me.

- I want a name.
- You're dying, but there's still time to hurt you.
- Give me... a name.
- A name! Now!
- The name!
- Moriarty!

- Mm-hm.
- And finally, at the top of the building on your right.
- How are you doing this?
- Get into the car, dr Watson.
- .I' would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you.

- So, how can the phone be here?
- Don't know.
- I'll try it again.
- Good idea.
- Where are you going?
- Fresh air, just popping outside for a moment. Won't be long.
- Are you sure you're all right?
- I'm fine.

- The murderer took her suitcase, first big mistake.
- Ok, he took her case. So?
- It's no use, there's no other way.
- We'll have to risk it.
- On my desk there's a number.
- I want you to send a text.
- You've brought me here...
- To send a text.
- Text, yes. The number on my desk.

Sherlock: You may as well eat. We might be waiting a long time.
Dr. John Watson: Hmm, are you going to?
Sherlock: What day is it?
Dr. John Watson: It's Wednesday.
Sherlock: I'm okay for a bit.

- So what do you think?
- Shall we?
- Really... what do you think?
- Can you beat me?
- Are you clever enough...
- To bet your life?

- So's sergeant Donovan.
- Ooh... I think it just vaporised.
- May I go in?
- Whatever you're trying to imply...
- I'm not implying anything. I'm sure
- Sally came round for a nice little chat and just happened to stay over.
- And I assume she scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees.

- The police don't consult amateurs.
- That... was amazing.
- Do you think so?
- Of course it was.
- It was extraordinary, quite extraordinary.
- That's not what people normally say.
- What do people normally say?
- Piss off!

- Sorry, you stopped her husband being executed?
- Oh, no, I ensured it.
- Sherlock!
- Mrs Hudson, drjohn Watson.
- Hello. Come in.
- Thank you.
- Shall we...?

- Oh, just passing the time.
- And proving a point.
- What point?
- You.
- Mrs Hudson! Dr Watson willtake the room upstairs.
- Says who?
- Says the man at the door.

- Sorry, mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea.
- Off out.
- Both of you?
- Impossible suicides? Four of them?
- No point sitting at home when there's finally something fun going on!
- Look at you, all happy. It's not decent.
- Who cares about decent?
- The game, mrs Hudson, is on!
- Taxi!

- I can give you two minutes.
- May need longer.
- Her name's Jennifer Wilson, according to her credit cards.
- We're running them now for contact details.
- Hasn't been here long.
- Some kids found her.

- Oh... dull.
- Don't worry. It gets better.
- You can't make people take their own lives at gunpoint.
- I don't.
- It's much better than that.
- Don't need this with you.
- Cos you'll follow me.

- He just got in a cab...
- It's Sherlock.
- He just drove off in a cab.
- I told you, he does that.
- He bloody left again.
- We're wasting our time!
- I'm... calling the phone, it's ringing out.

- I've played four times. I'm alive.
- It's not chance, mr Holmes it's chess.
- It's a game of chess, with one move...
- And one survivor.
- And this... this...
- Is the move.

- Woman: My husband...
- Was a happy man who lived life to the full.
- He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him.

- Did I just give you the good bottle or the bad bottle?
- You can choose either one.
- No, detective inspector lestrade -
- I need to speak to him.
- It's important. It's an emergency.
- Er, left here, please. Left here...

- Course. Child's play.
- Well, which one, then?
- Which one would you have picked?
- Just so I know whether
- I could have beaten you.
- Come on!
- Play the game.

- I know how people think.
- I know how people think .i'think.
- I can see it all like a map inside my head.
- Everyone's so stupid, even you.
- Or maybe god just loves me.
- Either way, you're wasted as a cabbie.

- Listen, your boss. Any chance you could not tell him this is where I went?
- Sure.
- You've told him already, haven't you?
- Yeah.
- Hey, um...
- Do you ever get any free time?
[Chuckles] Oh, yeah. Lots.
- Bye.
- Ok.

- Will you come?
- Who's on forensics?
- Anderson.
- He doesn't work well with me.
- Well, he won't be your assistant.
- I needan assistant.
- Will you come?
- Not in a police car, I'll be right behind.
- Thank you.

- Is that your real name?
- No.
- I'mjohn.
- Yes. I know.
- Any point in asking... where I'm going?
- None at all...
- John.

- Sorry...
- I've got the cab number.
- Good for you.
- Right turn, one way, roadworks, traffic lights, bus Lane, pedestrian crossing, left turn only, traffic lights.
- _ on sorry.
- Come on, John...

- Well, what do you think?
- It's up to you. You're the one who's going to die here.
- No, I'm not.
- That's what they all say.
- Shall we talk?

[first lines]
Ella: How's your blog going?
Dr. John Watson: Hmm, fine. Good. Very good.
Ella: Written much?
Dr. John Watson: Not a word.