The Best Special Agent Clayton Webb Quotes

Special: About a year ago, she returned to Italy and kidnapped this man.
[picture changes to Tim Fawkes]
Special: Know him?
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: [Chegwidden spins Webb around] You know DAMN well I know him Webb! You wouldn't be here! WHAT's THE GAME?
Special: No game, A.J. Tim Fawkes recruited me into the company. Became my mentor. Taught me everything he learned in 30 years. Even told me about a SAG OP in Laos where he saved the life of a young SEAL Lieutenant back in '68.
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: Why didn't you ever tell me you knew Tim?
Special: If I had, I have to tell you how I let him down the day he was kidnapped.

Bud: [Bud mumbles then writes something down] Why are we in an interrogation room?
Special: Oh, this isn't a interrogation room. It's a reception room.
[Bud looks around and notices a mirror, goes over to the mirror and starts looking at it suspecting that there are other agents behind it]
Special: It's a mirror, lieutenant.

Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: [finding out if Webb has killed anyone] I'm not talking about missions where people have died. I'm talking about face-to-face.
Special: Once. He recovered.
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: Were you trying to kill him?
Special: Yes.
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: That's okay, I just have to worry about your bad aim.

Lt. Bud Roberts,: Why are we in an interogation room?
[Bud's jaw is broken, Webb can't understand him. Bud writes on a notepad and gives it to Webb]
Special: "Why are we in an interogation room?" Oh it isn't an interrogation room. It's a reception room.
[Budd looks at the mirror behind him thinking someone's on the other side]
Special: It's just a mirror.

Special: There's one thing I've always admired about SEALS, Admiral.
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: Just one?
Special: Their code of never leaving a man behind. In the company, we not only leave them behind, we deny ever knowing them.

Special: You don't forget the face of the man who almost tortured you to death.

Special: I have a source who can locate him, but I need help. I thought since Tim once saved your life.
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: Tim didn't save my life. He saved my soul!

Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: How do you people expect any loyalty?
Special: Abandonment is the price we pay for getting caught.

Harm: Thought you had orders to stay away from me.
Special: Well, that was before you went into open court to get that subpoena. Now my boss is afraid you'll go running to the press.
Harm: Not a bad idea. Might get the attention of the President. He may wonder why the CIA has nothing better to do than to keep a secret that's 34 years old.
Special: Don't do it, Rabb. Either way it turns out, you lose.
Harm: This isn't about me, Clay. And it's not about need to know, either. It's about real people with a hole in their lives that can't be filled with anything other than the truth. They need to know, because if they don't, it'll keep eating away at them. They need to know that they're not going to wake up in the middle of the night, every night, for the rest of their lives, wondering what happened to the people they loved.
Special: Some people give up that right to know. Maybe not voluntarily, maybe it's taken away from them, but it's gone, nonetheless. That's the way it is for the families of the stars on this wall.
Harm: Yeah. Well, at least they have a star. Where are the stars for the crew of the Angel Shark?

Special: So what did you have to do? Beg the Admiral to let you back in? Or did he just pin another medal on your chest?
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb Jr.: I'm out.
Special: [turns to Mac in disbelief, then faces Harm] Wow!

Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: You WARNED Teresa Marcello that she was under sattelite surveillance Decker!
Special: What the HELL's going on, George?
George: Look I told you I'm in charge of the Fawkes situation. Now let it go before some gets killed!
Admiral A.J. Chegwidden: [AJ slams Decker against the wall] I'll tell you someone is gonna DIE in about 10 seconds if they don't come up with some answers!

Catherine: I don't like working in the dark like this.
Special: You'd better get used to it. It's the CIA. And you don't have to whisper; we don't bug ourselves.

Special: Hello, Harm.
Commander: What brings you here, Webb?
Special: Helping a friend in the building.
Commander: I didn't know you *had* a friend in the building.

Special: Garcia sold American military hardware to a known terrorist. I doubt he's having dinner with the Vienna Boys Choir.