The Best The Sinner, Season 2, Episode 4 Quotes

- Listening to analysis while we're wandering around in the woods.
- You like to be in control?
- You know something about that?
- This way.
- Okay.
- Hey, Vera!

- As requested, all the lakes in a
- 25 mile radius of Mosswood Grove.
- All 42 of them.
- Thank you.
- You get this from Carmen Bell?
- Yeah.
- What are we looking for, exactly?
- I'm not sure.

- Forget it.
- Well, it's a little hard to forget it when it's there all the time.
- What are you talking about?
- You're doing it again.
- What?
- You're lying to yourself!
- Where are you going?
- Marin!

- You're going to college next year, you have a plan.
- What am I going to do?
- I'm living at my dad's and commuting to Syracuse.
- I'm going to see you all the time.
- Nothing's going to change.
- Hey.

- and sits on your chest.
- Have you ever been visited by her?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- You were going to show me the work.
- This way.

- They don't let me have anything.
- I can't have...
- Please, please.
- We can arrange... Um...
- Give it, please.
- Miss Bell...
- Please, please, please!
- Please, please, please, please!
- Okay.
- Carmen, calm down.

Vera: Most of us spend our lives trying to suppress the parts of ourselves we deem inappropriate. We spend our lives trying to detach from all of that beautiful feeling. And it doesn't work, does it? Julian is a new kind of man. At one with nature. Fluid with all of the darkness, and all of the light.
Harry: You're never going to show me what the work actually is, are you?
Vera: You've already been doing it.

- I took your advice, and I followed up.
- Look what I found.
- "Julian." It's everywhere.
- So you were the attending doctor at Julian's birth?
- Not at it.
- I was called in for the paperwork.
- Dr. Poole? Oh, my God.
- I need to show you something.

- Bess McTeer.
- But Julian won't stop crying.
- Why is he crying?
- Because they're going to find us.
- So I put my hand over his face just to quiet him, and he stops breathing.

- Oh.
- It's okay.
- I'm glad you called.
- Where's Marin?
- She's gone.
- Where'd she go?
- I don't know.
- All right, let's go find her.
- Come on, here we go.

- Vera?
- Vera?

- Yeah.
- Devoted enough to kill himself instead of talking.
- I wonder if there's more out there.
- More of what?
- More like him.
- Who's this?

- What kind of complaint?
- Malpractice suit that went nowhere.
- It was filed by a Carmen Bell.
- Do we have an address?
- Yeah.
- 1 Brunswick Drive.
- That's Deakins
- Psychiatric Institute.

- I'm going outside.
- I'll come.
- No, just stay here.

- And underneath that rage, if you could just taste what's there, what would it be?

- What's the name on the agreement?
- Let's see.
- Walker, Julian.

- Ahh.
- It's swollen, and I don't have any ice.

- What are you doing?
- I don't know.
- There's no way to know.
- What else?
- Anger.
- Rage.
- Oh!

- A pile of sand.
- What's in the pile of sand?
- I see my father.
- I see my father.
- And then?
- What do you want to do?

- I got to go.
- Call me back.
- Hey, Julian...
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Please leave your gun and your phone and your badge in your car.
- You have to come in like everybody else.
- Stripped down.

- Hey, are you...
- Are you playing games with me?
- Is that it?
- Is that it, huh?
- Finally, there you are.
- You're limping.
- Sit down.
- Sit.

- Uh... After he lost his license in the '90s, he disappeared.
- Oh, there it is.
- Somebody ordered it last month, and it was sent back as undeliverable.
- Can I see that envelope?
- Self storage, Niagara Falls.
- Can I keep this?

- Whoever was renting this unit paid cash.
- They stopped paying last month.
- I was about to start clearing it out.
- Looks like somebody was living here.
- These are all kid's clothes.

- Bell, it's Carmen Bell.
- That is strange, you are the second person in two days looking for this tape.
- Really?
- I couldn't tell you who he was, though.
- He didn't sign in.
- What did he look like?
- He was a very thin man.

- It looks like it started in the kitchen.
- You see what happened?
- My mom was cooking dinner on the stove.

[first lines]
Harry: [reading from suicide note] Every day, I search for an escape from the labyrinth. Every day, the Minotaur hunts me. Running only gives the bull more power. The only way out is inward. I must accept that at the center of the labyrinth, I will not face the Minotaur, but myself. I am the Minotaur. I am hunting myself.

- The judge, the DA, my mom, my dad.
- Everyone, everybody.
- Once they deem you a danger to yourself, it's basically a free-for-all.
- Carmen, um...
- Do you recognize...
- This girl?

- Ahh!
- Too tight?
- No.
- Don't move.