50 Best The Witcher, Season 2, Episode 5 Quotes

Jaskier: Gentlemen, gentlemen, many men have wanted to punch me in the face. Now is your chance! Come on!

Jaskier: Please, I don't know anything!
Rience: The songs in your catalog would suggest otherwise.
Jaskier: Listen to me, please! Please listen to me. I... I am a bard. I am brilliant. This is what I do. He grunts, and I tell stories. He mentions a witcher keep, and I turn it into a magical, mystical hideaway in the mountains. So please listen to me when I tell you this. He doesn't share details. He does not have friends. And he does not... have weaknesses!

Bar: [Listening to Jaskier's performance] When I was a lass, me playmate had a little brother that was born with no ears. Just some little lumps of flesh, like cauliflower. Deaf as a post... I'd give anything to switch places with him now.

- The other spheres didn't merge, they… they collided, then separated again.
- If the original spheres are still out there somewhere and our monoliths are calling to them… then the monsters aren't new, they're just new to here.
- And they're using our monoliths as gateways.

- That is not how it works.
- Neither you nor I can just forget who we are.
- We can't kill our feelings.
- Our best chance is to kill the hatred that we may hold onto… and move on.

- Calanthe.
- Why does it stop?
- Ah, it doesn't make any sense.
[grunts] What does this all mean?
- -[woman screaming]
- -[waves rushing]
- -[ship creaking]
- -[child crying]

Jaskier: You don't get to play damsel in distress. That's my job.

- It allows me to enter the deepest layer of your consciousness and uncover things that may be hidden there.
- Genetic memories that tell the story of who you really are.
- Where you really come from.
- Is… It's dangerous?
- No. It just requires that we trust each other.

Lydia: Don't be so sour, Rience. You must shoulder some of the blame for your current situation. Only a fool would cross Calanthe without covering his tracks.
Lydia: May she rot in peace.
Rience: [Sits up] Calanthe is dead?
Lydia: As a desert spring.

Duny: They'd kill her if they knew.
Pavetta: It's a prophecy. Maybe it's not true
Duny: It doesn't matter if it's true. It only matters if the people believe it. And they will.

Voleth: All alone in a world that hates you, with no way to protect yourself. How delicious.
Yennefer: I managed.
Voleth: And yet you're here.

- No good hiding!
- -We'll find you.
- -Thank you.
- -[banging]
- -Open the fucking door!
[guard] You're ours now.
[man 2] Open this door now!
[prostitute] Sorry, love.
- A girl's gotta eat.

Istredd: [to Geralt] Are you always this talkative, or should I take it personally?

- A seed that bursts into flame.
- It's you.
- You will destroy us all.
- I saw it.
- No one can stop it.
Triss: Not even him.

Lara: Child of Elder blood, child of wrath. The time of contempt is nigh. The world will die amidst frost and be reborn of the new sun. Reborn of Elder blood, of the seed that has been sown. A seed that will not sprout, but will burst into flame.

- You're going to all that trouble, paying someone
- -for such a simple task?
- -[jingling]
Yennefer: Half now.
- Half when you return.
- Well, then.
- Never look a gift whore in the mouth.
- I'll be seeing you.

[soldier] Hey, you, stay where you are!
- -Stay where you are!
- -[neighs]
- -[whooshing]
- -[yells]
- See?
- I am helpful.
- Hmm.

Peach: Never look a gift whore in the mouth.

- So who are you?
- I am Commander Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach.
- Who the fuck are you?
Fringilla: Cahir!
- Welcome home.
- Good to see you alive.

- You, me, and Ciri, we have a chance to do something extraordinary.
- I liked you better when you were a cynical old codger.
- If we do this… it's because she wants to.
- She gets to decide.

- Where are we?
- I don't know.

[boy] There's no way you can get five.
Ciri: You're not taking a bite of that bread before I try it.
Pavetta: We've been right here.
- The whole time.
[echoes] …the whole time…

Rience: People think Chaos comes from nothing, but that's wrong. No, to draw it, you need a source. See, fire is a forbidden source because it usually consumes those that draw from it. Unless you're very talented. Then the body can withstand it. But it consumes the soul.

- Come on, watch him.
- -[gasping]
- -Don't be afraid.
- Nothing can hurt you here.
- All of this, it's just… it's you.

Voleth: I'm not here to grant wishes. I'm simply a guide to get you exactly what you deserve. Just ask your friends.
Yennefer: I deserve to survive. I've earned it. I deserve access to Chaos.
Voleth: I know how you can get it. How you can steal it
Yennefer: Steal what?
Ciri: [the old witch shapeshifters] Me.
Yennefer: And who are you?
Ciri: I'm the key to you getting your power back. And a great deal more than that. All you have to do is deliver me to the right lock. A shattered black door just outside Cintra.

Rience: You're so tight-lipped about your old friend the witcher.
Jaskier: My lips are loose. You can ask anybody.

- Oh, I feel you, sister.
- Frequent any taverns?
- -Huh?
- -Just sayin'.
- From experience.
- When I lose a man, he's usually back at the first place I found him.
- Bottom of a bottle.

- And we must get to her first.
- And are willing to, say… put another iron in the fire to ensure it.
- My freedom in exchange for being the White Flame's bounty hunter…
- I have no interest in owing a favor to Nilfgaard's false god.
- How fortunate, then, for us both that I'm not working for Nilfgaard.

- These have been sprouting all over the training course.
- Yeah.
[softly] Where I've bled.
- But my-my grandmother, she hated the elves.
- Sometimes our deepest hate is for the things we cannot change about ourselves.

- Come on, then, Lambchop!
- It's my turn now!
Dara: You bring terror and you bring death wherever you are!
[echoes] …wherever you are…
[woman 1] Ma'am, a present from His Majesty.
[Calanthe] Tell Eist I love it.
[woman 2] A fine sash for a fine queen.

- I thought after Sodden, after everything they did to her at Aretuza, she-- she would make her way here for refuge.
- After Sodden?
- After she burned through Nilfgaard's army and saved the Continent.
- We should all be praising her name.
- Yen's alive?

- Have it your way.
- No, no! No, please! Don't hurt her!
- Leave her alone, please!
- She's done nothing!
- Oh, gods!
- -[Yennefer] Come on!
- -[Jaskier groans]
- Oh fuck!

Jaskier: He's after Geralt.
Yennefer: What? Why? What does he want with him?
Jaskier: You know, I assumed it was to drink tea and eat crumpets and wax nostalgic over old times.

- Given up on magic lessons already?
- Geralt said when you know how to fight something, it becomes less threatening.
- -Do you even know what you're fighting?
- -[grunting]
- Come inside.
- Let's do something that will actually challenge you.
- I'll be in soon.

Jaskier: Who the fuck was that?
Yennefer: How should I know? *You're* the one he kidnapped.
Jaskier: You mages don't all share an alma mater? You didn't catch him at an alumni event?

Istredd: I came here to help the elves.
Geralt: You want to help the elves by joining a kingdom that regularly massacres whole villages? On the surface of it, there seems to be a bit of a conflict there.

- child of wrath.
- -The time of contempt is nigh.
- -[rumbling]
- The world will die amidst frost and be reborn of the new sun.
- Reborn of Elder blood, of the seed that has been sown.
- A seed that will not sprout, but will burst into flame.

Istredd: Where did those stellacite fragments go? Whose voice was that?
- Quiet.
Istredd: What is it?
- -[hoofbeats]
- -[deep rumbling]

[overlapping voices] What are you, child?
[whispering] Cirilla.
- Ciri.
- Ciri.
- -Ciri.
- -Ciri.
- Ciri.

- then please note that I'm not willing to discuss the subjects of my work, its inspiration or characters, fictitious or otherwise.
- So why don't you just show yourself, and we can have a nice chat, and you can tell me what you want from me?
- -Fucking… fuck!
- -Shhh.
- -Hello, Jaskier.
- -[shudders]

Triss: Why do you want this so badly, Ciri?
Ciri: Because I am sick of feeling lost. Everything I was told my whole life was a lie. And the people I loved most in this world were taken from me before I could find the truth.
Triss: What you're doing won't change any of that.
Ciri: But it might help me find a new truth.

- What if they're the conduits?
- I worry about you mages more and more.
- Perhaps humans just shouldn't live for so long.
- -I've seen them communicating.
- -Hmm.
Istredd: You say this monolith toppled during the Slaughter of Cintra.
- -That makes perfect sense.
- -[Geralt] And yet it doesn't.

- this is a scientific revelation.
- {\an8}It-it defies every historical precedent, Witcher.
- {\an8}This changes everything.
- I was expecting tracks. Bones.
- Anything.
- -I have to go down there.
- -We have to go down there.

Man: What's going on here?
Jaskier: Uh, gentlemen. Good morning. Good to see you. You're certainly looming. Um...
Man: [Sees Yennefer; thinks she's a prostitute] Ah, are we working this morning, love?
[She kicks him in the balls]
Man: Ahh!
Jaskier: Oh, she's so scary.

Jaskier: I don't have any money. I am but a, uh... a humble bard. Or... or if this is about your wife, your mistress, niece, then I can promise you that wasn't me.

- All right, then.
- Clear your mind.
- Take three deep breaths.

Geralt: Neither you nor I can just forget who we are. We can't kill our feelings. Our best chance is to kill the hatred that we may hold onto... and move on.

Geralt: Fuck.
- Who is the girl who called to you?
- And what the hell was that thing?
- -Do you think Nilfgaard knows about this?
- -Open a portal.
- Now.
- Vesemir, I want it done. Now.

[echoes] …like a story…
- You can see us.
- What's wrong?
- This isn't how it's supposed to work.
- Come on, Ciri, let's go back.
- You've had enough.
[echoes] …enough…

Istredd: Monsters didn't exist on this plane before the Conjunction. All species were separated on different spheres till those spheres merged into one. A Conjunction like that would've required two things. A massive surge of energy and... and conduits to channel it. Now, what if the monoliths aren't points of impact? What if they're the conduits?
Geralt: ...I worry about you mages more and more. Perhaps humans just shouldn't live for so long.