The Best The Witcher, Season 2, Episode 7 Quotes

Yarpen: Come on, boys! The king can wait. We're goin' on an adventure!

- What?
- She was there with the white-haired witcher.
- I didn't know who she was, but now, of course, it makes sense.
- -They were looking for--
- -Yennefer.
- Yes.
- They believed she was dead.

- Come on, Bard!
- Right in his fuckin' nose!
- In the kneecaps!
- Come here, you little--
[soldier] Stop it. Stay down!
- Hey!

Yennefer: Magic. It's lodged in you. Like a spiked arrow. It wounds you. Deeply. But it's a strange sort of pain. Combined with... bliss. Trust me. It's all you'll ever need. It's everything.
Ciri: I want to believe you. I really do, but... when you had magic, you controlled the Chaos. But it controls *me*.

- Well, that's one way of doing it.
- I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened.
- When you have power like this, never apologize.

Cahir: Half of the elves did not muster for training this morning.
Fringilla: The celebration of the child's birth went late into the night.
General: Oh, grand. We're larding up with pointies who can't hold their drink or can't follow orders.
Fringilla: I will talk to them.
General: *You* are not their commander.

Ciri: I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened.
Yennefer: When you have power like this, never apologize.

Jaskier: Gah, you are always so emotional! I mean, it's just yap, yap, yap with you sometimes.
[Mimicking Geralts voice]
Jaskier: "Oh, Jaskier, I'm so sad and complicated!"
Geralt: Shut up, Jaskier.
Jaskier: You shut up. That's a perfect impression of you, by the way.

Geralt: She wouldn't.
Jaskier: She would. What? Sacrifice your Child Surprise to get her magic back? You bet your bloated biceps she would.

- -Looks like you lost your horse!
- -[neighs]
- Come here!
- Yennefer!
[grunts] Oh, we got a fighter!
- -[yells]
- -Little brat!
[soldier 2] Get hold of her!

- This is on you.
- Or it's on you.
- Perhaps you don't have as much sway with him as you imagined.
- No, it's part of his plan.
- The theatrics.
[sighing] The distraction.

Voleth: Your power... seize it.

Jaskier: [singing] Lock me up and sock me up/ Throw away the key/ Go fuck yourself, you whoreson/ 'Cause you're through fuckin' with me...
Prison: Sing another word, and I'll cut your tongue out!
Jaskier: Rude.
[Turns to a group of rodents]
Jaskier: Guys, your harmonies were a little pitchy.
[to one mouse]
Jaskier: Gordon, you're amazing. Talent recognizes talent.

Yarpen: You remember my men.
Jaskier: Of course. Good to see you all again.
[to Geralt]
Jaskier: I have absolutely no recollection of any of these people.

- -[Hake] Are you going to do it? Or I?
- -[woman] Please!
- I was just looking for something to eat!
- -I've done nothing wrong.
- -[grunts]
- -[woman] Please, my lady!
- -[Hake] For fuck's sake.
- Show mercy-[screams]
- -[crack]
- -[crowd gasping]

- We were in trouble and needed help, and you betrayed us!
- I was stupid.
- And I was selfish!
- You have to come with me.
- Now!
[distorted] I don't trust you.

Jaskier: The Child Surprise, I've heard so much about...
[Ciri ignores him]
Jaskier: Like father, like daughter.

- Fine, you little lunatic, you can have it.
- Go on, run your damn test.
- If it works, your master will be here in an instant, I assure you.
- Do you think?

Ciri: How can it look the same when everyone I've known is gone?

Yennefer: We'll have to leave the horses behind. But there is a way.
- Lesson number two.
- Let's see what your Chaos can do.
- You can either be too strong to fail or too weak to try.
- You can do this, Ciri.
- I believe in you.

- I can do it.
- -We'll find another route.
- -[groans]
- -You're going to hurt yourself!
- -[rumbling]
- Ciri, stop! Stop!
- Fuck! Fuck!
- -[screams] Fuck!
- -[intense rumbling]

- Unless she falls into the wrong hands.
- And if that happens, the consequences will be ours to own.
- Well, damn the consequences.
- Because I made a promise to Triss, and I will not continue to put my girls at risk unnecessarily.
[yells] I wouldn't ask you to if it wasn't necessary!

Artorius: Not all of us have your soft spot for elves, Tissaia.
Vilgefortz: She's a co-chair on this council. She doesn't have soft spots.
Stregobor: Well, you'd know.

Dara: Last night, seeing my people sing and dance, seeing the baby in her mother's arms...
Dara: I don't care about Redania. Or Cirilla of Cintra. They can have each other. From here on out, I want to focus on keeping that elven hope alive. Tell Dijkstra I'm done.

- Blood tracing is simple.
- Mages have been practicing it for centuries.
- Though, I admit, my test subjects are normally…
- Dead.
- -Precisely.
- -[cawing]

Yarpen: [Upon spotting Geralt and Jaskier] If it isn't the White fuckin' Wolf and the big fuckin' mouth.
[to his crew]
Yarpen: Put your weapons down, numpty arseholes. This is an old friend.
Jaskier: Uh, friends. Plural.

Lydia: Blood tracing is simple. Mages have been practicing it for centuries. Though, I admit, my test subjects are normally...
Rience: Dead?
Lydia: Precisely.

- The secret kind.
- My favorite.
- You're not my usual type.
- But you'll do.
Yarpen: Come on, boys! The king can wait.
- We're goin' on an adventure! [laughs]

- and end it all.
- Emhyr needs to hear of the treachery
- I just uncovered.
- And he needs the general that he trusts most to tell him I was justified.
- So when he arrives tomorrow… rave.

- Ciri, I'm not leaving your side.
- If anything were to happen to you,
- Geralt would never forgive me.
- We must hurry.
[old woman] That's right.
- Bring her.
- Chaos will be yours.

- And I'm sorry, Jaskier.
- Gah, you are always so emotional!
- I mean, it's just yap, yap, yap with you sometimes.
[mimicking] "Oh, Jaskier,
- I'm so sad and complicated!"
- -Shut up, Jaskier.
- -You shut up.
- That's a perfect impression of you, by the way.

- It's time for us now to add to our numbers, not to die in someone else's war.
- Our war is your war.
Francesca: Fringilla, as a friend, I must ask, are these your words or Cahir's?
- Francesca…

Sigismund: Tissaia acts detached, but she lets relationships cloud her judgment. Stregobor will take advantage of that. If I were a betting man...
King: If you were a betting man, you'd be betting with my money. I pay you to solve problems, Dijkstra, not fill my head with piling bad news.
Sigismund: Not bad news, my lord. *Bedlam*. And if our goal is to destabilize the Continent, bedlam is good news.

[driver] Bah! Bah!
- …the Deathless Mother, nesting in dreams.
- Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut.
- Turn your front to me.
- Hut. Hut.

Jaskier: What about Yennefer?
Geralt: If she's hurt Ciri, I may just have to kill her.
Jaskier: Oh, no, well, obviously we'll kill her. We'll definitely kill her. I just haven't found a good enough jabbing stick yet.

- More than you know, I wish it.
- But I learned my lesson about Yennefer and wishes.
- Sometimes, we assume the worst because we fear to hope.
- How… can I help you?
- I need you to open a portal.

- -[gasps]
- -[sobbing]
Francesca: Oh, no…
- -[flames roaring]
- -[Francesca screaming]

Vilgefortz: You have far too many clothes on.
- Come back to bed.
[sighs] What's wrong?
- Nothing.

- Of course.
- For believing that you could have any impact there at all, my dear.
- There are those who are obsessed with finding power, and those who know their place.
- You know which one you are, thank gods.
- You wouldn't have come back here if you didn't.

- our bond remains strong.
- As I said, we are friends.
- I value the bond we have.
- But family, blood, that's the only bond that can't be broken, and that's the one I must protect.

- I have always considered you my equal partner.
- My most trusted confidante.
- I wish I could prove to you that I'm worthy of the same.

Yennefer: You can either be too strong to fail or too weak to try.

- I need your help.
- Fine.
- But first…
- Gentlemen, it's been an honor.
- What? I made new friends. Get over it.
[snorts] Jealous.

Nenneke: Do you believe Yennefer means to harm the girl?
Geralt: I wish Yennefer knew of the balance you spoke of. More than you know, I wish it. But I learned my lesson about Yennefer and wishes.

- I need to know everything about the girl. Now.
- You told him.
- This knowledge, it cannot be ours alone.
- There is too much at stake.
- Look, this is important.
- I need you to tell me everything, Triss.
- Triss.