Top 30 Quotes From The Wraith

Rughead: Okay! The first one to Dragonfire Crossing wins! You lose the race, you lose your car! Ready! Set! GO!

Jake: [to Keri] Think of it as a second chance... we were meant to be together.

Packard: And, uh, Skank, do me a favor, will ya? Get rid of that zombie-piss you're drinkin' before it turns you into a mushroom!

[Sheriff Loomis approaches]
Skank: Man, I smell a cop! Do you smell a cop?
Gutterboy: Uh, I smell french fries, Skank, but that don't make no sense, huh?

Jake: [after he has transformed from The Wraith back into himself] Can't do *that* again!

Minty: This one's for Oggie, huh, sucker?

Billy: [to the crowd who stood around watching Packard abduct Keri and beat and kick Billy to the ground] You bastard chickenshits! You let him take her!

[repeated line]
Skank: Jesus, this shit's got some kick!

Sheriff: Forget it, Murphy. Roadblocks won't stop somethin' that can't be stopped.
Murphy: Loomis, what're you sayin'?
Sheriff: I'm sayin' it's over. There's nobody left in Packard's gang to kill.

Keri: [after kissing Jake] Nice.
Jake: I thought so, too.
Keri: Look, Jake, if Packard knew I was here with you... I mean, people are afriad of him for a reason.
Jake: People are afraid because guys like Packard prey on fear and weakness.
Keri: Well, I just think he's crazy. Try and be brave against Packard and he might kill you.
Jake: Or he might let you go. Courage isn't easy to come by. That's how he keeps those goons with him all the time. They're just scared.
Keri: So am I.
Jake: Keri, listen. There's gonna come a time when you'll have to take a stand. When you do that, that's when you'll free yourself of him. No sooner.

Keri: Who are you?
Jake: Ask Packard.
Keri: Packard?
Jake: He knows why I'm here.

Sheriff: You listen to me, you son-of-a-bitch! There's a kid out there usin' his car to kill people, not that it's such a big deal since it seems to be your gang he's got it in for... so, if you guys try to take the law into your own hands, and that killer turns up dead, I'm gonna see you all sniffin' cyanide in the Arizona gas chamber.

George: You're nothing but road pirates! You gotta cheat to win!
Girl: [as Packard opens his switchblade] Let's go, George.
Oggie: Escape, pal, while you still got your lips attached to your face!

Billy: Look, do you mind if I lay my towel here? I ain't welcome over there.
Jake: Why not?
Billy: Why ain't I welcome or it's ok to lay here?
Jake: Take your pick.

Skank: We'll remind the cockstacker.

Packard: [Oggie is about to race the Wraith] All right. I want you to tear this guy a new asshole. Do it to him 'Oggie-style'.
Oggie: I'll burn this Iranian!

Jake: Well, it's time for me to hit the road. My business here is finished. Before I do, I want you to have somethin'.
[hands Billy his car keys]
Jake: She's yours now.
Billy: Who's mine?
Jake: It's outside. Turbo Interceptor. The only one in existence. Does very special things. Take care of it, will ya?
Billy: Who are you, bro?
Jake: You said it, Billy
[Jake gives him a knowing look]
Jake: ... I Gotta Go.

Jake: [while transforming] I can't do that again
Keri: [after The Wraith has transformed into Jake] Jake!
Jake: [smiles] You know who I am.
Keri: [pause, then she realizes the truth] Jamie!
[She runs into his arms and they embrace]
Jake: This is as close as I could come to who I once was.
Keri: It's close enough.
[They kiss]

Jake: [Having handed Billy the keys to his car, Jake quickly disappears down the street on his bike]
[last lines]
Jake: Hey Billy The Instructions Are In The Glove Compartment!
[last lines]
Billy: Wait a minute! Come back! Come back, bro!
Billy: [turns to look at the Turbo Interceptor he's just been given] Whoa. Ha-ha. Whoa! Cool. Hey, man, far out.
Billy: [calling out to the empty street] Hey, Jake, who are you?
Billy: [stunned slowly realizing who Jake is] It couldn't have been...
[now tearfully]
Billy: ... Jake!... Jake!
[tears fall while crying out]
Billy: ... JAMIE!

Skank: Lot of duckbutter out at the lake today, eh, Pack? Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.
Gutterboy: Quiff City, here I come!

Sheriff: I've been waitin' to catch you guys in the act. Been waitin' and watchin'.
Packard: Congratulations. You caught us talking. There's no law against that, is there officer? Unless of course I got my wires crossed and you caught us speaking without a permit.
Sheriff: Clam it, wiseguy!

George: Why'd you stop me? What do you want?
Packard: Well, let's just say it's pink.
Girl: Oh, god!
George: Forget it pal, no way!
Packard: I might forget it. I'm a nice guy.
Packard: [nods to his gang members] But them? They think the title to your car might be worth something.

Packard: Things are getting a little too equal these days.

Sheriff: I don't need a warrant when I have this badge.
Gutterboy: But we know our constipational rights, sir, and you can't just come in here and...

Billy: [Talking about Keri] Me and her are pretty good friends. Well, actually she's... she used to be tight with my brother. She's got real problems with that lunatic she's with there now.
Jake: What kind of problems?
Billy: Well, Packard's a mistake of nature or a genetic misfire.
Jake: [laughing] He's what?
Billy: Packard gets crazy jealous if anybody even looks at Keri cross-eyed. You gotta wear dark glasses so he doesn't catch you at it.

Gutterboy: Skank!
Skank: Yeah?
Gutterboy: Who is that guy?
Skank: I don't know, but whoever he was, he's weird and pissed off!

Murphy: [Looking down at an intensely flaming car wreck] You think he made it?
Stokes: You gotta be kiddin' me. Local kid?
Murphy: Used to be.

Keri: You think I'd go to California with you? I'd rather go to Nogales, have the Gutterboy's cretin children and die than to be with you.
Packard: You better shut up now, Keri, or I'm gonna have to...
Keri: Yeah, you can kill me, too, Packard, but you can never make me love you.

Packard: [catching Billy about to take Keri home] So what happened here? Looks to me like you ran out of those all-beef patties kind of EARLY today, huh?
Billy: Hey, don't worry, Pack. We still got plenty of dog food.
Oggie: Hey, Packard, let's grind up some meat, huh?
Billy: Hey, has this guy been wormed or is he just a naturally gifted child?
[Oggie makes a lunge for Billy but Packard detains him with a knife to his throat]
Oggie: [to Billy] I swear to God I'll... I'll rip your head off and piss down your throat.
Packard: Hold your water Oggie. This is business.

Sheriff: Bad feelin's don't add up to resurrections, buddy.