The Best Torquil Travers Quotes

Torquil: You and Grindelwald were as close as brothers.
Albus: Oh, we were closer than brothers.

[from trailer]
Torquil: There's a rumor that Newt Scamander is headed to Paris. I know he's working under your orders. What do you have to say for yourself, Dumbledore?
Albus: If you'd ever had the pleasure to teach him, you'd know Newt is not a great follower of orders.

Torquil: Now, it pains me to say it, because-well, I don't like you-but, you are the only wizard who is his equal. I need you to fight him.
Albus: I can't.
Torquil: Because of this?
[shows moving pictures of teenage Dumbledore and teenage Grindelwald]
Torquil: You and Grindelwald were as close as brothers.
Albus: Oh we were closer than brothers.

Torquil: I have some questions for you, Professor.
Albus: This is a surprise.
Torquil: There's a rumor that Newt Scamander is headed to Paris. I know he's working under your orders. What do you have to say for yourself, Dumbledore?
Albus: If you'd ever had the pleasure to teach him... you'd know Newt is not a great follower of orders.