The Best Tri-Jema Quotes

Captain: Oh, come on. That is crap. You brought these charges against me.
Tri: I'm sorry, Captain. You are a survivor. I'm not, and I need to survive. I must outlive and outlast. You knew that when we first met. I am no more a politician now than I was then. No more, and let me be clear, no less, and this is politics. Politics that bring a logic to all of this.
Captain: There is no logic. The only reason this is happening is because the Collectors want me out of the way. They want complete control of the Commonwealth, and you're too afraid to stop them.
Tri: We can't have a civil war, Captain.
Captain: Okay, but this is not the way to prevent one.
Tri: I'm trying to look at things differently. The only way to beat a temptation is to give into it. What is the saying? Different courses for different horses?
Captain: Tri-Jema, that is neither the saying nor the solution.