The Best TSA Agent #2 Quotes

Teresa: This is another fine pickle you've gotten yourself in, huh?
Patrick: Eh, I've seen worse, pickle-wise.
Teresa: Yes, you have... How's the ankle?
Patrick: Oh, it's fine... You didn't go to D.C.
Teresa: No. Did you mean what you said?
Patrick: Yes, I did.
Teresa: Good.
Patrick: Just to be clear, we're talking about pickles, right?
Teresa: No. No. The other thing.
Patrick: Oh, that.
Teresa: This is no joking matter.
Patrick: Yes, I meant what I said, every word of it.
Teresa: Good. Because I feel the same way.
Patrick: [smiles] Well, that's lucky. What about Pike?
Teresa: He'll understand. Say it again.
Patrick: Say what again?
Teresa: [arches brow meaningfully]
Patrick: [he leans across the table and kisses Teresa]
TSA: [knocks on window] Hey, quit that!