The Best Turtlenator Quotes

April: Irma, where did you disappear to?
Turtlenator: Disappear to?
Irma: [walks up to them] April, you'll never believe it! I found this fantastic machine with all this health food and...
[sees that Turtlenator]
Irma: Oops...
Turtlenator: Who are you and who does your hair?
Irma: [nervously] Well, you see, I just came along for the ride with the tur...
April: [covers her mouth] Whatever you do, don't use the 'T' word!
Irma: The 'T' word? What 'T' word? OH! You mean turtles!
Turtlenator: TURTLES?
[the Turtlenator attacks and chases after them]
Irma: Why didn't you warn me the 'T' word was turtles?
April: Irma, you're hopeless!