Top 50 Quotes From Shredder

Shredder: [to Bebop and Rocksteady] That's the last time I let you sit on my lap and steer!

Shredder: Your hairy little friend knows me as Oroku Saki, but you may call me... The Shredder.
Raphael: A kitchen utensil?
Shredder: You would be wise to lose your flippant ways if you wish to join the honorable Foot Clan.
Leonardo: Why should we want to do that?
Shredder: Because it was I who made you what you are today. If not for me, Hamato Yoshi would never have left Japan. I followed him to this country, where I gained my advanced technology, including my rare experimental mutagen. It was I who caused you to mutate into your humanoid form. You owe everything to me! Don't deny your destiny. Join me.
Raphael: Does the phrase "go suck a lemon" hold any meaning to you?

Shredder: Just bring the beast to me!
Rocksteady: Just my luck. I-I-I left my cattle prod in my other suit.
Shredder: Cowards! Must I do everything myself?
Bebop: Sounds good to me.

Rocksteady: [tied up, before Shredder mutates him] Uh, you sure this is going to give us all them, uh, powers you promised us man?
Shredder: Absolutely! Of course, you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.

Shredder: Patience, Krang. In a short time, the citizens will be too cold to resist us. The Solar Siphon will soon drain all the energy from the sun, and store it in these solar batteries, while the entire planet is turned into a deep freeze that will make the ice age seem like a Turkish bath! HAHAHA!
Krang: Wooo, you have a way with words, Shredder!
Shredder: Well, actually, I always wanted to be a writer. Being a ruthless conqueror was my second choice.

Rocksteady: Ooooh yuck! It looks like what the water looks like after my bath!
Shredder: Hey. When was the last time THAT happened?
Rocksteady: Ooh what year is this?
[goo splat]
Rocksteady: I think it's the year my bath is due!

Shredder: If you blister-heads had stolen a decent car, I wouldn't need to hire a delivery boy.
Rocksteady: Aw, give us another chance, boss.
Bebop: Yeah, this time we'll swipe one that ain't a police car.

April: [wakes up, holds her head] Ohhhh!
[notices Rocksteady carrying her over his shoulder]
April: Oh, let me go you slobbering beast! Just wait until the Turtles get their hands on you!
Shredder: Wait, that voice... it sounds familiar!
[uncovers April's hair and gets a better look at her face]
Shredder: Just as I thought! This isn't Princess Mallory, you moronic mutants, it's April O'Neil!
Rocksteady: The dame reporter? What are we going to do, boss?
Shredder: We're going to make the best of a bad situation!
[grabs April by the arm and drags her away]
April: Shredder, everywhere you go is a bad situation!

[Irma falls down screaming]
Shredder: What was that?
Rocksteady: Very heavy mice?
Bebop: Very noisy termites?
Shredder: It serves me right for asking you two lunkheads!

Shredder: I prefer to see the agony on the faces of my enemies as I destroy them!

Rocksteady: They're gonna make us walk the plank!
Shredder: Oh, stop acting like wimps! The Turtles are good guys. They wouldn't do a thing like that.
Krang: [voice] They wouldn't, but I would!
Shredder: Krang?
[Krang zaps Rocksteady, Bebop and Shredder off the plank and into the ocean]

Shredder: [sees Irma] How the devil did she get all the way down here?
Krang: [sarcastic] Truly, she is a woman of skill.

Rocksteady: [to com-link] Rocksteady here. That you boss?
Shredder: No, it's the Tooth Fairy.
Bebop: Hey, let me talk to that crook! I left my little baby tusk under my pillow and didn't get nothing!

April: [puts on Princess Mallory's pink dress, white gloves and crown, then hears the turtle com] Oh, what a time for the Turtle Com!
[answers it]
April: April here, what's up?
Donatello: [worried] April, are you alright? We just spotted Shredder and his two hench mutants!
April: Aw, you fellas are so sweet to worry about me. I'm in Princess Mallory's room on the trail of a hot story so...
[Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady break into the room]
Shredder: Grab her!
Rocksteady: With pleasure!
[picks her up and holds her in his arms]
April: [while hitting him on the head] Let go of me you...
[Shredder renders her unconscious with a nerve pinch to the neck]
Donatello: April? April? April, answer me!

Krang: Traag!
General: They couldn't have just vanished...
[notices Krang]
General: Oh, sorry lord. Huh? Lord Krang!
Krang: Don't look at me!
General: My lord, what has happened to your body?
Krang: It's a long story. I lost it when they banished me to this miserable mud ball.
Shredder: Those three youths just blasted their way right out of my Technodrome.
Lieutenant: The Neutrinos have eluded us.
Krang: Neutrinos? Running loose here on Earth? Saki, you imbecile! Why, I ought to...
Shredder: What did I do? Who are these Neutrinos?
Krang: A gang of juvenile delinquents from Dimension X. They're a threat to everything we stand for.
General: They hate war.
Lieutenant: They refuse to join any armies.
Krang: And what's worse, they encourage people to have fun.

Krang: My automatic digital tuner beam is tuning every radio in the city to W.O.O.F.
Shredder: That means hundreds of thousands of people will be listening to my voice. I'll be a star, able to get tables at the best restaurants, limos, charge accounts!
Krang: I've created a monster.

April: [enters a warehouse] Uh, Turtles, are you here?
Shredder: [jumps out and grabs her] No, but I am!
April: [frightened] Shredder!
Shredder: [drags her away] Baxter, where are your manners? Offer the young lady a seat.
Baxter: Gladly, master.
Shredder: [shoves her onto the chair and clamps her wrists to its arms] Make yourself comfortable, Ms. O'Neil. You may be here a very long time!
Shredder: [digs through her purse and pulls out the turtle com] Aha!
April: What are you doing?
Shredder: Making sure you don't get lonely.
[calls the turtles]

Krang: Now pay attention. This receptor ring will make the beast follow orders sent from this remote control device.
Bebop: Hey, I remember these things.
[puts the ring around his waist and uses it as a hula-hoop]
Krang: No, you buffoon! You're to place it in the creature's nose, then command it to destroy the turtles.
Shredder: [takes the remote] It will be done.
Krang: By the way, in case you have any ideas about turning the creature against me, remember that I, too, have a remote control more powerful than yours. Mine works the TV, the VCR, and the stereo.

Shredder: You wretched reptiles! How dare you trick me by giving me the explosive cufflink!
Leonardo: *Trick* him by giving him the explosive cufflink?
Raphael: You know, I think ol' Shred has finally flipped his chrome-plated lid.

Krang: [Watching M.A.C.C on the telescreen] I want that robot!
Shredder: Now, Krang, you can't have everything you see on TV.
Rocksteady: Maybe if you're real good, you'll get one for Christmas.

[Bebop and Rocksteady return to the Technodrome with flies all over them]
Krang: What happened? Who are these creatures?
Shredder: They're Bebop and Rocksteady! But they're covered with... with...
Baxter: [exits the Transport Module] With flies. Simple, ordinary houseflies. Well, maybe not so ordinary.
Krang: Baxter Stockman!
Shredder: I should've clipped your wings when I had the chance!
[Shredder charges towards Baxter, but Baxter uses the flies to attack him]
Shredder: What... What's going on?
Baxter: I should warn you, Shredder, fly jokes don't go over too well with this crowd.

Shredder: The Turtles! What does it take to stop you?
Raphael: Whatever it is, you ain't got it.
Shredder: We'll discuss it some other time.

Shredder: Turtles, you're about to become history, and I "squid" you not!
Shredder: [to himself] Oh, would you believe, I actually made a funny!

Shredder: Here, let me give you a hand. Or better yet, a finger.
[pushes a button that ejects Bebop and Rocksteady from the sunken Technodrome]

Krang: I want that energy source now!
Krang: Soon the entire world will be at my feet!
Shredder: Ha ha ha. What feet?
Krang: You really know how to hurt a person, don't you?

Krang: For once, you might actually carry out a task successfully.
Shredder: Why, thank you, Krang.
Krang: Yeah, and I might begin to like broccoli!
Shredder: [to himself] Yeah well, if this really works, I might not need my little fat head friend, either.

Shredder: [Shredder has caught April who has mutated into a cat person and put her in a cage] Get her something to eat, it may calm her down.
Bebop: Uh, I have just the thing boss
[pulls a mouse out of his pocket]
Bebop: Hey kitty look at what Bebop got you for din-din
[the mouse bites him and he drops it in the cage]
Bebop: ow!
Shredder: [April looks at the mouse, screams and backs away from it] You fool she's still more female than feline!
[April hisses at him]
Shredder: Hmm she may not eat a rodent, but perhaps she'll help me hunt one down

[Shredder points a mutation reversal ray at the Turtles]
Michaelangelo: Whuh-oh! It's that retro-muto-thingamabob!
Donatello: He's gonna use it to turn us back into ordinary turtles!
Raphael: Well, gang, looks like it's back to the ol' pet shop for us!
Shredder: Far from it. Tonight, I dine on turtle soup!

Shredder: Come along, you two.
Rocksteady: Oh, all we ever do is go up and down, up and down!
Krang: Sounds like the perfect job for a couple of yo-yos. I made a funny.

Krang: Have those stone warriors nab April O'Neil.
Shredder: Mmm, not a bad idea, although we've done that at least thirty times before. But hey, who's counting?

Krang: Shredder, I can't believe you're actually suggesting that! Planning to invade the city with armor-plated bulldozers? I've never heard of a more idiotic idea!
Shredder: Well it beats YOUR stupid idea: Bungee jumping foot soldiers!
Krang: I don't have to take this abuse from the likes of you!
Shredder: And I don't have to be insulted by an octopus like YOU!
Krang: Oh yeah?
Shredder: Oh yeah!
Krang: [as the Technodrome shakes] What was that?
Shredder: Don't ask ME- you're the one with the big brain!

Krang: You addlebrained idiot! You can't even beat a bunch of miserable turtles! I refuse to give you one more iota of my technology until you finish building my new body!
Shredder: Your body is but one of many biomechnical experiments I am conducting in the Technodrome, Krang. See? I'm still refining my mutations on the punks. This next batch will be infinitely superior to these two losers.
Bebop: [Snorts] Hey, what do you mean?
Rocksteady: [Snarls] You just give us another shot, pal. And you'll see some squished turtles.
Krang: Why are you wasting time on mutants? My stone warriors are amassed in Dimension X waiting to overrun this world at my command. But I cannot let them see me like this.
Shredder: Dimension X... of course. The transdimensional portal is already complete. Your home dimension is a place of total war, is it not?
Krang: Yes! A war that's been carried on without me since I was banished here.
Shredder: Then I will get the weaponry I need by pulling it through Dimension X!
Krang: No! You can't!
Shredder: But I must! I, and I alone, must defeat my ancient enemy Hamato Yoshi and his wretched turtles!
Krang: Saki! Don't! There's no telling what might come through that portal!

Rocksteady: [Shredder approaches carrying a candleabra] It's Frankula!
Bebop: No way. It's Dracenstein!
Shredder: It's me, you idiots!

Shredder: You wretched reptiles! You'll pay for this!
Bebop: And bring cash. We don't take plastic!

Rocksteady: You sure this gonna give us them powers?
Shredder: Of course. Although you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.

Shredder: This place is a pig sty! I thought I told you to clean it up!
Bebop: But we did. But then you came busting in and we...
Shredder: No excuses!

[Bebop and Rocksteady bump into each other]
Shredder: You idiots!
Donatello: Mutagen didn't up their IQs any...

Shredder: We'll use the anti-gravitational skimmers.
Krang: Really? You're in for a few surprises.
Shredder: Krang! You mustn't worry so much. You put lines in that hansome face of yours.
Krang: [Bebop and Rocksteady laughing] Alright Shredder. Find out the hard way, it's your funeral.

Shredder: Bebop! Rocksteady! Bring out the dummies.
Rocksteady: But we're already here, boss.

Krang: [closely examining the tri-lithium crystal] Shredder, this crystal is exactly like you.
Shredder: [smugly] You mean it's flawless?
Krang: [angrily] No. I mean it's cracked!

Shredder: [about Rocksteady and Bebop] Oh, those morons! I should've handled this hero business myself! But I'd rather eat brussels sprouts for a week than be a do-gooder.

Krang: You thought you were going to have it all. Instead, you have zip!
Shredder: Look who's talking. You don't even have hands to fix your equipment.
Bebop: Uh, let me help, boss.
[Bebop slams the module door on Shredder's hand]
Shredder: Ooowww!
[Shredder hops around in pain]
Krang: Keep that up and you won't have hands, either!

Shredder: Krang, I could not control the mutagen monster. I must have your help.
Krang: It's nice to be wanted.
Rocksteady: [holds up a wanted poster of himself] Yeah, I know just what you mean.

Krang: We must go to Earth and steal the diamond!
Shredder: Impossible! Hungerdunger's mansion is more heavily guarded than Fort Knox. The only way to get it would be to win that contest.
[Krang smiles devilishly]
Shredder: Stop smiling like that, Krang. I hate it when you smile like that.
Krang: Shredder, you are going to get me that diamond by becoming a g... g... good guy.
Shredder: Me? Never! I have my reputation to think of!

Shredder: Our pizza parlor relies on it's weird image. You look pretty normal to me.
Michaelangelo: [in cognito] Whoa radical misperception, dude, I'm weirder than you know.

Shredder: But what choice do I have? Only mutants are immune to the Mesmerizer's beam! Humans like myself can't be near it when they set it off!
Krang: You don't have to explain it to me, I invented it, remember?
Shredder: I wasn't explaining it to you... .
[turns to camera and points]
Shredder: I was explaining it to them.

Shredder: So my baby brother led you here?
Turtles: Your brother?
Kazuo: To my great shame.
Michelangelo: Aw, don't sweat it. It's not your fault you're Shredder's little bro.
Raphael: Yeah, it's just... bad luck.

Shredder: Never in my life have I seen such an obnoxious child.
Donatello,: You think this is bad? You should have tried catching her.

Shredder: Destroy them all! Ha ha. Aw it feels so good to be so bad.

Shredder: Serves me right for using cheap mutant labor.