Top 100 Quotes From West Side Story

Maria: Wait. Wait. I forgot why I called you.
Tony: I'll wait til you remember.

Lieutenant: Evict yourself off my crime scene, Bernardo.

- Go back where you came from.
- You think I want to stay here?
- In this city full of ugly, little animals like you?
- No, gracias.

- and it's almost like praying
- Maria
- I 7! Never stop saying
- Maria the most beautiful sound I ever heard
- Maria

- Go to doc's.
- Valentina will know what to do.
- Tony!
- Promise me you will.
Anita: Maria.

[Shouts] Jets!
- Jets member: Come on, baby John!

Tony: [singing] Could be... Who knows? There's something due any day, I will know right away, soon as it shows... It may come canonballing down through the sky, gleam in its eye, bright as a rose! Who knows? It's only just out of reach, down the block, on a beach, under a tree - I got a feeling there's a miracle due, gonna come through, coming to me! Could it be? Yes it could - Something's coming, Something good! If I can wait... Something's coming, I don't know what it is, but it is gonna be great! With a click, with a shock, phone'll jingle, door'll knock, open the latch... Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon, catch the moon - one-handed catch! Around the corner... or whistling down the river! Come on, deliver to me! Will it be? Yes it will. Maybe just by holding still, it'll be there... Come on something, come on in, don't be shy, meet a guy, pull up a chair! The air is humming, and something great is coming... Who knows? It's only just out of reach, down the block, on a beach, maybe tonight... Maybe tonight... Maybe tonight...

- jets: We'll stop 'em once and for all sharks: We'll stop 'em once and for all
- Maria and Tony: Oh, moon, grow bright and make this endless day endless night sharks: We 're gonna rock it tonight all: Tonight

Anita: You want her to pick him, keep telling her she has to like him.

- Come with me now.
- I can't. I can't.
[Voice breaking] Maria.
- Si, I'm almost... I'll come out in a...
- Go. Go.

- Go pop yourself, ya blister.
- How long's he figure on holing up down there?
- Till the heat dies down.
- When's that gonna happen?
- Two guys died, so...
- Never ever.

- now it begins now we start one hand one heart
- -Maria: Death won't part
- -even death won't part
- -Maria: Us now -us now

Lieutenant: We're outnumbered, boys. Thousands more are on their way, and once they're here, they pop out kids like crazy. Am I right?

Maria: Tony, if someone gets hurt because of what we do... .
Tony: What'd we do to anyone?
Maria: We don't do anything wrong, liking each other, pero...
Tony: Maria, I don't just like you.
Maria: We can't pretend what we do doesn't cause trouble.
Tony: I can't talk my guys out of making trouble. Trouble is what they're made of.

- Boy: Hey!
- Hey, you! Come on!

Riff: [Tony arrives at the rumble] And just when all hope is lost. So, is this the shot heard round the world, or just, you know, more of your bullshit?
Tony: Don't ask me about shooting, pal. You're the one with the gun.
Riff: That's right, and who are you? Friend or foe?

- Don't laugh. It means I wanna be...
- I know what it means.

- Woman: Maria! Maria!
Bernardo: Maria!
- Maria.

- Maybe tomorrow I'll run away with you.
- Tomorrow?
- Deal.
- Wait!
- Tomorrow, where?
- I can't see ya.

- Everyone there will give big cheer!
- Sharks: Hey!
- Everyone there will have moved here
- Women: Ow, ow, ow!
- Ow, ow, ow!
- Ow, ow, ow!

- I'll make him like me. Everybody does.
- There's nobody who everybody likes.
- Yeah, but, so long as you like me,
- I'm ok with that.
- Please, you have to go.
- Ay, dios mio. No, no, no.

Bernardo: Promised your buddy was gonna be here.
- If you don't keep your word, jefe, how am I going to believe you'll keep out of our territory after...

- -I feel stunning
- -i feel stunning
- -and entrancing -and entrancing feel like running and dancing for joy for I'm loved by a pretty wonderful boy
- Get back to work!

Valentina: [to the Jets] I know you. I know all of your names. Since you were born; I watched you grow up. And you have grown into rapists.
[Valentina heads back to the basement]
Valentina: [to the Jets] You dishonor yourselves. You dishonor your dead.

Anybodys: All of you go suck a pickle.

- krupke, we've got troubles of our own gee, officer krupke we're down on our knees cause no one wants a fellow with a social disease gee, officer krupke what are we to do?
- Gee, officer krupke krup you

Maria: Tony. Who cares if he's a...? I don't know what he is. A Yankee?
Bernardo: He's a Polack. That's what he is. A big, dumb Polack.
Anita: Polack, says the Spic. Now you sound like a real American.

- today the minutes seem like hours the hours go so slowly and still the sky is light
- Tony and Maria: Oh, moon, grow bright and make this endless day endless night

Anita: [in church, at mass, wearing a prayer veil, singing] Anita's gonna get her kicks, Tonight
Rosalía: Shh!
Anita: We'll have our private little mix, Tonight
Luz: Shh!
Anita: He'll walk in hot and tired, So what? Don't matter if he's tired, as long as he's hot
Rosalía,40638: Shh!
Anita: Tonight!

- Tony, come on!
- Come on! Come on.
- Tony, come on!
Anybodys: Tony, come on.

Riff: I get confused when you say "our streets," seeing how these streets are ours by right of being born here, amigo.

- And you don't shop in gimbels.
- You clean in gimbels.
Maria: Ay.
- Mm.
- Ahorrar tus chavitos, fancy pants.
- Aw. Si.
- Ay, turn around.

- I know you.
- I know all of your names.
- Since you was born.
- I watched you grow up.
- And you have grown into rapists.

- I didn't punch my time card.
- G hola?
- Chino?
- Maria.
- Que Paso?
- Chino, que Paso?

- just please!
- Don't leave me here!
- Get off of me!
- Chino, kill me!
- Kill me, too, chino!
- Chino!

- Maria can't like a iambeojo who just works day and night.
- Never stands up like her brother does.
- She says all the time she doesn't want anyone like me.
- Just be chino.
- But be a chino who dances.

- All: Hey!
- "I'm happy to see you again."

Riff: You know, I don't know who I am. And who cares who I am? Nobody, including me. I know that this dust that's covering everything right now, that's the four-story buildings that was standing here when you went upstate a year ago. You know, I wake up to everything I know either getting sold or wrecked, or being taken over by people that I don't like. And they don't like me. And you know what's left out of all that? The Jets. My guys. My guys, who are just like me.

Tony: Womb to tomb.
Riff: Sperm to worm.

Anita: [to Tony] Do you want to start World War III?

Anita: [to Maria, from trailer] If you go with him, no one will forgive you.

- hold my hand and we're halfway there hold my hand and I'll take you there somehow someday somewhere

Lieutenant: What's a gang without its terrain, its turf? You're a month or two away from finding out, one step ahead of the wrecking ball. And in this uncertain world, the only thing you can count on is *me*. I'm here to keep the civil peace until the last building falls. And if you boys make trouble on my turf, Riff, hand to heart, you're headed to an upstate prison cell for a very long time. By the time you get out, this will be a shiny new neighbourhood of rich people in beautiful apartments with Puerto Rican doormen that chase trash like you away.
[starts to leave]
Riff: Wait! I got a question for you, Lieutenant. How tall did you used to be before you, you know, "schrank"?
Lieutenant: Come on, Sergeant, ride with me.
Officer: Long as I know you, Riff, you ain't had the sense, God gave a pigeon.

- And I'm sorry I can't be there to meet him like I promised.
- And all of a sudden, fluency.
- That means "I'll come as soon as I can."
- I can go?
- You're not his widow or anything.
- I'm done with you.

Anita: Here, dead man, eat your eggs. And everyone speak English.

- And you?
- All of you!
- I can kill now because I hate now.
- I hate now.
- How many can I kill, chino?
- And still have one bullet left for me!

- Didn't you hear me...? [Sighs]
- What are you doing? Ay, nena...
Maria: No, no, no, no.
- It look like a shroud, it's so big and so white.
- It wouldn't look like a shroud if it was red.

- Sharks: Mambo!
- Alright. Let's go, boys!
- Jets member: Let's go, boys!
- Jets: Oh... yeah!

- free to do anything you choose free to wait tables and shine shoes everywhere grime in america
- -organized crime in america
- -[Anita responding in Spanish]
- Terrible time in america you forget I'm in america

- Ok. That's enough.
- Tony! Tony! Tony!
- Let go! Let go!
- It's ok. It's ok. [Chuckles]
- Take it out.

- now it begins now we start one hand one heart only death will part us now

Maria: [singing] Tonight, tonight, the world is full of light.

- Yeah?
- Look it.
[Gasps] Ooh.
- You see? Promise.
- You bring dead floors back to life.
- Keep looking for better, mi milagro.
- Like you always done.

- Anybodys!
- Good to see ya.
Tony: Whoa!
- Tony, I knew you'd come, buddy boy.
- I knew you'd come.
- Hey! Come and dance, yeah?
- Yeah!
- Sharks: Mambo!

- -Goi -crazy!
- Jets: Go!
- Tiger: Come on! Action: Tony!
- I'm open!
Action: Tiger, toss it!
- Come on, let's go!

- And no one will ever forgive him.
- Will you?
- You can't ever ask me that.
- Will you forgive me?
- Te quiero, mi nifia, but he will have to go away.
- And you will have to go with him.

- Jets member: Hey, buddy!
- Jets member 2: Yeah, riff!
- Ok.
- Boy: Sorry.
- Girl 2: Excuse us.
- I'm sorry.

Valentina: Keep looking for better, mi milagro. Like you always done.
Tony: [singing] Could be? Who knows? There's something due any day, I will know right away, Soon as it shows, It may come cannonballing, Down through the sky, Gleam in its eye, Bright as a rose, Who knows? It's only just out of reach, Down the block, On a beach, Under a tree, I got a feeling there's a miracle due, Gonna come true, Coming to me, Could it be? Yes, it could, Something's coming, Something good, If I can wait, Something's coming, I don't know what it is, But it is gonna be great...

- We don't do anything wrong, liking each other, pero...
- Maria.
- I don't just like you.
- We can't pretend what we do doesn't cause trouble.
- I can't talk my guys outta making trouble.
- Trouble's what they're made of.

Bernardo: This is about family.

- I should go.
- Where?
- Ay, no.

- Sharks member: Hey! Bernardo!
- Sharks member: Anita!

Diesel: Hey, I'm depraved on account of I'm deprived!

- but hold him hold him forever be with him now tomorrow and all of my life

Tony: [singing] Tonight, tonight, Won't be just any night, Tonight there will be no morning star, Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight, And for us stars will stop where they are!
Maria: Today, the minutes seem like hours, The hours go so slowly, And still the sky is light
Tony,40603: Oh, moon, grow bright And make this endless day Endless night...

- You want me to book the whole bunch of you?
- Keep up the serenade and see what...
- [Viva Puerto Rico iibre!
- I am ordering you clowns to disperse!
- Now!

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey, hey, hey!

Action: Them Spics sleep with their switchblades in their teeth. They ain't gonna leave their knives at home.

- This is about family.
- Ah! [Speaking Spanish]
- Maria... [Stutters]
- Maybe chino and your friends fall down at your feet, and maybe you scare the americanos when you make fists and angry faces...

Riff: What are you afraid of, your Patrol Officer? You're breaking my heart with this shit!

Bernardo: Better without knives.
Riff: Better for who is the question that comes to mind, but no knives. And no jazz till then. Copasetic?

- Maria ain't coming.
- Chino, he found out about them...
- Tony and Maria.
- He shot her.
- Maria is dead.
- You tell him that.

- Hey, we don't need no knives.
- You boys love your knives.
- Better without knives.
- Better for who is the question that comes to mind, but no knives.
- And no jazz till then. Copasetic?

A: Go back where you came from.
Anita: [after being assaulted by the Jets] You think I want to stay here? In this city full of ugly little animals like you? No gracias. Yo no soy Americana. Yo soy Puertorriqueña!
[to Valentina]
Anita: Tell Tony, you tell that murderer, Maria ain't coming. Chino, he found out about them. Tony and Maria. He shot her. Maria is dead. You tell him that.

- these 20 bad blocks.
- Don't you do what Bernardo did.
- You kill a gringo, they kill you.
- Sooner or later, the gringos kill everything.
- Chino, chino, chino, por favor.
- Don't follow me.

[Singing] Good night good night sleep well and when you dream dream of me tonight

- This is for you.
Tony: This is the surprise.
Maria: It look like a church.
Tony: It's a museum now, you know.

- Come on! Give it a chance!
- It's gonna...
- Sharks: Mambo! Jets: Mambo!
- All: Go!

- Dancing up a storm, you was, dipping them hips.
- Valentina!
- Spanish?
- You come here speaking Spanish?
- I wasn't talking to you.
- No Spanish. Not with us. Not today.

Bernardo: Last night I dreamed I was back in Puerto Rico. In my dream, we had six kids.
Anita: Six kids? Marry a cat.

Tony: [to Maria] The world's been against Riff since he was born.

- Now, boys, get into a big circle facing in.
- And, girls, make a small circle on the inside, facing out.
- Speak English in school-sponsored functions!
- Now, everyone, please!
- You heard the man! All youse fall in!

Maria: You're tall.
Tony: Yeah, I know. You're not.
Maria: You're not Puerto Rican?
Tony: You're just figuring that out?
Maria: From down here, I wasn't sure.
Tony: Is that okay? That I'm not?
Maria: I don't know.

Lieutenant: Most of the white guys who grew up in this slum climbed their way out of it. Irish, Italian, Jews: nowadays their descendants live in nice houses and drive nice cars and date nice girls you'd want to marry. Your dads or your granddads stayed put, drinking and knocking up some local piece who gave birth to you: The last of the Can't-Make-It Caucasians.

- turn off the juice, boy go, man, go but not like a yo-yo school boy
- -just play it cool, boy
- -[Gun clacks]
- Real cool
- Careful, buddy.

- Come on.
- Ha!
- Jets: Yeah! Come on, come on!
- Beat it.
- Jets member: Oh, yeah!

- Sharks: Hey! Women: Hey!
- Sharks: Hey! Women: Hey!
- Sharks: Hey!

[Laughs] Oh, that's...
- Don't laugh.
- I, Tony...
- I, Anton, take you, Maria, rich or poor...
- I'm poor.
- I'm poorer.

- Chino...
- What?
- Chino has a gun.
- Chino shot Maria.
- He killed her.
- She's... she's dead.

Anita: Oh, like you don't stare.
- Because our girls make their girls look lousy.
- The first gringo boy who smiles at you... pow!
- Ay, Mr. Juvenile delincuente.
Bernardo: Vamos.
- I told you she likes him.

- Do you wanna start world war III?
- Ay, Maria, Maria.
- Tony? Come on.
- Tony, come on.
- You walking away? Hey! Come on, man!

- and something great is coming who knows?
- It's only just out of reach down the block, on a beach maybe tonight maybe tonight maybe tonight

- Yeah!
Riff: Hey!
- No, no, no. I just wanna give him a talk real quick.
- Hey, Bernardo!
Graziella: Riff!
- Girl: Bernardo!
Manolo: Chino!

- you're the only thing I'll see
[voice quivers] Forever in my eyes, in my words and in everything I do
- Nothing else but you ever [sobbing]

Tony: [singing] Maria... I just met a girl named Maria! And suddenly that name will never be the same to me! Maria - I've just kissed a girl named Maria! And suddenly I found, how wonderful a sound can be! Maria! Say it loud and there's music playing! Say it soft, and it's almost like praying... Maria... I'll never stop saying Maria!

Balkan: Whatever they are, citizens or who gives a fart, what we know is...
Mouthpiece: They - ain't - us.

- a place for me to live in no better than alright but here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight

Anita: [to Maria] Get your shoes on. Bernardo will be so mad if we make him late. And I want to dance.

- To keep track of chino.
- Yeah, yeah. Good. You do that.
- In and out of shadows.
- That's how.
- Hey.
- You done good, buddy boy.

Lieutenant: [to the police] It's happening tonight. That's all we know. The morning papers filled with stories about dead kids? Not on my watch. Every block of Lincoln Square, every inch of San Juan Hill.
[Krupke walks up to Schrank]
Lieutenant: [to Krupke] I want the West Side locked down.