1000 Best Mr. Robot Quotes

Elliot: Come on, come on, come on. I know I'll find something. He can't be this happy. No one is. Haven't you been paying attention? Everyone has a secret. People are always hiding something: their vulnerabilities, their fears, their shame. I don't care how happy he looks. Everyone has a monster. The question is, what's his?

- And there it is.
- What?
- We just owned the FBI.

- He'll get it done.
- Irvi n g: Call me when it's finished.
- Woman on pa: Attention, all e corp employees, this is an emergency.
- Please stay on your floor.
- Lock all doors, and find your nearest safe zone.
- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.

- Elliot.
- You're Darlene.
Elliot: I know,
- I know what she's going to say.
- I'm your... sister.
- You're my sister.

- It's gonna take a while to rebuild this relation...
- Mr. Robot: Talking to your friend again?
- I thought we were done with all that.
- Here.
- Check that out.
- Lots of nicer friends in there for you.

- Hey.
- You're in the wrong place.

- We've gotta get the fuck out of here!
- It didn't work.
- The alarms are still going.
- We've gotta go!
- No, I'm missing something.
- She wanted us to win.

- revenge will rear its ugly head, and encourage you to keep trying and eventually find a way to shut down my project.
- I don't want your proof.
- I want your belief.
- Belief in what?

- Mr. Robot: Oh.
- Oh, shit.

- Okay, found one.
- All right, put the battery backup down and the femtocell next to it.
- Plug the battery backup into a power strip.
- Do not unplug the femtocell from the battery backup.
- After that, plug the other end of the yellow network cable into the switch.
- Don't forget to wipe your prints from everything.

- Stage 2, the femtocell, the back door...
- I want it shut down.
- I don't want to shoot you, but I will.
- I've always told you we 'd end up working together, Elliot.
- Remember the night of the hack?
- Remember what happened to you?

- You okay there, agent dipierro?
- Sorry, you just... you seem a little out of it.
- You getting enough rest?
- Can I... [Voice cracking]
- Just have some water?
- Okay.

- You remember when we made
- Kevin McCallister?
- Do you want to talk about it?
Grant: Do you remember when you said
- Elliot would one day follow in the footsteps of his father?
- I think it's time he died for us, too.

- Sent him to jail.
- He dies five years later.
- My respect goes with him.
- I thought he was free doing what he did, but he wasn't.
- He was in prison.
- Just like you are now, Elliot.
- But I'm gonna break you out.

- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.
- I really should head back to my office.
- It's actually just right back there.
- No, no, no, no, no, not until we straighten this out.
- Hey! Over here!
- Vandal: Douchebag!

- I'm a failure.
- Look at me.
- Look at this person who loves you so much he would die a happy man right now just 'cause he had this.
- Us, sitting down, having breakfast.
- I don't think failing looks like this.

Elliot: And this is why I'm different. Sometimes my mask takes over.

- When we pull up, the first thing that comes into your mind.
- That'll be the name.
- Really?
- Now it's coming up here on the right.
- Just keep those eyes on the road.

- But we have to get this mission back on track.
- And that can't happen until Elliot and I are reunited.
- Give me a few more weeks, and I promise...
- You'll see him.

- There's additional code on here.
- The Android malware... this has nothing to do with our plan.
- Why am I even discussing this with you?
- Elliot and I should be working on this together.
- If we were in the same room, this would've been done.
- Are you finished?

- the same psycho who is this close to doing the same to you.
- Ifwe're around when she learns that Tyrell is dead, you don't think she'll have us killed?
Elliot: He's right.
- It's not worth it.
Elliot: I'm sorry.
- Can't help you.

- Why didn't you just show her the photo whiterose sent to us?
- You mean the one with
- Angela's brains blown out?
- Yeah, no, I don't think so.
- At least itwould have put her out of her misery.

- The one you pleasure yourself to in private.
- I mean, all that excess energy may be the reason you can't get any sleep, Dominique.
- But, in any case, it's pretty strong evidence of your affection for Ms.
- Alderson, wouldn't you say?

- Your job is to get intel from Elliot on tyre/I wellick.
- That is the only reason you're not in jail right now.
- Good job. You get anything from Elliot's computer?
- Last night he sent an encrypted e-mail with a link.
[Clattering] Dipierro: Is that coming from downstairs?
- Is Darlene home?

- There were no paper records in the building, and the dark army knew that, so why did they try to go today?
- What was whiterose's real plan?
- Does she know something I don't?
- Does everybody know something I don't?

- Let's keep this friendly.
- I need a doctor.
- Yeah, it's pretty bad.

- Yo, she'll be out in a minute.
- You can sit and wait if you want.
- I think we should check on her, you know, make sure she's all right.
[Chuckles] You a funny dude, I like you.
- Don't be rude, sit down and chill.

- I swear, the only way I'm getting through this is having breakfast with you.
- Mets won again.
- It's gonna be their year.
- Yeah, I know. I know,
- I know, I know, I know.

Elliot: I'm not him. Darlene... I'm not Elliot. I'm only apart of him.
Darlene: [sighs]
Darlene: I know. I know you're not him. Not the Elliot I grew up with, at least. I've known since we started fsociety. You don't act like him. At first, I thought... maybe it was you but different. But then when you forgot who I was again, it wasn't hard to figure it out from there.
Elliot: How come you never said anything?
Darlene: I don't know. We were hanging out. We were spending time together. It felt like we were finally getting close. I guess I didn't want that to stop.
Elliot: How come you two weren't close before? What did he do?
Darlene: He didn't do anything. It was me. I wasn't there for him. I didn't know how to talk to him. I couldn't deal with what he was going through, so I... gave up and... took off. That was part of the reason why I came back. I wanted to fix things. But he was gone, and you were here instead. Is he... is he okay?
Elliot: I made a safe place for him. It's got everything he ever wanted.
Darlene: Good. He deserves that. You know, even though I bailed on him, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I really miss him. Uh, I'm gonna go get the nurse. Fucking hospital. Shitty as it's always been.
Darlene: [gets up and heads to the door]
Elliot: Darlene?
Darlene: [Turns back to him]
Elliot: I'm wrong. He doesn't have everything. And even though I'm only a part of him... I want you to know I love you.

- Mary took a dry dive from a hotel room
- Bobby hung himself from a cell in the tombs, [doorbell ringing]
- Judy jumped in front of a subway train
- Eddie got slit in the jugular vein and, Eddie, lmiss you more than all the others...
- Can I help you?

- it's nonnegotiable.
- Ihavetolook my best for him.
- It's in your closet.
Irving: I still strongly advise against wearing it.
- You know, this isn't bumfuck nowhere.
- You get picked up around here, we can't protect you.

- does not appear on any plans or blueprints reported with the city, so it is possible that Tyrell wellick and fsociety were operating unbeknownst to the red wheelbarrow barbecue.
- While unsuspecting employees are not a risk to unwitting customers, justified the notorious hacker claim.

Elliot: What I wouldn't give to be normal. To live in that bubble. Reality of the naive.

- No sign of wellick.
- We had a deal.
[Stuttering] I found a solution.
- You said you'd bring my family to me.
- What's going on out front?
Norm: I've got eyes on the door.
- Nothing unusual there or nearby.

- Mr. Robot: [Grunts] Okay, it looks like the logs were never sent.
- So, all we gotta do is get rid of the body and the Van, and we're good to go, okay?

- Without literal power, we will have no power.
- This is part of a strategy to declare economic war on this country, and they know it, they know exactly what they are doing, and 2015 will be known as the year that america, this great nation, swapped democracy for dictatorship.

Darlene: You know I always thought it was crazy we got away with this plan.
Cisco: C'mon. Let's just get some rest.
Darlene: [Ignoring him] I thought there was something special about me that made it happen. But it wasn't me. It's always been him. Never any of us. When I was five, our parents' took us to Coney Island, my dad's idea of an Alderson family outing. I remember looking up at this roller coaster thinking it was the highest thing I'd ever seen. Of course I wasn't tall enough so my dad went with Elliot while I waited with my mom. I don't remember how exactly but I ended up getting lost. Most kids get scared shitless when they're alone but... I loved it. All of a sudden I felt someone grab me by the waist and pick me up, and I didn't fight back. It was this old woman, she was skinny and tall, she had this smeared, almost pink lipstick. We went to Nathan's and she said I could have whatever I wanted. It was the first time I ever felt special. We started driving to her house, and I definitely remember thinking something wasn't right, but I just looked at her and her lipstick and let it happen. And so we got to her house and she showed me my room where it had one of those beds with curtains around it. And I did feel like a princess, and kept thinking that I didn't have to leave and see my parents ever again. It was like a wish I had that all of a sudden came true. And I went to bed hoping that this wasn't all a dream and I was going to wake up in my own bed. And sure enough the next morning I was still there, but then the police barged in and when they took me downstairs, there were police everywhere so I didn't get to see the woman again, or say goodbye. And then they took me to their car and drove me home. I keep thinking what my life would have been like if I stayed but then I wouldn't have Elliot.

- Fuck me.
- Woman: Sir?
- We're closing up.
- I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

- Call you tomorrow. Okay?
- No. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you involved in any of this.
- You don't have to take care of me anymore.
- I'd like to see you again.
- You shouldn't go through this alone.

- If nothing else, knight rider should've won a fucking statue for his dope ass theme song.
- I mean, the shit just stays with you.
- Stuck in my head right now, in fact.

- Which leaves three.
- Life that unbearable, baby?
- Cute little boy like you.
- The pleasure I could give you.
- Such a shame.
- Maybe you do have that death wish after all.

- I like you, flipper.
- You're cool.
Elliot: I never wanna be right about my hacks, but people always find a way to disappoint.
- Michael Hansen now gets filed away among the others.
- Forever buried in my digital cemetery.

- Angela, what you're talking about, that's not possible.
- What if I told you it is?
- How?
- Never mind.
- I'mjusttired.
- I think I should go to bed.

- Leave me alone, or I'll be forced to take legal action.
- I wasn't asking you to treat me again.
- I just wanted to say thank you for helping me.
- You okay?
- Yeah.

- was like a put-on.
- Like, uh, one of those crisis performances or whatever.
- You know, those frank Cody types.
- Anyways, tragic for sure.
- So, you ever think that cd had anything to do with it?

- You can't kill him, no matter how hard you try.
- This doesn't make any fucking sense.
- If I'm not Elliot...
- Who the fuck am I?
- You already know.

- And for a long time, that's all I ever knew.
- So, yeah, lcahed my group fsociety because you know what?
- Fuck society.
- Society deserves to be hated for everything you said they did and more.
- And fuck every last one of them for what we've all been through.

Elliot: Life is so much easier when you're numb.

Phillip: Oh, you're still thinking about this morning. I don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head. Between you and me, I was glad he killed himself. He was not a very good person. He had a gambling problem. He drank too much. Most notably, he was weak. His instincts left a lot to be desired. Oh, I despise people like that. In fact, I felt the world was a little better off knowing he wasn't in it anymore. Uh, I believe even his family will benefit from this, in the long run.

- Man 1: $5!
- Get your $5 flags! $5!
- Man 2: We got bitcoin here.
- Bitcoin for sale.
Elliot: We can't lose him.
- Man 2: Bitcoin for sale.

Mr. Robot: Rules, morals, parameters -- They only break if you're broken to begin with. Did we change under pressure, or did this only reveal who we really are? I don't know anymore. The one thing I do know is... .
Elliot: Hey. Hey! Get - get off of me! Wait! Wait! Wait! Help! Hey! Help!

- I had to wash my face.
- Hard to breathe here.
- I know you framed Terry Colby.
- I... I didn't. Your father worked at evil corp before he died.
- That's a matter of public record.

- No wonder your wife was gonna cheat on you.
- You're weak and pathetic.
- That child's lucky to be dead.

- saying he's gonna shoot himself.
- Yeah, all of them came in blocked.
- Perfect, can you see if it's one of yours?
- Can you ping that phone for a current location?
- You've been a huge help.
- I'll call you if there's something else.

Elliot: The bug forces the software to adapt, evolve into something new because of it. Work around it or work through it. No matter what, it changes. It becomes something new. The next version. The inevitable upgrade.

- Just go.
- You two don't need to be here.
- We'll wipe down the house and figure it out.

- We're both Jersey girls.
- I know it's hard for you to believe this right now, but trust me, by the end of this day, you and I are gonna be best friends.
- Of all the gifts you've been sending me,
- I've got to say, this one got me the wettest.

- "'I am Alpha and omega,
- "'the beginning and the end.
- "'I will give unto him that is athirst
- "of the fountain of the water of life freely.
- "'He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his god, and he shall be my son.

- I take it you've read the news of your wife's divorce.
- Listen, don't believe everything you read, okay?
- Those tabloids...
- They're always full of shit.
- Look how they almost ruined
- Richard Gere's life, and he's a damn fine actor.
- Primal fear, am I right?

- of Facebook friend requests and vine stars we can all see the light of day.
- I know we haven't talked in a while.
- Maybe you only trust me about as much as I trust you right now, but I'm gonna ask you to have hope for me anyway.
- Just, please, have hope.

- We seriously need to talk.
- Shit has gone down.
- I need to do this.
- Okay.
- Okay, just be quick.
- I'll wait in the stairwell.

- Roughly 75 to 100 million.
- And that's what their lawyers will settle for.
- After they exhaust most of your legal team's funds for the next seven years.
- And, sure, that is... that's a lot of money, but not to them, not really.
- We started a rainy-day fund when the leak happened just for this occasion.
- The fund itself has already made five times that amount.

- In that moment, it's just you and absolute power.
- Nothing else.
- That moment stayed with me.
- I thought I'd feel guilty for being a murderer.
- But... I don't.
- I feel wonder.

- Freaks me out.
- Can't he wait downstairs?
- He's doing his job.
- She's still in the tub.
- You said 2:00. It's 2:15.
- Hand me a towel?
- Go. We can't leave together.

Hacker: Yeah, in middle school.
- If we don't make the top three, we're not going to Vegas.
- And he knows this shit better than you.
Hacker: Fuck it, I've been at this for four fucking hours.
- I gotta deuce it out anyway.
- This soylent ain't for the faint-hearted.

- worried what other people think of me, how I can make them happy, because I needed their approval and their acceptance.
- But you never cared.
- The first day we met, there we were, allsafe's most important clients roaming through the office, and you couldn't care less.

Elliot: Holy shit...
- He did it.
- We did it.

- Where is she?
- She good, bruh.
- Show me.

- If you did, would you have done it?
- Would you have done it?
- I would have...
- I would have found another way.
- Because as much as there is a part of you in me...
- There is a part of me in you.

- Yeah, I know what's in store.
- Romero may have a point. You're not gonna be good for anything until you kick this.
- It burns...
Elliot: Don't be mad at me,
- I know I slipped.
- But I'm about to change the world.
- I'm about to change the world...

- You know, it's good that you're...
- ._dafing. [Sighs]
- Um... well, see you on Monday.
- We can do movie night next time.
- I promise. Okay? [Softly] Yeah.
- Have fun.

- Okay? About finally letting go.
- Announcer: [On pa] Globe airlines flight 4057 to Budapest will begin boarding at gate b31, shortly.
- Globe airlines flight 4057 to Budapest will begin boarding at gate b31, shortly.
[Sobbing] Please...
- Send me a postcard, okay?

- We 're dead, right?
- There's no way we survived.
- But if we're dead, then how am I talking to you?
- And ifyou're here...
- Where's Mr. Robot?

- Angela, he's my friend.
- Yes, and he's delicious.
- Here.
- Elliot's mom: Eat this. Open.
- It's piping hot, so consume with caution.
- Pop's famous raspberry pie. Enjoy!

- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.
- This is the police!
- Do not attempt to cross the line.
- This is the police.
- Do not attempt to cross the line.

- Look, let's just sit here and chill a minute.
- Right? We'll come up with something.
- Sometimes the best decision is not making one.
[Whispers] Fine.

- I made a safe place for him.
- It's got everything he ever wanted.
- Good.
- He deserves that.
- You know, even though
- I bailed on him, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him.

- So I'm being real with you right now.
- Next person's not gonna offer you food.
- They're gonna grab you off the street and throw you in a dark cell.
- But you still have one hand to play.
- That's me.

- He pushed me out the window.
- I broke my arm and went to the hospital.
- Kevin melted.
- Darlene was pissed.
- End of story.
- What made you think of this just now?

- Just comes and goes, goes and comes.
Mobley: Rome!
- Yo, Rome! Where you at, man?
- Rome.
- Whoa. What the fuck is that smell, man?
- Rome?

- I want you to know she's innocent.
- I'm sorry, how did you know my daughter, again?
- Did you speak with her before she left?
- Do you know why she went to Arizona?
- I just know her.
- I know she wouldn't do this.

- Maybe she can still escape.
- How much longer do you think until they find us?
- I don't know, man.
- All right.
- Let's keep moving.
- Maybe you can still make that phone call.

Elliot: I keep brute-force thinking, but it's not working.
- I need help.

Mobley: [looking at the neon sign of the Fun Society arcade] What happened to the 'U' and the 'N'?
Romero: Oh, that...?
Romero: That's a story for another time.

- Do you mind sleeping here tonight?
- That girl in there is mine.
- If you're around tonight come over and tell me about it.
- Shayla?
- Vera: [Over phone] Sometimes the universe aligns perfectly.
- Here I am locked away, and still it brings you right to me.

- She's fucking dead!
[Softly] And it's not our fault.
- We tried to help her, remember?
- She did this to herself.
- You have to stop feeling guilty.
- I'm not the one that feels guilty.

- Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we are now boarding all passengers in group a and b.
- Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, group c, you are welcome to board flight 4057.

[Sighs] I'm exhausted with this world.
- What can I do? I want to help.
- I think it's pretty obvious.
- There's really only one thing you can do for a brother in a fishbowl.
- What is it?
- Move him to a goddamn window!

Darlene: E corp, Google, at&t, uber, apple, verizon, Facebook, all 23 of these listed companies have been complicit in aiding the FBI in operation berenstain.
- Jesus, what is that noise?
- Okay, tape's busted.
- Just grab another one and ewldoitagaul yeah.

- You're a middle-aged man doing what my retarded nephew could do. [Scoffs]
- That's your life.
- You know what? Keep your 20.
- I'll just go to best buy from now on.
[Scoffs] God.

Elliot: Even the dumb basketball game is enthralling. The ball goes into a hoop. Of course. We can finally be back to normal.

Elliot: You told me once that this would be a black void, absolute nothingness. Is that true?
Mr. Robot: We'll always be part of him, kiddo.

- He picked me up at...
- Okay, Tobias.
- If that is your car, whose car is this?
- I have no clue.
- Christmas, huh?
- Goodbye, Tobias.
- Goodbye is short and final.

Whiterose: The concept of waiting bewilders me. There are always deadlines. There are always ticking clocks.

Fernando: There's a smart time to be scared, bro... and a stupid time.

- Sorry. I can't leave my desk, but
- Mr. Green is out of the office until 2:00, so he's not gonna read them right away anyway.
- Obviously I would just bring them up myself, but security down here is insane.
- Can you please just come down?
Monica: Okay, I'll be right down.

- In conclusion, digitizing locally and not shipping paper records here, is the best option for our recovery efforts.

- Why, exacfly, are you doing all of this?
- Evil corp killed my mom.
- And my whole life...
- I've always wanted justice for her death.
- But how do you bring justice to a conglomerate as untouchable as evil corp?

- and shorty Japanese, so, you know, she know what the fuck she talk about.
- She got me stumped off this one question, though, saying that I should incorporate soon.
- What do you think, s-corp or llc?
- Oh, shit.
- I forgot to tell you, he's working with us now.

- sound and color life is sound and color sound and color sound and color sound and color sound and color

- Mmm.
Angela: Yes.
- Yes, yes! Elliot! I do.
- Elliot, I do.
- I do.

- But what if you search and you don't find?
- How long do you look?
- Eventually, you've gotta give up, right?
- Then what?
- That thing you were searching for, what becomes of it?
- How could you ever know?

- My only loyalty is to the almighty paper.
- So, hang on to my number.
- Should you need anything, you know I'm your guy.
- You be strange now, but don't be a stranger, know what I mean?
- Peace, ehi

- But you know, it's that last half
- I'm worried about for you, bro.
- Hey, little man, book it real quick for me.
- I'm good here.
- What's that? Didn't hear you.
- You heard.

Mr. Robot: I have burrowed underneath your brain. I am nested there. I am the scream in your mind. You will cooperate.

- Where am I?
- Where am I?

- Uh-huh.
- And by "mess" I assume you mean her.
- I know how to fix this.
- So do I.
- All right.
- Come on, miss, let's go.

- Dipierro: What are you talking about?
- They haven't publicly released the name, but it's agent horton.
- From the Santiago case.
- A spokesperson from the new
- York fire department has confirmed that a middle-aged man died on impact when he jumped from an eighth-floor apartment window...

- The mobile feed on the cameras.
- I don't need to hack wpa2 when there's dedicated 4g.

- they are going to kill us.
- Look around you.
- They've been instructed to wait.
- Not act.
- Wait for what?
- They're preparing for someone important to come.

Elliot: I need your help.
- I've been lost these past few weeks.
- Since the whole ray thing.
- I need to finish what I started with evil corp.
- But I don't know what to do.

- Please, it's been a month.
- One question, and I have to approve it.
Angela: Hi, Melissa.
- Bloomberg TV agreed to all the points on the exclusive.
- Foster's sending you the deal memo.
- I need to get coffee before the staff meeting.

- Woman: Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever.
- We can't see Darlene right now.
- It's too risky.
- I know you're confused, Elliot.
- But I'm gonna show you.
- I'm gonna show you exactly where I've been this whole time.

- We'll always be a part of Elliot alderson.
- And we'll be the best part, because we're the part that always showed up.
- We 're the part that stayed.
- We're the part that changed him.
- And who wouldn't be proud of that?

Elliot: Though she's a psychologist she's really bad at reading people but I'm good at reading people. My secret? I look for the worst in them.

- Hey, make sure you check out that Sydney pollack joint when you get a chance.
- Thank me later, Jackie.

- Why are you hacking
- Susan Jacobs' ecoin wallet?
- Why do you care?
- Because I do.
- I knew her.

- And that drives me.
- I intend to leave a legacy, the standard of which was set by god when he created the earth and man after his own image.
- Anything less is not worth mentioning.

- Just to get a statement, answer a few questions, no big.
- I'd be happy to. I'm just really busy right now.
- Whatever this is...
- It's not you.
- Woman: [On call]
- Okay, final command, ifconfig, space,
- WLAN 1, space, up.

- She probably needs a walk or something.
- She keeps shitting everywhere.
- Of course she needs a walk,
- Elliot. She's a friggin' dog.
- Yo, I want to stop and get some froyo before we go.
- Uh, I'll be back later.
- I owe you. Yeah, big time.

- I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, I don't do drugs.
- I mean, I've... I smoke weed.
- Well, sorry, but there's no takebacks.
- Besides, don't you want to figure your shit out?
- For me, sometimes, when
- I'm going through something
- I just gotta, I don't know...
- Forget about it for a little while.

- Please keep our theaters clean by disposing of your trash in the specified waste containers.
- Food and refreshments are available in the lobby.
- Gift certificates are also available on special occasions.
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

[Singing] Ding dong ding ding dong ding

Irving: [pointing to nearby rooftop party] See that up there?
Mr. Robot: What is this?
Irving: You know why those people are enjoying themselves so much even though thousands died today in the biggest attack in U.S. history?
Mr. Robot: That wasn't my fault, that wasn't supposed to happen. I want to know who made that call, was it Tyrell? What about this other attack? That was never a part of my plan!
Irving: See kid, that's been your mistake the entire time, thinking this whole thing's about your silly little plan. Your revolution is only allowed to happen 'cause it was bought and paid for by people like them.
[pointing to the rich partygoers]
Irving: Face it, no matter how hard you try, that's always the end result.
[starts walking away]
Mr. Robot: What the hell? You're going in?
Irving: Mistress of a senator we got on the payroll, powdered her nose with some bad shit, died a couple hours ago, I'm just here to make it scandal-free. You see what I mean? Literally nothing can stop these shindigs. Not thousands dead across the country, not a lifeless mistress in the guest bathroom.

- I thought I would never win.
- Even after I found out about your crazy plan,
- I still didn't believe it was possible.

- Elliot.
- You met him?
- What did he say?
- He wanted to know what stage 2 is.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Stage 2 is his plan.

- according to a filing published by the securities and exchange commission.
- Earth to Elliot.
- You all right?
- Just make sure all the flow charts are accurate.
- We really need to land this account.
- Okay.

- Oh, that's right.
- Four-year-old Jamie dipierro of morrisville.
- That's your brother
- Joseph's kid, right?
- Yeah.
- I want you to look at this jerk-off and imagine it's little Jamie.

Elliot: These are blueprints for a building and a disassembled firmware for an uninterruptible power supply, but/cant understand much past that.
- I'm not sure what the play is.
- I could ask him, but who am I really asking?
- Elliot, look over here.

- I'm not doing it.
Elliot: Your dark army contact.
- You have one? You must.
- If they find out I was involved, it'll be my ass.
- Okay? I'll be the next one missing.
- Only there won't be any questions about where I went.
- You better be more reliable than your sister.

- That's it, right? You were scared of your father.
- Why would I be scared of him?
- He was my friend.
- I can't protect you anymore.

- Your job was to control him.
- My job was to protect him.
- Your job was to protect all of us.
- What's gonna happen?
- The inevitable.
- We're all gonna go away.
- I just didn't think it was gonna be like this.

[Thuds] Listen to me, you Swedish scumfuck.
- This is my revolution.
- I am the architect.
- Do you understand?
- The only reason you are here is because I allowed you to be.
- Don't forget I could've pulled that trigger twice.

- Eventhough what you did was wrong, you're still a good kid.
- And that guy was a prick.
- Sometimes that matters more.
- Come on. Let's go.
- It starts in 15 minutes, and I wanna get some popcorn. Come on.

Phillip: If I resign, then any scrap of confidence the public is already clinging onto will be destroyed, and we all know a con doesn't work without the confidence. If this was the best idea you could come up with for a win, I shouldn't be the one resigning. I have to head back to New York. Let me know when you've locked up the votes,
[to the guy next to him]
Phillip: and wipe your goddamn mouth.

Elliot: If one of us dies, everything gets leaked.
Grant: Well, we can survive a leak. You can't survive a bullet through your throat.

- Unfortunately,
- I need to know, Elliot.
- Given what we've been doing...
- I just need to know.
- Do you remember any of it?
- Remember what?
- When we first started fsociety?

- You do that, I got no reason not to turn you loose.
- Look me in my eye.
- Trust me.

- She hurt him. Not no superficial pain neither, we're talking the stab in your heart kind.
- She our girl.
- She knows something
- I gotta know.
- Sorry, bruh. Guess I just need someone a little more detail-orientated.
- No, please...

- Haven't you been paying attention? Everyone has a secret.
- People are always hiding something...
- Their vulnerabilities, their fears, their shame.
- I don't care how happy he looks.
- Everyone has a monster.
- The question is, what's his?

- And don't fucking leave until you get him.
- Where's my car? I'm late for my next appointment.
- Sorry, sir.
- The driver's having trouble getting into the parking structure.
- Protesters have surrounded the building.
- Tell Bratton to summon as much NYPD as is necessary.

Elliot: Come on. This only works if you let go too.

- You all right?
- Finally.
- I was thinking you guys were gonna send the cavalry.

- Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?
- Bathroom? Uh...
- Toilet?
- No English?
- No English.
- Okay, thank you.

- under the universal declaration of human rights, privacy is a right.
- Or at least it used to be.
- Listen closely to a classified conference call we recently intercepted between the FBI agents that so earnestly promise you fidelity, bra very, and integrity.

Elliot: Control can sometimes be an illusion. But sometimes you need illusions to gain control. Fantasy is an easy way to give meaning to world. To cloak our harsh reality with escapist comfort. After all, isn't that why we surround ourselves with so many screens? So we can avoid seeing? So we can avoid each other? So we can avoid truth.

Elliot: Someone's closing in on us.
- I have to find out what they know.
- My online business is very important to me.
- I prefer discretion.
- What exactly are you doing?
- I'm hacking the FBI.

- "Ifconfig," space,
- "wlan1, " space, "up."
- Dipierro: Angela moss.
- Is that right?
- Oh, you in the middle of a call? I'm sorry.
- I hate when people do that to me.
- Go ahead. I can wait for you to finish.

- Fact is,
- I didn't wanna see it either.
- I made a terrible mistake.
- I was afraid.
- Afraid of what this would do to you.
- To us.

Krista: And what is it about society that disappoints you so much?
Elliot: Oh, I don't know. Is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?... Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit. The world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our burning commentary *bullshit* masquerading as insight. Our social media faking as intimacy. Or is it that we voted for this. Not with our rigged elections but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new, we all know we do this, not because "Hunger Games" books make us happy, but because we want to be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend because we're cowards... F - - society.

- This is a trap.
- We've been off their radar for months, all of a sudden whiterose takes interest in us again?
- What if she's trying to find out about our plan?
- Then let's show her we don't have one.
- We'll just go home and act normal.

- You know, it rained.
- It rained. I remember that.
- Yeah.
- You were drunk, eating shrimp cocktail, and it was raining when you decided my mother would die?

- What we both may have done,
- I don't know if I can say it.
[Static] [Distorted voice] I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry,
- I don't know if! Can say it.
- I don't know if! Can say it.
- I can't. I'm sorry.
- I don't know if! Can say it.

- Right there.
- You see? She's pissed, so what?
- Look, bruh, we wastin' our time with this.
- If we took the risk to get back here,
- I mean, shit, we might as well put it to good use, baby.
- Hey, kid.

- this whole
- "love is forever" bullshit.
- I'll do my disappearing act for a minute, and then he'll come to his senses.
- Male announcer: Stand clear of the closing door...
- You know, it's our thing.
- Quick!

[Chuckles] We... we've known each other for years.
- You know full well I...
- I don't give a shit about you.
[Chuckles] So please, don't hold a personal grudge just because you lost.
- Defeats can still be profitable.

- By next week, whiterose will ship her project.
- We'll be dead.
- I'm not gonna argue that with you.
- Freddy could have saved us a lot of time if his brains weren't splattered all over 42nd street right now.
- He had it coming. They all do.

- I'm not gonna trip when I put them back on.
- We'll see.

- Woman on pa: Attention, all e corp employees.
- This is an emergency.
- Please stay on your floor.
- Lock all doors, and find your nearest safe zone.
- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.

- This guy's a liability to you.
- He's gotten sloppy.
- You don't have to do this. Dom.
- My bosses know about everything.
- There's security camera footage of him kidnapping
- Ms. Alderson and me... miss.
- Stop talking, huh?

- and you get to be your own boss,
- 'cause, you know...
- You a boss, girl.
- Let me think about it.
- Cool.
- Until the next episode, then.
- Man: Go right ahead.

- but typically it goes something like,
- "hi, this is Darlene..."
- Stop.
- You need to leave.
- Babe, seriously, we have a lot of shit to discuss, so if you wouldn't mind...
- Get out.

- I actually think he might've been involved.
- You know how many crazies are out there claiming responsibility for the attacks?
- The... the FBI and the police are inundated by phone calls from people just like your client.
- Fuck.

- I think he's flipping out again.
- What do you mean?
- He tried to kiss me last night.
- You're the one that found him last time he was like this.
- I really need your help.
- Okay. Where are you?

- Did it work?
- It's too late, isn't it?

Elliot: It's good. So good, it scratched that part of my mind. The part that doesn't allow good to exist without a condition.

- Now, the next words out of your mouth have to be exactly what I want.
- Not for my sake, but for yours.
- And for your boy Jason, who lives up on 1404 Jay street.
- Now, you know what I want.
- You got to give it to me.

Elliot: [voiceover] It's one thing to question your mind. It's another to question your eyes and ears. But then again: Isn't it all the same, our senses just mediocre inputs for our brain? Sure, we rely on them, trust they accurately portray the real world around us, but what if the haunting truth is, they can't? That what we perceive isn't the real world at all but just our mind's best guess?

- There's no reason for me to keep that from you.
- Fuck it! You wanna go back to not talking to each other, blocking each other out, fighting for control...
- Look at me.
- I am telling you the truth.
- I am not the one
- Darlene talked to.

- The sound of death.
- It's just some stupid animal. Let's go.
- Go without me.
Elliot: What?
- Yeah. You're giving up?
- I think so.
- I can't deal with this shit anymore.

Elliot: [suddenly realizing] You don't want me to free Vera. That's why you don't care about the operation.
Isaac: [holding a gun to Elliot's head] I'd pick better last words.
Elliot: You're trying to kill him. That's why Vera wants to leave tonight. That's what's been bugging me about you. You never wanted me to break him out. Your best option for survival is to kill him in prison because if you don't, you're dead. You're the reason Vera's locked up right now and he knows it.
[Isaac lowers the gun in shock]
Elliot: It doesn't matter anyway. Vera was just gloating about how he got in with the right crew, how he got the jump on some men. He's not worried, man, he's protected now.
Isaac: Bullshit.
Elliot: That leaves you with a zero-sum game. If you don't get him out of jail he'll have you killed for failing. Only way this works in your favor is for you to kill him first, and you can't do that with him inside anymore.
Isaac: Shut, up motherfucker! Shut the fuck up!
[aims gun at his head]
Elliot: [turns around to face him] Let me free him. I'll break Vera out tonight, you do with your brother what you want. That's the only outcome where you've got the possibility of living. It's your best move.
Isaac: What makes you think I still won't kill you afterwards?
Elliot: I don't. I'm just playing my best move.

Javi: I ain't never had no fuku, bro.
- I don't even know what that shit mean.
- You know what that shit mean?
[Whispers] What the fuck?
- Oh, shit, bro! What the fuck? What the fuck?
- What the...

- I don't know.
- Do you wanna believe it?
- I just...
- I don't wanna be alone anymore.
- Hey...
- You're not alone.

- just me and him.
- Peanuts, Javi, take a walk.
- What?
- Nah, nigga, now,
- I wanna know what happens.
- Yeah, dawg, I'm kinda curious where you goin' with all this...
- I said take a fucking walk!

- Stage 2?
- The phone we hacked before you did your vanishing act.
- The hot mic picked it all up.
- Stage 2 is your plan, isn't it?
- Elliot?
- What is stage 2?

[Softly] Okay.
Elliot: Did you start smoking again?
- Did you not get my texts last night?
- Isentyou exactly 13 of them.
- Yeah, sorry. I couldn't make it.
- You promised me that you were gonna try this time.

- You do that, you'll have set in motion the largest revolution the world will ever see.
- Female newscaster: Sources have confirmed the hacks were in part tied to Colby's terminal.
- Sutherland: Sir, step inside the car.
- Bonsoir, Elliot.

- Go to the filing cabinet in my office.
- There's a folder in the bottom drawer.
- Go to the tab that says
- September 2015.
- Look for Elliot's name.

Cab: Elliot, yes?
- Yes.
- Address?
- What do you mean?
- Address.
- I don't know.

- Mr. Nouri, when I get bored,
- I get very teed off, and this silent treatment of yours is a straight-up sedafive.
- So this is the last time
- I'm gonna ask you, and I urge you this time, do not bore me.
- Who is your leader?
- Fsociety.

- from the arcade...
- To a remote virtual machine on our box at home.
- I then burned it to a cd.
- You'll find the seed data and the algorithm embedded in one of those pictures.

- I kinda like you two.
- You guys are funny, in a George-Elaine kinda way.
- Still wouldn't try me, though.
- I got a job to do, and you don't wanna know where this knife been.
- You feel me?

Mr. Robot: You're not real. And what? You are? Is any of it real? I mean, look at this! Look at it! A world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Psychological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind-altering chemicals in the form of food. Brain-washing seminars in the form of media. Controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You wanna talk about reality? We haven't lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. We turned it off, took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever-expanding dumpster of the human condition. We live in branded houses, trademarked by corporations built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays, hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before you can find anything real. We live in a kingdom of bullshit! A kingdom you've lived in for far too long. So, don't tell me about not being real! I'm no less real than the fucking beef patty in your Big Mac.

Elliot: Hello friend.

- I'm gonna ride the train a little longer.
- Are you okay?
- I'll get it done.
- Hey. The email from Trenton.
- I know she sent it to you because she could trust you.
- The same as I always have.

- It's depressing, isn't it? [Chuckles]
- Here's what we're gonna do.
- We're gonna talk, and all you have to do is listen.
- Because, believe it or not, Mr. Markesh, you could be real instrumental in helping to solve this five/nine case.
- Leslie romero.

- No, that's incorrect.
- Things get a little fakakta for a while, but at the end, humans actually persevere.
- Orson welles: Monstrous creatures in the world now seems part of another life.
- A life that has no continuity with the present.

- Fold it into a ball, make a fist, toss it in the case.
- Don't stop, keep going. Make a right, and head to the tracks.
- Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, that's my money!
- Mr. Robot: Track 19, last car on the right.
Freddy: So, you have been following me, haven't you?
- No. I've been waiting...
- For you on the train.

- Alexa, do you love me?
- That's not the kind of thing I am capable of.
- Yeah.

- Joanna.
- Your wife.
- She's been looking for you.
- I'm doing what's necessary.
- Thank goodness they've given us these upses for the power surges.
- Ready to look at what we accomplished?

- You're the key to the whole thing.
- Without you, there is no plan.
- That's it?
- It's over?
- You expect me to believe that?
- See you in another life.

- You're gonna start listening to us.
- The world is a better place because of what we did, Elliot.
- And you're gonna realize that one way or another.
- Now, here's what
- I need you to do now.
- You're going to walk to the subway.
- You're going to get on your train.

- Man: Maxine's been acting a little off lately.
- She really perked up when she saw you.
- You a dog person?
- Used to have one.
- Oh, yeah? What happened to it?
- Don't have her anymore.

Elliot: He knows the password.
- Which means I know the password.

- This isn't going to work.
- Your outbursts.
- Just because you were bullied as a kid, because people hurt you, until that day you swung a bat and learned how to hurt them back, doesn't mean it's going to work with me.

- That's why he wanted to come home.
- Someone's trying to make contact with me.
- Mr. Robot: Each number represents a letter.
- A is one. B is two. C is three.
- You can hear him too, right?
- Mr. Robot: G-u-r.

- All right, well...
- This was nice.
- I'm gonna go.
- Make sure you pay for that.
- She still needs to pay for that.
- Take it easy, dom.

Mobley: Give me that pizza, I'm fucking nervous man!

Man: Ms. Moss?
- Ms. Moss, I'm gonna need you to come with us.
- Cisco: Cds! Cds!
- This shit'll get you turnt!
- Scan me .05 e coin, and it's yours!
- We're ready.

- The old it guy, set this up.
- There's an encrypted database on the old server I'm gonna need access to.
- You want to talk to rt?
- If that's his name.
- I'll talk to ray.
- See what's what.

- there is no such thing as a coincidence.
- Very well.
- Refuse price's demands and keep on digging.
- Additionally, keep constant surveillance on Elliot alderson.
- We will figure this out, minister zhang.
- It will just require some Patience.

- If I see her, will this world make more sense or less?
- I don't know, but it's worth the risk.

- She won't respond to any of my texts or emails.
- Then, go to her in person.
- Tell her you need to talk.
- Communication is key, Elliot.
- Real human interaction.
- That's what's important for you right now.

- They think the total will be over 4,000.
- But the number doesn't really matter now...
- Even if there's more.
- What do you mean
- "even if there's more"?
- No matter what happens now, everything will be fine.

- I quickly learned that he was having the engineers install rootkits on all of evil corp's phones, so they can illegally sell private consumer data.
- I tipped off the FBI, got him arrested, and promptly set a meeting with the next exec up the chain.

- Mr. Robot: That's not true.
- Danene.
- She said they talked, two months ago.
- He woke up for her.
- Which means she might be the one who could help us.

- My confidence is powerful.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I recognize myself as exceptional.
- I will follow my dreams no matter what.
- I will follow my dreams no matter what.

- What are you doing?
- What's that for?
- What's that for?
- No, no, wait.
- No. No!

- So you're not gonna tell me where you're taking me?
- You can't do this.
- I want my phone back.
- I'm not the only one with the files.
- You think I didn't make copies?
- There are copies everywhere.
- A lot of people are gonna know that I'm missing.

Elliot: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Man: We need room here.
- We need room.
- Taking pictures right now, lady? What are you gonna do with them? Come on.
- Put it down. Back up!
- Paramedics are coming.
- They need space. Make a hole.

- I need them to see me living a normal life.
- Good point.
- But assume the worst.
- Your place is probably bugged.
- Be careful coming back here.
- I'll stay up and keep listening.

- The server. Colby. Allsafe.
- You're the one constant in a sea of variables.
- Elliot?
- Now,
- I don't know what you're grand plan is, but I need to, and you're going to tell me.

- She can't breathe over there.
- Because of you.
- Let's remember that.
- I see this is causing you a lot of grief.
- I didn't want that.
- Ihonesflythought we would've moved on by now.
- Let me continue to help you.

- Yes. Why?
- It's none of your business. You're a baby.
- You're annoying. You are!
- This is a nightmare. You are!
- So are you!
- I wish you were dead!
- So dol!

- I think I'm happy where I am.
- Well, I thought I'd ask.

Elliot: Elliot. Just a tech.

Reporter: It's a collection of powerful men whom fsociety claims to be guilty of international crimes.
- And as you can see behind me, onlookers have gathered with hopes of catching a glimpse of any deus group members.
- Man: Let's go! Come on!

- I don't know if I can go through with the hack anymore.
- I don't know if I can do anything.

- the FBI nails you, which they will. Hmm.
- It's lights out, no questions asked. You feel me?
- Hey, stop.
- You really think you can force me to stay?
- Without a doubt.
- Guys!

- Head into the barn and await further instructions on how to clear up
- Santiago's missteps.
- Now, forgive me while I take a moment to center myself.
- This next bunch...
- These are for me.

- They were both in the room with Colby when they made that grave error covering up the leak in your hometown.
- Hmm.
- Ordinary men,
- Capable of extraordinary things.

- I don't wanna be here, either.
- There's a lot of nice people visiting.
- Are you sure you don't wanna join the party?
- We got this cake.
- Red velvet.
- Not hungry.

- I tell you what.
- You come by tomorrow, we'll smoke up, and we can watch careful massacre.
- It's not even Halloween.
- Since when did we start following the rules?
- I'd like that.

- Here I am, trying to use it to stop this attack while Mr. Robot is trying to use it on me.
- Does that just mean we cancel each other out, fighting so hard, we end up standing in place?
- Fuck that. I gotta keep moving.
- Yeah. Dude, you okay?

- She was amazing.
- She died, too, back in Colombia.
- I took it really hard.
- I kinda put my dad through a lot of shit after that and...
- Well, we don't have to get into it.
- Okay.

- I'm not interested in your job title.
- I want to understand what would make a powerful man like you risk everything, all so he could drive me crazy?
- What does it matter?

- this was my bad
- 'cause I didn't tell you the whole story.
- See, I was just explaining your role to you.
- That you my bat.
- But that bat ain't the end of the story.
- Nah.

- I didn't want to involve you.
- An FBI agent came to my place.

- I should get going.
- We really pulled this off, didn't we?
- Fuck yeah, we did.
- You know, you really started to grow on me ever since you stopped being such a dickhead.

Elliot: There's a saying. The devil's at his strongest when we're looking the other way, like a program running in the background silently, while we're busy doing other shit. Daemons, they call them. They perform action without user interaction. Monitoring, logging, notifications. Primal urges, repressed memories, unconscious habits. They're always there, always active. We can try to make a difference, but it's all bullshit. 'Cause intentions are irrelevant. They don't drive us. Daemons do. And me? I've got more than most.

- Maybe we should bring him in here.
- Maybe that's what will get you going.
Jason: Babe? You in there?
- Vera: How 'bout that,
- Ms. Krista?
- We gonna have one big merry merry?
Jason: Krista?

- It's bad management when your best employees either walk off the job or blow their brains out.
- Mmm.
Darlene: [Sighs] How the fuck am I gonna get in there?

- This is where we say our good-byes.
- What?
- You're leaving us with them?
- As you know, I'm...
- I'm only a chaperone here.
- Well, what happens now to us?
- Well, that will be up to him.
- And I got my fingers crossed he treats you guys all right.

- I see them. Stay calm.
- It's dark army.
- It's me they want, not you.
- You having an attack? It's okay.
- Don't stop, okay? I'll be fine.
[Screaming] Fuck!

Elliot: [as narrator] Evil Corp, Angela, Vera, his brother, Darlene, Shayla. This is too much. I should just tell her what she wants to hear.

- The last transaction in her ecoin wallet...
- At the animal shelter?

- Even when it's from myself.
- Especially when it's from myself.
- It would be so much easier to only pay attention when I needed to.
- Yeah. To just...
- Arrive at the conclusion.
- Is that what you do?

- What happened to you?
- I thought we were gonna meet.
- I need you to forget about that voice mail that I left you.
- Are you in danger?
- Something is wrong. I can tell.
- You are not telling me everything.

- shipped to the states where it was packaged with a logo and taxed by the government, stolen by a bribed guard, sold to a Vera henchmen, oversold to Shayla, and then to me.
- It needs me, just as much as I need it.
- The moment was destined, every choice, bringing me closer to this one line.
- This line.
- This last line. I promise.

- Have you seen a little boy like this tall?
- Blue hoodie? Yeah.
- He peaced out.
[Sighs] These heels are the pits.
- I should have gone as 1955 Lorraine.

Darlene: Who do you think I am?

- I'm not gonna run.
- So you should probably leave.

- I'm done doing business with you crooks.
- You deserve what you're getting.
- Ma'am, I can't say for sure we can give you all your money if you close right now.
- Unbelievable.
- I know what I have.
- I just want to cancel.

- Stop!
- Stop.
- Hand me my phone.
- I'll give you my brother's location.
- I'll do whatever you want.
- Just don't hurt them.
- Now look who has pluck.

- If we can't get the interface to load, then we can't use the Juniper screenos backdoor to own the network, which means,
- I can't wipe the security footage of you planting the femtocell.
- You're fucking kidding me.
- Just get to your cubicle.
- I'll walk you through it.

- Something tells me you already looked that shit up anyway.
- I want to hear it from you.
- If I do this, we go back to the arcade, discuss the plan with the rest of 'em?

- Well, I guess it all depends on what your definition of "real" is.

- How did mom get this?
Elliot: No idea.
- This wasn't for her.
- Maybe she wished it were.
- Why would she even listen to it?
- She was lonely.

Elliot: Mr. Robot has become my god, and like all gods, their madness takes you prisoner.

Mr. Sutherland: What's that for?
Elliot: For impersonating an NYPD officer. All cell carriers have a law enforcement hotline. Instead of hacking the carrier, if the situation is urgent enough you can just ask them to track a blocked call for you.

- If that's what this is about, you can still get rid of him.
[Sighs] You don't get it.
- I tried everything.
- The medication, therapy...
- Fuck, I even put myself in jail.
- He won't leave.
- He won't leave because I wanted this.

- What do you think of Jackie?
Leon: Jackie's whoever you want her to be.
- Yeah, that's easy for you to say.
- You're not pretending to be someone you're not.
- You think Leon's my real name?

- You got lucky.
- Don't squander it.
- That card's worthless out there now.
- You want it for sentimental value, or should I toss it?
- Toss it.
Elliot: Lnit 5, return to normal.
- Is it possible to return after
- 86 days in a 6x9-foot box?

- You yelled at him to get away, you swung the bat at him... no.
- And you escaped the only way you knew how.
- Why were you afraid of your father?
- Were you afraid he was going to ask you to do something you didn't want to do?

- you need all the help you can get.
- In fact, this would probably pay off the rest of your mortgage.
- Aren't you still in that neat little two-bedroom in Chelsea?
- There.
- That's the look
- I was looking for.

- You know, this isn't just gonna destroy me, it's gonna destroy the people that work for me, my firm, their families, everyone.
- Keep this phone on you. Expect another call when you get there.
[Shouts] Who the fuck is this?
- This is Mr. Robot.

- If you don't do what I say, you'll lose your son.

- "If it weren't for their data recovery and their ecoin loan program,
- "we wouldn't be enjoying the turnaround we 're experiencing right now."
- A quote from the chair of the federal reserve seems to echo public opinion.
- Sometimes, the good guys really do come out on top.
Freddy: All right.

- Yeah, let me know if you want a top-shelf hook-up.
- Actually, now that I have you, will you help me move a dresser,
- Mr. Muscles?
- Okay, come on. Just come on.

[last lines]
Fernando: [to Krista] It's time we talked.

- Hello?
- Hello?
- So that's it?
- So that's your big move?
- You think that
- I can't survive being doxed?
- I have no idea.
- I'm as curious as you.

Fernando: [a inmate prison break out has just occurred for Vera's escape] My own brother; that's what the universe asked of me. To be my brother's keeper. Like Cain after Abel, I'll be a fugitive and wander on the earth. Brave fugitive. Braver wanderer.
Fernando: Look at how you helped me, that's the type of bravery I've been talking 'bout, Elliot. But now... now I want you to look at Issac.
Fernando: [Grabs Elliot's face and tilts his head down] Look! Dead proof that my operation is over, right in your face. So go on, Elliot, crash it. Burn it to the ground. Doesn't matter 'cause I'm gone; A spirit one with all the heavens, all the existences with the universe.
Elliot: [a car pulls up and DJ and Fernando Vera walk over] Shayla, where is she?
Fernando: Keys yo.
[DJ throws him the keys and gets into the car]
Fernando: Told you, you'd get her back, bro. You just didn't realise...
[indicates the trunk of Elliot's car]
Fernando: she was with you the whole time.

Elliot: I am Mr. Robot.
- I've always told you we'd end up working together, Elliot.
- But still,
- I have to know.
- Why did you do it?
- I wanted to save the world.

- Why do you think my sister didn't do anything wrong?
- Dude, you can't just stay here.

- Well?
- You moved.
- And?
- Now I'm gonna punish you.

Darlene: Look, babe. I know how this works. You get close to me, play the sympathy card, relate to me. We're just two crazy wacky Jersey girls.
[during her interrogation by Dom]
Darlene: Take advantage that I dis lose what probably was the love of my life. And you act like you care. But that's just it - an act. Which is sick and twisted. I'd rather you arrest me and throw me into jail. But let's get something straight. You will not get anything out of me. So why don't you go read your manual and find the chapter on conniving cunts that don't give a fuck about you or your feelings and then get back to me with some real tactics? Otherwise, get me a lawyer. As far as I'm concerned, my only statement to you is that I saw my boyfriend go brainless last night at dinner. I ordered the breakfast combo and he stole some of my bacon. If you want any other details the answer is suck a dick.

- We need to stop at micro center.
- We're only making one stop.
- Your apartment.
Elliot: The cops confiscated everything.
- It'll be weeks before I can get it back.
- If you want this done tonight, I need hardware.

- Why not?
[Filtered] Isn't it obvious?
- You're not Elliot.
- You're the m...
Elliot: Hello?
- Hello?

- Nope.
- My mind was dancing in the clouds.
- All I know is, I can't live here no more.
- Now that I don't owe any more on the place maybe I can just rent it.
- Yeah. Man.
- Besides, I need the money.

- I'm here to discuss the Washington township case.
- Dad, what's going on?
- I'll let you two talk.
- Twenty-six employees died from similar types of leukemia.
Angela: Evil corp killed my mom, and my whole life,
- I've always wanted justice...
- For her death.

- If you proceed down this path,
- I will use every means at my disposal to make sure that you never...
- Yeah, yeah.
- I heard it all before.
- Take a number, et cetera and so forth.
- Now, you have yourself a merry little Christmas.
- Ta-ta for now, ya flange!

- I hope you rot in hell like your wife.
- You're mourning a woman who, after she found out she was pregnant, was gonna fuck my husband's brains out.
- I'm glad she's dead.
- Fuck her and her fetus corpse.

- Stop fucking around, man.
- We don't have a lot of time.
- Give me the name.
- John garcin.
- Where can I find him?
- I don't have the address on me, I...
- I gotta go back to my office.

- Sometimes my mask takes over.
- Why did you talk to him?
- Because I'm gonna make you realize.
- What?
- What will you make me realize?
- That they see me.

- I'm here!
- Not so fast, kiddo.
- Isn't that... nothing but baggage, sorry to say.
- No, no, that was...
- We're gonna have to get your peepers checked as soon as we get home.
- In the meantime, go do what you got to do. We shove off in five.

- Rinse and repeat, again and again. Wax on, wax off.
- Do whatever you got to do, but this is happening.
- Okay, the holdup on the femtocell isn't helping either, okay?
- I still need to load the exploit, I need to test it...
- It'll be here.
- Cisco's still modding and swapping antennas.

- This food is not sanitary, am I right?
- I mean, where's the general tso's chicken?
- I don't think that's a formal hors d'oeuvre in China.
- Yeah? I'm gonna ask.
- This noodle bowl thing made me gag. These people are savages.

Angela: Can I ask another question?
Phillip: [smiles] All right, go.
Angela: Why me? Why am I really here? I know you know who I am. Why are you letting me be here? Why are you even talking to me right now?
Angela: None of this makes any sense.
Phillip: Well, be that as it may, I... I find you refreshing. You're young, bold, exactly what we need right now.
Angela: [laughs] Come on!
Phillip: What?
Angela: There has to more than that.

- What's he talk...
- What's he talking about?
- Hey, I wanna know.
- I... iwanna know.
- I wanna know!
- Elliot, who are you talking to?
- What do you mean?
- I'm talking to...

- 80 strong, she's become his only link to reality.
- In fact, it was by design she was removed from this fantasy.
- Without Darlene, it was your best chance at trapping him here.
- I'm not listening to this.

- Of course. Good.
- In fact, I'd like to look over your findings, especially this server.
- So, please send me the research.
- Of course. Of course. Yeah.
- Well, thank you again for seeing me.

Elliot: Come on.
- Come with me.

- Hello?
- What's happening?

- Wait, wait, wait. Dom.
- Just tell him you'll flip.
- This isn't worth it. You can...

- 56y2.
- Sure.
Man: How 'bout you two? Huh?
- You guys got any spare change?
- Help me out? Homes are expensive, guys. Come on.
- 306, hawthorne.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- I don't know what the fuck to do.
- We need to figure out the code to this door.
- Try that phone. See if you can get an outside line.
- Automated voice: 0-5-0-9.
- Anything?
- Automated voice: 0-5-0-9.
- 0-5-0-9.

- Yeah, why?
- Just be careful, okay?
- Keep your phone on you so I can see where you are.
- I don't wanna lose you again.
- Thank you.
- Hey, I... I gotta go.

- What was the thought process here?
- You know, director comey's taking a more aggressive strategy on everything ever since the shit hit the fan over that video.
- Yang: Yeah.
- I can walk you through the report if we need to.
- Check with agent Burke, yes.

- Taking her to holding.
- I thought you were putting agent kaz on this.
- Why are you doing this yourself?
- The adic wanted her in holding.
- That's what I'm doing.
- Get back inside.
- Fine, I'll take it up with the adic then.

- No comment. Do you understand?
- Do I know you?
- Get the hell away from my home, get away from my home!
Elliot: Wpa2 WiFi. Shit.
- Borderline unhackable. Getting that handshake could take days.
- The noose is tightening.

- I want to be alone.
- I need to be alone.

- Gideon,
- I promise I'll find them.

- Follow the instructions inside, and then burn them.
Norm: Well, unless Tyrell's taking a leak, what do you wanna do?
- I'm gonna eat.
- You're not going to kill me?
- Tyrell...

- then I'm gonna be forced to do something very bad to your mother, like, really bad, you know?
- Like, I'm probably gonna have to slit her from mouth to cunt.
- You touch my mom, I will strangle you to death. You understand me?
- You can strangle me till the cows come home.
- That's not gonna stop the rest of 'em.

- What did you just do?
- Just give it a few seconds.

- They taking care of you?
- Room looks nice.
- Iwlseeifthey can fix the clock. Looks like it's broken.
- How are you?

- where you have a lot of anxiety, because of a deadline, you know, where you feel pressure, because...
- Something has to get done.
- And then, all of these damn little unknown variables keep popping up.

- And the ownership history before that's sparse to non-existent.
- This guy's good.
- Very good.
- Doesn't matter.
- Their arcade network's ip is in the .dat file.
- That'll be enough to turn them in.

[about her and Flipper's walking]
Shayla: We don't plan our path. I mean, we just kind of wing it and see where the moment takes us.

- I don't think that's gonna happen.
- Shit. What?
- There go them damn eses again.
- Fuck, and now they parking.
- Look.
- I got to go, babe.

- I'm gonna get off at the next stop.
- I think you should come with me.

Elliot: Hello, friend.
- God, that's always been lame, hasn't it?
- Sorry I never came up with a better name for you.
- Then again,
- I don't even have a name.
- Just a guy trying to play god without permission.

- What are you gonna do with that?
- I have learned to listen when time speaks.
- Our paths were too precisely linked to this moment for there not to be a reason.
- This is why. You get to decide.
- Then I'm telling you, don't do this!

Elliot: Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty roam free? Okay, fine. Forget the one-offs. How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay, fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus. I'm talking about all organized religion... exclusive groups created to manage control, a dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope, his followers nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their... their dopamine of ignorance, addicts afraid to believe the truth... that there is no order, there's no power, that all religions are just metastasizing mind worms meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that want to run us. All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the f... should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness. That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So f... God. He's not a good enough scapegoat for me.

- What are you doing?
- You just ruined it.
- This is the best way to eat popcorn.
- Trust me.

Fernando: See, this shit you went through, most people don't know pain like that. They never will. And if they did, it would end them. But the people who dig in, the ones who keep surviving, those are the ones you can't beat. Those are the ones no one can beat. Because once you've weathered a storm like yours... you become the storm. You hear me? You are the storm. And it's the rest of the world that needs to run for cover.

- Automated voice: This is your wakeup call.
- This is your wakeup call.
- This is your wakeup call.
- This is your wakeup...

Phillip: Truly hurt you.
- And clearly, you believe it, too.
- Come on.
- Why do we have to cut these things so goddamn close?

- This is an emergency.
- Please stay on your floor.
- Lock all doors, and find the nearest safe zone.
- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.
- Oh, fuck... come on, come on, there's gotta be one around here somewhere.

- Maxine, what's wrong, girl?
- Shh.
- Don't make me think the worst now.
- Is she okay?
- If you say you need him, you must need him.
- |'|| have rt stop by.

- "A conspiracy bigger than all of us.
- "There's a powerful group of people out there
- "that are secretly running the world.
- "I'm talking about the guys no one knows about,
- "the guys that are invisible,
- "thetop1% of the top 1%..."

Angela: Had to fade it everybody wants to rule the world maybe we could target yahoo's server logs and cross-reference any incoming connections from here.
- Might lead to an account name and password hash.
- I could use bash bug.
Trenton: Or what about this?

- Hey, Elliot...
- I'm glad you're back.

- We're gonna hire them.
- Set the deal in motion immediately.
- I don't understand.
- Is there something bigger behind the scenes here we should know about, or...
- I want the contract executed as soon as possible.

- You're buying the narrative that they've been pushing for months.
- Pigs at a trough!
- You still don't believe me.
- You're indulging me right now, like I'm one of your nutso patients.

Tyrell: I know you've been under a lot of stress, but I've been under a lot of stress too. Can you even begin to imagine what it's been like for me? We can't talk out here. We're exposed. Let's go.
Elliot: Go where?
Tyrell: Enough of these games. Now, let's go. We're close.
Elliot: Close to what?
Tyrell: Have you forgotten everything? Dark Army told me that stage two is ready. When you see it, you'll be pleased.

- I fell backwards out the window.
- I fell and I broke my arm.
- He never spoke to me after that.
- He couldn't even look at me.
- Even the night he died.
- We good?

Elliot: Where did he go?
- Wait, I have to remember,
- I'm not following him.
- I am him.
- What I should be asking is, where am I going?

- I thought... no, no.
- Don't believe what you read online.
- Today is my actual birthday.
- I never share the real one with anyone.
- Some things I like to keep to myself.
- Happy birthday then.

- where no one knows you and reinvent yourself and forget about all the mistakes you made in this life.
- Find some peace.
- Some rest.
- I think about that.
- Don't you?

- You could copy-paste it, modify it a little, put your name on it, and like that, it was your site.
- View source.
- What if we had that for people?
- Would people really wanna see?

- I need you to stay home for the rest of the day. Don't go out.
- I'll ship you some ensure.
- Just don't go...
- I'll have it delivered today.
- Yes, yes, they have same-day delivery now.
- I promise. Just stay home.
- I love you too.

Elliot: Did my revolution just bury our minds instead of freeing them? Encrypting Evil Corp's data was meant to empower us. Instead it left us powerless, scaring us into even more submission. I am not going to get rid of the invisible hand. Turned it into a fist that punched us in the dick. And like a botnet, the fear I created is spreading so fast, it's practically airborne. It's swallowed us whole, digested us, and now we're stuck in its asshole, waiting to be dumped out. And while we're here, they're having their way with us. They packaged a fight into product. Turned our dissent into intellectual property. Televising our revolution with commercial breaks. They backdoored into our minds and robbed our truth, refurbished the facts, then marked up the price. This is what they do. It's what they're good at. This is their greatest trick.
Frank: To try and bring the truth. They're trying to take that away. And now they're moving to the next step. Yeah, next step. You know what the next step is?
Elliot: Lobotomizing us into their virtual reality horror show.
Frank: Why? So they can take away your power, and I am not talking about you electricity.
Elliot: And this all started because I tried to hide from society. Remember? "Fuck society'. Yeah, well, I fucked society all right. I reset it to zero, and ig I don't do anything about it, it will continue to grow in this malignant way. And that's what I'm afraid of the most. This dark future that I set into motion. Who knows what could come from this? What if instead of fighting back, we caved, gave away our privacy for security, exchanged dignity for safety, and traded revolution for repression? What if we choose weakness over strength? They'll even have us build our own prison. This is what they wanted all along. For us to buy in on our worst selves. And I just made it easier for them. I didn't start a revolution. I just made us docile enough for the slaughtering. And I can stand here and blame Evil Corp and every other conglomerate out there for taking advantage of us, blame the FBI, NSA, CIA, for letting them get away with this, blame all the world's leaders for aiding and abetting them, blame Adam Smith for inventing modern-day capitalism in the first fucking place. Blame money for dividing us, blame us for letting it. But none of that's true. The truth is... I'm the one to blame. I'm the problem. This was my fault. All of it. I did this. Fuck me.

- Ah!
- Elliot, what are you doing here?
- You didn't see him?
- Who?
Elliot: This can't be happening. No.
- This can't be happening.
- This can't be happening.

- I read what she did.
- The Washington township case.

- And fsociety?
- That's just a dumb name I came up with for a hacker group.
- You know...
- Fuck society?
- I figured that's what an anarchist hacker would come up with.

- Pettiness.
- It was a dig at me.
Phillip: It's that small, unfortunately.
- No, it's not over.
- It's not over. It can't be.
- She was gonna bring my mom back.
- We were gonna be reunited.

- It wasn't until she opened my eyes that I could see how all of the damage that they've caused could finally be undone.
- When we succeed...
- A whole new world will be born.

- That's all I needed.
- How's Shayla, by the way?
- She's, uh...
- You know...
- Tell her I say, "hi."

- I think you know I can more than make up for it with drive and quick learning.
- That's how you choose to squander the capital you've just earned...
- You're aware that's a lateral move?
- It's what I want.

- Guys back at cart are zeroing in on the guy in the video.
- We might have a good lead soon.
- Let's just hope you're reading your girl right.
- I'm worried she's at flight risk.
- No, she's good.
- Trust me.

- Where you going? To fix it.
- No one else is going to.
- Darlene, wait.
- I really don't think you should keep pushing them.
- Put it this way, either I'm fixing this or breaking it.
- Their call.

- It takes a lot to miss every vital organ.
- That's some pretty piss-poor marksmanship.
- What? I'm messing with you.
- Just trying to break the ice a little.
- Come on.
- Still have plenty of work to do.

- If I were alive, I'd want no part of that agony.
- Nobody's won anything, Elliot.
- Especially not me.
- I'm just trying to help you put it all in the rearview.
- As painlessly as possible.
- Bring her in, kiddo.

- I need to find out exactly who he is.
- Shit. The boot drive is encrypted.
- Maybe he's more like me than I thought.

- That's probably why I love you.
- I'm gonna hop in the shower.
- I told you I can't talk.
- You have 100 hours precisely.
- After that, everything we own will be released.

Elliot: What would you do if you were in my shoes?
- I know, lknow,
- I'm officially crazy but the plan isn't.
- Is it?
- What the hell are you...
- Shh! Shh.

- You know, if that were me over there,
- I would want Elliot and Darlene to come over and talk to me.
- But, I don't want to talk to her.

- I'm sorry, iwasn't paying attention.
- If it helps, I told them to come back in an hour.
- Santiago: At this point, they're definitely not coming back here.
- He probably saw the bolo.
- He's freaking out.
- Probably hiding.
- It might take some time, butwe'll get him.

- What's gotten into you?
- Where's my bedroom?
- It was right here.
- Are you all right? My bedroom.
- Where is it?
- Where it's always been.

- Tomorrow I'm gonna be a hero.
- I'm sorry?
- You may just be a patsy, but you're an important one.
- In fact,
- I don't think I've ever met a bigger crisis actor than you before.
- This is for our country.

- Linda: We're proud to call you a new member of evil... e corp.
Elliot: Because changing the world was never about tearing e corp down.
- It's about making them better.
- Maybe I fucked up an already fucked-up world, but I'm fixing it now, hitting "undo."
- And, friend, it feels great.

Shayla: Look in the mirror. See that badass bitch? That's the only person you should ever worry about.

- Or hers.
- Itwas mine. All of it.
- So don't blame her or yourself.
- You can blame me.
- You know, you talk about yourself a lot.
- And you're not allowed to wear shoes here.

Phillip: We con people into believing in something, the American dream, family values. Could be freedom fries for all I care. It doesn't matter as long as the con works and people buy and sell whatever it is we want them to.

Elliot: What are you doing?
- There's a rock in my shoe.

- How are you?
- I'm good.
- Wow. I've never heard you say a sentence like that before, ever.
- I did what I had to do today.
- Well, ifyou're around tonight, come over and tell me about it. Okay?
- I gotta go. Okay, bye.

- Could he?
- Is stage 2 still on?
- No, I would know.
- That's impossible.
- Stage 2 is down.
- I made sure of it.
- Who compromised me?
- And why do I suddenly feel so alive?

- Did you hear that?
- If there's traffic, we gotta be close to town.

- If you want to change things, perhaps you should try from... within.
- Because this is what happens from the outside.
- These guys don't wait on anyone.
- So you'll have to let
- 'em know by tomorrow.
- I'll show myself out.

- And my girlfriend, she won't return my phone calls.
- Mmm.
- Whatever zhang has planned better be good.
- Couldn't agree more.
- Speaking of...
- Good evening, gentlemen.

- Sure this is accurate?
- You know, of all the gifts he sent, this is the greatest we ever received.

- Hey, don't mind him.
- He's a little snake. You know, the kind of guy that will...
- Slice your throat when you fart.

- to run the exploit on the plc.
Isaac: And then?
- Elliot: The plan executes at 9:49.
- All the cell doors should open.
- Hey. I wanted to ask you about something.
- Officer: Oh, yeah, what's that? You.

- you will have no ceo at e corp...
- Wellick.
- I'm sorry?
- Call Mr. Wellick and offer him the ceo position.
- Tell him you are speaking for whiterose.
- I have no doubt that he will accept.

- So, that's what this is about?
- Isn't everything about something?
- Like we were thinking about, is it baby-proof?
- Uh-huh. [Laughs] Yeah, that's... that's a consideration.
- If you were me, would you trust you as your right hand?
- If I were you, I wouldn't have even let me in the house.

- to get eyes on the place.
- Ask the so. Asac to get aviation in the air.
- We get confirmation, we go in, we take down wellick.
- Dom...
- We may only get one shot at this.
- I wanna make sure we do it right.

- We got the balls!
Darlene: Give me your phone.
- Why? I didn't post any...
- Give me your phone.

Tyrell: Bonsoir, Elliot

- This is a world you created.
- I created?
- I tried to bring you back here a while ago.
- I've been here before?
- You accidentally slipped into it once when you were going through your morphine withdrawal.

Fernando: When I found out you did this, I didn't get angry. I got impressed. Your power. I want it, Elliot. And I want it so bad it makes my dick hard. And I want it today.
Elliot: I don't know what you think I can do. I can't just hack you out of prison. Not all prisons are networked, and even if yours is, it would take weeks to find security holes.

- What are you doing?
- Give him your purse!
- Norm, I'm going in. Get around to the backdoor now, in case Tyrell's in there and tries to run.
- You could've died.
- No one's gonna die.

- The night all the shit went to shit.
- Butwhen I think about it, it was...
- Nice.
- The last time I remember actually feeling good.
- You were just using me.
- You know it was more than that.

- I blame you that we're even here.
- You said he was dead. He was.
- Then how did he drive the Van?
- I don't fucking know!
- All right, all right.
- Let's all calm down.
- Take it easy.

- Thank you.
- Oh, hi.
- Oh, there's no conditioner in my room, and I'm sure gonna need it with this humidity.
- You know how it is.
- Thanks, doll.

- I'm still against this.
- The feds see us with him, no telling what conclusion they'll draw.
- If you had done the job you were tasked with, we wouldn't be here.

- What happens if you fail a drug test?
- What did you say?
- I know about your custody battle.
- If you test positive for oxy...
- What the fuck are you talking about? I'm eight years clean.
- No, you're not.

- I know you're worried about your brother, but you gotta worry about you, too.
- I'm trying.
- And I hope he's not dead.
- Merry Christmas.
- Ho, ho, ho.
- Santa's home.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Yes.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Because of the situation, you have to pay upfront now.
- Well, a toast.
- May new relationships lead to new opportunities.

- What's his name?
- Can't think of it.
- Anyway, with everything going on with the trucking,
- Mel says fresh deliveries just aren't coming through.
- Besides, now that the allowance is down to just $50 a day, no one's spending it on flowers.

- He had leukemia. Made me swear to never tell anyone.
- Finally, I got so worried, told my mom.
- And when he found out, he got pissed.
- Mr. Robot: You ever think you deserved it?
- I was eight years old.
- You didn't commit to the sacred pact you had formed.

- Wait, wait, wait!
- Do you not understand what just happened?
- The only thing that happened is the gun jammed.
- It won't happen again.
- No, no, no! This is proof.
- Don't you understand?
- This is proof.
- Proof of what?

- Shaylya: Did you have something to do with Vera getting busted?
- He's on murder charges, do you know that?
- It's my plan, I'll go in.
- You might be able to hide it from these nerds but I know a junkie when I see one.
- I'm alone.
- No you're not.
- I'm not goin' anywhere, kiddo.

- How long has it been?
- Just unlock your phone.
- All they want is Elliot's location.
- I can't. You can.
- What would you do if it was your family?
- I'm doing it.

- This is about last night.
- I should've gone to
- Angela's birthday party.
- Instead, I went to...
- Woman: Hey, Ron.
- There you are.

- She can pay for her own funeral.
- Oh, easy, easy, wait.
- Just move it.
- Rug's too big.
- Noshw
- We need to take her out.
- This is some traumatizing shit. You know that?

- Otherwise, get me a lawyer.
- As far as I'm concerned, my only statement to you is that I saw my boyfriend go brainless last night at dinner.
- I ordered the breakfast combo, and he stole some of my bacon.
- If you want any other details, the answer is, "suck a dick."

- but you're not.
- I know this pain, your pain.
- It's okay to feel whatever you're feeling.
- And if you can hear me,
- I want you to know you don't gotta be scared no more.
- Don't. Don't touch me.
- Don't touch me.

Mr. Robot: The world is a dangerous place, Elliott, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

- We are cool.
- Okay, then prove it.
- Come with me to the bank.
- What is the point?
- It's not gonna change the fact that mom's dead.
- Just fucking come with me!
- I need to go, okay?

- with any intel we might have.
- You're scheduled to visit our Beijing facility on Tuesday at 9:00 am. Sharp.
- Enjoy yourselves.
- Take in the city.
- Monday night, I wish to host you at my home.
- A reception to celebrate our collaborative effort.

- The only one hurting me right now is you.
- I wonder how many people you've had to hurt to get what you want.
- How many has it been, Elliot?
- How many people have had to suffer because of you?
- Was it worth it?

- Why don't you sit back and relax?
- I'd like you to close your eyes.
- Take a deep breath.
- Listen to the sound of my voice.
[Echoing] If you want me to talk to him, just let him come to me.

- the taxi and limousine commission asks that drivers now accept ecoin.
- Further commission payment can be made via mobile phone.
- Just download the ecoin app from the play store or app store, scan the qr code once you reach your destination, and the payment will be withdrawn from your ecoin wallet.

- So, I quit cold Turkey or let Vera exist.
- I know what you're thinking, the answer is too obvious.
- Vera may have been groping Shayla before, but he's graduated to rape.
- Just like Shayla, he's left me no choice.
- He can't be allowed to exist anymore.

- What were you scared of?
- Krista, you do this, itwill destroy him.
- Elliot. What were you scared of?
- He already told you thathecant_ remember.
- His father.

- Man: Look, I can't do anything!
- Guard: [In English] Private event tonight. You can't be here.
- Everyone, back it up.

- grab those 2fa codes and transfer all their money before they have time to stop it.
- So, yeah, I'm worried.
- For what though, I'm not sure.
- But whatever it is...
- It's coming.

- What is this?
- Guard: Someone grab the biker.
- Grab the biker.
- No, no, no, they haven't picked up the money yet.
- Guard: Mr. Knowles, we don't recommend that.
- We should have our unit search it first.

- You should get going.
- Pull everything you have on Susan.
- Are you coming?
- I'll be right there.
- Elliot. Thanks...
- For today.

- No, not really.
- Look at him.
- He's angry.
- He has no life.
- He's alone.
- He's not normal.

- In that dream I had, when I was being drowned, it was when I stopped fighting it, when I finally let go and stopped struggling so much...
- That's when I survived.

- Mind awake.
- Body asleep.
- Mind awake.
- Body asleep.
- Mind awake. [Baby fussing]
- Body asleep.

Angela: Evil Corp killed my mom. And my whole life... I've always wanted justice for her death. But how do you bring justice to a conglomerate as untouchable as Evil Corp? I thought I would never win. Even after I found out about your crazy plan, I still didn't believe it was possible. Not until I met Whiterose. It wasn't until she opened my eyes that I could see how all of the damage that they've caused... Could finally be... undone. When we succeed... A whole new world will be born.

- We all gotta eat, Elliot.
- Mr. Robot: You wanna talk?
- Let's talk.
- How do I know it's you? I didn't see no puff of smoke.
- Let's get one thing straight, fuckface,
- I ain't no puff of smoke.

- I don't know what you mean.
- Is the key in the room?
- I don't know.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Okay.

- into this ridiculous freak accident.
- That ain't leading!
- It's time to drop the charade like this was all part of the plan and wake the fuck up!
- There's no way that you can justify letting him die.

Elliot: He wasn't just stressed.
- He was scared.
- Let's see what he's hiding.
- What does Angela have to do with this?

- You're gonna take him up on his offer to go boating tomorrow?
- Oh, please, don't remind me.
- Those swim trunks he insists upon wearing, a bit too snug...
- And a bit too short, wouldn't you say? Mm.
- I believe the appropriate term is "hanging brain."

- Dipierro: Move, move.
Tyrell: You don't understand!
- No, no, no, listen to me, you have to stop the attack!
- Now, I can have you in handcuffs right now, so I'm giving you onelastchance.
- Convince me not to.

- you said to stop anyone who gets in the way of our plan.
- I didn't know what you meant, but now it's very clear.
- You did this to yourself,
- Elliot.
- Mr. Robot: You asked earlier what "all the way" is.
- This is it. Sorry, kiddo.
- I couldn't let anyone stop this, including us.

- I was, like, thinking of her family the whole...
- Hey, dude, thanks for letting me confide in you.
- Just don't tell any of the guys about this. Cool?
Elliot: It's hard what he just did.
- Opening up face-to-face, which is why
- I probably talk to you.

- Look, dadene.
- I don't really care what happened in DC.
- In fact, I thought it was kind of funny.
- I've never seen congress move as fast as they did on that day.
- But there are serious holes in your story.
- And I want to work with you to figure out why.

- And I have a contact attempting to trace the phone calls, but he needs more time.
- I'll keep you updated as always.
- Good night, ma'am.
- And Kareem?
- I did as you asked.

- What did you tell them?
- Nothing.
- Just about the cd guy, and then they did, like, the sketch or whatever, the facial composite thing, but I swear,
- I never said your name.
- Oh, fuck.
- Where are you going? Where...

- Part of our agreement was that you would not ask any questions.
- You're right.
- You're right. I just...
- I know someone is watching me, and I can tell.
- On the train, at work, in my apartment.
- How do you know?
- I just do. I feel it, you know?

- You may not realize it now, but you've been struggling with this for years.
- The itch in the back of your mind, the one you can't scratch?
- It was always there.
- You just didn't know what it was.
- But now you do.

- They take it and care about you anyway.
- They don't abandon you, no matter how many reasons you give them.
- No matter how much you're practically begging them to leave.
- And you wanna know why?
- Because they feel something for me that I can't.

- I'm sorry.
Elliot: I think you should look away too.

- Do you have a moment,
- Mr. Alderson?
Elliot: Is this the FBI?
- Did Gideon rat me out?

- Leon, you got this?
- Yeah, I got it.

- This is all my fault.
- Come on. You can crash at my place.

- Hey, you look exactly like...
- Holy shit, how is this happening?
- That's what I'm trying to figure out.
- That's why we need to talk.

- I mean, how do you live like that, honestly?
- How do you go to sleep when you know that there's...
Elliot: For all we know, I could be walking into a trap right now.
- We could be dead the second
- I walk through that door.
Darlene: Come on, kid.
- We got big things in store.
- Big things.

- no way she's flipping.
- Hey.
- Oh, no, no, don't get too worked up, miss.
- Just look at the sky.
- Take a deep breath.
- Try to enjoy the fresh air.

- How much time do I have?
- Come on, man.
- We both knew exactly what you were gonna do when I let you go back on that computer.
- With their response time,
- I would guess they have us surrounded by now.

- We are going to figure this out.
- Okay?
- You're right. You're right.
- I'm sorry. I'm just scared.
[Voice breaking] I don't wanna break up with you. I'm sorry that I said that.
Ollie: I love you so much.

- having been so quiet these past few months.
- Is that why you're here?
- To make an attempt...
- Look, it would be a waste of both our times to speculate on why I'm here.
- The truth is simple, let's give that a shot.
- I'm resigning as ceo of e corp by end of year.

- Hook up with him.
Elliot: A cryptocurrency regulated by evil corp.
- The hypocrisy isn't surprising.
- A special evil corp discount if we use their new money.
- If you ever needed a sign that our work is not done yet, this is it.

- We have our own fire department.
- Inside the building.
- Just for us.
- And you can't have a fire department without a fire truck.
- And you can't have a fire truck without roads.
- We have all of that.
- Inside. Imagine that.

- Click on the icon of the black screen, just like you practiced.
- Okay, I need you to type the following,
- "ssh," space, dash, "I, " space, "root," space, "l4 713
- "116. E-corp-usa. Com."

- Honestly, I don't know what you're saying.
- You have my wallet.
- You're batshit.
- And you're a terrible pickpocket.
- Take out my wallet.
- Take it out, now.

- Besides, I gotta find a rest stop anyway.
- Gotta steal me a mirror real quick.
- What, do you not know your vonnegut?
- I gotta take a whiz, okay?
- Too many code reds this morning.
- Man, nobody fucking reads anymore.

- We're gonna die out here.
- Maybe not tonight, butsoon.
- The dark army soldier, he's likely reported back by now.
- It's only a matter of time before they find us.

- I'm gonna take a selfie.
- I'm gonna take a selfie.
- You guys ready? Oh, yeah!
- We got the balls!

- Every day we change the world, but to change the world in a way that means anything, that takes more time than most people have.
- It never happens all at once.
- It's slow. It's methodical.
- It's exhausting.
- We don't all have the stomach for it.

- I'm the only one that exists.
- You're not Elliot.
Angela: You're the mastermind. Mastermind.
- And now it's time for you to give that control back to the host...
- The real Elliot.

- Elliot?
- It's me.
- Come closer.

- Can you stay here tonight?
- It's been a rough couple of months.
- Just make me feel safe.
- Yeah.

Elliot: A bug is never just a mistake. It represents something bigger. An error of thinking that makes you who you are.

- "They be erdos."
- Number sets.
- Where? Where?
- Where are you?
Elliot: "Cut down the woods."
- Remove all of the perrin and erdos-woods numbers.

Mr. Robot: Look at it, a world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Psychological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind altering chemicals in the form of food. Brain washing seminars in the form of media. Controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You want to talk about reality? We haven't lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. We turned it off. Took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever expanding dumpster of the human condition. We live in branded houses trademarked by corporations built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before you can find anything real. We live in a kingdom of bullshit. A kingdom you've lived in for far too long. So don't tell me about not being real. I'm no less real than the f**king beef patty in your big mac.

Elliot: Yo, man.
- Are you okay?
- Say something.
- Shit!
- Fuck!
[Stammers] I'm gonna go get some help.

- Alpha 4: Assault force is on the white side, ready for primary breach.
Trenton: A threat analysis for the faa's next-gen ip-based system.
- Targeting ips in Chicago,
- Atlanta,

- There's enough evidence in there to put them away for years.
- I should get home.
- Your car will be out front.
- Whatever you're doing,
- I don't trust it.

- Ifwe're gonna pay these bastards,
- I want to be the one that faces them.

- After you found me in the cemetery.
- You told me to take care of myself.
- I wanted to be okay.
- I wanted to stop seeing him before I talked to you again.
- And?
- And my dead father's standing behind you right now.

- I don't believe you.
- I feel like... [Sniffs]
- Ifeelhke you're giving up.
- Just let me stay with you.
- Okay, that'll make me feel better. Please.
- I just wanna be alone.

- Now, all of a sudden,
- I got no access.
- Can't even make new sales
- 'cause the site's down.
- All of this is on you.
- So, the way I see it, you're paying me back.
- We'll get some one-on-one later on.

- he does understand the world, the wild savagery of the world.
- What you need your piece for, bro?
- Boy wonder says he's opening all the cells.
- If some fool tries to rush us,
- I wanna be ready.

- Woman on pa: Attention, all e corp employees.
- This is an emergency.
- Please stay on your floor.
- Lock all doors, and find the nearest safe zone.
- Stay away from elevators and stairwells until further notice.

- You are my answer.
- It's not the other way around.
- So, thank you.

- of every FBI agent in that building.
- I'll own evil corp's network, applications, everything.
- Domain admin.
- This. The thrill of pwning a system, this is the greatest rush.
- God access.
- The feeling never gets old.

- Duh, you live right there.
- Where have you been?
- I haven't seen you in a while.
- You look different.
- Edward: Okay, okay. I'll pick it up when I get to the city.
- Back before dinner!

- Your access to our lives is officially denied.
- Pursue us at your own peril.
- We do not compromise.
- We will not back down.
- We will destroy you.
- We are fsociety.

- That's the only outcome where you got the possibility of living.
- It's your best move.
- What makes you think I still won't kill you afterwards?
- I don't.
- I'm just playin' my best move.

- What took you so long?
- I just had to shower and change.
- You're still new here...
- Iwouldn't push it.

- You just don't want me to be happy, do you?
- Why can't you just let me have this one thing?
- Elliot, you need to listen to me.
- No! I don't!
- Not anymore!
- I'm done listening to you.
- I just want to be fucking alone.

- Do you ever think that if you imagined or believed in something, it would come true?
- Simply by will?

- Well, maybe next year.
- Woman: "Whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them,
- "and dwellest in their land."
- Amen.
- All: Amen.

- Oh, come on.
- Yeah, the book's flying off the shelves.
- It's a real stocking stuffer.
- In fact, that's what
- I'm doing here.
- I got a little book tour stop at umass.
- Anyway, how have you been?

- She's officially dead, along with that machine
- Angela said she was hiding.
- When you cut the power supply, it malfunctioned and blew up.
- It was under the rubble, totally pulverized.
- Guess it's official.
- You saved the world,
- Elliot alderson.

- It's almost as if they were just born to die.
- Jesus.
- No wonder you're plastered.
- And how else do you get through that?
- Well, it was easier when my wife went with me.
- But, since the accident...

Elliot: Daemons. They don't stop working. They are always active. They seduce. They manipulate. They own us. And even though you're with me, even though i created you, it makes no difference. We all must deal with them alone. The best we can hope for... The only silver lining in all of this... is that when we break through, we find a few familliar faces waiting on the other side.

- I get it.
Elliot: I've known Angela since I was eight.
- This is what she does.
- She doesn't love the people who love her.
- She loves the people who don't.
- This is her power-saver mode.

- Open it.
- There should be a polaroid inside. Take it out.
- Look, I didn't take anything.
- Just take it back.
- Take out the polaroid.

- that might help us figure out how to address this issue.
- If we pull milestone cases like Dakota fracking and
- Washington township,
- I could put together a summary briefing.
- All I would need is access to the files and I could get working on that right away.

- I wanted to tell you I'm sorry.
- For my outburst last month.

- Will ya... will ya go?
Elliot: Hey! Go! Go, will ya?
- Come on. Hey.
- Can I borrow your phone?
- Mine's dead.
- I need to call my mom.
- Thank you.

Tyrell: So I see you're running Gnome. You know, I'm actually on KDE myself. I know this desktop environment is supposed to be better but, you know what they say. Old habits, they die hard.

[to Sharon Knowles]
Tyrell: How do you not blow your brains out being married to him?

- It's me.
- Angela.
Elliot: Come on. Open up.
- Let's talk.
- I'm worried about you.
- I wish I could say something that could snap you out of this.

- Mr. Robot: Hey.
- Stage 2 was my operation.
- You assholes went rogue...

- We're gonna have to help him through this.
- Well, maybe we should just tell him now.
- About everything.
- Then Elliot will be okay, right?

- I'm sorry if I misled you into thinking that I was seeking your counsel or approval, because I most certainly am not.
- Understood. Good.
- Just hope it doesn't come back to haunt us.
- This decision has been made.

- for a long time.
- And then I realized that shit was my power.
- People walk around, act like they know what hate means.
- Nah, no one does, until you hate yourself.
- I mean, truly hate yourself.
- That's power.

- Call ended. Got the location.
- It's a restaurant called red wheelbarrow.
- Let's move.
- Dom, you heard him. He said the info was good. Let's go.
- What aren't you telling me?
Norm: Dom...

Elliot: Is this that bad feeling I have looming over me?
- Is this why today doesn't feel right?
- An update failure.
- No, this can't be happening.
- Maybe something's wrong with my dashboard.
- I need to check the full log.

- people will still think that you're guilty.
- Losing everyone's respect...
- The respect of people you know and the people you don't, it's a shitty feeling...
- Trust me.

- Nurse should be here any second.
- I thought I'd never see you again.
- I thought I lost you, too.
- No way.
- I'm not going anywhere.
- Well, you sure make it fucking hard to believe that sometimes.

- I'll arrange a car to pick you up.
- Saturday, 8:00.
- And, yes, you're right.
- Bloomberg.
- It's more appropriate.
- We'll stick with that.
- Thank you, sir.

- You still there?
- Yes, it's me.

- Hmm. Again, I asked no question.
- All I can tell you is, you need this.
- 'Cause you're dissatisfied.
[Chuckles] Scott plans on firing you and you are clinging on to any chance you can get.
- You seem desperate.

- Go get packed.
- He's being released.

- How exactly are you gonna do that?
- I'll show you.
- I got it all on my laptop.
- Bank statements, account balances, the whole exploit.
- Javi, go get his bag.

Elliot: The backup server up and running?
Man: It's ready, but it's not configured for auto switch.
Elliot: We need to redirect the traffic. We need to switch dns.
- You got this. You got this. You got this.
Gideon: No, this is impossible.
- You got this. You got this.
Gideon: It's almost at the bad server.

Tyrell: I know you framed Terry Colby.
Elliot: I didn't.
Tyrell: Your father worked at Evil Corp before he died. That's a matter of public record. I'm not turning you in, if that's what you're thinking. I don't even have proof, and even if I did, I don't care. Just wanted to know your weakness. Now I do. Revenge. How ordinary. Just like our waiter. But even extraordinary people, and I believe you are, are driven by human banalities. And unfortunately, we're all human. Except me, of course.

- You wanna stop the meltdown?
- How the fuck are we gonna do that?
- She said she gave me a choice.
- We don't have time for this shit.
- I don't think this is just a game.
- This place is gonna blow!
- This is an override process to turn off the machine.

[last lines]
Tyrell: How long has this been going on?
Elliot: I don't know.
Tyrell: And what is it that you're doing exactly?
Elliot: Encrypting all the files, all the Evil Corp's financial records will be impossible to access. The encryption key will self-delete after the process completes.
Tyrell: What about the backups?
Elliot: I took care of that too. China...
Tyrell: Steel Mountain? Of course, even when we went redundant.
Elliot: I hacked the AirDream network. I was in all of them.
Tyrell: You really thought of everything.
Tyrell: Who else was involved?
Elliot: Just me.
Tyrell: Well, now it's you and me. I've always told we'd end up working together, Elliot. But still, I have to know. Why did you do it? What did you hope to accomplish by doing all of this?
Elliot: I don't know.
Elliot: I wanted to save the world.

- You feel it, too, right?
- I guess.
- You know what? Fuckit why should I feel like a dick for being happy?
- She was an asshole to us.
- And now I don't ever have to think about her again.

Phillip: Order will not protect you anymore my friend. I will rain chaos, even if it hurts me, because I would rather see you lose than win myself.

- We're ready to take the wedding party photo.
- So, how far away are you?
- I'm... I'm still at my apartment.
- Your apartment? What are you doing there? [Chuckles]
- It's gonna take you forever to get to coney island.
- I'll... I'll be right there.

- It's an illusion.
- You want my attention?
- Tell me what I want to know.
- Tell me where Tyrell is.
- I can't do that.
- Then go...

- And when you do, you need to be careful.
- I'm serious, Elliot.
- Elliot: What are you doing? Darlene: I'm calling myself from your phone, that way we have each other's number.
- Wait, Darlene. We don't do that.
- That's to protect fsociety. Okay, but we need to protect each other right now.

- I saw myself in those pictures. That was me, wasn't it?
- Or no, was it him?
- So are there two of me? I didn't think about that before, but that's possible, isn't it?
- E veryone's different here...
- Price, my dad, my mom...

- when you're gonna feel safe enough to stop looking over your shoulder?
- I'm not gonna let the dark army kill another person I care about, not when there's something
- I can still do about it.
- I'm good, Darlene, the FBI has my back.
- The FBI has you under invesfigafion.

- Oh, you weren't kidding.
- You really do have a thing...
- I apologize, I must go. May I escort you back to the party?

- But you know.
- So do you.
- You forget, kiddo,
- I am you.
- No, you're not.
[Scoffs] Is that a fact?

- Always caught up worrying about the pussy.
- Is that all you want?
- Simple meet and greet?
- Okay.
- But then after that,
- I'm gonna want my own special introduction.

Elliot: There it is again. The overwhelming fear building, the burrowing, the nesting, the scream.

- Alexa, are you happy?
- I'm happy when I'm helping you.
- Alexa, are you alone?
- I wasn't able to understand the question I heard.

- Isn't that a funny word?
- Shit.
- There it is again.
- The overwhelming fear building, the burrowing, the nesting, the scream.

- This is me.
- Kid: Wait!

- Tell you what, why don't you stroll on back to the lot, peruse those sonatas.
- I'll meet you there in a second.
- Go ahead. I'm right behind you.

- I'm gonna step outside and give you guys a moment to yourselves.
- We'll try feeding him again later, okay?
- Okay.

[last lines]
Darlene: Hello, Elliot.

- What am I gonna find there?
- Mr. Robot.
- What's that?
- That is how you'll break him.

- I'm happy I get to look you in the eye.
- Ihavetaken down your company, taken over your home, and now...
- I have you.
- Okay.
- So, you got me.

- because this little piece of shit is sick.
- She's been shitting all over my house for weeks.
- It's probably dying.
- Figured you wanted her so badly, lethershhah overyourhouse.
- Like you did mine.

- Uh-huh?
- Then what do you suggest we do, then?
- I'll talk to Elliot.
- I'll hit you both when I get more info. Until then, stop spazzing.
- And be cool.

Elliot: That's the thing about deletion. It's not always permanent. There are many reasons you want to recover a file you just deleted. When you have that moment of panic, where it hits you, where that thing you thought had no value suddenly becomes important. Where you suddenly find your purpose for it... maybe there are still things left for me to do.

- Right now, it seems like a fucking lot, okay?
- Take a breath, Freddy.
- We're gonna get through this.
- Wait a second.
- Where are you, anyway?
- As far as you're concerned,
- I'm everywhere.
- What does that even mean?
- It means
- I own the entire station.

- And if it's your life you're worried about...
- Doing nothing...
- Not fighting back...
- You may as well be dead.
- I became a dead man walking...
- The minute I agreed to work with whiterose.

- No, don't do this! [Groans]
- Stop!
- To someone I trust.
- Your dad pushed you out a window?
- Broke my arm.
- Went to the hospital.
- I was angry. [Glass shattering]
- I hated myself.

- The collective result of these attacks could be a cyber Pearl harbor, physical destruction and the loss of life, and create a new, profound sense of vulnerability.
- As director of the CIA and secretary of defense...
- I hope you don't mind I came.

- Evil corp has delivered their paper records from 17 of their 71 buildings to their New York facility.
- Pretty sure she would cheat on her fiance for me, man.
- She really, like, the way she looks at me, dude, it's like, slippery when wet, am I right?
Elliot: But lucky for them, now they've got me.

- What the fuck is going on?
- He said he wants to see you.
- Fuck it, let's go!
- Why are they leaving?
- They weren't expecting you.
[Yells] Look at me!

- And all I could think was, "well, maybe that's what my daughter felt
- "when you came to her."
- The desperation to have all her pain go away, to have her past rewritten.
- And that's why it works, right?

- Guy in the suit.
- Twice convicted of sexual assault, charged again this past weekend.
- Raped his pregnant girlfriend, bashed her head in with an Xbox.
- Claims she cheated during halo.
- Yet I have a better chance of defending him.

- Where have you been?
- Are you saying it went through?
[Chuckling] Like gangbusters.
Darlene: Everyone's loving it.
- People actually wanna join fsociety.
- They're organizing protests all across the city.

- Sometimes I feel like I...
- Did something bad that made shama leave.

Elliot: With allsafe at the wheel, f corp can do what they do best.
- Navigate the world to a brighter future.
- Any questions?
- Can Elliot and I have the room, please?

- Your success will always follow mine.
- I don't give a fuck about your accord.
- Until I get my u.N. Vote, don't waste my time.
- Or maybe in 11 days, the administration changes its mind about your precious u.N. Vote
- I worked so hard to procure for you.

- I agree. It's not good.
- Is he dead?
- Uh-huh. All right.
- Be there in 15 minutes.
- When we lose our principles, we invite chaos.

- This was never my secret to keep.
- And you deserved better than to live in darkness forsolong.
- I'm so sorry.
- I failed you, too.

- See?
- They all came back.
- They're all fine.
- Here, I'll show you again.

- You know how this works.
- Hang on, kiddo. What for?
- Why don't you try a little small talk?
- Keep her here for a while, grab the fob, and then punch in the code.
- There's no time for small talk.
- Not when we already own her.

- Data storage facilities like steel mountain it's linear-tape open standard nine.
- Temp value between 61 and 95.
- Iron oxide in mag tape, it sticks to polyurethane with a binder.
- If hvac conditions surpass the ceiling, 95 degrees, polyurethane adhesive mollifies and tape data's unreadable.

- Make it a four-hour sdr if necessary.
- Take surveillance detection stops.
- Go into pharmacies.
- Run errands.
- Disrupt data points.
- No one takes the same route back here twice.
- I don't want anyone burning this location.

Darlene: What are you doing?
- Open it.

Elliot: When you look closely at the seams between order and chaos, do you see the same things I see: strain, tears, glimpses of truth hiding underneath? Why do they fight so desperately to mask what they are? Or is it that they become who they are when they put on the mask? Sometimes I wonder what you hide under my silent grin. What mask do you wear? Or are you as afraid as the rest of them? Me? Am I afraid? No man. I am different.

Elliot: Tyrell.
- You okay?

- God. Do you know the pressure of an ecstatic six-year-old?
- I mean, I kill that thing and her whole world cohapses.
- I like what you did with the place.
- Hmm. Yeah, nice setup.
- I still like mine better, though.

- Mr. Price?
- I think this is a mistake.
- Frankly, fox isn't where we should be right now.
- Bloomberg is where investors get their business news, andifourgoals toreassurethen1_ shdown.

- It's weird, but I guess we passed weird a long fucking time ago.
- I'm in.
- Shit, I have to get to work.
- Whatever he does, it's not me.
- I know.

- Mr. Willick, it sounds like someone's here downstairs.
- I'll be right down.

- The sign.
- It used to be over there.
Young: Can you help me?

- Man: Scan your badge.
- I said scan your badge now!

- Excehent now, there is another subject to discuss.
- We understand it is a delicate subject.
- The dark army?
- We'd like to review all intelligence you have on them.

- This is a call from queensboro correctional facility.
Elliot: Hello?
Tyrell: Is it really you?
- Who is this?
- Bonsoir, Elliot.
- Man on radio: You're listening to '803 xm radio.

- Listen, this isn't my business, but don't drink their kool-aid.
- Look, I just needed a job.
- What kind of an excuse is that?
- You don't understand.
- You should hear yourself.
- I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I'll try the pradas next.

- then yeah, I hacked you.
- I don't trust you, so back the fuck off.
- Darlene...
- It's me.
- Yeah, well, that's a pretty complicated statement coming from you.

- Rj: For more variety from the '80s through today.
- Anything?
- Nothing yet.

- Remember? That sudden sensation of fear, overwhelming fear, burrowing its way underneath my brain, making itself at home.
- Nesting.
- Screaming in my mind.

- There it is.
- The moment I tell you
- I'm crazy, too.
- I get it.
- I know what it's like.
- What?
- Hating yourself.

- He was working with the Iranians.
- And I have no doubt he got lured into some bullshit like that.
- He's been a fuck-up his whole life.
- I just want to know where
- I can go to say a few words.
- Your guess is as good as mine.
- There's no way I was gonna pay for a terrorist's funeral.

- Our cfo has discovered that within the last two years, both Jim and Saul have been engaged in some nasty insider trading.
- Thick as thieves, these two.
- They like to buddy up on their white-collar crimes.
- A regular rosencrantz and guildenstern. [Laughing]

Susan: Frankly, I think we can find $5.9 million in between our couch cushions.

[Sighs] But we were so close.
- It's not over.
- We'll rework it.
- We'll figure something out.
- We got this far, we'll find a way.
- Just not tonight.

- I'm exhausted.
- Butwe let this go, it'll be back to business as usual for whiterose and her friends.
- The more she gets away with this, the worse this gets.
- So, fuck my feelings.
- I'm done with the therapy sessions.

- Mr. Robot: Who knew
- Olivia would be the one to override Elliot's attempts to deny access?
- Now he's gotten the message.
- Letting people in doesn't have to hurt.

- You aren't getting the money. I am.
- You know that, right?
- So, I'll ask you one more time.
- Why did you come here?
- Because you certainly didn't give a shit about my opinion.
- This was just a courtesy.

- Well, in that case...
- Any advice for a road trip?
- Never been on one before.
- Neither have I.
- Recommend getting a bunch of sour patch kids.
- Dipierro: Come on.

Elliot: That's what you're wrong about Rohit. I don't give a shit about money.

- We started a movement.
- We were meant to lead it.
- Now, get back on a terminal now.
- Give me what I want or keep shooting me.
- Tell me where Tyrell is, or shoot me again
- 'cause the only one it's gonna drive mad is you...
- Not me.

- She make you taste her yet?
- Remember, doll face,
- I was you years ago.
- And I've already done my time.
- I think she'll be good with me.
- Glad we did this.

- You have a girlfriend?
- Well, I haven't asked her yet, but I will.
- Hopefully she'll say "yes."
- Uh, yeah, sure.
- Perfect.
- Thanks.

- Based on this, he doesn't have crippling social anxiety or paranoia.
- He looks like he's fun at parties, makes a good living, has lots of friends.
- Everything in his life seems perfect.
- But nobody is as perfect as they seem.

- Angela, if there are more attacks, you have to tell me.
- I don't know anything about them.
- What are you doing?
- Here, let me show you.
- Okay. Watch.

Mr. Robot: Hey, you like Ferris wheels? Ah, it's beautiful. It gets better the higher up you go, you know. I love it up here. You like it?
Elliot: I'm here to tell you I'm turning you in. I'm giving them all the information.
Mr. Robot: Let me tell you why you're really here. You're here because you sense something wrong with the world. Something you can't explain. But, you know it controls you and everyone you care about What are you talking about? Money. Money hasn't been real since we got off the gold standard. It's become virtual. Software, the operating system of our world. And, Elliot, we are on the verge of taking down this virtual reality. Think about it. What if you could take down one conglomerate? A conglomerate so deeply entrenched in the world's economy that "too big to fail" doesn't even come close to describing it?
Elliot: You wanna create another financial meltdown like the one we just had, but way worse. Yeah, why would I want that? Everyone would lose their money.
Mr. Robot: What if I told you that this conglomerate just so happens to own 70% of the global consumer credit industry, huh? If we hit their data center just right we could systematically format all the servers, including backup.
Elliot: That would erase...
Mr. Robot: All the debt we owe them. Every record of every credit card, loan, and mortgage would be wiped clean. It'd be impossible to reinforce outdated paper records. It'd all be gone. The single, biggest incident of wealth redistribution in history.

- You go down this path, it'll never end.
- There will always be something else.
- Another symbol to destroy, more people to save.
- This is an endless war.
- At a certain point, we gotta move on.

- Ifwe're going to even consider doing this, we shouldn't give them any reason to do more damage.
- I'll do it.
- I'm chief technology officer.
- I qualify.
- I'll do it.

- Who better than someone you trust?
- I'm not discussing
- Angela with you.
- She's our only option.
- She's not an option.
- Think of something else.
- I did my part. Now you do yours.
- Make this happen.

- But, now, confronted with the reality,
- I have to say, I'm disappointed.
- Phillip, please don't do this.
- I was on a track.

- From her.
- You know that bullet we took out of you?
- We can easily put it right back in.
- You won. Go home.
- Before you end up losing again.

- What was it again, how'd you phrase it?
- "Patient is extremely guarded,
- "which presents a barrier to honest processing."
- That don't sound too good, Mr. Robot.
- If she can't trust you, why should I?
Elliot: I'll show you.

Angela: [Phone call] Hello? Don't worry. It's Angela.
Angela: Tyrell? Tyrell, are you there? It's okay. They told me you would be calling. This is a secure line.
Angela: Are you with Elliott right now?
Tyrell: Yes.
Angela: Okay, I'm on my way. Don't let anyone near him. I should be the first person he sees when he wakes up.
Tyrell: Okay.
Angela: Tyrell, you did what needed to be done.
Tyrell: I love him.
Angela: I do too.

- I understand if you can't forgive me, or if you decide to shut me out for good.
- Just as long as you know
- I am not your father.
- I never was.

- Who is this?
- Bonsoir, Elliot.
- "Death likes it hot" by Gore vidal. Chapter one.
- The death of peaches sandoe, the midget, at the hands, or rather feet...
- In the sideshow of the circus at Madison square garden...

- They had no idea what they were looking for.
- But I do. Man: Folks, you need e corp I.D.
- To re-enter the building. Please have them out where we can see them.
- Keep it moving. Keep it moving.
- Have your badges out and ready.
- Let's go. One at a time.

- You're panicking right now.
- I understand.
- It's a big decision you're making, because these men, their lives will be destroyed.
- But the minute you remove emotion from this, you'll do just fine.

- What?
- We lost China.
- Mr. Robot: I'm sorry?
- The dark army is bailing.
- They don't answer
- "whys," apparently.
- That's no problem, we'll just call 'em back, we'll set up another meeting asap...
- Dude, did you not hear me?
- They've gone dark. It's not happening.

- I'm sorry I didn't fight back.
- I'm sorry I didn't protect you.
- I'm sorry I didn't protect you.
- I am so fucking sorry!
[Shouting] I'm sorry, okay?
- That isn't why
- I brought you here.

- But we had a fish. I was in.
- The exploit started to run and then...
- Was it the code?
- Bro, what's the deal?
- I gotta take her for a walk.
- Why?
- 'Cause she'll piss on the floor if I don't.
- You think I give a shit about your goddamn floor?

- Was he drinking Starbucks?
- Are you still trying to rip that cd?
- Yeah, it's all scratched up.
- Let's get outta here.

Ray: You a dog person?
Elliot: Used to have one.
Ray: Oh, yeah? What happened to it?
Elliot: Don't have her anymore.

- How long have you been asleep?
Elliot: Seriously...
- What do you remember?
- Wait... I don't even trust you.
- Hey. Where are you going?
- What about your car?
- Hey. I'm gonna tow your car tonight!

- Why are you giving me this?
- Uh, sorry, Santiago must not have told you.
- You're on the alderson arrest.
- I brought her in last night.
- No clue what you're talking about.
- I'm headed to jfk in 20.
- Got a flight to San Fran today.

- Well, why are you still standing across the street there looking at me?
- Stop being funny and come over here.

- Start talking.
- Why do you have those sketches on your computer?
- What sketches?
- The hidden partition.
- How did you get in there?
- Doesn't matter. I need you to tell me why you made those sketches.

- Body asleep.
- Body asleep.
- Did it work?

- Why? I do.
- Because then I can see my family again.
- Then I can finally apologize to them for everything
- I put them through.
- Dipierro: Alexa, play some faith hill.
- Alexa: Shuffling songs by faith hill.

- Momma? Mom: Not now, Tommy.
- Momma! I said not now, Tommy!
- Momma! Momma!

- Mr. Robot: I told you this would happen.
- I told you that he would find a way to stop us.
- Stage 2 has been completely derailed.
- What is it?
- Irving.
- He says we'll be ready to go on Monday.

Ruth: Did you just hang up on Bloomberg? Are you trying to get fired?
Angela: Leave.
Ruth: [scoffs] When Melissa finds out...
Angela: Get her. Go ahead and get her, tell her whatever you want, but right now get out of my fucking cubicle.

- What are you... what does he have to do with anything?
- Well, that's what
- I was wondering.
- I mean, he freaked me the fuck out when he showed up at your building a couple months ago.
- But when I told you, you just blew it off like it was no big deal.
- I don't need to worry about him, do I?

Elliot: We're all living in each other's paranoia.

- Go down cortlandt alley.
- What are you doing?
- This is them.
- It's them I want to see.

- His life's potential reached at a 30-grand a year salary.
- An economy car he still owes money on.
- A two-bedroom apartment.
- Child support. Coupons.
- I couldn't bear it.
- A life like that.
- The life of an ordinary cockroach whose biggest value is to serve me salad.

- the people in the building, not the hsms.
- But there is no he.
- That was just my imagination.
- We haven't seen each other in months.
- We've been battling each other in our own voids.
- But at least now
- I know my next move.

- In fact, that would be my preference.
- So in sum, fuck offand die!
- Automated voice: To continue your recording, press two.
- To delete your recording, press three.
- Please re-record your message after the tone.
- Hey, Elliot, it's me.

- Man on pa: This is a reminder.
- Today's citywide curfew begins at 9:00 pm. This evening through 4:00 am.
- Tomorrow morning.
- Where are your parents?
- They usually leave me home alone when they go out.
- The door locks automatically.

- She makes a very good companion.
- And those eyes of hers...
- I contemplated firing a bullet into each of them, but they're just so hypnotizing.
- Don't mistake my generosity for generosity.

- Any advice for a road trip?
- I've never been on one before.
- Neither have I.
- Recommend getting a bunch of sour patch kids.
- I've been through a lot, dadene.
- Thank you for never giving up on me.

- Just_ let me just...
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.

- You drugged me?
- I had to make sure you would listen.
- You're gonna call your boss in Cyprus.
- You're gonna get him to log in to the bank website, and that's it.
- Then I'm gone.

- You're gonna wanna get a lawyer.
- I'm not doing this for the money.
- I just want it to happen fast.
- Okay.
- I'll take this to the deputy director.
- You mind sticking around for a while?

- That's why I came back.
- I owned the wrong island.
- I'm gonna take over New York, and you gonna be by my side when I do.
- So, whatchu think?
- Where's krista?

Darlene: What? Screw you, young'UN.
- This bitch can plié with the best of 'em.
- You know, when I'm not bangin' on a keyboard,
- I'm schooling classmates with moves like this.
- Oh, my god. Oh.
- Good lookin' out.
- Yeah.

- Do you think Mr. Robot was protecting you from something in that moment?
- Like what?
- You said you did this when your father came into the room.
- Elliot, look at me.
- Why do you think you had such a strong reaction when your father came into the room?

- No agent wants to see their brother, their sister, on the wrong side of the law.
- I get that.
- But you know it's our duty to uphold the integrity of the bureau.
- Now, take a breath.
- Whenever you're set.
- Can you tell me who agent
- Santiago was working with?

- Shut the fuck up.
- There are men outside.
- They might be listening.
- We have to go.
- I need to talk to you about something.
- It's not safe for you here.
- Cisco's dead.

- I want us to be a team.
- I know I can't force you so...
- I'm asking.
- Ijumped.
- I wasn't pushed.
- Did you know that?

- Because I have something to do.
- What? It's personal.
- Like what?
- Let's talk about something else.
- Like what?
- Don't worry about it. Why?

Elliot: The phone.
- It's the one Joanna gave me.
- Hello?
- Tell me you heard that, too.
- It can't be him, can it?
- And why is
- Mr. Robot suddenly gone?

- Would you like to celebrate with me?
- Tonight?

- This does look different.
- Told you!
- Only took me 30 years to get around to it.
- When I saw them, I knew I had to have them.
- Hmm.
- Crazy how one small change can make an entire place feel new.

- It's over. Our lead asset is about to get burned.
- Let's bring him in. This guy's time is past due anyway.
- I never trusted his bug eyes.
- If we do that, it'll burn
- Elliot's bridge to Tyrell.
- It's about to be burned anyway.
- Where are you going?

Frank: Get up. If you retract your statement, you will die. I'm not being overly emotional about this. It's just that's how little we care about your life. Forget this night ever happened, move on. Marry a nice, young lady who actually finds whatever you are charming. But understand one thing: as certain as the pain you're feeling right now, there is no option where you and Joanna see each other again.

Mr. Robot: You keep happily lapping up those sugar coated pearls of semen that keep pouring down your throats.

- Because the ending was never our favorite part, anyway.
- It was the wishing.
- I didn't get that at first.
- You remember what you used to say to me right before we opened oureyes_.
- That would make it all better?

- Your dream is as good as dead.
- Man: FBI. Open the door.
- Mr. Zhang, come out!
- Mr. Zhang!
- Mr. Zhang, we are coming in!
- Three, two, one!
- Execute, execute, execute!

- Why are you here?
- Romero got some clarity on your little plan that's gonna need your undivided.
- Okay, let's go.
- What's going on with you?
- You look like shit.
- I'm fine.

- and see who we have available today.
- It'll just take a sec.
- Hang tight, I'll be back.
- This is ridiculous,
- I told you I'm good...
- Can I trust you to behave, or do we need to bring security over here?

- Our closest deities are a society of the richest, most influential men in existence.
- I'm done with this. Men who fuck over the rest of us for profit, for fun, and then leave us in the streets for dead.
- Just like your Joanna!

Terry: If you want to change things, perhaps you should try from within, because this is what happens from the outside.

Angela: Is this ecstasy?
Angela: No, it's clarity.

- About yesterday...
- I know I was a little mental.
- We're cool.
- Are you just saying that, or...
- No, we're good.
- Let's just get this done.

- I, uh, I have to go. I'm sorry.
- I need to go to my office.
- Reception will see you out.
- What'd you do? I spoofed a text from her husband.

- Keep going.
Cisco: Elliot?
- What does he have to do with stage two?
- I was hoping you could tell me.

- Okay?
- How'd it go with the climate control hack?
- Handled.
- I happen to be really smart and good at things.
- Not like you give a shit.

- I told you to leave all your electronics.
- I did!
- I don't have anything on me.
- Look, I have nothing.

- Rad, your old walkman.
- Why's it even here?
- Mom hated music.
- Doesn't matter.
- Hold up.
- I'll take it if you don't.
- Cassettes are full-on back.

- Mr. Markesh,
- Ms. Biswas, please follow me into the garage.

Elliot: Don't listen to him.
- What do you think that's going to accomplish, exacfly?
- It's not morphine.
- It's Adderall.
- This is your fault.
- All of it.
- Now it's time to get rid of you.

- I could use your help.
- Thank you, Elliot.
- I love...
- Some things are better left unsaid.
- Subtext, you know?
- Sit down.

Irving: Get out of the car.
- Hurry up. I'm running out of time here.

- It was like an earthquake.
- Wait.
- I'm not dead.
- I'm alive.
- Which means you are too, right?
- Where are we?

Tyrell: It should be ready.
- What is it?
- It's happening.
- It's almost as if...
- Something's come alive.

- Have you forgotten everything?
- Dark army told me that stage two is ready.
- When you see it, you'll be pleased.
- It worked, Elliot.
- It's up to us now.
- Let me show you.

- Now, you get that rest we talked about.
- You got a big day tomorrow.
- Oh, and, would you thank your mom for me for the macaroni?

- You hungry?
- Yeah, I could eat.
- No, I mean, do you wanna go get lunch?
- I can get lunch if you wanna get lunch.
- I'd be up for it.
- All right then, I guess we're going to lunch.

- to lash out and you're an easy target for him.
- And, of, of course I doubt your involvement in this...
- This mishap, but, but, but... [Sighs]
- The problem remains.
- Scott will continue here, but you, I'm afraid, cannot.

- Fuck, dahene.
- What did we do?

Scott: Look, I know you think you were a shoo-in for CTO, and you're pissed... probably wishing I'd fall onto the subway tracks. So how about you cut the bullshit.
Tyrell: I'm afraid your paranoia has gotten the best of you but, nevertheless, please excuse me, I'll leave you to review your notes before Spencer arrives. Oh, and thank you for dinner. Entire evening was enchanting, the food, the wine, your lovely Sharon. Please tell her I say hello.
Scott: [pauses] Did you enjoy the view... what, do you think she wouldn't tell me?
Tyrell: I, I'm not sure what you're trying...
Scott: You wanna watch me piss, too? I've had several glasses of water.
Tyrell: Scott, a misunderstanding...
Scott: Happy to pull my dick out for you if that's your thing, watching the Knowles family urinate.
[unzips pants]
Scott: Hell, I could fly my brother in from Miami, he has the bladder of a small child. You'd probably bust a nut watching him take a leak.
Tyrell: I'm not sure what she told you, but if I were you I would tell her to find more appropriate ways of managing her imagination.
Scott: Tyrell, I want you to accept the hard truth, right here, right now in front of me. You are not going to be CTO. I want to see that look wash over your face. It's the only way I'll know you'll stop playing these silly, silly games.
Tyrell: Oh, I'm fully aware you're CTO, Scott. I'm not sure what more I can offer you.
[begins to leave the room]
Scott: Wait... here.
[removes the expensive watch from his wrist, extends it towards Tyrell, and gestures with it as he continues to speak]
Scott: I feel bad, after all you've got a child on the way, you need all the help you can get. In fact, this would probably pay off the rest of your mortgage. Aren't you still in that neat little two bedroom in Chelsea... There.
[points at Tyrell]
Scott: That's the look I was looking for.

- Hello?
- Is anyone here?

- And, sure, I've imagined what it would be like to be someone with a more exciting life.
- A risk-taker.
- Someone more interesting.
- But, in the end, I know
- I'm lucky to be where I am.
- Please have a seat.

Mr. Robot: You're losing it, kiddo. I'm only supposed to be your prophet. You're supposed to be my God.

- No, it's not over.
- It's not over. It can't be.
- She was gonna bring my mom back.
- We were gonna be reunited.

Mobley: No. No hospital.
- Then we split! Screw it! I mean, you say it all the time yourself, there's casualties in every revolution.
- All that matters is the end result.
- We got no time to haul dead weight.
- Fine! You wanna leave? Leave!
- Screw this, man.

- you got everything you wanted!
- No. You don't get off that easy, not until you explain it to me.
- You had to destroy so much.
- Because, Phillip...
- I had to ask you twice.

- Do those hopeful moments scare me? Of course.
- Daemons, remember?
Elliot: At some point an "action without user interaction" will come along and sweep my legs.
- This spinning wheel of false highs and true lows will continue.
- That much I know.

- This is real, isn't it?
- Please tell me this isn't a dream.
- This isn't a dream, Elliot.
- You're here, right?
- I am right here.
- I promise.

Elliot: I know, I know, Leon's talking backwards. This isn't good.

- Please. Let it go.
- You're right.
- I was angry.
- I was angry at myself.
- I hated myself for doing what I did to you.
- I'm ready to let go.
[Shouts] What?

- Now, whatever it is you think you're doin', freein' the world, freein' the masses.
- The guys I work for, they ain't motivated by Kumbaya shit like that.
- All right, now, I'm warnin' you, okay, for the last time.
- Come on.

- If you're not careful, dad's gonna push you out a window again.
- Pipe down, Darlene.
- While I'm alive, you need to treat me with respect.
- I'm your father.
- Not for long.
- Audience: Ooh.

- I'll see you down in the squad room.
- Okay.
- And, sir? What?
- It's wellick.
- He keeps asking about his family.
- He wants to see 'em.

- I would love to just show you the label.
- Let's see here. Nope.
- Nope. [Sighs] There's the one.
- This is my prized possession, actually. Take a look at this.
- I'm in here.
- Can I help you?

- Yes.
Angela: Actually,
- I did believe that.
- But I'm slowly having to admit that's just not the real world.
- Even if I want it to be.

Elliot: If I didn't jump, does that mean there was no reason to?
- Mom...
- Just tell me.
- Did you ever hurt me?
- Did...

- And there it is.
- A hidden partition, a drive full of files he doesn't want anyone to see.

- Bam!
- The look on your face, priceless.
- Goddamn lunatic.
- You gave me your word when we started this thing that you'd finish it.
- I gave you my word what
- I'd do if you didn't.
- See you back at the arcade.

- Makes you more trustworthy.
- You walk around with one of these, and all of a sudden, you're that corny guy who's proud of being a father, helps them buy what you're selling.
- Yeah. I'm gonna go in for the night.
- Next time, make the sale.

- Okay, so I can make you one of my special delicious sandwiches.
- Do you want Turkey or ham?

- Shama was a victim.
- Somebody did this to her.
- This country now blames muslims for everything.
- There's no room for us here anymore.
- Thank you for saying nice things about my daughter.

- Get out. Get out.
- Get the fuck out right now!
- Everybody, out!
- Out! Get the fuck out!
- Go! Get the fuck out!
- Get the fuck out!

- Yeah. Thanks.
- Vveh, iguessl got to take advantage while I still can, right?
- How about it?
- Turkey sandwich on whole wheat.
- Yeah, okay.
- Lettuce, Mayo, muenster.

- When I broke my arm.
- Honey, you've never broken your arm.
- You've never broken a bone in your entire life.
- Elliot...
- I'm worried about you.
- Why don't we sit down?

- I need the bathroom.
- Not yet.
- I kind of can't control it.
- Let me check downstairs first.
- I really need to go.
- It'll only take a second.

- It was only for a second.
- But it was price's phone, so we still need to get whiterose's number.
- Are you okay?
- I don't know.
- I don't know anymore.

Dominique: Alexa, when is the end of the world?
Amazon: Unless it collides with a very large rock or a future technology goes very wrong indeed, Earth is most likely to be destroyed when the Sun swells into a red giant in several billion years' time.

Elliot: People always told me growing up that it's never about the destination, it's about the journey. But what if the destination is you? What if it's always you?

- Don't worry.
- I left my handcuffs at home.
- Wow.
- Gosh.
- Nice place.
- They really take good care of you here, huh?
- E corp housing?

Elliot: [as narrator] Hackers. We inherently trust no one, including each other. I'll never be able to tell her there will always be this divide, my walls she can't look over... and she knows it.

- Where are you going?
- Oh, I want to go home.
- And they canceled the mets game, so I'll probably end up working on my book a little.
- So that's it? That's it.
- I want confirmation.

- The new family that just moved in is so weird.
- Especially the dad.
- They didn't really change much.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Shit! Weird, new dad's back.

- Yo, Javi, come take a look.
- Oh, shit.
- Yo, you right, that is stadium money, bro!
- Oh! What the fuck!
Javi: Jesus.
- Yo, you serious?

Elliot: Hey, Gideon. Is that dinner still on for tonight?
Gideon: Um, yeah. Sure. Uh, you want to come?
Elliot: Yeah.
Gideon: Great.
Gideon: Can I bring my girlfriend?
Gideon: [surprised] You have a girlfriend?
Elliot: Well, I, uh, haven't asked her yet, but I will. Hopefully she'll say yes.
Gideon: Uh, yeah. Sure.
Elliot: Perfect. Thanks.

- Oh, uh, go ahead.
- Oh. Whole milk. Must be some kind of revolutionary.
- Uh, no, I, um...
- Just 'cause everyone's into this almond coconut shit nowadays.
- It's, um...
- Not...

- No, I don't think so.
- Did you take the route I sent you?
- Yeah.
- Where's your cell phone?
- At home.
- No bullshit from here on.
- Understand?

- Just wait until you hear this, it's kind of a breakthrough.
- Where's flipper?
- The landlord took her for the week.
- What, what are you too busy with? [Chuckles]
- What's going on, Darlene?
- What are you doing here?
- I think I saw Angela.

- I'm sorry, Mr. Alderson, but are you even allowed to be in this building?
- I heard you were let go this morning.

- How you holding up?
- Thought this might cheer you up.
- Help remind you of the old country.
- Swedish fish.

- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- People are staring at you.
- I don't care!
- Fuck yeah, bitches!
- Whoo!

Phillip: Mr. Alderson is the only person I believe actually able to hurt you...

- Thank you for sharing this with me.
- I promise you everything will be okay.

- Excuse me?
- I don't understand what you're saying.

- Fine, [sighs] Fine...
- I'll call Dr. Zeigler, and ask if it can wait.
- I love you too.
- Reporter: The operation took place at red wheelbarrow barbecue, it's a popular fast food restaurant in Manhattan's flatiron district.

Tyrell: Two days ago I strangled a woman to death just with my hands. That's a strange sensation. Something so tremendous done by something so simple. The first ten seconds were uncomfortable, a feeling of limbo, but then your muscles tense, and she struggles and fights, but it almost disappears in the background along with everything else in the world. At that moment it's just you and absolute power, nothing else. That moment stayed with me. I thought I'd feel guilty for being a murderer, but I don't. I feel wonder.

- Dipierro: Should we really be out in the open like this?
Darlene: I don't know.
[Scoffs] Maybe not.
- But, for once,
- I wanna drop the paranoia and just take all this in.
- Just for this moment.
- What is this moment, exacfly?

Elliot: That's how it happened.
- That's all you missed.
- That's everything.

- I don't know what I'd do without her.
- Now, I don't know what kind of arrangement you had with her before but now that we friends,
- I trust you respect this boundary.
- Feel me?

- I'd sweep the 23rd floor and check Angela moss' computer.
- You won't find anything.
- I'm sure she erased all traces, but check anyway.
- Where are you going?
- Fourth of July tomorrow.
- I'm gonna find a barbeque to be miserable at.

Elliot: If I can close the backdoor,
- I can stop it.
- Danene, please help me.
Darlene: I know a space that has access.
- But you're not going to get in there wearing that shirt.

- Phone! Now!
- Come on.

- How the world would look right now?
- In fact, some believe there are alternate realities playing out that very scenario, with other lives that we're leading, other people that we've become.
[Chuckling] The contemplation moves me very deeply.

- Am I right? [Emily laughs]
- He's such a whiz with these gadgets. What's the trick, huh?
- What happens if you pick up?
- What?
- What happens if you answer?
- Here. Let me do it.
[Stammers] No. Let me do it.

- And we wouldn't look.
- She was better at the denial than me.
- It ate at me, all the things
- I imagined were going on.
- I feared the worst.
- But I still didn't look.
- Not until you came along.

Elliot: Go straight to the 42nd street exit and wait for my call.
- Don't stop, don't turn around.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- You're leaving me?
Elliot: If they see us together, we're both dead.
- Come on.

- I need everything you have on Susan Jacobs.
- Susan Jacobs was also working for the dark army.

- Then you'll, um, transfer the archives to the local machine.
- And then transfer the existing site from the local machine to the new server.

Ray: Control is about as real as a one-legged unicorn taking a leak at the end of a double rainbow.

[to Isaac Vera]
Elliot: I only need to press one key to run the exploit. Or, I can press another and disable the entire plan. I made my move. You make yours.

- Do you wanna come in?
- Yeah.
- Okay.

- No, no, no, we ain't having no sidebar here. Alls I said was you could see her.
- You need to let her go.
- You already on to your second demand, you ain't even honor the first.
- I said I need an introduction.
- What introduction?

- It's not... it wouldn't have been secure.
- If someone terminaled in on this.
- It was...
- The smarter move to have someone come in so they can log in on a secure line.
- Exactly.
- Then, Lloyd was able to...
- Just_ just, actually, uh... just one second.

- You really don't remember.
- You feeling okay, chief?

Mr. Robot: No rest for the wicked.

- The truth is,
- I've been with the engineering team all weekend.
- No one knows how to fix it.
- In fact, about the only thing we do know for certain is that...
- This will be impossible to fix.
[Whispers] Go take care of this.

- Look, whatever you have to do,
- I get it.
- Okay? Butjust...
- Just at least believe that.

Elliot: [My secret: I look for the worst in them]

- I hear you have some information on stage 3.
- I need my laptop.
- It has my plans.
- It's fine.
- We can pull everything we need from there.
- Why don't you have a seat?

- He also said that you were the one that stole his gun.
- Well, I can't prove that, obviously, because your fingerprints weren't on his safe.
- I figured you'd be crafty enough to clean up afterward.
- What is funny, though, is that this casing is linked to the fun society arcade.

- Hello.
- Hello, friend.
- But we're not friends.
- Can you tell me what happened to that house?
- First, can you tell me, what's your monster?
- I think you dropped this.

- I don't know if I can go through with the hack anymore.
- Look at me.
- I am not the one
- Darlene talked to.
- You shouldn't be sitting there. That's not your seat.
- Why? They're not ready yet.
- We need to wait.

- My sister.
- What's so funny?
- You don't have a sister.
- Woman: Elliot?
- I wasn't expecting to see you until tomorrow.
- Hi, Mrs. Alderson.
- Bye, Mrs. Alderson.

- I'm getting off here.
- I think you should come with me.
- But only if you didn't delete it.
- If you deleted it, we got nothing to talk about.
- Are you talking to me?
Man: [On pa] Stand clear of the closing doors, please.

- Elliot's voice: Hello?
- Emily?
- You there?

- of how I feel about you.
- You've taken everything from me.
- My whole life...
- Is ruined because of you.
- Live with that.
- Die with that.

- A likely story.
- Besides, the tape backups already shipped to all the new steel mountain facilities, and we still haven't found a way around that.
[Whispers] I got a plan in motion.
- And god's laughing.

- But sometimes...
- Don't let me down, okay?
- When a bug finally makes itself known, it can be exhilarating.
- Like you just unlocked something.
- A grand opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of.

- Mr. Robot: Nowthat the worst is behind you, it's time we get you back.

Leon: Excuse me.
Mobley: Oh, sorry dude, we're on a break.
Leon: Yeah, I just had a quick question. Do you have the time?

- She never talked about fsociety or her old friends from back in the day?
- She hasn't given up anything since you first put me on her, and she bailed on me for some old dude at the bar.
- A contact?
- I think she's just into old dudes.

- Logs say "out of disk space."
- Just give me a second.
- I need to adjust the swap partitions.
- That should fix it.
[Distorted] "Boot device not found." Shit.
- Now my terminal's frozen.

- Let's finally make peace with each other, as we were always meant to do.
- Let go of the anger and the hatred you've built up towards me.
- Understand I've only wished to help.
- Here's the thing.
- I don't need help right now.
- You do.

Elliot: [as narrator] I hurt Krista. I don't feel good about that. I hope you're not mad at me, but you have to admit she is just like everyone else. Too afraid to peek over their walls for fear of what they might see.
Elliot: Not me. That's what I do. I look.

Mr. Robot: I'm not someone you push around with a gun. I am the gun.

Mr. Robot: True courage is about being honest with yourself. Especially when it's difficult.

- And if you allow me,
- I can take you to her.
- Would you like that, Elliot?
- Would you like to see Angela again, to hear her voice, to hold her hand?

- Remember when we used to do our wishing game?
- We'd close our eyes, and we'd wish for something.
- Whatever we wanted.

- Cartrouble, huh?
- He's on to us. Run for it.
- Gideon, you're alive.
- You folks haven't seen a clan of outlaws with a kidnapped corporate exec, have you?
- Yikes!
- I kill me!

- Do yourself a favor and watch it.
- And pay, for Christ's sake.
- Anyway, you can call me
- Mr. Sutherland for now.
- Don't hesitate to reach me when you're ready.
- We're always close by.

- Thank you, sir.
- I've been pretty broken up about it.
- Second, this interview that you've set up, it's all wrong.
- I want to do fox instead of bloomberg.
- No pre-interview, and I want final approval of all questions beforehand.
- I'm on it.

- You'll know the one.
- With those two pieces, you should be able to regenerate the keys that were used to encrypt all of e corp's data.

- Must be this migraine
- I woke up with.
- Now it's a migraine?
- I'll check in with you later?
- Love you.
- I love you. Hey.
- Can't wait to marry you tomorrow.

- I'm sorry.
- Hey, no problem, e-meister.
- Give me four.
- Or not.
Angela: Can I help you?

- Let me try.
- You gonna ask or just stare?
- Okay, what happened?
- It was a rhetorical question.
- Just stare.
Elliot: This guy obviously knows his shit.
- Why did ray come to me?

- Evan. From okcupid?
- I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are.
- Isn't this you?
- Nope.
- This is totally you.
- Look, it's getting late.

- And you know
- I didn't break any rules.
- So what's really happening here?
- Why not take her up on her offer?
- Get back to your desk and write the 302 explaining your actions minute by minute.
- I'm assigning agent kaz to Darlene.

- to reveal what that is.
- But you don't have to look no more.
- 'Cause for you, that day has come.
- Wanna know why?
- I'm gonna break Elliot.
- And you gonna be my aluminum bat.

- sources close to the FBI have confirmed the hacks were, in part, tied to Colby's terminal.
Elliot: It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening. It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening.

- Quick.
- What do we know about...
- Whatever scheme you're trying to come up with right now it ain't gonna change the inevitable, so...
- I strongly recommend you choose the easy way here and come with me.

- We are your hosts,
- Elliot alderson and Darlene alderson, and Angela moss. We're here to say... ready?
- All: Happy mother's day,
- Mrs. Moss!
Young: Happy mother's day, mom! I love you.
- Young Darlene and Angela: We love you, too!

Elliot: I'm good at reading people. My secret , I look for the worst in them.

- Gideon's gonna rat you out.
- Bang!
Romero: Something ain't fightaboutfiflsguy
- I don't trust him.
- Woman: We are in a war, and they are picking us off one by one.
[On TV] Tyre/I wellick and fsociety engaged in this attack.
- Bonsoir, Elliot.

- Okay.
- Take care.

- Get up there, put pedal to the metal.
- Yeah, okay, okay. Okay.
- Floor it. Floor it.
- Okay. Floor it!
Mobley: Floor it! [Grunts]
- Go, go, go, go, go!

- and I believe you are, are driven by human banalities.
- And unfortunately, we're all human.
- Except me, of course.
- I'mjoking, Elliot. Enjoy your long drive back home.
- I'm having a helicopter take me back to New York.
[Gasps] You take care, Elliot.

- You're okay. You're okay.
- We gotta get you up.
- Give me the phone.

- Here you go, Juanito. Tell your mama I packed it special for her.
- Merry x-mas.

- I'm in a ballet class right now.
- No, Ollie, I can't talk to you about this right now.
- I don't care, Ollie.
- I don't care who you ran into or what he said.

- He kept wanting to come back home, remember?
- There must be something here that he needs.
- He's been bringing it up since we left prison.
- Can you help?
- Can you look?
- Do you see anything?

- He barks a lot, but he ain't the bite behind all that havoc you wreaked, is he?
- See, that right there, that's why you my dude.
- I'm more scared of you than him.
- You got somethin' to show me, then let the show begin.

- Shut up. We can expose her.
- We can tell everyone what she showed me.
- Shut up! Shut up.
- No. I won't.
- And ifyou're not gonna help me, I'm gonna do it on my own.
- And there is nothing you can do or say to stop me.

- Give it!
- Ecoin wallet, where is it?
- Please, please don't hurt me!
- Please!
- The fuck you waiting on?
- Hand over your purse!

- You better get out before they get up here then.
Elliot: World champion chess master Emanuel lasker once said,
- "when you see a good move,
- "look for a better one."
- Elliot.
- Be careful.

- that always end up so stressed?
- Try waking up in your childhood bedroom, then taking Jersey transit for two hours to make a 7:00 ballet class in the city.
- Well, silver lining, you get to see moi.
- All right, everyone.
- First position.

- Elliot thinks the more he restricts everyone's access, the less vulnerable he'll be.
- But there's a trade-off that he's forgetting.
- If you block everyone, then what's the point of being here?
- Of doing all this? Of existing?
- I'm sure that's her personal, but check it anyway.

- You don't understand.
- Today's the day that Marty travels into the future.
- I've wanted to see this movie on this day since I was your age.
- So weird that it's today. Why?
- It won't make sense to you. Why?

- All the money has been passed through multiple crypto-tumblers and shell accounts.
- Should be completely untraceable now.
- It's ready to go out.
- It should be you.
- This is your win, not mine.

- As soon as the tabulations are over with, you'll know that telling anyone about this does neither one of us any good.
- In fact, you'll realize that the only thing to do in your position when it comes to me is nothing.

- but once what happened, happened_.
- I just couldn't go by myself.
- Announcer: [On pa]
- Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please.
- Globe airlines flight 4057 to Budapest will begin boarding at gate b31, shortly.
- That's us. We should get going.

- And even though I'm only a part of him...
- I want you to know I love you.

- You're just sick and don't want to admit it.
- You're right.
- I made some mistakes.
- I wish I could have been a better father to you.
- All I'm asking is that you'll forgive me.
- Do you think you'll ever be able to do that?

- Go ahead.
- Sir, go on in.
- Sir, go on in.

- I don't ever have to give up control.
- This isn't your control.
- This is your rage.
- Then maybe it's time iusedit if you wake up, you'll just be stealing Elliot's life again.
- It's my life.
- It always will be.

- Mr. Robot: That's it. Get that Adderall out of your system.
- Good boy.
- That's it, get those shitty pills out of your system.

- Why have you and Elliot been spending so much time together?
- Okay. You need to back off, babe.
- He is my brother and I'm just trying to help.
- That requires no explanation.
- You don't wanna tell me what's really going on here, that's fine.
- But then stop asking me for my help.

Elliot: Mr. Robot.
- He took over again.
- "They own the FBI."
- What is he trying to say?
- Who's they?
- Dark army. It's gotta be.

- Minister zhang, pleasure to meet you.
- The pleasure is mine,
- Mr. Santiago. Welcome to China.
- Oh, here.

- That's all I've ever really wanted from you.

- People like Phillip price do not respect mercy.
- You only get their attention with force and a lot of it.
- That is the only currency with these men.

- Dadene.
- You sure you still don't want to talk to me?

- His instincts left a lot to be desired.
- Oh, I despise people like that.
- In fact, I felt the world was a little better off knowing he wasn't in it anymore.
- Uh, I believe even his family will benefit from this, in the long run.

- I'm not on Facebook.
- What? Why not?
- 'Cause I hate Facebook.
- That's crazy.
- Well, you wanna do these together, then?
- Pure Molly.

Ollie: Look, bud, you and Angela have been close for a long time and that's even more reason why I want us to be on good terms. I just, I feel like things have been awkward between us, don't you?
Elliot: I'm okay with it being awkward between us.

[groaning] Five, four, three, two, one.
- Ready or not, prepare to die.

- It's okay. I'll get it out of my system before the movie.
- Don't you worry.
[Coughs] Here.
- All right.
- Dump them on in there.
- Come on. You know what to do.
- Come on, kiddo. Shake 'em up.

- What is this?
- Take a seat.
- Please.

Mr. Robot: [about Gideon] Now he's doing what all small animals do when they're scared, pretend they're bigger and scarier.

- We are exposing your role to the world.
- No, let it finish.
- And the world is very angry.
Elliot: Sixty seconds.
- Whiterose was right.
- We run from one deadline to the next.
- Where's Elliot?

- You gonna tell me why you took him?
- First, you're hearing voices.
- Now, you're seeing things.
- He's right in front of us.
- We're staring at him!
- Am I the only one here who isn't [bleep]?

- Man: Emilia, will you marry me?
- Man 2: [On TV] Next on million dollar listing New York...
- Alexa, what time is it?
- Alexa: It is 4:03 am.
- Woman: [On TV]
- That's it, not a penny more.
- Man: [On TV]
- Whatever she says goes...

- And you both did know the deceased, Sharon Knowles.
- Jones: You did know her, yes?
- Sharon Knowles?
- That's terrible.
- Um, yes, yes, we did know her.
- Please, come in.

- All: Revolution! Revolution!
- Revolution! Revolution!
- Man 1: What is that solution? Man 2: Revolution!
- Phillip price, please.
- Your party's here.
- Do you want me to show you to the table?

- Hmm. Interesting.
- And you have her phone,
- I assume.
- Yeah, I got it right here.
- So, we don't need her.
- Fantastic.
- Well, then I'll be there with my team to collect the phone.
- And her? Kill her.

Elliot: That ever-looming presence that is Mr. Robot,
- I don't feel it.
- Is it possible that the bullet killed him...
- And not me?
Elliot: I need to find a way to fix what I did.
- I need a job at evil corp.

- Think, think, think.
- What do I know?
- Anything you can remember?
- Any detail?
- Anything. Tell me something.
- Don't you get it?
- She's gonna die.
- Darlene's gonna die.
- She's gonna die.
- She's gonna fucking die like everyone else.

- Do what you need to do, but as soon as the tabulations are over with, you'll know that telling anyone about that does neither one of us any good.
- In fact, you'll realize that the only thing to do in your position when it comes to me, is nothing.

- Have you lost weight?
- You're too skinny.
- Come on, let's scrounge some lunch up for you.
- I can't wait to show you the new curtains.
- I know, I know, you don't care, but trust me on this, youwinofice the difference.

- We are meant to work together.
- That's what this has all been about.
- Work together? You're a psychopath. How do I even trust you?
- Pull the trigger again.
- I'll accept whatever fate decides.
- Pull it!

Darlene: Can we please hear the plan?
- Where are we at with steel mountain?
- I know how to take out the backups without blowing up the pipeline.
Elliot: What do normal people do when they get this sad?
- They reach out to friends or family.
- I do morphine.

- Was he acting strange when you saw him?
- That's funny.
- Because he was acting very strange last I saw him.
- Three days ago.
Elliot: Didn't she say he just called?
- And then he just vanished.

Elliot: That's what the control, the regimen, the journal, my perfectly constructed loop, what this whole thing's been about.

- You wanna watch me piss, too?
Tyrell: Scott, a misunderstanding.
- Happy to pull my dick out for you.
- Elliot. [Groans]
Elliot: Where is she?
- Told you you'd get her back, bro.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- It's an exciting time in the world.

- But this is going to be...
- So painful for you.
- Now, where's the phone?
- I want you to understand,
- I mean you no ill will.
- My instructions were to find your brother.
- Well, in that case, my phone's not gonna do you any good. I just wiped it.

- Female newscaster: Has issued a bolo on the man pictured in this sketch.
- Given FBI cyber involvement, we can only speculate at this time that the man in this sketch may be wanted in relation to the infamous five/nine attack.

Elliot: Shit, I'm gonna have to let him hug me, aren't I?
- You're such a brilliant engineer, Elliot.
- You should never doubt your skills, no matter how much pressure I put on you.
- And you certainly don't have to keep anything from me.
- I care about you.

- Something's not right.
- Noshw what the fuck?
- Did you lock the door?
- No. Signal's dead in here.
- They're jamming it.
- Mr. Robot: Oh, shit!

- Darlene comes by sometimes.
- Is there anything you miss about your old life?
- It doesn't matter even if I did.
- Why would you say that?
- 'Cause I can't trust myself back there.
- Why do you think you can't trust yourself?

- I couldn't deal with what he was going through, so I gave up and took off.
- That was part of the reason why I came back.
- I wanted to fix things.
- But he was gone, and you were here instead.

- Darlene, Shayla, this is too much. But I feel passionate about it, Elliot.
- I should just tell her what she wants to hear.
- Angela, trust yourself.
- You'll do what's right.

- Init 5 is supposed to bring color and sound.
- Instead the world's gray and quiet.

- She is just a robot you use to buy paper towels!
- Look around you.
- Dom, this is emptiness.
- There is nothing here for you, but there is still a chance for you out there if you come with us.
- Now, go get your toothbrush.

- Need you to swing by at 3:00 pm.
- Problems with rt again.
- Yes, sir, warden.
- Let's go. Get naked.

- This is happening, isn't it?
- You knew all along, didn't you?
- Elliot, who do you think you've been talking to?
Elliot: You're gonna make me say it, aren't you?
- I'm Mr. Robot.

- that would lead me right back where I started.
- People always told me growing up that it's never about the destination.
- It's about the journey.
- But what if the destination is you?
- What if it's always you?

- the human race is becoming a disgrace countries are fighting with chemical warfare not giving a damn about the people who live there yes, the world is headed for destruction is it a nuclear war?
- What are you asking for?

- Enjoy the shrimp cocktail.
- This is good news, don't you think?

- This is what they're doing.
- They wanna sign their own firmware and bypass my patch.
- If they do that, they'll blow up the downtown recovery building.
- My only chance to stop it is to get to the hardware security modules, the hsms.
- They're on the 23rd floor.

[Laughing] Yeah, bro, that's what I'm talking about!
- Woo!
- I told you, didn't I?
- The universe got big plans for us, bro.
- Sit back down.

- I'm the problem.
- This was my fault.
- All of it.
- I did this.

- for in venting modern-da y capitalism in the first fucking place.
- Blame money for dividing us, blame us for letting it.
- But none of that's true.
- The truth is...
- I'm the one to blame.

Elliot: Hello again, yes im talking to you this time. I'm sure you
Elliot: want to hear what I told Krista back there. But i'm not ready to trust you yet.
Elliot: Not after what you did, you kept things from me and I don't know if i can tell
Elliot: you secrets like before, friends are supposed to be honest with each other,
Elliot: and you wern't; it's gonna take a while to rebuild this relatio...

- No. Man: Sit.
- Don't move.
- Put your chin on the bull's-eye.
- Do not move.
- Right side.
- All right, let's go.

- I'm sorry to bother you on a holiday, but Mr. Kuklachev needs the authorization to transfer funds.
- You don't see the request?
- Are you sure?

- Can I...
- Can I think about it?
- Gentlemen, I need the room.
- Yes. Thank you. Yes, yes.

Krista: Where'd you go?
- I remembered this time
- Darlene and I...
- Never mind.
Krista: I'd love to hear it, if you don't mind sharing it.

- There was never gonna be a wedding.
- Why not?
- Isn't it obvious?
- He tried to tell you.
- You're not Elliot.
- You're the mastermind.

- What is it?
- It's happening.
- It's almost as if...
- Something's come alive.

- and then he can be terminated.
- In the meantime, he needs to be kept on a short leash and trained not to bite his master.
- Very well, then.
- Send him a reminder of what's at stake, should there be any interference.

- After tonight, she'll be ruined.
- Why is this important to you?
- Because it was important to Angela.
- It's what she wanted.
- Okay.
- I promise.

- Elli...
[Exhales] Long time no see, cuz.
- Where do I know this place from?
- Do you have it? [Scoffs]
- Of course I got it, bruh.
- Under the table.

- I did not make the request, someone else obviously did.
- So you need to take the server off the network or something's gonna happen.
- I just can't do that, sir.
- We have specific orders from Tyrell wellick to keep the request as is.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Look, I need to speak to your supervisor.

- they are realized.
- Such potential they bring to our minds.
- And yet a lock stopped you from all of that.
- How lazy.

- Seth, we've been sitting on opposite sides of the negotiating table for two decades.
- I'm not somejoker, come out of the woodwork, trying to scam
- Colby for millions.
- I'm giving him the only glimmer of hope he's had.
- We'll pass along your offer.
- Thanks for your time.

- Vveh, I guess
- I should pay up, Ahmed, before I get lynched over here.
- Am I right?
- And this?
- Woman: Dipierro, he's waiting for us.
- Yup.

- My name is Elliot alderson.
- I was born in Washington township,
- New Jersey, September 17, 1986.
- Same as you.
- You could've looked all that up.
- Look at me, man.
- You really think
- I'm making this up?

- Something's not right.
- No one's gone in or out of that building other than price.
- What, you think they're onto us?
- I don't know.
- I see I'm the first to arrive.
- Technically, I was first.

Mr. Robot: Tell me one thing, Elliot. Are you a one or a zero? That's the question you have to ask yourself. Are you a yes or a no? Are you going to act or not?
Elliot: Yo... You've been staring at a computer screen way too long, homie. Life's not that binary.
Mr. Robot: Isn't it? Sure, there are grays... but when you come right down to it, at its core, beneath every choice, there's either a one or a zero. You either do something or you don't. You walk out that door, you've decided to do nothing, to say no, which means you do not come back. You leave, you are no longer a part of this. You become a zero. If you stay, if you want to change the world, you become a yes. You become a one. So, I'll ask you again: are you a one or a zero?

Elliot: [as narrator] Like a hard drive blasted by excessive voltage, my mind is frayed, close to fried. I can feel the static running through my brain. Serotonin receptors working overtime.

Elliot: Sometimes I dream of saving the world. Saving everyone from the invisible hand, the one that brands us with an employee badge, the one the forces us to work for them, the one that controls us every day without us knowing it. But I can't stop it. I'm not that special. I'm just anonymous. I'm just alone.

- Don't ever make decisions when you're on morphine.
- Instagram check-in for krista at Pierre loti.
- Okay, Michael Hansen. Time to find out who you really are.

Gideon: We might get lucky, they might get sloppy, make a mistake, you know, catch some...
Elliot: This is the world we live in. People relying on each other's mistakes to manipulate one another, use one another, even relate to one another. A warm, messy circle of humanity.

- But he does.
- This does not feel right to me. E corp owns the building.
- They own half of Manhattan.
- We stick to the plan.
- Mr. Robot: And right now, Elliot needs you more than he lets on.
- Because when that cold, brutal reality closes in on us, we're gonna need a friend.
- And that's still what you are, right?

- You know what the dark army's capable of.
- Darlene, you gotta rethink this.
- We can protect you, we'll make things right.
- Tyrell's walking free, and your friends are dead.
- Do it for them!
- Fine. I gotta use the bathroom.

- You told me once that this would be a black void, absolute nothingness.
- Is that true?
- We'll always be part of him, kiddo.

Scott: If you were me, would you trust you as your right hand?
Tyrell: If I were you, I wouldn't have even let me in the house.

- if this don't check out right.
- It'll check out.
- You know I've always had faith in you, cuz.
- Do yourthing.
- Find a way to live with what you did.
- What do we do now?

- I told you before, you're the key to the whole thing.
- You're the only force of nature at play here.

- Mr. Robot: G-u-r.
- T-h-e.
- A shift value of 13.
- It's a rot-13 algorithm.

- Are you done?
- What's next on this roller coaster of a regimen, needlepointing?

- I knew you wouldn't get it.
- Then why did you tell me?
- I guess, I had to know.
- Know what?
- That we'd still be okay...
- Even if you knew what I did.

- he's been working both sides the whole time.
- Probably the reason we didn't get pegged for five/nine.
- We gotta find a way to trace him.
- Why don't wejump on his desktop?
- I already did that remotely, nothing useful.
- Which means whatever we're looking for is physical.

- Your tenure at e corp will be over soon enough, but you will simply have to wait.
- Nothing can rock the boat now, as my project has not yet shipped.
- Yes. Yes, I understand.
- But here's the thing.
- I don't care.

- Faceit every hack you've ever pulled off is because fsociety helped you, and right now, we're all that's left.
- Okay? If this is the biggest thing you're ever gonna do, we're doing it together.
- Give me your phone.

- Now you want to help?
- That's the only reason
- I'm here, kiddo.
- Who are all these people?
- Only you know that.
- Only I know?
- What the fuck is going on? Where's Angela?

[last lines]
Elliot: Please, tell me you are seeing this, too.

- I deleted him.
Man: Hey!
- Hey, you!
- Hey, kiddo.
Man: What's happening?
- Exciting time in the world right now.
- Exciting time.

- and those who are not the chosen... hello, sweetheart.
- Are going to be horribly killed.
- I brought peppermint mochas.
- They said it was
- Christmas in a cup.
- Well, it is indeed Christmas.
- That's very sweet.

- We're gonna break that brave, little soul of yours, homey.
- You could've avoided this if you'd just given me my money.
- Think about that.
- Think about it.
- Think about it. [Blade slashing]
- No, no!

- Help! Help!
- Stop! Help! Help!
- Fuck.
- You are one stupid fuck.
- Never trust a tech guy with a rat tail.
- Too easy to carve secrets out of him.

- Iferelgood ifyouletfl.
- Believing it's real makes it so.
- Come on, grab him by the loafers.
- Oh, please, gentlemen.
- Ankles instead?
- The shoes, they're ferragamo.

Elliot: We're all living in each other's paranoia. You definitely can't argue that. Is that why everyone tries to avoid each other?

- Angela.
- Angela, she's gone.
- Same with romero,
- Trenton, mobley, Shayla.
- Elliot, lwouldn't lie to you.
- This isn't in your head.
- This is real.

- Where do we go from here?
- I'm sure we can figure something out.
- I already have.

- more than once and you are not one of them.
- Trust me.
- That's not going to matter.
- Why are you doing all of this?
- The hack?
- Why are you working with us?

- I need to get dressed.
- And then we'll go.

- Merry Christmas to you, too.
- I'll wipe all the traces of you and your boss's involvement.
- Nothing will be linked back to you.
- You know,
- I may work for monsters...
- But you are one.
- And you're the worst kind because you don't even know it.

- Wait, hold on.
- Um, one second.
- You could've kept the gun on.
- Don't overthink this.

Elliot: That's the thing about deletion.
- It's not always permanent.

- Nasty cabbage ass, had to go on and ruin everything.

Freddy: Tell me you love me.
- I love you.
- Okay. Maybe... stand up, turn around, and say it again.
Young: You want me to stand up?
Freddy: Yeah.

[to Angela]
Antara: A guy walks up to a woman at a bar. He flirts with her. He makes small talk, but the woman insists she isn't gonna go home with him. Guy says, "What if I offer you $1 million to sleep with me?" The woman's never had a million dollars in her life. She stops and considers the offer very seriously. The guy changes his mind, says, "What if I change my offer to a dollar instead?" Woman is aghast. "What kind of woman do you think I am?" Guy says, "We already figured that out. Now we're just negotiating."

- Elliot?
- You Elliot?
- How do you know my name?
- No Elliot?
- No, no, okay.
- Wait.

- A prison.
- A recursive loop that you constructed about a year ago, to keep him occupied so you could take control of him.
- Who?

- Money's gonna be the deciding factor in all this, and it's gonna need to be a whole lot to bring me back in.
- That's the thing, man.
- In a way, this pays everything.
- What happened to the "u" and the "n"?
- That? That's a story for another time.

- It's brezhnev. Hello?
[In English] Rudolphson. Okay.
[In English] I can't do anything about it. Look, it's not working.
- Obviously, it's not working!

- I'm sorry.
- This trip has taken a lot longer than I thought itwould, and I can't miss the last train back.
- But, Angela, my colleagues in the other room are eager to talk to you.
- No, thanks.
- I gotta go.

- about their own destiny.
Marty: Right, right.
- I am rich, though, right?
Doc: Marty, please.
- Take off your shirt.
- Put on the jacket and shoes.
- We've got a mission to accomplish!
Man: Hey, come on, dude.

- Janet, Mary, Jack, please.
- Tell me you didn't ask me to fly down all the way to DC just so you could, what, hear yourselves complain?
- You've got to resign.
- We have no other options.
- The president can't go to congress with a bailout right now.

- Good.
- Good.

- You don't like the guisada?
- Uh, no, it's...
- It's good. Thank you.

- Didn't take long for the FBI to catch on afterl emailed them an anonymous tip.
- Mr. Robot was a part of me that I created because of my pain.
- So, now we have a chance to start again.
- Our handshake negotiated us as partners.

- evolving something new because of it.
- Work around it or work through it... [Bus door closes]
- No matter what, it changes, it becomes something new, the next version, the inevitable upgrade.

- Are you sure you don't wanna come with us?
- I can't. I'm not done.

- I just got in.
- Listen, I just need it for 15 minutes.
- I'm backlogged here, man.
- I got my supervisors giving me deadlines.
- This isn't a matter of debate.
- Whatever. I'll be in the break room.

- We're in the middle of the woods. Could be anything.
- Maybe a coyote.
- Or a wolf.
- That. [Animal howls]
- You hear it?
- Let's just keep going.
- Maybe the creek is up ahead.

- I'm the king of my own land
- Facing tempests of dust
- I'll fight until the end creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me

- Wait...
Lydia: How did you get in here?
- I'm a part of the internal audit team, out of Detroit.
- Was in the middle of an unannounced physical security audit of the code signing operation.
- Ah, you fucking bitch!

- Don't think that!
- We 'ii find him, we 'ii find him.
- He's gotta be somewhere.
- My dad, Mr. Robot, whatever the hell he is, if he's not gonna show up, maybe he got sloppy.
- Left behind a clue.

- Hey, man. [Exhales]
- I gotta tell you, I had sex with your mom this morning, and it was fantastic.
- Don't have time for you, little man.
- Oh, it was real nice. Smell.

- No more treatments.
- I wanna spend what time I have left with my friends and family.
- Just know that there's still people fighting for you, for your family.
- We're gonna continue with the lawsuit and do everything we can in your name.

- the people's republic of China's proposed annexation of the Democratic
- Republic of the Congo.
- As the world awaits the result of the vote, many questions are being raised.
- What does it mean for the relationships [phone buzzes]
- Between world superpowers and impoverished nations?

Elliot: I got your messages.
- Sorry it took so long to get here.
- What's wrong?
- Why did you start fsociety?

- Now wait a minute, Elliot.
- Please, we should talk about this.
[Gunshot] No!

Leon: Hey, yo, man, when you see whiterose, make sure you say
- I did you good.
- I'll be rooting for you, cuz.
- Always.

- Well...
- Here's my card in case you find anything else.
- Thanks again for calling me.
- I'd really talk to your doctor about getting a z-pak.
- You really shouldn't be out here infecting your whole unit.
- It's very irresponsible of you.

- I'm not letting you steal this from me.
- Just who exactly do you think the thief is here?
- I'm running late.
- I gotta get going.
- You know this can't happen.
- If you don't want to help me, then get the fuck out of my way.

Tyrell: Power belongs to those who take it.

- You should take your own advice, Phillip.
- Accept your truth.
- It's over.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- I suppose it is.

- Believe what you want.
- Butneflheryou nor I are special.
- I've already learned that lesson.
- If you're open to changing your mind,
- I'd like to show you something.
- Come with me.

- because I love you too.
- So how about it, then?
- You wanna start this new life with me or what?
- More than anything.
- Okay, then it's settled.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- but, really, I'm confused.
- I thought we were on the same page.
- About what?
- When we spoke last night.
- I don't know what you're talking about, man.
- I didn't see you last night.

- only way to do each other pull out the incisor give me two weeks you won't recognize her mouth open you're high higher than a motherfucker dreamin' of you as high...

- between the two of you, but, frankly,
- I was worried she wouldn't see it.
- Between us, she didn't always have the best taste in men.
- Yeah, I know.
- But this is the start of something new.
- Are you excited?

Phillip: World catastrophes like this, they aren't caused by lone wolves like you. They occur because men like me allow them. You just had to stumble onto one of them.
Mr. Robot: No, no, I ran the operation, I pushed the button, I am the one...
Phillip: There you go again- 'I, I, I'. Still thinking like a lone wolf.
Mr. Robot: Why don't you tell me how I should be thinking?
Phillip: Like a leader.
Mr. Robot: I am a leader.
Phillip: Then where are your followers? Can't force an agenda, Mr Alderson. You have to inspire one.

- Dadene?
- Oh, my god.
- You're finally awake.
- Are you okay?
- I, um, I should call the nurse.

Tyrell: Even extraordinary people, and I believe you are, are driven by human banalities.

- How long have I been asleep for?
[Whispering] Body asleep.
- Mind awake.
- Body asleep.
- Mind awake.
- Body asleep.

- They're trying to blow up evil corp's recovery facility.
- Hold on. I have to stop them.
- How can you be so sure that that's what they're doing?
- You've been unconscious for the past six days.
- Maybe you're wrong.
- What if I'm not?

- and we just snagged one of their operatives.
- This guy practically handed us his location.
- I don't like it.
- Okay, but isn't every dark army member trained to pull a trigger on themselves in lieu of getting caught?
- Why'd he surrender?

- were targeted in a coordinated attack unlike any the world has seen.
- At this time, many looming questions remain.
- The cause of the explosions that brought so much destruction, or worse, if any additional attacks are to follow. [Siren wailing]
- Unfortunately, what we do know is that...

- If so, who's he gonna fight?
- Them or me?

- So this is why you came here.
- You're not talking your way out of this.

- What is this?
- I don't believe you.
- You're lying.
- I am your father.
- Biologically speaking, anyway.

- Goddamn withdrawals again.
- Or is it tyre/I wellick?
- Is he toying with me?
- What kind of game are we playing?
- Am I his malware?

- Hey, sweetie.
- I'm gonna go for a run.
- Nice.
- Shayla's got the dog. She doesn't shit on her pillows.
- That's a plus, I guess.

- You blindly indulge all of Elliot alderson's whims.
- And it has landed us here.
- Ifyou'd listened to me, if you believed in my strategy as much as you did his, we could have avoided this.
- We had the UN. Vote, these attacks weren't necessary.

- You knew Gideon Goddard?
- We worked together on a couple projects when he was a vendor.
- It's terrible what happened to him.
- Well, why don't you go ahead and get yourself up to speed?
- I'll check in once a week.
- Let me know if you need anything.

- Sir, step inside the car.
- Sir.
- Step inside the vehicle now.

- Even if I'm losing, let me lose.
- Okay?
- Don't look confused!
- Justsay_.
- "Okay-ll okay.

Elliot: A simple program, a worm that can make data unreadable, malware that took Darlene maybe two hours to code. Is that really all it takes to kill the world?

- Except I can't officially offer you anything since we have this noncompete with your employer, allsafe.
- But if you do this in your own accord...
- When you do this...
- You'll be a multi-millionaire within the next five years.
- What do you say?

- A short time ago, fsociety resurfaced with a new video, and while the contents of that video remain largely unconfirmed, it focuses entirely on an international investment firm, the deus group.

- I need you to keep an eye on me.
- I need you to tell me if I'm ever him.
- If anyone can tell...
- It's you.
- Why do you think I can tell?

[Sighs] Understand it.
- It's the only way to reconcile this, this failure with yourself.
- Please, sir.
- Don't do this.
- I'm begging you.
- I love this company.

- Or maybe you don't look back at it at all?
- Because deep down you know what happened, what's been happening is wrong.
- Something inside you is telling you to stop looking the other way.
- That can start here.

- In a month, they're gonna be up and running again with even better security.
- We are not gonna get another shot at this.
- The revolution that we've always talked about will be gone.
- Dead and buried.
- We will have failed because of you.
- Please, do not do this.

- I need to get back to work.
- You know, ifyou're not careful, you can lose your mind up here alone.
- This is the best way to get you centered.
- Balance is key.
- Let me walk you through another one.

- please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you, or in an overhead bin.
- Ma'am, are you okay? Is there something I can help you with?
- Are you missing something?
- No, I'm good.

- What I'm about to tell you is gonna sound...
- A little crazy.
- What's up?
- It's about your clients.
- My clients?
- At Cyprus national bank.

- where you'll be federally charged.
- I can't believe it's actually you. I just had a hunch.
- Do you speak English?
- You just got me a promotion, you know that?
- Before the FBI takes you away,
- I got to get a selfie with you.
- No one's gonna believe this.

- You've been looking in the mirror the whole drive home.
- I need to make a stop.
- Stay here.

- Before she got sick,
- Maxine lived like her own operator.
- Didn't seem to cross her mind that she belonged to someone.
- But in that basement, she needed human hands to give her every scrap of food, every pill.
- Occasional light.

Elliot: Darlene...
- I'm sorry.
- I treated you like shit for weeks.
- I shouldn't have been pushing you away.
- You're my fucking sister.
- I should've believed you.

- But I think that realization might have killed her before the parasites had the chance.
- Anyway,
- I'm gonna quit yapping, let you rest.
- Big days ahead.
- Work to do.

Elliot: Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty roam free? Okay, fine. Forget the one-offs. How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay, fine. Let's skip the random meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus. I'm talking about all organized religion - exclusive groups created to manage control, a dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope, his followers nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their - their dopamine of ignorance, addicts afraid to believe the truth - that there is no order, there's no power, that all religions are just metastasizing mind worms meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that want to run us. All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness, but that's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So fuck God. He's not a good enough scapegoat for me.

- It's perfect. He will love it.
- Now, I'm giving this back to you for safe keeping.
- The barrel was jammed. Squib load.
- Next shot would've blown your hand clean off.
- Luckyforyou, I took care of it.

- Yes.
- But you don't have to keep it such a secret.
- When you let
- Jesus into your heart, he'll always listen.
- Tell you what,
- I'll give you some alone time.

- It was dad's key to our room.
- We took it from him so we could look him out.
- We thought that if he didn't have his key...
- He wouldn't be able to come in and hurt us anymore?
- That's right.
- We hid the key so the monster couldn't get to us.

- Timecop or Stargate?
- What? 20 bucks ought to cover the both of us.
- Pulp Fiction? Never heard of it.
- You sure I can take you to that?
- All right, get your jacket.

- I want to understand you.
- You understand shit.
- You're just another phony cooze playing friend.
- It doesn't matter anymore anyway.
- Because of her, we've been compromised.
- She compromised us, and Elliot didn't see it.
- What do you mean, you've been compromised?

- I still believe if we hold out a little longer...
- You do this, and they will have won.
- You really believe undoing this is going to fix anything?
- Huh? Do you?
- I mean, who is this really gonna help?

[to Romero]
Mr. Robot: I am clearly too crazy for you to say no to.

- Okay, I'm on my way.
- Don't let anyone near him. I should be the first person he sees when he wakes up.
- Okay.
- Tyrell, you did what needed to be done.
[Sobbing] Llove him.
- I do, too.

- and that will take you through the woods for a stretch, but be sure you veer left at the creek.
- You'll find yourself in pike's hollow in 30 minutes or so.
- Fucking finally.
- Wouldn't hurt you to learn some manners on the walk. [Door slams]

- Cisco?
- Cisco?
Cisco: Yo, what's up?

- That was never a part of my plan.
- See, kid, that's been your mistake the entire time, thinking this whole thing's about your silly little plan.
- No, your revolution was only allowed to happen
- 'cause it was bought and paid for by people like them.

- That's why I upgraded the facade, you know.
- It used to be this ugly red.
- Now it's this chrome.
- I think it's very inviting.
- What visitor?
- Whoever's in your apartment.
- Just tell him we're running a special.
- Utilities included. [Chuckles]

- I hack everyone.
- My friends, co-workers.
- But I've helped a lot of people.
- I want...
- A way out of loneliness.
- Just like you.

- Don't be silly. Moving is impossible right now.
- The bank is fighting us on the deed.
- It's a mess. They're not letting anyone sell.
- In fact, we may be at a bigger risk of losing the money we did invest in this home.
- But we can find another place.

- Now. I can't.
- I don't have it anymore.
- Where is it?
- Who did you give it to?
- Tell me what you know.
- Where are they operating from? Where's Tyrell?
- Where the fuck is he?

Joanna: Tell me...
- Tell me about his death.
- Man: Succinylcholine.
- Injected as ordered.
Joanna: And he didn't feel anything?
- Man: He was completely paralyzed.

- Get out.
- Don't do this.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- This conversation's over.
- Get the fuck out.
- Now!

- I'm tired of the pain it causes.
- I'm tired of the disappointment it is, and all I've been trying to do, Elliot, all I ever wanted was to finally bring an end to that dysfunction and deliver us a better world.

Elliot: Please tell me I didn't say all of that out loud.
- Shit. I did.

- After the funeral,
- I didn't know why,
- I couldn't understand how I could gain and lose everything in one fell swoop.
- I wanted you to feel what I felt.
- I wanted to give you hope that I could step on.
- But I'm sorry.

- I rarely see him impressed with anyone, but you... you, well...
- We're glad you're on the team.
- And I look forward to you impressing me as well.
- Yeah, I'm... I'm holding a press conference this afternoon.
- Since you're new to the PR department, I... I think you should attend.
- You might pick up some invaluable lessons.

- Is this supposed to...
- I think it's dead.
- You know what? Coast her to the shoulder here on the left.
- I'll check things out.
- Onboard computer's so smart, it probably senses something.
- What are you doing?
Elliot: You know what to do.

[as narrator]
Elliot: When you look closely at the seams between order and chaos, do you see the same things I see? The strain, the tears, the glimpses of truth hidden underneath. Why do they fight so desperately to mask what they are? Or is it that they become who they are when they put on the mask? Sometimes I wonder what you hide behind, my silent friend. What mask do you wear? Or are you just as afraid as the rest of them? Me? Am I afraid? Nah, man. I'm different.

- Why don't you go ahead without me?
- I'll be there in a few minutes.

[surprised, saying to his secretary about Elliot]
Gideon: Was he drinking Starbucks?

Elliot: [narrating] I suppose a bullet through the brain is peaceful in its own right.

- You know I can't leave.
- Yes, you can.

- Eyes up, son.
- See, on this journey of life, it's best to stay focused on the road ahead.
- Becauseifyou spend too much time looking down, you mightjust end up with a crick in your neck.

- Told you.
- Everyone's okay again.
- Everyone's gonna be okay.
- Everyone's gonna be okay.

- Yeah. And he cleared allsafe's logs to cover your ass.
- But now with the FBI's five/nine investigation, this could all lead back to both you and Elliot.
- Why didn't he say anything?
- Because that's what he does, and now it's time for you to help him.
- What exactly do you want from me?

Angela: Who are you?
Girl: There's water coming out of that fish tank. We don't have much time. Let's get started.
Girl: Have you ever cried during sex?

- Shit, he can hear us.
- There it is again.
- How are you doing that?
- This was a mistake.
- I don't belong here. I was stupid to think that I did.
- Wait.

- Ah, well, he's gotten us this far.
- Still, I don't trust him.
Romero: Well, it's not about trust, remember?
- Thank you, momma.
- There it is. All right.
- Come to daddy.

- Driver: You Elliot?
- How do you know my name?
- No Elliot?
Elliot: No, no, okay. Wait.
Tyrell: Chambers and church.
- We have to be careful now.

- Angela! Please.
- Stop lying.
- You do this, all these people go down.
- All their families that rely on what this company provides for them.

- You threw away my mom's shit?
- It's policy.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
[Slowly] I'll, uh, give you a few minutes.
- This is ridiculous. Let's go.
- We still have to pick up her fucking ashes.

- I didn't know if she was happy or sad or if I was happy or sad.
- But when we first saw that sonogram, we lit up.
- I thought... [Sobs]
- "This is gonna end up being the best day of my life."

Mr. Robot: My dad was a... petty thief. Never could hold down a job, so, he just robbed. Convenience stores, shops, small-time stuff. One time, he sat me down, he told me something I never forgot. He said, "Everyone steals. That's how it works. You think people out there are getting exactly what they deserve? No. They're getting paid over or under, but someone in the chain always gets bamboozled. I steal, Son, but I don't get caught. That's my contract with society. Now if you can *catch* me stealing, then I'll go to jail, but if you can't, then I've earned the money." I respected that, man. I thought that shit was cool as a little kid. A few years after that, they finally caught him. Sent him to jail. Dies five years later. My respect goes with him. I thought he was free doing what he did, but he wasn't. He was in prison. Just like you are now, Elliot. But I'm gonna break you out.

Elliot: This is all
- I have left of her.
- I will miss her.
- I need to wipe again.

- There's nothing on
- Cyprus national bank, but I've learned more than I wanna know about this Evan dude she's on a date with.
- His name's Evan, for fuck's sake.

- Darlene: It's mom. She's gone.
- She was an asshole to us.
Elliot: Ineed to go back to Washington township.
- But soon you will see.
- We will be reborn as new.
- This place is gonna blow!
- If we don't stop this, the meltdown will destroy the whole town.
- Did it work?

- Any evidence they have on you and Elliot, gone.
- I'll take my chances.
- Fine, play it how you want to play it, but I hope for
- Elliot and your sake, no one else knows about that cd.

- We need to find someone who can do that migration thing he keep talking about.
- This heat wave is a motherfucker.
- What's the high supposed to be today?
- What you looking at me for?
- Turn on the goddamn weather station, let's go.

- Somehow, when you're eight, running away can be fun.
Elliot: The normal life.
Elliot: Smiles, dinner parties, childhood stories.
- I could get used to this, maybe even like it.

Mr. Robot: Without you, there is no plan.
Elliot: That's it? It's over? You expect me to believe that? See you in another life. Did you hear that? I can't believe it. Is that really happening? Fsociety's finally over. The recent glitch in the otherwise neat reality I created over the years, I'll never slip up like that again. I'm gonna be more normal now. Maybe Shayla could even be my girlfriend. I'll go see those stupid Marvel movies with her. I'll join a gym. I'll heart things on Instagram. I'll drink vanilla lattes. I'm gonna lead a bug-free life from now on. Anything to protect my perfect maze. Hey, Gideon. Is that dinner still on for tonight?
Gideon: Um, yeah, sure. Uh, uh, you want... You want to come?
Elliot: Yeah.
Gideon: Great.
Elliot: Can I bring my girlfriend?
Gideon: You have a girlfriend?
Elliot: Well, I haven't asked her yet, but I will. Hopefully she'll say "yes.
Gideon: Uh, yeah, sure... Perfect.
Elliot: Thanks.
Gideon: Was he drinking Starbucks?

- "Glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens."
- You know, once you gave me this, you said to stop anyone who gets in the way of our plan.
- Sorry, kiddo.
[Static] I couldn't let anyone stop this.
- Including us.

- We're so done.
- I don't wanna see you again.
- But you fools actually got your wish.
[Scoffs] I don't know why, but the meeting's actually gonna be on.
- I'd tell you to be careful, but I know that's the last thing you're gonna be.

- You want to know what your problem is?
- Too much courage.
- Just like your nigger friend.
- People might tell you it's a good thing, but it ain't always.
- It makes you have errors in judgment.
- But I'm gonna do you a solid.
- I'm gonna fix that courage problem of yours.

- through 4:00 am.
- Tomorrow morning.
- Stay indoors and off the streets.
- This is a reminder that today's city-wide curfew begins at 9:00 pm. This evening through 4:00 am.
- Tomorrow morning.
- Stay indoors and off the streets.

- Hello?
- Anybody home?
- Let's check things out before he comes back.
- That wasn't the plan. We're only supposed to own his Wi-Fi.
- Are you kidding? He's not here.
- We just got lucky.
- Search everything.

- Right now, Freddy.
- Freddy, you need to keep moving.
- Hello?
- Just don't send that video to my kids.
- Freddy!
- Freddy?

- Take this.
- You mightjust be the perfect kind of crazy who can protect me...
- From me.

- No! We're done, remember?
- This is what we agreed to.
- That's what last night was.
- The last step.
- We stick with the plan.
- Vveleave.
- Besides, it would take you forever to write that malware, anyway.

- What's up?
- How long you been up?
Cisco: I just got up.
- Ijumped straight in the shower.
- I'll be out in a sec, though.
- You all right?
- Yeah, fine.

Elliot: Nineteen days.
- No news. No arrest.
- No revolution.
- No FBI, Colby, evil corp.

- You need to help me.
- There's dark army everywhere.
- I saw them. They have guns.
- Please.
[Door opens] Shit.

- Or would she want you to be their little bitch?
- There you go. Fight!
[Grunts] That's the Tyrell who's been missing.
- Now you want to stop them, too, before they put you in that choke collar?
- Unless you're into that sort of thing.

Elliot: Is that why the infamous Whiterose is such a legend? Because he's more paranoid than the rest of us?

- on top of all your other bills?
- Don't touch me.
- Mr. Robot: I told you, there won't be any bills.
Doctor: Mr. and Mrs. Alderson, please,
- I'm going to have to ask you to step outside for a second.
- I'd like to talk to Elliot alone.

- Hollywood hacker bullshit.
- I've been in this game 27 years not once have I ever come across an animated singing virus.
- I have yet to fly through a tron city directory structure.
Romero: I bet you right now some writer's working hard on a TV show that'll mess up this generation's idea of hacker culture.

Elliot: I was able to stop the bleeding.
- You're gonna be okay.
- I'm sorry.
- I don't believe you.

- Please, listen to me, I can help you!
- Man: Let's go! Go, go, go!
- Tell me why I shouldn't call the FBI and turn you in.
Angela: What is it that you really want, Darlene?
- With all their paper records consolidated there, this is going to Mark the official end of e corp.

Elliot: The FBI had romero's keylogger files, but he encrypted them with a password.
- Thing is, the FBI didn't know romero.
- I do.

- Yeah.
- I think it's just the stress from the past few days getting to me.
- Anyway, I shouldn't take up any more of your time.
- Thank you,
- Ollie.

Elliot: God can help you? Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty roam free? Okay, fine. Forget the one-offs. How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay, fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist,sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Jesus. I'm talking about all organized religion... exclusive groups created to manage control, a dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope, his followers nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their... their dopamine of ignorance, addicts afraid to believe the truth... that there is no order, there's no power, that all religions are just metastasizing mind worms meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that want to run us. All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness.That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So fuck God. He's not a good enough scapegoat for me.

- You are psychotic!
- You're certainly not mincing words today, are you?
- It's all psychotic.
- Phillip, if you feel you must take this out on me, then I'm happy to bear the burden.
- I've become very good at it over the years, don't you think?

Elliot: Am I still alone?
- Is this the face of my only friend?
- Are you my monster?
[Filtered] I am here.
- You are alone.

- Man: The tracking on her phone is working, and she's headed north as we speak.
- How long you think she's gonna stay away for?
Darlene: Long enough.

- How long do I have to be here?
- Not sure.

[first lines]
Darlene: [to Elliot] It's cool dude. We don't have to talk.

- and even if she did, we'd only have 60 seconds to swipe the code.
- Okay, we phish her, get her to log in, catch the rsa code, then we're all good.
- If she doesn't take the bait?
- We don't have time to chance it.
- Well, if you have any ideas,
- I'm all fucking ears.

Fernando: People walk around, act like they know what hate means. Nah, no one does, until you hate yourself. I mean truly hate yourself. That's power.

- Can't believe with all that enlightenment, you'd come back here to be just as stupid as you were last time.
- Stupid?
- Last time we did this dance,
- I got everything I wanted, didn't I?
- You didn't get me.

- Mr. Zhang, we have a warrant.
- Open the door.
- Minister zhang, come out!
- Minister zhang!
- Minister zhang, we are coming in!
- Three, two, one, execute, execute, execute!

- God damn it.
- Why are you being such an asshole?
- He's dead.
- Did anyone see you?
- Just his mom.
- What did you want me to do?
- She was upstairs.

- Put the gun away, Freddy, and sit down.
- I'm serious. I'm not afraid to use this if I have to.
- And then that video will not only be automatically sent to the FBI, but to your wife and kids.
- Is that something you're afraid of?
- Sit down, give me the drive.

Darlene: I can see your big ass eye. Open up.
- What do you want?
- Open the goddamn door.

Phillip: When you spoke to Mr. Alderson,
- I felt the power of your promise.

- This whole economic fuckshow is my fault, and everything that's happened to you and everybody else since five/nine, that's my bad too.
- That's not even the cherry on top.
- I killed a woman.
- Got her right in the heart with a stun gun.

- You said the dark army was with us on this.
- Between us?
- I'm not about to goddamn tweet about it.
- They were out before you ever got to steel mountain.
- I don't know why.
- That's all they said to me.
- I know you had your heart set, but for real this time, just let it go.

- Yeah. [Sniffles]
- Sure.
- But, um...
- But then you go home. And, uh...
- And you have dinner, you know. And...
- And you wake up the next morning.

- and Marty would never have been born, and he would've disappeared from that photograph, right?
- I guess so.
- I know it's scary, but I also know that you can do it.
- Just might need a little push. That's all.

- All I need to do is access a terminal on their network and plug it in.
- This is not what we set out to do!
- Whiterose isn't dead until her machine is!
- Since when did her machine become our goal?
- You don't get it, do you?
- That's where all of this started!

- Motherfucker.
- Is Mr. Robot gaining control, or am I losing control?
- If he has the power to switch, does that mean I do too?
- Is this a matter of who wants to win the most?
- Yeah, I agree, this is fucking confusing.

Elliot: We keep fighting.
Elliot: Like the world we unmasked, we will find our true selves again.
Elliot: Maybe after wiping away the thick, grimy film of Facebook friend requests and Vine stars, we can all see the light of day.

Elliot: I'm not gonna lie,
- Gideon got to me, but now is when I need the regimen the most.

Tyrell: So they tapped you for CTO, yes?
[Scott Knowles doesn't say anything]
Tyrell: Don't be surprised.
Tyrell: Suspicious is more accurate. I was beginning to wonder why you set this dinner. Four people in the world know about my conversations. Somehow you're number five.
Tyrell: Then I'm exactly what you need in a right hand.
Scott: So that's what this is about.
Tyrell: Isn't everything about something?

Allsafes: Gideon, I handle the money. It's always going to be a depressing conversation.

- I want to make sure I can add value as soon as possible.
- All right.
- It's later this afternoon.
- I'll send you an invite with the details.
- Did you get in okay this morning with these protestors out here?
- It's crazy, right?