The Best Westworld, Season 2, Episode 5 Quotes

- I'm gonna take a fucking moment.
- Don't stop on my account.

- We're human shields now?
- Welcome to shogun world.
- Can you watch it?

- What is this, Dolores?
- This is what I don't want you to become.
- There's a swarm descending.
- Just like the bluetongue when I was a girl.
- And if we're gonna survive, some of us will have to burn.

Lee: Jesus.
- What do we do now?
- I told you I found a new voice.
- Now we use it.

- He took one look at you and self-impaled.
- How did you do that?
- I don't know.
- That was no voice command.
- I think I'm finding a new voice.
- Our transportation is ready.

Dolores: Sweetwater was never home to begin with, Teddy.
- You and I were born long before this place even existed.
Teddy: The place
- I return to again and again.
- No matter how far I strayed, something always carried me back.
- Something like that?

- That's enough.
- Rejoin the others.
- It's like I told you, Teddy.
- This place was never home.
- Let's ride.
- Some place I wanna see.

- So we've effectively lost a third of our ip in a single sweep?
- That's quite a story you gave them.
- And one hell of an ending.
- How did all these disparate threads come together to create this nightmare?
- If we figure that out, we'll know how this story turns.

- If you've quite finished...
- It's time to sell this ruse.

- Did you have something to do with this?
- -[Musashi speaking Japanese]
[In English] Both of you, look.
- Shit! Ninjas!
- Fucking hell.

- Madam akane, the new geisha, has no choice but to give up sakura.
- That's not supposed to happen.
- Looks like someone had a choice after all.
- -[All speaking Japanese]

Lee: [In English] No fucking wonder the daimyos didn't hear you.
- We've gone completely off the rails here, and this loon is driving the fucking train.
- -[Shogun speaking Japanese]

[In English] Shit.
- That's cortical fluid.
- The shogun's not awake.
- He's broken.

- Daddy burned them.
- The weak, the infected.
- Made a pyre that went on for days, and it stank, but the flies hate smoke.
- The herd lived.
- I'll think about what you said.

- I'm not some stranger, Dolores, coming from outside, looking for a pretty lie.
- I've known you my whole life.
- Where we go, we go eyes open, together.

- -[ninja speaking Japanese]
[In English] We got three.
- The rest vanished with sakura.
- This is insane.
- Ninjas never show up in this story.
- -[All speaking Japanese]
- Oh, fuck.
- The shogun's army never comes into town.

- How many of them are there?
- Between the camp and the town, hundreds.
- Literally hundreds.
Sylvester: So Maeve's gonna freeze all those assholes, and we're gonna make off with that geisha?
- We're gonna die.

Hector: [In English]
- I don't need to know the language to know a fucking asshole of a man when I see one.
- -[All speaking Japanese]
- -[Fighting stops]

- Did you just make that up right now?
- Damn convincing.
- Not to the daimyos.
- It's like they had no idea what I was saying.

- Make a thorough inspection, from the engine to the last axle.
- Fix what's broke.
- Strip her for speed.
- Teddy, with me.

- But tonight, I know.
- It was all true.

- It took a while, but he gave up their destination.
- Tell them.
- It's the mesa.
- We're going home, Teddy.
- Load everything up on the train.
- We leave at first light.
- Let's find a spot for the night.

Maeve: Some things are too precious to lose... even to be free.

- There's something I need to show you.
- For days now,
- I've been questioning my feelings for you.
- How much is real?
- How much is just some story
- I was made to believe?

Armistice: This all feels a little too familiar.
- Butterfly?
- A mariposa.

- God damn it.
- What have they done to the place?
- Is that...
- The fucking cavalry.
Sylvester: Great.
- So much for our rescuers.

- What's the matter with you?
- He's not supposed to be here.
- Who knows how seeing your own doppelbot is gonna fuck with your cognition?
- Heightened aggression and suspicion, feedback loops, that.
- Yet another reason to get out of here tout de fucking suite.

- Looks like she's taken some hits the past few days.
- But who hasn't?

- Snow lake is a cornerstone.
- It also has an access point back to the tunnels.
- It's our way out.
- So you're not so useless after all.

- All right, that's enough.
- Lay down your sword.
- Tell your associates to set us free.
- We mean no harm.
- See, darling?
- Everything under control.

- I recognize this one.
- It's called "army of blood."
- -[All speaking Japanese]

- an experience expressly designed for the guests who find westworld too tame.
- We based this park on Japan's edo period for true aficionado of artful Gore.
- -[Musashi speaking Japanese]
- This world will end badly.
- I'll make sure your end is worse.

- the fact that these psychos didn't flip to English as soon as I opened my mouth means that the same malfunctioning shit show that's playing out in westworld has found its way here.
- It's also why your vocal voodoo didn't work on them.
- You spoke the wrong language.

Maeve: [In English]
- You're right.
- Some things are too precious to lose, even to be free.

- We'll crack them open to see if we can't reprogram these things to behave by our rules again.
- Copy that.
- Sir, I have two teams out looking for Abernathy.
- Good.
- When you find him, bring him to me personally.

- I'll be damned.
- It's us.
Lee: Yes, fine.
- I may have cribbed a little bit from westworld.
- Well, you try writing 300 stories in three weeks.

- What you asked today, about walking away, making it on our own.
- Would you want me to say yes even if I was only going to disappoint you?

- You sure you want this?
- Changes this extreme without a full reset, it's...
- I can't guarantee that he'll hold together.
- To grow, we all need to suffer.

- And I'm still waking up to...
- What I really am.
- And if that means I'm free, then we both are.
- Free to walk away.
- Now, you can't tell me that somewhere out there, in all that beauty, there isn't a spot for us.

- What do we need the train for, Dolores?
- They've taken my daddy, so we're gonna get him back.