The Best Yellowstone, Season 3, Episode 8 Quotes

Rip: You know why, uh, people don't come and talk to you? 'Cause they're scared they're gonna let you down. I know I am.
John: Well, if you're marrying Beth, you've already proved you're not scared of anything.

- What're you doing?
- There's a spot up here you can get great cell service.
- Figured you might want to call home.
- Let them know you broke down.
- I'd rather call from town.
- Oh, no, no, it's just right up here.

- Just wanna shake your hand.
- Thank you.
- For what?
- For protecting what's ours.
- And for risking your life to do it.
- Donny...

- then buys them a sports car and a condo.
- 25-year-old girlfriend, a sports car, and a condo would be cheaper.
- Trust me.
- Damn, you look good.
- Go save your father from himself.

- for you today.
- You need to move on now.
- Why don't you just go ahead and get the fuck off our ranch?
- Oh, it's your ranch now, is it?
- I want you to give John dutton a message for me.
- Oh, yeah? What's that?

- Well, it was a verbal agreement.
- I need to see it, Jamie.
- She's not gonna believe it unless she sees it on paper.
- Even if it's coming from me.
- Yeah. [Clears throat]
- Can you get me Willa Hayes from market equities?

- We'll set the call, and issue a tender offer at 75.
- Once the price starts to turn, start buying Schwartz & meyer shares in blocks of 25,000.
- Once you hit half a million, start reaching out to the funds.
- We're squashing this bug today.

- Monica.
- I'm fine.
- Monica.
- I'm fine!
- Slow everything down.
- The ems is at the tactical center.
- I'm having them come up.

- To please you.
- To protect you.
- And I can tell you what I think is best, with data and facts and zero emotion, but I will do whatever it is you tell me to do.
- Okay.

- Whatcha got there?
- Wait, let me rephrase that.
- What did Jamie give you?

John: Can't have him killed just because he doesn't want to be ridden. Hell, I don't want to be ridden either.

- I need a best man.
- Kayce's her brother.
- Fixin' to be yours.
- Hmm.
- You should ask him.
- Probably so. But I ain't.
- I'm asking you.

- You ever wonder why there's leezards in the mountains but nee snikes?
- Uh... no.
- But I do wonder what the fuck you just said.
- But I always wonder that, so...

- Don't need an escort to the ranch, just, um...
- Would you like me to call kayce?
- Didn't tell him I was doing this.
- And based on how today worked out, I'm not sure how.
- How did he tell you?
- Tell me what?

- Thought you said you wanted some company.
- Mmm-hmm.
- What for?
- We've been driving for six hours and you ain't said a fuckin' word.
- Lloyd, I'm trying to choose my words.
- Shit, shoulda been able to write the fucking song by now.

- Not for a Nissan I don't.
- But I can give you a ride up to billings.
- I'm headed that way, yeah, that would be great.
- Climb in.
- One sec.

- The Boulder is rolling down the hill and I can't do anything to stop it.
- Look, set a call with shareholders.
- We need to start a buy back.
- I know. I know...
- I... fuck!
- I know.

- Feel that, right there.
- That's hard.
- That's a callus.
- And every secret feels just like that.
- You tell enough of them, and before long...
- Your heart won't feel a thing.

- Walk right up there, we get great service.
- All right, you go ahead and I'll stay here.
- Come on.
- Come on.

Lloyd: [Sees Walker singing in a bar] He's supposed to be dead.

- You're a brave woman.
- Thank you for not missing.
- I wouldn't do that to you.
- Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
- Oh, shit.

- This is Bob Schwartz's assistant.
- Mr. Schwartz is flying up to Bozeman and would like to meet with you tomorrow afternoon at the yellowstone club. 3:00 p. M.
- Can you confirm that time is acceptable?
- Fuckin' a, lady.

- People talk about making a difference.
- But they don't.
- Because they don't try.
- They don't risk.
- You risked everything.
- Today you made a difference.

- I don't want you to think it because if you think it, then it's true.
- It's been your job since I've met you, kayce.
- And I believe in my heart that every man you killed has made the world a safer place.
- That's how I feel about the man I killed.

- Ahlahl
[Struggles] Don't!
- Ah!
- I'll never understand...
- Why you won'tjust let it happen!

- You gonna keep him on the road if I buy him?
- You know, I'm trying to enjoy my life.
- If you buy him, you show him.
- Don't wanna show him.
- I'm trying to enjoy mine, too.
- You know, you've got an arena full of world champions out here.
- You could close your eyes, throw a stick, and hit a winner.

- I made a promise.
- And I'd rather lose it than break it.
- And he'd rather...
- He'd rather me lose it too.
- I think I'm gonna turn in for the evening, honey.
- Okay.

- Where's your preferred?
- I'd go after the common.
- I don't take nibbles, Beth.
- I take bites.
- Well, this is at 220, honey.
- Let me make a few calls and see who's hungry.
- Just think, in a week, we could be partners.

- It's no wonder we're married, huh?
- We think exactly alike.

- If you're marrying Beth, you've already proved you're not scared of anything.
[Chuckles] Yeah. Yeah.
- That horse needs a home.
- It just ain't mine.
- Go find him one.
- Yes, sir.

- The last one.
- Jimmy, go hook up the trailer and load up that sorrel, will you?
- When you're done doing what you're doing, come out to the truck, Lloyd.
- What for?
- I want some company.