100 Best Jurassic World Dominion Quotes

- Shut the whole place down.
- Anonymous tip.
[Chuckles] Good girl. Yes. Yes.
- Alan. You never get used to it.
[Crew] Okay. We're good. Close it up!
- Take care.
- Thank you. Bye.
- Okay.

Ellie: Alan?
- Alan!
- How is everybody?

- See? Not so bad.
- Come on.
- Owen!
- Claire!

- Yeah.
- Slow. Slow.
- Slow.
- Yay.
- [Gasps} we're fine. See this?
- Mm-hmm.
- This is fine.
- Mm-hmm.

- She wasn't yours to begin with.
- Tell me.
- Biosyn.
- They're taking her to biosyn.
- You missed her.
- She's gone.

Ellie: [from trailer] Genetic power has now been unleashed.

- That can't be right.
- Is that...
- Oh, no.
- Oh, my god.
- He's burning the evidence.
- -Oh, my god. Oh, my god! Oh, mil"
- -that's bananas.

- This is bravo one.
- Truck is approaching the underpass.
[Agent 1] Go.

- Itslocked.
- Gonna need something heavy, something sharp, or both.

- Don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone.
- Just try to blend in.

- Fix a terrible mistake that I've made.
- What kind of mistake?
- Sub/e ve/ six. Restricted.
- Thanks for coming.
Alan: Which lab did Malcolm say?
- L4.
Ellie: This is it.

- Wh-what's the matter?
- Don't look so worried. There's...
- There's opportunity in everything.
- E-Even this. You'll learn that.
- I've been thinking, maybe you take more of a lead now. Okay?
- You're ready, I think.
- Here, take...
- What the hell is the matter with you?

- {gasps} oh! Come on!

Owen: Do you have parachutes?
Kayla: I wasn't expecting company.

- What's the plan?
- Whatever happens. That's the plan.

- Help me open it.
- I got ya.
Kayla: Go, go, go.
Ellie: Go, go, go!
- Run!

- Uh, hey, we don't, uh...
- We're not...
- We don't work for biosyn.
- I can tell.
- We gotta get out of here.
- Yeah, we should go.

- Hyah!
- Let's bring 'em home!
- -[Whi p crack -hyah! S]
- Hyah!

- Come on.
- Oh, yeah. Come here.

- We're gonna get you some place safe.
- Hey.
- There you go.
- There you go.
- Yeah.

- You said I was going some place safe.
- You are.
- Walk to the car.
- No.
- It's not a choice.

Maisie: [meets Beta] Hey. You look just like blue. is she your mother?
[she notices beta eyeing her toast]
Maisie: This? You want to try it? Okay?
[Maisie slowly lifts the toast to beta whom snatches it with her jaws and devours it just as her mother comes. Beta rushes behind Blue who snarls at maisie. owen then comes up from behind her]
Owen: Maisie, don't move.
[lifting his hand up to Blue who snarls at him]
Owen: Hey, girl. Staying out of trouble?
Maisie: She had a baby, that's impossible. She won't hurt us, right?
Owen: You're damn right, she will. Just breathe. If you don't, she'll think you're scared.
Maisie: I am scared.
Owen: She doesn't need to know that.
[Blue calls to Beta and they head back into the forest]
Owen: Their nest's gotta be nearby. Maisie, get inside.
Maisie: I'm coming with you.
Owen: [sternly] What did I just say?

Alan: Why do we dig? Because paleontology is science, and science is about the truth.

Alan: [from trailer] A baby raptor?
Owen: I made a promise we would bring her home.
Ian: You made a promise to a dinosaur?
Owen: Yeah, why?

- Claire, it's Santos, the woman in white.
- I'll find her.
[Agent] Spread out.
[Agent 2] Bravo team, watch your six.
[Agent] Hey, hey! Hey!
- Hold it!
- Let them out.
- What?
- You heard me.

- you're gonna pull this lever behind you. Okay?
- Ten thousand feet!
- Hey, you're the one who's gotta go to get to her.
- You're her mom.
- You're her only shot.
- I'll see you again.
- I love you.

- Allosaurus?
- Giganotosaurus.
- Largest known terrestrial carnivore.
- He put two apex predators in one valley.
- Pretty soon there's only gonna be one.

- You did good.
- Yeah. Well, actually, it's a complete disaster, but thanks.
- Not yet.
Ellie: Watch yourself.

Zia: Shit.
- Claire, we're gonna get shot!
- No! Claire! No, no, Claire!
- Oh, god.
- Oh, shit.
- Everybody good?

Ian: [from trailer] We're racing toward the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it.

Ellie: [from trailer; sees Giganotosaurus] What is that?
Alan: Biggest carnivore the world has ever seen.

Owen: Damn it. She's fast.
- Eyes on me.
Owen: I've got to hit her on the side of her neck.
- Maisie, you're gonna hold her focus.
- Grant, we're triangulating.

- At BIOS yn, we 're dedicated to the idea that dinosaurs can teach us more about ourselves.
- All right, Kayla. We 're good to go.

- You told Malcolm about the program. Y-You...
- You set this whole thing up.
- You set me up.
- I gave you every opportunity
- I did not have. I...
- We have an understanding, ramsay.
- And you do not break that.
- I would not break this.
- I'm not you.

- Ellie?
- Yeah.
- What was that?
- {gasps} be careful.
- Oh, my god. Are you okay?

Claire: It's okay for us to depend on each other. That's what people do.

Ellie: Okay. Get in, get the sample and get out.
- And move slow.
- They can swarm at the slightest disturbance.

- I'm gonna make dinner.
- Everything okay?
- She went into town again.
- Ah, this kid.
- Did you talk to her?
- Itned.
- I'll talk to her.

Claire: [from trailer] Noone said saving the world would be easy.

- I was there when they handed your girl off to biosyn.
- I could have said something, but I didn't.
- And when I saw her picture...
- It isn't enough to do nothing.
- {gasps} thank you.

- Freeze!
- I'm flying us out of here.
- Tell me where you wanna be dropped.
- You ever flown to biosyn?
Claire: Owen! They took her to BIOS yn.
- There is an airfield on the north side of the island.
- You're under arrest. Stay where you are.

- The girl, where is she?
- Where did they take her?
- Get it off!
- Where is she?
- I don't know! We handed her off to Santos.
- I don't know where they took her after that.

Maisie: [from trailer] you look just like your mother.

Kayla: Wanna talk or wanna ride?

- Okay, come here.
- Okay. [Grunts]
- Hey, hey.

- a broker in the underground dinosaur trade.
- We don't have intel on his cargo, but once they make the exchange, we'll see what they know about your girl.
- You can listen in, but promise me you will not make contact.
Barry: There is a big underground market for dinosaurs now.
- Europe, middle east, Northern Africa, it all comes through here.

- We need to eradicate the ones we released.
- What?
- All of them.
- No.no.
- Like...
- Henry, we don't want to cause a panic.
- Like yesterday.
- We want control.
- There's no such thing.

- Get on the ground!
[Agent 5] Delacourt! Stay with him!
- Shit.
- Get that truck out of here!
[Agent] There goes Santos!
[Agent 3] Damn, we lost delacourt.

- Hey! Swing it in! Get it on the deck!
- Let it go!
- Hold on! Hold on!

- Keeps them away from the helicopters.
- Well, how do we turn it back on?
- It looks like all the systems run through to the control room, which is on the third floor.
- These outposts are all connected underground.
- All right. Easy, Rambo.

Gemma: How did they get here? It's been three decades since the deadly events of Jurassic Park and we've yet to find a way for these animals to live safely among us. After the devastating eruption of Isla Nublar's long dormant volcano, those who survived were transported to the mainland. Many of the larger predators were captured. But the remaining creatures scattered here in Big Rock National Park.
[we then switch to a pair of ankylosaurus grazing on the forest floor]
Gemma: While most remained in the wild, those who made their way to civilization struggle to adapt to unfamiliar conditions. Local authorities have warned the animals are unpredictable and when Hungry, extremely violent.
[we see a flock of gallimimus on a road and then scattering away, then a clip to an adult allosaurus flipping over a camping truck, obviously filmed during the big rock incident. then we see a map with dots being dinosaurs as we see them spread across the world]
Gemma: As the dinosaurs spread across borders, a global black market has risen.
[we then see footage of policemen outside a pet shop arresting a screaming women as officers haul out bird cages with dimorphodon inside]
Gemma: To combat the growing threat of illegal poachers, the US Congress awards sole collection rights to the global giant, Biosyn Genetics.
[we see a pair of hunters on a hillside before shifting to see the biosyn logo. it is here where we see an interview with lewis dodgson]
Lewis: At Biosyn, we're dedicated to the idea that. dinosaurs can teach us more about ourselves.
[we then see an overview of the italian mountains before shifting to an X-ray of a stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex showing their veins with the ones from the brain blue and the ones from the heart orange]
Gemma: CEO Lewis Dodgson has created a sanctuary in Italy's Dolomite Mountains where he hopes to study the dinosaur's ancient immune systems for unique pharmaceutical properties. While Biosin believes we can handle genetic power responsibly. The public remains skeptical.
[we then see a chart showing the percent of people who want the dinosaurs to live and people who want them to die as we see a chart dubbed "destroy them" as leading. we then cut back to gemma speaking to the camera]
Gemma: Some note that these government contracts have led to massive spikes in Biosyn's profits. And rumors persist of a human clone who mysteriously disappeared leading to a worldwide search.
[we then see a photo of a young charlotte lockwood with iris in her youth]
Gemma: Some believe she's genetically identical to Charlotte Lockwood, deceased daughter of Jurassic Park co-founder Benjamin Lockwood.
[we then see a slowed down clip of a cheetah hunting a compsognathus. then a stygimoloch right next to a passing train. and finally we see a quetzalcoatlus soaring over a city to it's nest atop a skyscraper where it's mate is waiting]
Gemma: Now we brought these animals back from extinction, can we face the consequences? Are we responsible for them or should they be left to fend for themselves? As we adapt to an ever-changing world, we must find answers to these questions for their safety as well as for our own.

- Support the head.
- Yeah.
- Okay. Yeah.
[Guard 1] Hurry up!
[Guard 2] Check the right side.
- With me.
[Guard 1] Go, go, go.
- Okay, come on.
- Come on, let's go.
- Hold on!
- To what?

- Maisie?
- Maisie?
- Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.
- Where you going?
- You can't keep me here.
- You're not my mother.
- She's leaving the house.

Kayla: Look...
Claire: Claire
Kayla: Claire. I know this must feel exotic. But if you mess with the wrong person down here, you disappear. You feel me?

- You must need money.
- What's it to you?
- I've got cargo.
- A thousand kilos of dinosaur to palermo.
- I give you two thousands.
- 2,000? How much is there?

- We made a lot of enemies today.
- We gotta go.
- He'll be here.
- Uh-huh.
- Out of time, out of time.
- There he is.
- Pull over.
- That's not how planes work.
- Open the back.

- Come on!
- Hold on tight!
- Oh, sh...
- Still got it.

Ian: Human beings have no more right to safety or liberty than any other creature on this planet. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it and now here we are - with the opportunity to rewrite life at our fingertips that, just like nuclear power, nobody knew what to expect with genetic engineering, but they pressed the button and hoped for the best, just like you are doing now. Yep. You... you control the future of our survival on planet earth. According to you the solution is genetic power, but that same power could devastate the food supply, create new diseases, alter the climate even further. Unforeseen consequences occur and every time, every single time we all act surprised, because deep down, I don't think that any of us actually believe that these dangers are real. In order to instigate revolutionary change, we must transform human consciousness.

- I think we're almost there.
- Yeah.

- Yuck.
- Hey.
- Oh, my god.
- I thought you were dead.
- What do they even eat?
- We better get inside.

Adult: Life on earth has existed for hundreds of millions of years and dinosaurs were only a part of that. And we are even smaller part of that. They really put us in perspective. The idea that life on earth existed 65 million years ago. It's humbling. We act like we're alone here but we're not. We're part of a fragile system made up of all living things. If we're going to survive, we'll have to trust each other, depend on each other. Coexist.

- You imagine unchecked avarice, so that's what you find.
- You envision, what, an evil, unbound prometheus, so that's what I am to you?
- Prometheus got gored.
- So will you, you rapacious rat bastard.
- Ramsay, will you help Dr. Malcolm gather his things?
- His room, and then to the airfield.
- That's it.

Ian: [from trailer] Bigger. WHY do they always have to go bigger?

Maisie: [from trailer] Blue had a baby, that's impossible.

Ian: Jurassic World? Not a fan.

Kayla: No.
- Nope.
- -[Grunts] {Gasping}
Owen: What an asshole.

- Second plane is incoming.
- Who said anything about a second plane?
- We flew them separately.
- I'm not taking any chances.
- And we'll need payment before delivery.
- I didn't like what happened last time.
- Okay. Okay, just call me when it's done.

- 1984.
- Come on, Ian!
Ellie: Kick up against it!
- Hurry!
- Miles Davis's birthday, 0526.
Alan: Ian!
- Please. Please.
- Do something!
Ellie: We're not gonna make it.
- Let's... let's all try to stay positive.

- Don't move.
- Don't move.
- What is that?
- Giganotosaurus.
- Biggest carnivore the world has ever seen.
- Maisie, maisie.
- Look at me. Look at me.

Alan: [from trailer]
[to Ellie]
Alan: You didn't come out all this way just to catch up now, did you?

- And I was her experiment.
- She wanted a child more than anything.
- But she wanted you to have what she couldn't.
- A full life.
- I didn't know her long, but I know she loved you very much.

Ian: It's always darkest just before eternal nothingness.
Alan: [confused] What?

Owen: [from trailer] See? Not so bad.

Ellie: [from trailer] you coming or what?

- What's your story?
- Wait!

- Yeah. Why?
Kayla: Lhave air. Meet me at the center.
- No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
- Hey, hey. Do not land in here.
- I don't have a choice, dude.
- The valley isn't safe.
- No, they're not in the valley anymore!
- Oh!

- Hold on tight.
- What?

- Come on, maisie! Go!
- Ramsay, get in.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Everybody hold on to somebody.

Ian: [from trailer] Is that a dinosaur on your shoulder?
Owen: Yeah, why?

Alan: I remember you.
Dr. Henry Wu: Please, you have to listen to me.
Ellie: You created an ecological disaster.
Dr. Henry Wu: And I can fix it. Charlotte Lockwood changed every cell in Maisie's body. It saved her life. If I can understand how Charlotte rewrote Maisie's DNA, I can spread change from one locust to the entire swarm before it's too late.

- Go, go, go.
- Come on!
- No! No, no, no.
- Hustle!
- I'm gonna die!
- Climb! Climb, kid!
- No!
- You're not. No, you're not.
- You're okay.
- Go, go, go.

Ellie: [from trailer] If our world's going to survive, what matters is what we do now.
Owen: I could use your expertise.

[Agent 1] Team four, need you to sweep spreading south.
[Spectator] Come on!
- All units, take up bull 's-e ye position.
[Sniper] This is bravo one.
- Primary target in sight.
- No sign of the girl.
[Agent 1] Alpha team, stand clear.

- I got an invite from their in-house philosopher.
- Seems there's a lot of money in being a chaotician these days.
- And he just happened to invite you out of the blue?
- He said there were things I'd wanna see.
- Uh-huh.
- You coming or what?

- There's an access gate at the northeast corner of the mine.
- If your friends make it out...
- If?
- When they make it out.
- Yes, sir.
- That's where they'll be.
- These roads are protected, right?
- Uh, yeah, I'd drive fast.

- Hey.
- You look just like blue.
- This?
- You wanna try it?
- Okay.

Ian: I had a dog once. He humped my leg so much I had a callous on my shin bone.

Ellie: Come on!
- Oh, my god! Get him up!
- Come on, come on!
Ian: Come on.
- Come on, come on, come ol'li
Ellie: Come on!
- Ellie, no!

- oh, my god!
- What do you know?
- It actually worked.
- Ian, this is maisie.
- Hi, maisie.
- We got the DNA.
- We need to get out of this valley.
- Yeah.
- Come on. Come on.
- Let's go. Let's go.

- We don't have time for complex!
- Primary system compromised.
Ian: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
- Aerial deterrent system active.
- Victory. Victory.
- Damn, that felt good.

- You're damn right she will.
- Just breathe.
- If you don't, she'll think you're scared.
- I am scared.
- Nah.
- She doesn't need to know that.
- Her nest has got to be nearby.
- Maisie, get inside.
- I'm coming with you.
- What did I just say?

Owen: [from trailer] I promise you, I am gonna get her back.

Owen: Sorry, girl.
- I promised your mom
- I'd get you home.
- Primary system rebooting.
- Wait. Oh, no, no, no.
- No, no, no.
- It's rebooting.
- It shouldn't be doing that.

Young: [Video Recoding] Life on earth has existed for hundreds of millions of years... and dinosaurs were only a part of that... and we're an even smaller part of that... they really put us in perspective.
Adult: [Video Recoding] The idea that life on earth existed 65 million years ago... it's humbling. We act like we're alone here but we're not. We're part of a fragile system made up of all living things. If we're going to survive, we'll have to trust each other, depend on each other, coexist.

Alan: [from trailer] Ellie Sattler.
Ellie: Alan Grant.

- [Gasps}
- Come on. Come on.

- I need to get this sample vetted at the lab before I take it to my contact at the times.
- You could, uh, come with me.
- Unless you need to get back to your dig.
- Ellie?
- Yeah?
- I am coming with you.

- Promise me you won't go in there with your vest and mess everything up.
- Why would I do that?
- Look, you guys are both crazy, but you seem like you're good parents, or whatever you're trying to be.
- She's lucky to have you.
- Don't get killed, okay?

Lewis: You know, I thought you might be different, but you're just like everyone else. You see what you want to see. You imagine unchecked avarice, so that's what you find. You envision what, an evil, unbound Prometheus? So that's what I am to you?
Ian: Prometheus got gored. So will you, you rapacious rat bastard.

- You really think she's the solution?
- Okay.
- Everything involving the girl goes through me, right?
- Is she all right?
- She better be.
- She's the most valuable intellectual property on the planet.