The Best Billi Bruno Quotes

Gracie: Trophies are stupid and all the others are nerds. It's like being with 50 other Uncle Andys.

Cheryl: Jim!
[Startles him awake]
Jim: [Groggily] Huh?
Cheryl: Can you watch the kids while I do laundry?
Jim: Uh, I'm kinda in the middle of something here.
Cheryl: [Looking out the kitchen window] You DO realize I can see you?
Jim: [Waves timidly] Hello... .
Ruby: [Running out with Gracie] Daddy, will you play a game with us?
Gracie: We want to play a game!
Jim: OK...
[Reaches into his pocket]
Jim: Let's play Find the Quarter.
[Flings something into the shrubbery]
Ruby,209088: Yeah!
Jim: Remember, whoever fonds the quarter wins a penny!

Gracie: Hi daddy, we're having a tea party, what kind of tea would you like?
Jim: Um, beer?

Gracie: How do you knock someone up?
Cheryl: Well, you know how you knock someone down. Well, it's the opposite of that.
Gracie: [to Ruby] Hey, let's go knock Kyle up!