The Best Black Knight Quotes

Voice: [Opening lines] Forty years ago, a comet collided with Earth. Since then, most of the continents have sunk into the sea, and the Korean Peninsula has turned into a desert. Only 1% of the population survived. These survivors needed new technology and a new social order. To deal with the polluted atmosphere, a gigantic Air Core was built to convert oxyanium into oxygen. And the scarcity of resources led to a division of the population, distinguished using QR codes into General, Special, and Core Districts. But the ones who weren't chosen were forced to live out miserable lives, labeled as refugees. Some of these refugees, tired of the discrimination, starvation, and lack of oxygen, became hunters and started to steal and plunder. Deliverymen. We deliver the oxygen and necessities that keep people alive. We fight through the sand-filled desert with its polluted air, fend off the brutal hunters and their attacks, and arrive on time at the designated place without fail. Deliverymen have to be strong. Deliverymen have to keep cool under pressure. They have to risk their lives to protect their cargo from hunters. This is the reason people dream of becoming deliverymen. Especially for the refugees who don't have QR codes, becoming a deliveryman is their only hope.