50 Best The Island Quotes

McCord: Just cause people wanna eat the burger doesn't mean they wanna meet the cow.

Bar: [quite obviously hitting on her] What's your number?
Jordan: Two-Delta.

[just before a clone is being born]
McCord: Whoa seriously, guys, unless you wanna see me blow chunks, can you wait till I'm gone?

Albert: Did you know my father was part of the Burkinabé rebellion? When he was killed, my brothers and I were branded, so everyone would know we were less than human.
[he holds up his hand to show Merrick]
Albert: I've seen and done things I'm not proud of, but at some point you realize, war... Is a business. So, when did killing become a business for you?
Merrick: Oh, no. It's so much more than that. I have discovered the Holy Grail of science. I give life. The agnates, they're simply tools, instruments. They have no souls. The possibilities are endless here. In two years' time, I will be able to cure children's leukemia. How many people on Earth can say that, Mr. Laurent?
Albert: [smiles] I guess just you and God. That's the answer you're looking for, isn't it?

Jordan: [after destroys all the tail vehicles] Good job.

Tom: What's with all the biting?

Tom: I design boats but I never thought I'd get rich doing it.

Merrick: What's troubling, you, Lincoln?
Lincoln: It - it's just... all right, Tuesday night is tofu night, and I'm asking myself "Who here decided that everyone likes tofu in the first place, and what is tofu anyway?" And why can't I have bacon? I line up every morning, and I'm not allowed any bacon for my breakfast. And - and tell me - let's talk about all the white. Why is everyone wearing white all the time? It's impossible to keep clean, I'm walking around, I get - I always get the gray stripe, I never get any color, and I hand it in to be cleaned, and - and someone cleans it and fold it neatly back in my drawer, but who? Who is that person? I don't know. I just - I wanna know answers and I - and I wish that there was more.
Merrick: More?
Lincoln: Yeah, more than just waiting to go to The Island.

Starkweather: No! I don't want to die, no! No! I want to go to the Island! You promised! I wanna live! I don't wanna die! No!

[last lines]
Merrick: I brought you into this world... and I can take you out of it.

McCord: Do you remember the talk we had about... all the talk?

Lincoln: Thanks for doing this.
Tom: That's all right. I'd like to think you'd do the same thing if you were me.

Jordan: [watching motorcycle scream down the asphalt] What was that?
Lincoln: I don't know.
Lincoln: But I want one.

Construction: [helping Lincoln up after the fall from the building logo] Jesus must love you! That was the craziest mess I've ever seen!
[then helping Jordan]
Construction: Come on girl! I KNOW Jesus loves you!

[from trailer]
McCord: The life you thought you had... it never happened.

[from trailer]
Lincoln: I think they're going to kill you.
Jordan: I'm going to The Island.
Lincoln: Jordan, there *is* no island!

[From the trailer]
McCord: You're not real. You're copies of people out here in the world.

Merrick: [Lincoln Six-Echo has returned to the underground facility to shut down the hologram and reveal the real world to the clones when Merrick captures him] You could've taken over his life, but you chose to come back here instead, you are unique, Six-Echo.
Lincoln: My name... is *Lincoln*!

Lincoln: What's sex?
Tom: Wait ? you're a virgin? You've been kicking around with *her* and you're a... a v-v-virgin? Well, I won't spoil the surprise. Boy, are you in for a treat.

Lincoln: You still think there's an Island?

McCord: [At Lincoln Six-Echo] All right, look. I know you're new to this whole human experience and all, but there's one universal truth and that is you NEVER give a woman your credit card.
Lincoln: Right. mmm.

Tom: [about Jordan] She is unbelievable. How is it you've been around three years, and you end up with the kind of woman I haven't been able to find my whole life?

Tom: [pointing a gun to Lincoln Six-Echo] I'm sorry, I'm not ready to die.
Lincoln: Me either!
[floors the gas]

[Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta are asking a bartender where to find McCord]
Aces: Well, it's your lucky day, Captain Kirk. He's in the can.
Lincoln: He's in a can?
Aces: Takin' a dump.
Lincoln: A dump? Taking it where?
Aces: Tell you what, Bubba, you're fixing to get on my nerves. First door on the right.
Lincoln: Thank you.
[Lincoln Six Echo turns to Jordan Two Delta]
Lincoln: I have to go. He's taking a dump in a can!

Merrick: [putting microsensors in Lincoln Six-Echo's eyes] Don't worry, it's painless.
Lincoln: [in pain] It hurts.
Merrick: [nonchalant] Not really.
Lincoln: Yeah, it does.
Merrick: No it doesn't.
Lincoln: Yeah, it really, really does.
Merrick: [after all microsensors went under Lincoln Six-Echo's eyes] The microsensors will move along your optic nerve. They will be uploading readings over the next 24 hours, after which you will pass them through your urine. Now *that* might hurt.

Client: Merrick Biotech. How may I help you?
Tom: Hi, this is a client, Tom Lincoln.
Client: Hi, Mr. Lincoln.
Tom: Yeah, I was wondering if you could get someone who can explain to me why my insurance policy is sitting downstairs on my fucking sofa!

McCord: Jeez, why do I always have to be the one to tell the kids there is no Santa Claus?

[from trailer]
McCord: I know you're new to this whole human thing, but... backpacks for boys, purses for girls. Ya understand?
Jordan: We're not idiots.
McCord: Well, excuse me, Miss "I'm-so-smart-I-can't-wait-to-go-to-the-Island!"

[Jordan Two-Delta and Lincoln Six-Echo have just been told they are clones by McCord]
Jordan: Bu- I have a mother! I remember her!
McCord: Yeah, I know...
Jordan: I grew up on a farm! I had a little dog a - and I had a bike...
McCord: A bike, yeah. A pink, fluffy Flyer with little tassels on the handlebars? And you rode it up the street to your Grandmother's house, you'd ring the little bell, she came out and served you cookies on a hot plate?
Jordan: Yes.
McCord: No. Memory imprints. I've seen 'em - a buddy of mine is a programmer at the institute, he showed me. There's only, like, twelve stories, they change around little details, but they're all pretty much the same. The life you think you had before the 'contamination' - it never happened.

Lincoln: My name is Lincoln Six-Echo. I'm your insurance policy.

[first lines]
God: You're special. You have a very special purpose in life. You've been chosen. The Island awaits you.

Jordan: Lincoln, I can tell when you're lying. Your mouth smiles but your eyes don't.

Merrick: Why don't you tell me about your dream?
Lincoln: It's always the same dream - I'm on a boat, headed to The Island.
Merrick: What happens then?
Lincoln: I drown.

Laurent: Tough day.

Lincoln: What's "God"?
McCord: Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God's the guy that ignores you.

McCord: No, no, no, no, no... That's the worst idea I've ever heard. Do you have any idea how *dead* I would be? Not to mention *fired*.

Medical: [to Secretary] Listen m'am, you're a real hoot, but we've got a bird on the pad, and we don't *fly* in bad wea-ther!

Albert: You've been witness to certain trade secrets.
Lincoln: [knowingly] You mean that they manufacture human beings who walk, talk... and feel? That kind of secret?
Albert: [catching on] Have you talked with anyone else about this?
Lincoln: Who would believe it?
Albert: Can I count on that?
Lincoln: The only thing you can count on is that people will do anything to survive. I just want to live. I don't care how.

Lincoln: [talking to McCord and sees a poster] Are these your friends?
McCord: eh... sometimes
Lincoln: Where are their clothes?
McCord: um... well

Laurent: It was supposed to be a simple bag job, huh?
Laurent: It's never simple.

Aces: [to Jordan Two Delta] Something to drink? Jack?
Jordan: Yes, please.
Aces: Straight up?
[Jordan looks up at the ceiling]

Lincoln: [as Jordan starts kissing him passionately] Oh, that tongue thing is amazing.
Jordan: I know. Open your mouth again.
Lincoln: How come we never did this before?
Jordan: [kissing him] Shut up.

Jordan: [she and Lincoln are looking at a rattlesnake] What is that?
Lincoln: I don't know. But it's alive.
[the rattlesnake strikes out, and Lincoln pulls back]
Lincoln: Come on. It's mean, whatever it is.

Lincoln: Why do we sound different?
Tom: I'm from Scotland.
Lincoln: [imitating] I'm from Scotland.

Merrick: I love that Picasso. Do you like Picasso, Mr. Laurent?

Jordan: The Island is real. It's us.

Tom: [from trailer] Don't shoot! He's my clone!

Lincoln: I'm missing a shoe.

Tom: Look, you're creeping me out enough without that.
Lincoln: [Imitating] Without that!
Tom: No, really, cut it out. That's enough!
Lincoln: You're right, that is enough, sorry.
Tom: You're like a freak show!
Lincoln: Yeah, it's weird.

Lincoln: [after escaping and finding McCord in the 'can'] So this is Sector Five!