The Best Carla Jean Moss Quotes

Carla: Sheriff, was that a true story about Charlie Walser?
Ed: Who's Charlie Walser? Oh! Well... uh... a true story? I couldn't swear to every detail but it's certainly true that it is a story.

Ed: Carla Jean, thank you for coming.
Carla: Don't know why I did. I told you, I don't know where he is.
Ed: You hadn't heard from him?
Carla: No, I ain't.
Ed: Nuthin'?
Carla: Not word one.
Ed: Would you tell me if you had?
Carla: Well, I don't know. He don't need any trouble from you.
Ed: It ain't me he's in trouble with.
Carla: Who's he in trouble with then?
Ed: Some pretty bad people. These people will kill him, Carla Jean. They won't quit.
Carla: He won't neither. He never has. He can take all comers.
Ed: [Ed Tom sighs heavily] You know Charlie Walser's, got that place out east of Sanderson? Well, you know how they used to slaughter beeves, hit 'em right there with a maul, truss 'em up and slit their throats? Here, ol' Charlie's got one all trussed up, all set to drain him and the beef comes to, starts thrashing around. Six hundred pounds of very pissed-off livestock. If you'll excuse the... Well... Charlie grabs the gun there, shoot the damn thing in the head, but with all the swingin' and the thrashin', it's a glance-shot, ricochets around, comes back and hits Charlie in the shoulder. You go see Charlie, he still can't pick up his right hand for his hat... The point bein', that even in the contest between man and steer, the issue is not certain.

Carla: Llewelyn?
Llewelyn: Yeah?
Carla: What are you doing, baby?
Llewelyn: I'm going out.
Carla: Going where?
Llewelyn: There's something I forgot to do, but I'll be back.
Carla: And what are you going to do?
Llewelyn: I'm fixin' to do something dumber than hell, but I'm going anyways.

Carla: I got a bad feeling, Llewelyn.
Llewelyn: Well I got a good feeling, so that should even out.

Carla: What's in the satchel?
Llewelyn: It's full of money.
Carla: [sarcastically] Yeah, that'll be the day.

Carla: And I always seen this is what it would come to. Three years ago I pre-visioned it.
Carla: It ain't even three years we been married.
Carla: Three years ago I said them very words. No and Good.
Cabbie: Yes, ma'am.
Carla: Now here we are. Ninety degree heat. I got the cancer. And look at this. Not even a home to go to.
Cabbie: Yes, ma'am.
Carla: We're goin' to El Paso Texas. You know how many people I know in El Paso, Texas?
Cabbie: No, ma'am.
Carla: [She holds up thumb and forefinger curled to make an O] That's how many. Ninety degree heat.

Carla: You don't have to do this.
Anton: [smiles] People always say the same thing.
Carla: What do they say?
Anton: They say, "You don't have to do this."
Carla: You don't.
Anton: Okay.
[Chigurh flips a coin and covers it with his hand]
Anton: This is the best I can do. Call it.
Carla: I knowed you was crazy when I saw you sitting there. I knowed exactly what was in store for me.
Anton: Call it.
Carla: No. I ain't gonna call it.
Anton: Call it.
Carla: The coin don't have no say. It's just you.
Anton: Well, I got here the same way the coin did.

Carla: Where'd you get the pistol?
Llewelyn: At the gettin' place.
Carla: Did you buy that gun?
Llewelyn: No. I found it.
Carla: Llewelyn!
Llewelyn: What? Quit hollerin'.
Carla: What'd you give for that thing?
Llewelyn: You don't need to know everything, Carla Jean.
Carla: I need to know that.
Llewelyn: You keep runnin' that mouth I'm gonna' take you in the back and screw ya'.
Carla: Big talk.
Llewelyn: Keep it up.
Carla: Fine. I don't wanna' know. I don't even wanna' know where you been all day.
Llewelyn: That'll work.

Llewelyn: If I don't come back, tell mother I love her.
Carla: Your mother's dead, Llewelyn.
Llewelyn: Well then I'll tell her myself.