The Best Carter Wilson Quotes

Carter's: How could you have done so poorly on the GATs?
Carter: I got an almost perfect score.
Carter's: "Almost" doesn't get you ahead in life, dearest. "Almost" gets you almost.
Carter: Only one student got higher.
Carter's: Well, that would make you the winning loser, wouldn't it? And if that's good enough for you, then I can see why my opinion doesn't mean much to you, either.

Max: Who are you?
Carter: Me? I'm the best.
[fires a laser shot at the printed data in her hand, quickly setting it on fire as she drops it]
Max: Help! Somebody help!
Carter: Who do you think's gonna hear you, Max. Who's gonna come and help you?
[grabs her by the wrist]
Batman: [comes out of the shadows] Me!
[punches Carter in the face, knocking him down for a moment]