The Best Terminal Quotes

Terminal: That's right, Maxine. I know who you are.
Max: I know who you are, too. Terry.
Terminal: McGinnis?
Terminal: She thinks I'm McGinnis.
[the other Jokerz laugh]
Max: I know he's one of you! He told you I'd be here!
Terminal: No one told us anything. We've been following you, to finish off what we started.
Max: [holding up her list of suspects] Because of this?
Terminal: [smacking it away] Ehhh! Wrong again. I don't care about your data-crunching. I have a more personal reason for wanting you gone.

Max: Terry?
[seeing the Jokerz]
Max: I should have known.
Terminal: Looky, looky. It's Ms. Perfect 2400. The luckiest girl on the face of the planet.
[one of his goons hands him a gun]
Terminal: Until now.

Terminal: Query: how many custodians does it take to clean a school? Answer: none, twip. It's all done by machines.
[a custodian robot approaches]
Terminal: Just a squirt of oil and a recharge, and they keep the place spotless.
[another robot approaches]
Terminal: And cleanliness is so important, don't you think? That's why I've replaced the standard cleaning fluids with something a little stronger.
[one of the robots fires a green liquid that burns through the wall]
Terminal: Acid.

Trey: So, Termin, where to next?
Terminal: Later. I'm crashing.
Trey: What's the matter, fearless leader? Need your beauty sleep?
Terminal: [grabbing him and holding him off a ledge] Don't make fun of me.