20 Best Cecil Colby Quotes

Cecil: [to Fallon] You listen to me, my dear. Passion dies. Power remains.

Alexis: Cecil Colby, you are as handsome as ever.
Cecil: And you, my dear, are as ravishing as ever.
Alexis: Thank you. No kiss for an old friend?
[Cecil obliges]
Alexis: Would you like some wine?
Cecil: No, thank you. Why the urgent call to see you again?
Alexis: Well, I just had a strong desire for us to get together.
Cecil: Alexis, it's 16 years since we last met. Longer than that since you and I felt anything strong for each other.
Alexis: Don't you believe in burning embers?
Cecil: Don't con a con artist, darling.

Cecil: Too bad you had to cut your honeymoon short because of your overseas fiasco.
Blake: Not a fiasco, Cecil, minor setback at worst.
Cecil: Blake, you can tell the other fellas in the room that, maybe they'll believe you, but you and I, we go back to the Ice Age.

Fallon: Why can't I marry you?
Cecil: Because that wouldn't benefit either of us. And because we made a deal, and a deal is a deal.
Fallon: Cecil, I wouldn't be good for Jeff. The two of us together would go very slowly and very quietly insane. But you and I - we'd be something very special. We were starting to get along.
Cecil: [Wistfully] That night. It was very good between the two of us. But people like us, we don't put personal pleasures first. We do what's best in the larger scheme of things. Now, what's best for you is that I bail out your father. What's best for me is that you marry my nephew.
Fallon: I'll take that drink now.

Blake: Let me show you the cockpit of this flying hotel and you'll see what I mean.
Bethany: Do you mind, Cecil?
Cecil: No, no, of course not. But just don't let him tell you he's run out of gas and wants to park.

Cecil: Were you for a moment frightened that I wasn't going to answer, Alexis?
Alexis: I was only frightened for you, darling.
Cecil: That I might have expired before the grand and holy moment. How could I when my wedding gift, a gift without peers is such that I do so. I can leap into my grave laughing, knowing that I've left you with power and money and with you and Blake at each other's throats. What's the matter, sweetheart, is this honeymoon talk upsetting you?

Blake: Yes, Claudia Blaisdel, and I hate your guts for what you've done to her.
Cecil: She's no better than a prostitute, Blake.
Blake: What?
Cecil: Face it. She slept with your son-in-law for profit while his wife, your daughter, was delivering your grandson. Now, doesn't that make her a prostitute?
Blake: [Punches Cecil] That's for the pimp who made her a prostitute.

Blake: You're scum, Cecil. You're worthless scum.
Cecil: Listen to yourself, Blake, a two bit oil speculator who scrambled his way up out of a hovel into a grand house; posing as a good and great man; rendering judgment on those who he has no birthright to judge. You're common, Blake. Despite all the veneer, you're very common.

Alexis: Come on, let's go back to the studio, I want you to see my wedding dress.
Cecil: I've already seen it, Alexis.
Alexis: Well, I know you've seen it on me. Now, I want you to see it off me.

Cecil: The last of the Colbys. The one who ought to take over this empire. And, it is an empire, Jeff.

Cecil: If you remember this it could help you. Your husband is a dangerous hunter because he's led the pride for so long. Now, he's willing to take more risks than perhaps he should because he knows that he won't be able to fight off the pack forever.
Blake: [Blake enters the room] Hello there, Cecil!
Cecil: Oh, hi, Blake. We were just talking about you.
Blake: All lies, I expect.
Cecil: Worse. The truth.

Claudia: You've made a prostitute out of me.
Cecil: I taught you how to use sex for gain. And it apparently upsets you.
Claudia: It disgusts me.
Cecil: How naive you are for a bright young woman, Claudia. Don't you know that if you want something in this world, you have to pay for it?

Cecil: [Cecil has a heart attack while making love to Alexis] I can't breathe!
[gasps in horror]
Alexis: [slapping him] Cecil! Cecil! Don't you dare die on me! Cecil, you can't die on me! We're getting married tomorrow! You can't die on me, Cecil! I need you, Cecil! Don't you die on me! I need you to get Blake! Cecil! Cecil!
[he lapses into unconsciousness]

Jeff: You know, sometimes you almost make me ashamed of being a Colby
Cecil: Oh, then change your name. I won't mind.
Jeff: I just might do that.
Cecil: Really, to what?
Jeff: Carrington. Blake offered to adopt me. I said no but considering what you done to our name...

Fallon: Sounds almost like a wedding invitation.
Cecil: If it were... could you find it in your heart to RSVP gracefully?

Cecil: C'mon, Alexis, that affair was practically a one night stand.
Alexis: How gallant! Well maybe to you, but to me it made a more lasting impression - namely, nine months of pregnancy.

Cecil: Blake Carrington is a hunting animal. He's sleek and fast. But it's the hunt, the wanting, the chase, the running to ground that's exciting to him. More even than the prize.
Krystle: And I'm the prize?
Cecil: Here's my gift to you, Krystle. Here's what I brought you. Figure out what it is that Blake wants most, and then don't give it to him.
Krystle: That doesn't sound like very friendly advice to me.
Cecil: That's the nice thing about a gift - you can keep it or you can throw it away.

Cecil: [to Fallon] You can't not like Jeff. He's bright enough, he's good looking, caring. Quite a catch, some would say. Sort of a Denver version Prince of Wales.

Alexis: Tell me some more about how much you hate Blake. I find that very exciting.
Cecil: There's no love lost between us and I do something about it everyday

Fallon: What if I change my mind, don't keep my end of the bargain?
Cecil: Let's just say that, at my age, vengeance is as sweet as sex.